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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

Page 11

by L M Lacee

  Marlo growled in his rusty voice. ‘There is only one Brenda, my mate, but some others have the same temperament.’

  Peyton said. ‘In the near future we will have our Tocho discuss introducing you to females like Brenda, but we have other things of more import to discuss now.’

  They conceded and were happy the idea was a point they may discuss in the future. When eventually they stood to leave, Peyton asked Phantor. ‘The young of the condemned, what will become of them?’

  He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face and quietly said. ‘I do not know, none of them have the heir’s codex. I suppose I will take them to the out world or send them off world to be raised. Their lives will have no value here.’ He caught the concerned look on Melody’s face and grimaced. ‘I feel the same, unfortunately I can only protect them so much. It will take time for my people to change, as it always does. I can only do what I am able to do to heal old wounds and implement new ways for my people. Change never happens overnight, having your Warriors back will go a long way to calming the population. Having the Star Daughter and Maikonia as an ally will also make my rule solid. With my daughters on your world, this will bring trust. All these things take time and young ones as sad as I am over it, will not be high on my list of things to do as you say.’ He sighed again. ‘I, like my brothers am single once more. We cannot raise young again; we have an Empire to salvage and change.’

  Peyton nodded her understanding. ‘I do understand your difficulty, so I propose a solution. We will take the young, we have people mated and unmated who wish for children of their own. So if you are willing, they can become Maikonian.’

  Parkern looked at her and in his eyes she read doubt and fear for the children, she gently said. ‘They will remember where they came from, we will make sure of that. It is after all their heritage, trust me, they will be wanted and valued and most of all loved. We have several races now living on our worlds and in the future there will be more, many more settling on my worlds. Even some of your people may come and visit or live with us. Also your brother’s daughters and eventually an Ambassador will be there to ensure they are well cared for.’

  Phantor asked his brother. ‘After all Park, is that not what we wish for, for all our people?’

  He bowed his head and agreed. ‘It is Phan it is.’

  Phantor, Emperor of Patamoglian said. ‘We agree Madam Peyton, if we could have someone come with us?’

  Brenda walked in from Darby’s room and said. ‘She is stirring.’

  Peyton nodded to her, saying. ‘I will...’ With a nudge from Melody, she amended that to. ‘Sorry, we will go to her in a moment. Brenda, would you and Marlo like to go down to Patamagolian and bring back the children we are taking with us?’

  Brenda looked at Marlo, who nodded. ‘Of course.’

  Peyton said. ‘Marlo, take Netta please. She needs to get off the ship for a while, also have Heather organize a regenerator for the females.’ She inclined her head to Phantor and his brother. ‘Thank you for coming, we will continue to grow strong together. I will have my private code sent to you, so we can talk when we need to. Thank you as well Ambassador Parkern, it was very nice to have met you both.’

  Phantor asked. ‘If I may Star Daughter, I have a question?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘Do you not find your people’s irrelevancy to your position disrespectful?’

  Peyton smiled. ‘No, what you perceive as disrespectful, we call love.’

  They both looked puzzled as Brenda said. ‘Darby is waking dearle. I will explain it.’

  ‘Thank you Brenda, love yah! Marlo watch out for her and take care with Netta. Emperor, Ambassador, we are very pleased to have made your acquaintance. Marlo and Brenda will take it from here.’ She inclined her head once more and left the room.

  Melody said. ‘It was nice to have met you, really it was. I know you have a hard long work load in front of you. So if you ever need help comm us, we will aid you if we can. Also when they arrive, you could ask our Commanders and Ambassador for advice.’ She muttered as she too left the room. ‘Whoever that is.’

  Leaving the males staring after them. Brenda smiled.

  ‘They take getting used to, but they are genuine. If you would like to come with us. Marlo dearle, did you contact Heather and Netta?’

  ‘Yes, she will meet us at the shuttle bay, and Heather has already organized a regenerator.’

  ‘Alright then, off we go.’ She walked from the cabin. Marlo indicated the males should follow his mate, he smiled at their bemused looks. ‘It is best not to keep her waiting, she can get testy.’

  Phantor asked. ‘What is testy?’

  Marlo shook his head as he stated. ‘You do not ever want to find out.’

  They heard Brenda call back. ‘I heard that Marlo and I am still waiting.’

  The two male’s eyes widened as Marlo frowned. ‘We are coming.’

  He escorted them from the cabin and when they reached where she was waiting, they both stared apprehensively at Brenda. Who smiled when she saw the looks. ‘Good, as long as we are clear who is in charge?’

  ‘We are in no doubt.’ The Emperor murmured to his brother.


  By late afternoon they had left Patamoglian. Brenda, Netta and Marlo had arrived back two hours after they left with the Emperor, bringing with them ten children aged from three luneras to seven yentas old.

  Thankfully, the two daughters of the Emperor had chosen to stay with them and ease the leaving from their parents. With Jarrod’s guidance and Darby’s newly adjusted download, it was hoped they would be able to adjust quickly.

  Jarrod had not found the one responsible for the poisoning, much to his and Marlo’s annoyance. Heather and Dinas discovered every product in Peyton’s cleansing cabinet had been tampered with.

  When told, Netta had spent time beating a virtual Warrior to death several times over. Everyone was giving her a wide berth when they saw her in the passageways. She contacted Prime, explaining what had happened and ordering testing of all the products in Peyton’s Hex. Ward and Janet were placed on alert, as were Larson, Raley and Alexx, who were now searching Peyton’s home and offices, looking for the poison or poisoner.

  Jarrod had contacted his brothers, letting them start their search in their own way. Harm contacted his family, and they were sending out requests to their known contacts for information on recent purchases of the poison Luotiurim. Also, they were conducting their own search of the premises and anywhere else they thought a poisoner would place poison. It was, after all, a favorite weapon of an Assaen.


  Two hours after her comm to Prime, Netta finally realized she could not put off contacting Hawk any longer. He was on the Warship Maikonia II, retrieving sleepers and Prowlers from a planet in the same sector as the moon Citri. She stood in the comm unit, watching as the two Warriors on duty vacated the area. Amused it had taken only a look from her to hurry them both from the room. Obviously they had heard of her fight with the virtual warrior.

  She sighed with regret and fear she had known it was only ever a matter of time until her youth and attitude failed her. Clearing her throat, she ordered ‘Comp’ on.’


  ‘Comm Commander Hawk.’


  Hawk looked surprised as he answered his comm. ‘Netta, this is a surprise, what can I do for you?’

  ‘First Commander Hawk. Just under twenty hours ago we left Prime for Patamoglian. We are on our return journey now.’

  Hawk’s face hardened as his voice became harsh. ‘I am suspecting all did not go well, report Commander.’

  Netta took a breath in and reported. ‘At approximately 12:00 hours, Madam Peyton and Commander Darby were poisoned with Luotiurim. When they both ingested Alco.’

  Hawk drew in a breath as he paled and his face changed from his normal features to a dangerous predator. Dinas slipped into the comm alley, a small narrow room that housed the secur
e comps’.

  He was unsurprised to find Netta by herself after the reports he had received of her temper. He had suspected who it was she would be talking to when Harm had reported her headed this way. Netta did not turn when he entered after training as much as she had with him, she knew his body’s heat signature, as well as her own.

  Her hands trembled as she stared at the image of Hawk when he ordered. ‘Continue.’

  Netta cleared her throat again before speaking. ‘The Star Child saved their lives after Specialist Jarrod called for their help as we carry no antidote. An oversight Healer Heather will remedy once we return home, which will be in approximately three hours or earlier. Commander Marlo has ordered our swift return. Since the discovery of the poison in the Alco, we have tested or Commander Dinas and Healer Heather have tested every product in Madam Peyton’s cabin. They found everything except her coffee and food were tampered with. I have alerted Prime and they are testing all her personal products. I would request you do the same on board Maikonia II.’

  ‘It will be done.’

  ‘Specialist Jarrod scanned the crew and people on board the Warbird, everyone was cleared. We are unable to detect where the poison came from. Lord Harmara and his people are contacting their informants and spies to determine if the attempt to eliminate Madam Peyton was contracted out. Specialists Telfor and Malchol are scanning the populace of the worlds as we speak.’

  She finished speaking, unsure what his face was saying, as his eyes were shuttered. Calmly, he asked. ‘I do not understand why you have comm’d me. It seems you have everything under control.’

  Netta let a breath go and if there was a sob mingled within it, no one commented. ‘To make sure I missed nothing. Hawk I am scared she could have died. She and Darby were so close to doing so. I was not there, I let her down and let you down. Maybe I should not be the Commander of her guard, maybe I am too young and too inexperienced in this Universe. Maybe having the Rie has altered me, and I am…’

  Hawk cut her off. ‘Enough Netta, settle your Rie, you are losing your grip on it, which has heightened your emotions.’ He asked sharply. ‘Is it unbound?’

  Netta closed her eyes and searched inside herself as Peyton had shown her. She saw the box with the glowing Rie inside, there was a small tear along the edge and her Rie was escaping. She forced it back inside the box and as Peyton had shown her, she used an imaginary glue gun and glued it shut once more. Instantly she felt her heart rate decrease and her anger abate, along with her heightened emotions. Opening her eyes, she nodded to Hawk. ‘Thank you. I am fine now. I apologize.’

  ‘Netta, there is not a person better suited to be the Commander of her guard. You cannot be everywhere at the same time and as for letting me down. Never, you would only let me down if you died. I would be very annoyed if you let that happen.’ He raised an eyebrow as she gave a watery grin. ‘Okay.’

  ‘Good, so no more of that. Now as you have seen I cannot do what you do, as much as I respect her and your sisters. My livers cannot tolerate the alcohol I drank. It is unfair of you to give them back. What is it you say… no backsies?’

  Netta laughed and wiped her eyes. ‘Yes, that is what we say.’

  ‘Alright, there is nothing I would have done differently, this is not your fault, it is all of ours. We knew there would be retaliation for what she is doing and we did not prepare enough, which will be rectified. They did not die Netta; they are not impaired. This is good.’

  Bewildered, she asked. ‘How is this good?’

  ‘It means they will try again but because they failed we now have time to prepare and add new protocols. Foolish… foolish people. I will alert Rage and his people.’

  ‘Oh my, I forgot Rage!’ Netta cried. ‘Honor, oh my, Honor, she will be beside herself.’

  ‘Easy… easy Netta. Helen will see to her. I have comm’d her, wait.’

  The screen paused as Hawk talked on his link. Dinas placed his hand on her shoulder. ‘He is right Netta, you are the right person for this position. Peyton and your sisters would not listen to anyone else, and you know this. She trusts you, we saw this when you emptied her cabinet and told her not to eat or drink until I had tested her food and coffee. She would have let no one else do that, without an argument.’

  Scrubbing her face she nodded. ‘Thank you Dinas; I know in my heart you are right but my brain says different.’

  ‘So concentrate on something else.’

  She looked at him, and then slowly smiled. ‘You are so clever.’

  ‘Well yes, I am. But why am I now?’

  Netta quirked a brow. ‘Because we need to know the how and why.’

  ‘Alright, I am obviously not that clever?’

  ‘It is like Peyton always says, do the steps. How did they do it? When did they do it? Why did they do it? And the most important question of all. Who did they do it for?’ She whispered more to herself than to Dinas. ‘These are the questions we need answers for.’

  Dinas gave her a salute. ‘This is why you are her Commander.’

  Hawk came back and said. ‘Larson will see to Honor. I will speak to Rage, he is here with me. I will be on Prime within the hour, we will meet when you return. Netta, you are doing well. Now if I might have a few words with Dinas please.’

  Netta smiled. ‘Thank you Hawk, love yah.’ She gave him a jaunty salute and left the males together, feeling marginally better.

  Hawk’s eyes followed her from the room. ‘She is growing.’

  Dinas smiled as he said. ‘The effect of the Rie perhaps.’

  He sighed as he said more to himself than to Dinas. ‘They offer love so freely.’

  Dinas replied anyway. ‘For them it is not just words.’

  Hawk agreed. ‘No, they are not. Now tell me my brother what has happened, something has disturbed your needar. I feel it and the barrier you have placed between you and Patty. She will not be pleased, they do not like to be excluded.’

  ‘She will have to be, this I will not share. These memories they are beyond what I want to burden her with, she will understand.’

  Hawk said nothing for a moment. ‘Ahh I see Willian, you saw the vid. I always thought there may have been one.’ Hawk’s eyes sharpened. ‘Did the sweet Netta leave anything out?’

  ‘Only that the Star Child is very angry and has promised justice.’

  The brothers grinned as Hawk said. ‘Oh, that is good, very good. I hope I am there when that happens.’

  Dinas nodded, he looked around and said. ‘I will send to you what happened and what we witnessed, then you must decide what you wish to do.’

  ‘Do so Dinas.’

  ‘I will prepare myself, in three mins brother.’

  They disconnected, and Dinas hurried to his cabin. He lay on his bed and closed his eyes, slowing his hearts and breathing deeply. One of Dinas’s unique gifts was the ability to transfer data from his thoughts to another’s. As far as they knew, no other Warrior or Elite had this gift. Unfortunately, the ability left him weak and drove his Rie to place him into a healing sleep from mins to hours, depending on the distance and data transference. He knew he would sleep the entire trip home and if he was lucky, he would wake before they arrived. If not Patty would be concerned for him. Before he started he sent a quick message to Marlo explaining what he was doing and what to do if he did not wake before they arrived home.

  On board Maikonia II. Hawk sat in the lounge of his cabin and watched the vid and then the events of the court as witnessed by Dinas. He watched the later events in Peyton’s cabin and was impressed with the quick thinking of his people and the Star Child’s vow. What amazed him was the concern he saw on the faces of the Emperor and his family. It was heartening to see the Star Daughter had once again charmed another set of world leaders. Anger shook him when he saw the test results, every product had been contaminated. He stalled the pics on Peyton’s face and zeroed in on her eyes when she was told, seeing the anger and the shock as she looked at Dinas. Her eyes told of the deep-seated
terror she held for her family and friends, her people and the resignation of what she would have to do. As he looked at the remainder of the data Dinas downloaded to him. He was reminded that Peyton for all her bravery, humor and loving heart, and even her temper was still a young Terran with a heavy burden, in a new Universe.

  He understood because of her, because of Esther and the other females that when someone like Peyton felt terror as he saw in her eyes, she needed the brother Hawk. The Commander could come later, for now she needed a soft coddling Hawk, he smiled when he thought of Marlo and Darby. Warriors could take lessons from Marlo on coddling. He stopped the data and filed it in his mind, under the label never watch again.

  He stripped his clothes from his body and entered his cleansing room, dumping his clothes into his personalized laser incinerator, as he did every time he changed clothes. It was a precaution he had been drilled in since childhood. Kardan had always said it was better to be safe than sorry afterward when he had killed someone.

  As he stepped into the shower, he released all the disgust, fear and the gut wrenching anger from his pores. He forced the emotions out onto his skin to be flashed from his body. The toxins that his emotions produced could kill just by being near him, so better for everyone if the sonic wave flashed them away.

  He thought about the ones that proposed to be death merchants and who they worked for. Unfortunately, many rulers wanted Peyton dead, probably as many as wanted him and his Warriors dead. Then there were the Solverea’s and Specialists and Senes. So many worlds who would think by killing the Star Daughter they would kill Maikonian. Anger shook him as he decided he would find out who they were and then teach them why he as an Elite was feared.

  His thoughts stilled when he felt the vast minds of the Star Child touch him. A part of his mind wondered if this is what Peyton felt each time they came to her, how blessed she must feel and how terrified.

  Our daughter is a joy to us, more so than any before her. We will not stay long. Your mind as great as it is will not survive our touch for too long, and our Daughter’s wrath would be fearsome… We have only one question.


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