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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

Page 12

by L M Lacee

  Straining now, Hawk felt his nose and ears start to bleed and barely stayed standing as he said. Ask?

  Elite Commander Hawk Roeah, heart brother to the Star Daughter. Will you seek to discover who it was that commissioned our Daughters death and deliver our justice?

  I do so vow.

  Then they were gone as swiftly as they arrived, he dropped to one knee gasping and letting the pain in his mind settle. Taking in huge gulps of air he felt a difference within his Rie. Something had been changed instinctively he knew the Stars had removed that which made his body a deadly weapon and replaced it with an unknown gift. Slowly his nose and ears stopped bleeding and after a min or two he managed to stand and turn the shower back on. The sonic wave washed over him again as he worried over what gift the Stars had blessed him with and marveled at the prospect of never having to fear touching someone or leaving a trace of his essence behind.

  Salmah asked. My Hawk, are you well?

  I am well.

  Are you sure, you sound different?

  The Star Child visited me.

  Was it amazing?

  Yes, more than I can say. Peyton is very strong Salmah. To have them in her mind at their will, very strong indeed.

  Was it painful?

  Yes and no, it is hard to describe the sensation apart from there was pain.

  We are blessed, are we not, that she loves us?

  It was just proved to me how much she does.

  Stepping out of the shower, he dressed again in a clean uniform, wishing he was at home where he could put on his jeans and sweater. He knew he was fast becoming addicted to the comfort and feel of the materials. He smiled as he walked out and found Salmah waiting for him in his lounge.

  Bonded what caused the Star Child to risk touching you with their presence?

  ‘Dinas and Netta contacted me.’


  He recited the conversation he had with Netta and Dinas.

  I will inform Rage.

  ‘Thank you, Salmah. I have vowed to find the ones who did this for the Star Child.’

  As is your right as her heart brother. We will take from them the life they do not value.

  Hawk smiled as he asked her. ‘Bonded I did not say I will deliver their justice.’

  But we will bonded, as our honor dictates we must.

  ‘I am sure you are right. So you think they do not value their lives?’

  Yes, if they did, they would not have thrown it away by attempting to murder our Star Daughter and gentle Darby.

  Hawk laughed at her wisdom. Just then a roar reverberated throughout the ship, dropping Salmah to the floor and causing her to whimper. I informed the Pride Leader about the attempt on our Beloved. He is most displeased. Another roar sounded, closer this time, fearfully, she said. He comes...

  The door slid open and Rage stalked in, he was sleeked out and twice his normal size. He now resembled his father and was as powerful if not more so than his father could ever be. Deliberately he placed one huge paw in front of the other as he moved across the cabin. His voice snarled into Hawk’s mind as he demanded. Show me!

  Hawk inclined his head as Salmah rose, released as she was from Rage’s anger. He shared the transferred data Dinas had given him and the conversation with Netta. Rage sat as he watched and listened, then Hawk shared the Star Child’s words.

  Rage looked at Hawk as his anger abated. I will second for justice, as is my right.

  Hawk smiled. ‘I had hoped you would.’

  Rage moved his majestic head as he stared firstly at Salmah then Hawk. Justice will be ours. We will extract it from the hides of those that dared our wrath.

  ‘So be it.’ Hawk agreed as Rage left his cabin.

  Fifty mins later Hawk’s comp’ warned they were approaching Maikonia’s air space.

  He murmured to Salmah. ‘This is going to be interesting.’

  This I do not doubt, my bonded.


  Hawk had taken over command of Prime upon his arrival home. He was in his office with Rayvan and Draykin who, on seeing him as he stepped into Peyton’s home, clung to him refusing to leave his sight.

  Salmah had gone with Rage, who had called Fanharr and Rave to convene a council of Prowlers as soon as he arrived on planet. It seemed he was still very angry, Hawk could not say if the anger he was feeling was because Peyton had left Prime or because of the attempt on her life. Like the others, he refrained from asking.

  Helen and Esther walked into his office with the kits. Bacon, Knife and Pepper, who were all very sad. They sat with the young boys who were playing on the floor by Hawk’s desk. He stood as Esther and Helen entered and took the cup of tea from Esther as she said. ‘It has been tested, everything has.’

  Hawk smiled. ‘Esther, Helen, be at ease. It is not something we could have prevented if we were unaware. Now we are, we will put procedures in place and will capture the ones responsible.’

  Helen sat next to Esther as Hawk sat in his chair, immediately the boys climbed onto his lap, he juggled his cup to keep from spilling any tea over the youngsters.

  ‘This will not do, they may not leave without their children again.’ He told the two boys who looked at him sorrowfully. ‘I will remedy it.’

  They perked up a little at his words and as he placed his cup precisely on the desk, he asked both females.

  ‘You did not for one min think anyone in this solar system or I would think it was you, did you?’ They lowered their heads as he asked. ‘Well?’

  Esther answered. ‘No, not really, it is just we look after them and if anyone…’

  ‘Stop now, definitely not. No one who knows you would think this of you.’

  Helen said. ‘Well, it is not like we haven’t threatened to do them in, once or twice.’

  Hawk laughed and hugged the boys. ‘As have I on many an occasion and I know I have heard each of them say the same thing about us and each other.’

  ‘Really us?’ Esther asked archly. ‘Who would have said that, I wonder?’

  Hawk grinned. ‘I am not telling, so what do we do to prevent someone else being hurt?’

  Helen opened her tablet and said. ‘Esther and I came up with some ideas.’ She handed it to him and reached for Rayvan, who squealed. ‘No Gammie, me stay unca Hawk.’

  ‘Okay little one, stay with Uncle Hawk.’

  ‘Kay.’ Rayvan leaned against Hawk’s chest and closed his eyes.

  Draykin patted Hawk’s face and sighed. ‘Mama.’

  Hawk smiled. ‘Soon little one, soon.’


  Salmah arrived followed by three more Prowlers, she told them. Bonded I am here, we are to guard.


  Everyone, Rage is... She shook her head. I have never seen him or any so powerful, he fills the world with his anger. She whispered. I have no words.

  Hawk said. ‘He has grown, as has Peyton. It has something to do with their particular pairing.’

  Helen asked. ‘They are not bonded, I naturally assumed they were.’

  ‘No.’ Hawk told her. ‘He is not her bonded, he or she has not arrived yet. Rage told me he is her chosen Pride Leader, and she is the Prowlers Beloved. From what I understand, that means she is their divine leader or the equivalent. Rage and Fanharr are the most powerful Turqualls since the Tuarillians, the original Turqualls, which is why we have Turqualls requesting to become Prowlers.’

  ‘Is it possible one of the new Prowlers did this?’ Helen asked.

  Hawk moved the boys into a more comfortable position as they had both fallen asleep. ‘No, they are vetted by Rage and Peyton. Their motives are scrutinized, only the ones with the same mind set and the same honor may become Pride members.’

  Salmah told them. We have specialist Telfor and Midnight as well, who screen all new arrivals. Too many Prowlers of value are in our Pride to let one with harmful intent live.

  ‘Agreed.’ Esther said fiercely.

  ‘So when do you expect them to arrive ho
me?’ Helen asked Hawk.

  ‘Plan for an eve-meal please, although I would expect them sometime within the next few hours. Ladies, we are having a family meeting this eve, Prowlers will be included.’

  Honor and Rave walked in and Rave told Hawk. We need Bacon, we have the scent of the Luotiurim. He may be able to find it, if there is any left.

  Bacon rushed to his feet. Grammie Helen, may I?

  ‘Is it dangerous?’

  Rave turned his head to her. No, Helen it is not. I would not allow him to do so if I thought it was.

  ‘I apologize Rave, I am unnerved. Melody left him in our care. I should have remembered your care as well.’

  No apology is necessary, I am a... a little unnerved myself. My bonded, and the healer left the world without me, it is disturbing.

  ‘I bet it is.’ Esther said. ‘I’d tell him off, real good, if it was me.’

  Rave stared at her and she was positive there was a grin in his eyes as he said. I intend to.

  Helen said. ‘Bacon dearle, go with Rave and remember to listen to what he says. Mama will be home soon.’

  Grammie, I miss Mama, I sad when she not home.

  ‘I know dearle but she will be for eve-meal.’


  ‘So go with Rave dearle.’


  He left with Rave as Helen worried at her bottom lip. Pepper jumped onto her lap and Knife onto Esther’s as he told her. Grammie Esta, Isa sad too.

  ‘Oh baby boy, you want some cookies?’

  Yes, wilsa that make me notsa sad.

  ‘It may help.’


  Esther asked Pepper. ‘What about you Pepper want some cookies?’


  ‘We will leave you, let us have the boys.’ Esther murmured to Hawk as he rose with both boys in his arms. ‘They are settled, I will leave them here.’

  He placed them on the couch and covered them with a blanket and watched as they curled into each other like kits. Smiling, he blurted out. ‘I want one.’ Realizing he had spoken out loud, his skin darkened.

  Esther said. ‘You will, I know it.’

  Helen agreed. ‘If there is ever a male that deserves a family it is you, so keep the faith.’

  Hawk sighed. ‘I do, but there are always difficulties…’ He trailed off as he looked at something he could only see.

  Esther brought him back to them when she said. ‘One day soon, my friend it will happen. Now do some work, they are all waiting to talk to you, and I will bring you some food.’

  He nodded. ‘Kay.’

  They laughed as they left with the kits held securely in their arms. Esther had called it correctly when they left his office, there were a line of people waiting to see Hawk. Helen told the ones waiting. ‘After your meetings, cake and tea in our kitchen.’


  Two hours later Hawk was with the boys who were eating snacks, Esther and Helen sat with them as he tucked into another of Esther’s ginger cakes.

  Kerol and Penny stepped from the airlift, followed by a smiling Rose and Willian. ‘Greetings everyone.’

  The three at the table returned the greeting as the boys stopped eating long enough to smile.

  Penny asked, ‘Where are Peyton and the others?’

  Helen said. ‘Sit, I have tea and cake.’

  Hawk fed Draykin a bite of cake as he informed them. ‘The Star Daughter saw fit to go off world.’

  Kerol sat next to Rayvan and helped him with his drink as he asked. ‘What world did the Star Daughter go to?’

  ‘Sheesh, I have a day off and see what happens?’ Penny moaned.

  She along with Kerol and Rose had gone to Terra for the day. Willian had been at the port, helping Jean with the systems. He, like the others, had only arrived back mins ago.

  Rose mused. ‘I wonder if it has anything to do with Miko, she has been tense and secretive lately.’

  By this time everyone was seated and aware there was a problem. Willian sat beside Esther, who held his hand as Helen said. ‘You are right Rose, it is the same reason Brenda is not here.’

  ‘They went to Patamoglian.’ Hawk said quietly. Willian tensed and huskily asked. ‘Why would Madam go there?’

  Hawk asked in reply. ‘Did you really think she would do nothing?’

  ‘I did not think about it. I try very hard not to.’ He gently untangled his hand from Esther’s and left the room via the airlift.

  ‘That went well.’ Helen murmured. Kerol looked at her and she said. ‘Sarcasm.’

  ‘Ahh, and what of the visit to the world of Patamoglian.’

  Esther replied for Hawk. ‘Justice was done and trouble was had.’

  Hawk smiled. ‘Apt.’

  Rose asked. ‘By whom?’

  Hawk sighed. ‘Peyton and Darby were poisoned with Luotiurim. They survived by the will of the Star Child. We have found all of her products here tainted with the poison. Miko has contacted your Parta, he is searching for suppliers now, and is also obtaining the antidote for Heather, in case we require it again.’ He then went on to tell them the rest or an abbreviated version of the visit to Patamoglian.

  Kerol and Penny held hands as Rose sat by Esther and whispered. ‘This will not end well, who would have done this?’

  ‘Are we hunting the person?’ Penny asked Hawk.

  ‘You are right Rose, it will not end well and do not worry Penny the hunt is on.’

  ‘You are very calm Hawk?’ Kerol knew Hawk well, and to his way of thinking, his friend seemed abnormally calm, which seemed unnatural. He like everyone in the room knew how much Peyton and her sisters meant to him.

  Hawk inclined his head in acknowledgment of Kerol’s observation. ‘I am because I have two very distraught boys here and I do not wish to make them even more so.’

  Penny went to lift Rayvan from his chair but Helen stopped her. ‘He will not go to you or any of us.’

  Rayvan tears in his eyes reached for Hawk. ‘No, unca Hawk.’

  Hawk smiled at him. ‘You are alright warrior boy, sit and eat your cookie. Draykin is eating his.’

  Rayvan looked at Draykin, who was sitting in his high chair munching on the large cookie Helen had made for him. Draykin stopped chewing and asked Hawk. ‘Mama?’

  Hawk croon. ‘Soon little one, soon.’

  Draykin nodded his head and continued to munch some more. Rayvan said. ‘I wants Mama.’

  Hawk told him as he stroked his hair. ‘I know warrior boy.’

  Rayvan sighed sadly and took a bite of his cookie.

  Esther said softly. ‘They have been like that ever since he got back, it is like they know something is not right and only Hawk can make them feel safe.’

  Penny sighed. ‘They probably do. I mean what do any of us know about their races, they could be simpatico for all we know.’

  Hawk nodded. ‘Heather and Fern are trying to figure that out, it takes time. We have other worries for now. We are on red alert until further notice. Prowlers will be assigned to each of the people close to Peyton.’

  He asked Kerol. ‘You have Jade?’

  ‘Yes but she was asked to go to Fanharr as soon as we docked, probably about this. Where is Bacon?’

  ‘He is with Rave, they are searching for the poison.’ Helen told them.

  Rose asked. ‘When are Peyton and the others due home?’

  ‘An hour maybe less, definitely by eve-meal.’ Hawk told her.

  Penny asked. ‘Alright has anyone talked to Trina?’

  Hawk assured her. ‘Yes, I sent Janet and Ward to see if she was alright, she has Jarrod’s family as well as Midnight. I do not think anyone would be able to get through them and survive.’

  ‘Oh right, forgot they were here.’ Penny said quietly.

  Hawk said. ‘Rose, you are required to stay close to your Hex. Penny we have drilled this, have we not? So it is not difficult, you know to comm every time you leave and return to your Hex. We will be finished with the red alert after the searches have foun
d whatever they find and when Peyton returns. Then we will see what has occurred, how much we have to tighten security but I am thinking we will not.’

  ‘Why do you think that?’ A bewildered Penny asked, to her way of thinking security should be doubled if not tripled.

  Hawk quietly asked. ‘Would you stay once you realized you had failed and were going to be hunted by not only us but the Prowlers?’

  ‘Hayda no, I would be long gone.’

  Hawk nodded. ‘That is what I am assuming. Harm’s, uncle and aunt are counting on the same, they have trackers ready and waiting to track any ship leaving our system. We will find the poisoners but it is those that orchestrated this we must find.’ He looked at Rose saying. ‘Frand will have similar orders, he will also be searching his cargo beasts and cargo to ensure the poison was not being brought on planet through him.’

  Esther said. ‘Jorge and Amelia are visiting Karen they have all been notified.’

  ‘Is it them?’ Helen asked Hawk.

  Esther clarified. ‘Them being the Jenersar scum?’

  ‘Yes, that’s who I meant.’ Helen said as she cleaned both little boy’s hands and faces.

  Hawk smiled as Rayvan reached for him again, followed by Draykin. He lifted them to his lap where they sat cuddled against his chest. ‘It is unlikely, poison is not direct enough for them. However, we will know soon, I am sure. The Star Child was very angry.’

  Penny shivered. ‘I think that is scary, to have them angry, don’t you all?’

  Hawk looked at her as he said without expression. ‘I am sure it is.’

  Penny shivered again. ‘I take that back, you all are scary.’

  He laughed easing the tension in the room immediately. ‘You are a delight Penny.’

  Before he could say anything more the planet stilled as though a breath was taken and within a blink was released. Hawk announced. ‘The Star Daughter is home.’

  Esther said. ‘Something has changed again.’

  ‘You are very intuitive.’ Penny said to Esther. ‘Have you always been that way?’

  Esther smiled gently. ‘No, only since my Harry died, it changed something in me.’ Sadness and fear surrounded her and showed in her eyes before she lowered them to the table. A bright light suddenly appeared and then faded to be replaced by Peyton.


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