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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

Page 35

by L M Lacee

  Peyton replied with a smile. ‘Explain the download to your people, the sooner they can understand everyone the better. Then follow Healer Heather and Artar Kate’s requests, they are in charge, until you are all healthy.’

  ‘As you wish.’

  Peyton opened her mouth to explain some more but a small whimper from the baby in her arms made her reconsider, instead she said. ‘Later I would like to get together and discuss some things with you and the Warmaster. As well as anyone else you think can help us, help you.’ Before he could speak, she said gently. ‘In time Healer Mainer, just take your time, you have plenty of it now. You, your family and people are safe. So let that be enough for now. Someone will tell you where I am, if you need me, but Healers Heather and Kate are here for you.’ Catching Heather’s eye, she said in English. ‘Watch him. He will try to do too much, he needs rest and food as much as the others.’

  Heather gave her a nod and a smile. ‘Will do, now get out of here, that kid stinks.’

  In Draygann Peyton said to the Warmaster and Healer. ‘I am sure I will see you both in the eating hall later. For now eat and rest, take your time, you are safe.’ She looked at Hawk. ‘Reports for the morn please.’

  ‘As you wish Madam.’

  ‘Netta, I am going to my cabin.’

  ‘Warriors will escort you.’

  ‘Yes Netta. Thank you Jorge for accompany me.’

  He bowed as Peyton called out. ‘People thank you for all your work, today was a good day.’ She mumbled as she left the bay. ‘I so need coffee.’


  First thing she did when she reached her cabin was collect the coffee Jax had ready for her. Then she balanced the infant and her cup as she walked to her cleansing room. Placing the cup on a shelf that Peyton was positive had not been there yesterday. She said absently as she looked around. ‘I need a small bath in here.’ Instantly the sink lengthened and widened, making a prefect baby bath. ‘Oh wow, thank you Jax.’

  You are welcome.

  From a cupboard she pulled out a large bottle of silver liquid or gray water and poured it in the bath, then added warm water. She stripped the blanket and the dirty material from the baby, refusing to call them diapers and exclaimed in surprise. ‘So a girl, how wonderful!

  She looked around with the cloth held between her thumb and finger, a hole opened in the wall she tossed them in and asked Jax. ‘Where does that go?’

  Disgusted, he said. Outer space where things like that belong.

  Peyton grinned. ‘I cannot disagree with you.’

  She dipped the baby’s toes in the water and instantly she stiffened, fear widening her eyes. Peyton tried to soothe her as best she could, but the baby was having none of it. Her body was as taut as a bow string, all the while Peyton crooned to her as she allowed the water to wash over her feet.

  ‘It’s alright sweet girl, this is just water, warm water. It will clean you and make you feel so much better. We all feel better when we are clean. Relax baby girl relax, come on sweet one.’

  With a little more coaxing, the baby’s body finally softened, Peyton thought it was probably more from hunger and weakness than she wanted to go in the water. A small gasp of surprise came from the girl once she was sitting in the water. The only sound she had made other than the whimper since Peyton had taken her from her crib.

  As Peyton watched her, she wondered if it was the first time she had ever experienced something new that didn’t hurt her. Or perhaps it was because she had never been in something that resembled a bath. She spoke softly to her while gently slipping her body under the water and letting it wash over her. She could see the fascination the baby had for the sensation as the liquid swirled around and over her skin, removing layers of dirt and waste from the baby’s skin and hair. After a few mins, the water stopped bubbling, Peyton sat her up and washed her face with a soft cloth, which appeared in an open drawer under the sink.

  When Peyton smiled and tapped the water, the baby looked at the water then Peyton, then watched as she tapped it once more. Maybe it was instinctive to be playful, or perhaps because she was clean. Whatever it was, the baby seemed to be finally relaxing as she slapped at the water, which was denser in texture than when it had first been poured in the bath. The baby watched the liquid ripple and when it stopped moving she hit it again, her eyes following every little wave.

  After all the rescues, Peyton had requested Rose find a liquid that would dissolve dirt and gently clean a body and could be installed on all their ships. Reeico, Rose’s cousin and inventor, had produced the gray water which had been in the experimental stage of development when they had first met. This amazing liquid ate the dirt from the skin of any living creature, unfortunately, it was unique and took luneras to produce. Last she heard they were working on simplifying the process but that also took time. Hence, only the vessels like the Warbirds had the water and that was in the form of a few bottles and showers in the medical unit. She was hopeful that with the help of Jax, if he was interested, Reeico would be able to produce quantities of the water. It would have been nice she thought if it could heal as well but as it could not, at least they had med scanners for that.

  As the baby patted at the gray water making little splashes Peyton sighed, this little one would be alright. Heather told her, when they had rescued Rayvan and Draykin. That as long as the child showed some interest in something, be that play, a voice, a picture, music or in this case, water. Then it was pretty much a given the child would be okay with love and patience. Also she could talk to the Mystics like Malchol who would be busy she was sure with the Draygonissia. But if any problems arose with the baby girl, she would ask him to have a look at her.

  Watching the little girl, she knew deep in her heart she had done the right thing in deciding to keep her. She grinned, it must have happened when she first saw her in that filthy crib.

  Peyton picked up a small strip of purple material it felt like plastic with the density of steel but was as soft as cloth. It was the baby version of an injector. The strip was placed on the skin near the child’s temple, purple meant Darby had calibrated this one for babies, from what she told Peyton it gave the baby basic language.

  ‘Jax, do you know if Darby has re-calibrated this for Draygonissia?’

  I re-calibrated this one for the baby.

  ‘Thank you Jax, what did you give her?’

  I have given her the Coalition language equivalent to what she should know at her age. Also pics of you and some very select memories of the ship and our home.

  ‘She is to be mine.’

  I see, please allow me to add family and friends to the pics.

  ‘Also add Earth English, just the basic words.’


  She sipped her coffee as she waited, watching the baby play with the water as she tossed around names for her. A few mins later he said. It is ready for her.

  ‘Thank you Jax.’

  You are welcomed.

  The download was a necessary cheat that Heather and her team had decided on after they had rescued the very first child. Peyton slipped the strip onto the baby’s left temple, she looked at her but made no move to remove or touch the strip. Peyton smiled as the material turned pink, she tapped the water and the baby blinked twice, then hit the water again. A min later the strip turned green and Peyton removed it smiling as she did and ran her hand over the baby’s now clean hair. She laughed as the girl babbled something at her and went back to playing with the water.

  Peyton rescued her cooling coffee and sat on the small bench that magically appeared. Letting the baby enjoy her first experience of freedom and maybe her first play. And as she watched her she reaffirmed her promise to herself and the people who helped her get here.

  She and her people would change the worlds, one at a time if need be. Eventually other planets would hear of them and know they were here to right injustices wherever they may be. They would help to free the enslaved and the helpless after all that was why they wer
e the chosen, because they could and would do this task.

  Still, she couldn’t help the little voice in the back of her mind that on occasion such as now, wished for a mate to help her, sometimes the weight of her burdens sat heavily on her shoulders. Sighing when she came to the bottom of the cup and unsure if it was because the coffee was finished or for her gloomy thoughts. She grimaced, self-pity was not really her thing nor was introspection. She shook her head, gloomy thoughts on the day she found her baby girl was just wrong. With a smile she looked at the baby who looked back at her still without a smile. She noticed the telltale signs of exhaustion on the little girl’s body it seemed she had come to the end of her endurance.

  Lifting her from the water, Peyton wrapped her in a drying cloth and grabbed the med scanner. Walking back into the bedroom she laid the baby on the bed, dried her and started to run the device over her small body. The infant never took her eyes off Peyton as she murmured soft soothing nonsensical words to her, while she watched the readings scroll over the screen.

  She could see the little girl would be a cutie in time, her hair was a soft mix of golds and browns with tight little curls. She had chocolate brown eyes and her skin tone was cream a delightful package of sweetness.

  Darby entered just as she finished scanning her and still the baby never took her eyes from Peyton. Even when Darby threw herself into the only chair in the room and started talking. ‘Everyone’s received the download and are on their way to medical, thanks to Jax there were no rejections. Kate said all if not most of them have lost weight and muscle tone due to malnourishment. There are damaged wings mainly torn and shredded, in some cases the wings have become atrophied. Also there are badly healed broken bones and scrapes, bruises and scars... loads of scars. Untreated infections and rotten teeth. That’s about all, it is more overstressed and underfed, so easy physical things to fix. Heather said most will have a spin in the regenerator, but they will require less than an hour. Only one or two will take longer and that is by an hour or so. Kate said some wings will need physical therapy to get them into condition. Patty is contacting therapists at home and sending them pics and skeletal structure of the wings, so they are prepared. Oh, by the way Kate is annoyed they are not actual dragons.’ At Peyton’s lifted eyebrows, she grinned. ‘Her words, not mine, how is the little one?’

  Peyton grimaced. ‘The same, a few scratches, bruises and abrasions, she is way too thin, but will heal. The girl with the scars on her face and arms?’

  ‘Enmeela, apparently she was a worker in the nursery. The healer’s mate said she had been ordered to help with the young ones, she is good with them or at least she was schooled to be. She got all those scars from being the toy in the nursery for the pure bloods. Just like this one was destined to be in a lunera or two.’

  ‘What does that mean?’

  Darby wiped her face with her hands as though trying to wipe the words she was speaking away. ‘It means they used her to train the young Draygonissia, they were taught how to attack and incapacitate another Draygonissia. It seems some government Minister started the program and she is just one in long line of toys, the only difference being she survived, it is so furin sick. I want to scream.’ She panted from holding her emotions in check and kept her eyes on the baby as she said. ‘Stars knows how many they killed doing that. I get the feeling Enmeela was saved for some reason, I don’t know what, divine intervention maybe.’

  Peyton said. ‘Maybe, if so, no one is telling me. So why do you think that?’

  Darby looked up at her with bruised eyes. ‘Because they didn’t kill her, and the scars on her body say she should be dead. When I left medical, Patty had just placed her in the regenerator. She didn’t believe her when she told her the regen would take away the damage. She is going to be beautiful, and she thinks she is twelve.’

  Peyton frowned and decided to leave what Darby said alone. The thought of the baby and young girl being used and abused, made her wonder if she should have done more on the planet. She closed her eyes and did what Darby had done, took several deep breaths and centered herself. ‘After she’s finished in the regen, I want her brought here or to me wherever I am, can you make that happen please? In case I forget, no matter when, okay?’

  ‘Yes of course.’ Darby started tapping on her tablet, and Peyton knew it had been taken care of.

  The baby finally looked over at Darby and produced her first smile. Everyone smiled at Darby, which still baffled her to this day. Which in turn amused her family and friends, she smiled at the baby and said. ‘I brought a download for her.’

  ‘Thanks, but Jax re-calibrated one already.’

  ‘Oh, thanks Jax.’

  You are welcome, Darby.

  While they had been speaking, Peyton had switched the med scanner on to healing after the readout stated what was required. They watched the bruises, scratches and abrasions start to fade and knew by morn they would be gone. As the baby had no broken bones or internal damage she should with regular food gain weight and be healthy in a short amount of time. Peyton knew she would definitely be happier.

  Pulling diapers and a soft cream colored body suit from a drawer by the bed, she picked up a sweet little dress in a soft lilac color for over the top and showed it to Darby who nodded. ‘Perfect.’

  She started to dress her, thankfully this ship did not require they wear ship shoes as they had on their first journey. It came with its own gravity and backup systems. Now they knew Jax was here they had faith he would never allow the gravity to go down.

  Darby asked as she watched her dress the baby. ‘Am I right in guessing you are keeping her?’

  Peyton laughed. ‘Seems about right, feels like it.’

  Darby grinned. ‘In that case you might like to know she is just three luneras old. Apparently when parents surrender an infant, they have to supply a few details, which is weird but helpful for us. So at least we know one or two things about her. Unfortunately no name, either she did not have one, or it was erased from the records. What we do know is her parents denounced her as you can see, because she is Bronze. She had been at the nursery for one lunera, before that no one knows or is willing to say where she was. From what I discovered in the nursey records is this baby girl is special. It seems she is strong and has extraordinary skin and bone density, which is very unique for a Draygonissia. I think we were lucky to have got her out when we did, as I said she was to become the nursery’s new toy. Which could have shortened her life considerably and not from the other kids harming her? If it had been recognized there was something different about her, she would have been given to their scientists as their next experiment.’

  Darby watched as her sister, already half in love with the baby pick her up and cradle her against her heart. A heart as big as any Universe and once again marveled at Peyton’s capacity for love.

  ‘Peyton.’ She waited until her sister looked at her and then quietly told her. ‘She is special because she has all the attributes of a Warmaster.’

  Peyton frowned and cuddled her closer. ‘So, she can be one if she wants.’ She looked at Darby’s worried expression. ‘What is the problem with that?’

  ‘From our point of view nothing, but hon there has never, ever in the history of Draygann been a female Warmaster.’


  ‘None that I can find in their records. Am I right Jax?’

  Madam, Darby is correct, there is no mention in any record of a Warmistress. She is unique.

  ‘Of course she friggin is, hayda and double hayda.’ Peyton exclaimed as she did a quick pace around the room with the baby held securely in her arms.

  Darby and Jax both said together. ‘I know.’

  Smiling at the pic they made, Darby felt her heart ache a little more and realized her arms felt empty. She blurted out. ‘I miss Draykin.’

  Laughing, Peyton swayed with the baby in her arms as she came to a stop in front of her. ‘Don’t sound so surprised. I would wager he is wondering where you are. Why
don’t you and Draykin have a meal with us? Ask Amelia to bring both boys here when she can and we will introduce them to our new family member?’

  Sighing, Darby stood and stretched. ‘Yeah, that sounds good.’ She nodded to the baby who was sleepily lying against Peyton. ‘You can believe I erased any records of her from the planet. She will become a distant memory but she will need monitoring and we need to be careful who we tell about her.’

  ‘Thanks Darby. I don’t know what we would do without you and yeah, we will be careful. I am thinking for now, just us and Jax.’

  ‘Yeah, that sounds right.’

  Then Peyton’s voice changed becoming the song of the Stars, We too will watch over the daughter of our Daughter’s heart.

  Darby closed her eyes, she hated this freaky shit, which happened every now and again with Peyton. She opened her eyes when she heard baby babble and watched as the little girl batted her hands around. She babbled something at Peyton whose lips smiled, but Darby knew she was not in control of her body. Then the entity who was wearing Peyton’s body turned toward her and Darby could see entire galaxies within her black eyes. She wanted to look away but was mesmerized by the changing star scape and once again that ethereal voice of many spoke.

  Thank you gifted one, we have enjoyed watching and learning from you. She chose her family and loved one's well. We owe you much for your guardianship of our Daughter. Your wisdom and trust in her is never misplaced. You must stay on your guard, others will come that want to defeat her and remove or stop what you are building. Your faith and love will be tested but do not fret gentle sister Darby. We are sending one that will hold and keep your precious heart safe. While you ensure the safety of our Daughter and especially the young. Safe guard them well gifted one.

  Finally, Darby was released, and she collapsed back onto her chair as she roughly breathed in and out. Her voice was near enough to hysterical as she demanded of Peyton. ‘What the frigging hayda was that?’


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