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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

Page 36

by L M Lacee

  Peyton closed her eyes and took in several deep breaths, without conscious thought Darby felt herself following her, finally Peyton managed to say.

  ‘That my dearle Darby was the voices of the Stars.’

  ‘I know that... I mean the other crap.’

  ‘Oh, well apparently they approve of our little one here and they really approve of you.’ Peyton ended in a laugh as she eyed the stunned Darby. ‘Apparently so much, they have hooked you up. Guess your mate is a comin’ for ya’ Darby!’

  Darby jumped to her feet and frantically pulled on her hair as she screeched. ‘Holeeeshitcrap! Who… who is coming for me?’ Her voice slid into a wail that Peyton could hardly wait to tell the others about, it made her laugh. ‘What are you laughing at?’ She demanded. ‘How do you cope when they do that? Good stars do they do that often?’ Pulling on her hair again she didn’t wait for Peyton to answer, instead saying. ‘What am I saying of course they do? See this is what happens with males. I get all confused and ask dumb questions?’

  Peyton reached out and pulled her into her arms, hugging her close. ‘Relax Darby, if we have learned anything over the last few luneras, it is that the Universe, as in the Star Child, will do what they will do. Everything works out right eventually, just let go, nothing is fixed in stone.’

  Darby grumbled. ‘Sure you can look at it that way. It is not you who has been set up by Divinity with some mystical male. Who is just gonna pop up and demand the crap out of me.’ Pulling back from Peyton, she caught the expression that she didn’t wipe fast enough from her face. Now Darby hugged her. ‘It will happen, somewhere out here, there is a male for you.’

  Peyton rolled her eyes as Darby shook her a little. ‘Hey, if I apparently can get one, then it is just a matter of time for you my friend.’

  Stepping away from her, Peyton smiled. ‘Yeah, yeah, honestly Darby, you really need to improve your outlook on romance. Demand the crap out of you.’

  ‘Whatever!’ Came the grumbled reply and then her eyes lit on the baby who had remained quiet throughout the entire exchange. ‘So have you picked a name for her yet?’

  ‘Yep. Keylan.’

  ‘Very nice, Raparthen for bright star.’

  ‘I believe she will be a shiny star as she grows.’ At Darby’s expression, she said with a smile. ‘Just a feeling.’

  Darby grinned as well, knowing that a feeling about something or someone from Peyton was more of a prophecy, but all she said was. ‘Right Keylan. So, I was going to tell you that Healer Heddro said when you are ready, he will go over her requirements for food and other stuff in the diner. Where I think we need to go.’

  ‘I thought we were eating here?’

  Darby shrugged. ‘Well yeah, we can, but I think it would be better if they all saw us. Then they can see you have cared for Keylan. There is Rayvan and Draykin, also Esther is there, she will want to meet Keylan.’

  ‘Okay... okay, I’m convinced.’ Peyton said with a laugh. ‘But first I need to clean up, could you hold her?’

  ‘If she will come to me, go for it, you do smell a little female.’

  Peyton grinned as she handed the quiet baby over to Darby and just like Darby held her breath. Waiting to see what Keylan would do, they should not have worried. Keylan snuggled into Darby and then looked up at her as she cooed to her. Peyton stole away to her cleansing room, where she quickly stripped and with a touch of her finger, her body was instantly cleaned and her hair sparkled with vitality. It was something she did rarely, using her power to cleanse herself, especially as a shower did it so well and was far more enjoyable. But today she did not want to take the time to cleanse in the normal way.

  She dressed in a burgundy pants and shirt combo, with panties and bra built in. These were an acquisition courtesy of Rose’s cousin Teenarlo, who had spent years on a ship. Quick serviceable clothes were immensely practical, especially on missions. Although Teenarlo and Brenda had upgraded the outfits to reflect style and color. Peyton had heard they were now included in every females luggage on away missions.

  The Star Crystal completed her look with a swirl through her hair, styling it in twin braided ropes combined partway down her back. A step into her padded ballet style shoes and she was done.

  She walked out to find Darby swaying and singing softly to Keylan in her arms, her head was on Darby’s shoulder and her eyes were closed. It was adorable and Peyton heard Jax snapped a pic, he must have thought the same as her and smiled when Darby twirled around.

  ‘There you are, sweetie look here is your Mama, all clean and smelling just like you.’

  Keylan yawned as her eyes flicked open and then closed. Darby passed her to Peyton, who snatched up one of the blankets she had acquired from Draygann and draped it around her. Darby checked her tablet and walked to the dispenser, swiped at the control panel and a filled baby bottle appeared.

  ‘Her requirements are programmed in, just select Key.’

  She handed the bottle to Peyton, and they watched Keylan’s nose twitch. Peyton cradled the baby’s small body in one arm and popped the bottle between her lips as they walked out of the cabin. Keylan grabbed hold of the bottle and sucked greedily as they entered the transfer circle and came out at medical.

  Darby said. ‘I thought we were going to the diner?’

  ‘We are, I just want to check on Enmeela?’

  ‘Oh okay, she may be finished.’

  Patty met them as they entered the unit. ‘Hey, I was just going to comm you, she is just coming around now.’

  Peyton handed Keylan to Darby. ‘Can you take her, and I will see to Enmeela?’

  ‘Sure, go ahead.’ She took the sleepy baby and walked over to where Heather stood by a bed. As soon as Darby placed the baby down, Heather had her med scanner out and started to check her over again. Keylan continued drinking her bottle and Darby talked quietly, causing Heather to frown and nod.

  Peyton shook her head as she watched her sisters while Patty led her to a regenerator just as the lid lifted and the girl’s eyes flickered.

  ‘She should wake fully in a few mins.’ She placed some clothes on the side table. ‘Here are clothes for her and shoes, they will fit, Jax did the sizing. Peyton she is thin and lacking in every nutrient you can imagine.’ She bit her lip and looked at the young girl. ‘In fact she was a weken or two away from death, her body was shutting down. I really don’t know how she was still able to work. I have known adults to collapse with less damage to their bodies. Anyway those days are behind her now, we gave her an infusion of the vital nutrients Healer Heddro said she should have. She needs to go on a meal plan, protein and vitamin shakes, similar to Rayvan’s and the baby.’

  ‘Her name is Keylan.’

  ‘Oh, that is nice, she is yours?’


  Patty looked from the young girl to Peyton and smiled. ‘This little one, what will become of her?’

  ‘Oh, Patty do you really have to ask?’

  Shaking her head, she laughed. ‘Not really, it was a rhetorical question. The shower is setting two for the gray water, okay?’

  ‘Yes, I will see her through that and take her with me.’

  Patty nodded. ‘Good, I am starving but take your time; we will wait to go with you.’

  ‘Thanks Patty.’

  ‘Family, it’s what we do.’

  ‘Yeah, it is.’

  ‘Don’t worry Peyton, first comes trust, then she will learn to live with freedom and finally she will believe she is worthy of love and happiness.’

  ‘Yeah, that’s the plan.’

  Patty hugged her and whispered. ‘You are a wonderful person. We are all lucky to have you.’ She released her, then said. ‘Enmeela is ten, not twelve as we first thought.’

  Darby came over. ‘Heather found some minor fractures on Keylan’s toes and feet that the portable unit missed. Jax and I will have them all re-calibrated, then with Jean and Heather, we are going to design a better one.’ At Peyton’s concerned look she told her.
‘Heather is healing her. I adjusted the download for Enmeela she is yours, I assume.’

  ‘Of course.’

  Darby grinned. ‘Of course. She will receive the same download as Keylan, just a little more of the languages and reading abilities. As a bonus, thanks to Jax, she will know our family and friends. Rayvan and Draykin. Also Keylan as well as Heather and Harm’s girls and the grandparents.’


  Darby placed the injector against Enmeela’s skin and injected her. ‘All done, we will leave you to handle her.’


  A few mins later, Peyton watched Enmeela’s eyes open and look around. She found Peyton and wariness seeped into her expression; she did another quick scan of the unit only to have her eyes return to Peyton again.

  ‘Greetings sweetheart.’

  Enmeela sat up and felt her head and face, Peyton handed her a mirror and she gasped. Her eyes looked at where her fingers were touching, her face did not have the scar anymore. She turned her head to see that her hair which had been missing because of the scar was put back just like the Healer said it would be. Quickly she lifted the sheet and her gown and looked down her body, the scar had gone. She had to believe the ones on her back, stomach, arms and legs were gone as well. She looked like a normal girl.

  Peyton knew this new model regenerator was quick and thorough. But Heather would say it was more that the girl was young and the skin newer or something like that. She told the little girl. ‘The redness will fade in a day or two.’

  Shock and doubt met her words, Enmeela stared at her with barely concealed worry. Peyton continued as if she had answered her. ‘There will be no reminder on your skin from now on. The only reminder will be in your mind and if you want, we can make that go away.’

  Her eyes widened in fear as Peyton quietly said. ‘When you are ready, we have a very nice male who is my friend, his name is Malchol. Search your mind for information about him. He heals minds and will help you make the terrible memories go away, but only when you are ready, not before alright.’

  Enmeela nodded and Peyton smiled. ‘Good, well now Enmeela.’ She watched her flinch when she used her name. ‘Do you not like that name?’

  The girl shook her head and whispered, ‘Bad father, give me it.’ Then gasped as she spoke Coalition for the first time.

  ‘That was Coalition, you are thinking and speaking, it, also you will be able to read Coalition as well.’

  She shook her head. ‘I cannot read. I am too stupid and ugly. I am toy, not worthy of reading. Bad father say so.’

  ‘Oh sweetie, you will read and you are not stupid or ugly. I know you do not believe me right now. But I promise, you are none of those things or anything else that was told to you. Was the yellow male your father?’

  ‘Yes bad father, hurt much make toy, me not worthy because I am Bronze.’

  ‘Well, I will not do that, and I am sorry he hurt you. What of you mother, do you know of her?’

  She shook her head. ‘No, I never see, bad father say I have no mother, just egg.’

  ‘I am sorry for that, but you are here now and safe.’ Realizing it would take time for her to believe her. Peyton gently said. ‘Come on, what you need now is to get clean, so let’s use the shower. I have some very nice clothes for you.’ She showed her the clothes Patty had left.

  ‘For me?’ Enmeela moved off the bed and touched the clothes. ‘They are very soft and nice, are you sure they are for me, they do not smell?’ She asked with hope warring with doubt in her eyes.

  ‘Oh yes, these are definitely for you. Do you like the color?’ They were a soft tan color and would look gorgeous on her.

  ‘Yes.’ With awe coating her words she nodded and hesitantly said. ‘They are very pretty.’

  Peyton was pleased to hear the language was becoming more natural as she spoke. ‘Good, let’s get you showered.’ She placed her arm around the small shoulders and pretended she didn’t feel her stiffen as she guided her into the cleansing room and at the same time mind-sent to Patty. Was Enmeela checked for all types of abuse?

  Patty sent back. It is okay Peyton we checked for that first, apart from the obvious abuse there was nothing else.

  Relieved, Peyton sent. Good to know.

  They stood in front of the shower and Enmeela stared at it like it was going to leap out and grab her. Peyton asked. ‘Shall I turn it on for you?’

  She nodded as her eyes finally left the shower and searched the room, looking and cataloging everything she could see.

  ‘Okay so this shower, it is made of heavy water it bubbles and tickles.’ At her blank look, Peyton said.

  ‘It will feel like this.’ She ran her fingertips over Enmeela’s arm. At her nod she resumed her explanation.

  ‘It is a liquid that cleans you, there is nothing for you to do, just stand here.’ She moved to the spot Peyton pointed to. ‘Now take off the gown.’

  She did so slowly, worry and fear in the taut lines of her face and body. Not by a flicker of an eyelid did Peyton show her dismay at the thin bony body revealed.

  ‘Now I will turn the water on, remember I said it would come from here.’ She pointed to the showerhead Enmeela nodded. ‘I remember.’

  ‘It will be warm, close your eyes honey and tip your head back a little. So the water can wash your face, it will be alright, you are safe.’

  She looked at Peyton who waited, this would take trust and Peyton was prepared to wait all day if need be for her to realize she was safe. Finally, she consented as she tipped her head back and closed her eyes.

  Peyton praised her. ‘Good... good little one, that’s right, just like that.’ A few seconds of the water gently pouring over her face and Peyton told her. ‘Your face is clean now.’

  As she tipped her head upright, the water bubbled and swirled over her hair and skin. Then it shot up from the floor to clean her legs and other parts of her body. She yelped a little when she felt it go into all her crevices and gave Peyton a look of reproach.

  She hurriedly said. ‘I am sorry, I forgot to mention that. It only happens in the medical showers other showers do not do that.’

  When she was clean, Peyton realized her skin tone was a very light brown, lighter than Draykin and her hair was a golden blonde. Smiling at the angelic pic she made with her soft coffee-colored eyes. Peyton turned the water off and the dryer on. At the touch of the warm air circulating around her, she jumped with fright.

  Peyton once again cursed herself as she hurriedly said. ‘Sorry, I forgot to tell you about that too.’ This time Enmeela gave her a suspicious look. ‘I swear I did.’

  Enmeela sighed and closed her eyes. Peyton could see she was tiring, quickly she made sure she was dry then said. ‘Okay honey, let’s get you dressed.’

  Enmeela stepped from the shower and looked at the top Peyton handed her. ‘I do not know how it works.’

  ‘Of course, if you have only ever worn shifts, you would not.’

  Peyton showed her how to wear underclothes, a tee-shirt and trousers which she saw were extra thick. She would need the added warmth from the clothing until she put on more weight. Then she slipped soft ballet style shoes on her feet, they were exactly like the ones she and the other females wore.

  ‘Are you warm enough?’

  ‘Yes thank you.’

  Once she was dressed Peyton sat her down on a small stool. Enmeela watched herself in the mirror and every now and again she would touch her face as Peyton brushed her hair. It was very short and had obviously been hacked rather than cut or styled. ‘Do you have a name you would rather be called?’

  Enmeela asked. ‘Are you to be my Uardio?’

  Peyton searched her Draygannis vocabulary and found the translation. ‘Oh you mean guardio mother. Yes, I am, but you do not have to call me Mama. You can call me Madam or Peyton it is fine.’

  Shyly Enmeela asked. ‘Do you have other children?’

  ‘Search your memory?’ Peyton could see she was accessing the download wh
en she came upon the information she said. ‘Oh... oh... Rayvan and Keylan. Rayvan is from somewhere else. Keylan was the new toy.’ With wide eyes, she breathed the words. ‘You want me for your family.’

  ‘Yes I want you to join our family.’

  ‘I do not have to look after the children?’

  ‘No, no looking after the children.’

  ‘You want me, just for me?’ She sounded so shocked it almost made Peyton cry. How could someone or many someone’s make a child believe they had no value, as anything other than a thing?

  ‘Yes, I just want you to be my daughter, to love you as I do my other two children.’

  Enmeela said shyly. ‘I would like that, I can call you Mama like Rayvan does?’

  ‘Yes, just like he does.’

  ‘I never have to go back ever. Bad father can never take me away. I will stay with you always?’

  ‘You will stay with me and no he can never touch you again, you have many aunts and uncles and grandparents. And someday maybe a Papa who will make sure he cannot.’

  Enmeela gave her a quizzical look. ‘What is Papa?’

  ‘Access your memory.’

  She answered. ‘Yes Mama.’

  Peyton smiled as she called her Mama without realizing it. ‘Now what would you like your new name to be?’

  ‘I can choose?’

  ‘Yes you can, a new name for a new life, sound good?’

  Enmeela nodded. ‘Who chose for Rayvan and Keylan?’

  ‘I did.’

  ‘Mama, can you choose for me too?’

  ‘It would be my pleasure to do so.’ Peyton looked into the brown eyes of the young girl in the mirror. She really was not much older than Rayvan. She saw entwined in Enmeela’s eyes, hope and disbelief but unlike Rayvan the young girl eyes held very little trust.

  ‘I think you would suit the name Hope, what do you think?’

  When she said nothing only stared at her, Peyton told her. ‘It is a name from my birth world. It is a special name for a special little girl. Do you like it?’


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