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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

Page 39

by L M Lacee

  She sighed as she smiled up at him. ‘You are right, nothing is impossible. Life has taught us both that. Let us go for a nap too.’

  He arched an eyebrow as he looked down into her smiling eyes and kicked up his top lip. ‘What is this thing called nap?’

  Brenda laughed softly as she pulled his head down for another kiss. ‘If you take me to our cabin, I will show you.’

  He slowly smiled which built from his toes up until it finally found purchase in his eyes recognizing that look she smiled and said. ‘Then you can show me again, why we love each other.’


  The following morn found Peyton hard at work in her office by the war room. The previous night had been unkind to her, due to a message being delivered after eve meal. This combined with her children made sleep impossible, she had finally given up trying to make herself sleep two hours ago. She asked a nanny to come and stay with her children and Draykin who had arrived sometime through the night.

  ‘Jax, do we have something other than the docking bay for me to speak to the Draygonissia?’

  There is the auditorium. It seats five thousand more, if they sit in the aisles.

  ‘What was it to be used for?’

  Lectures. I thought originally this vessel would be for scientific research. Taking science throughout the Universe with scientists who could investigate and give help to planets in need. To make education accessible to cultures who had never experienced it.

  ‘It could be again, in the future, one never knows.’

  Madam, the odds of that are not great.

  ‘Maybe not for this vessel, it just means you will have to design a different type of ship for that purpose.’

  That aspect has possibilities. I will think on it.

  ‘I am sure you will, alright my friend we are going to have a meeting. You know the people to notify, please make the Draygonissia aware, I do not want anyone younger than twenty yentas to attend. The juveniles can watch on screens if they want to. Please make sure only the people medical have cleared are there. Let us say at 11:00 hours?’

  Yes, Madam. Commander’s Marlo and Hawk as well as Rave and Tipper are waiting.

  ‘Send them in, please.’

  Hawk and Marlo entered, and Peyton said. ‘If you want to help yourselves to drinks please do. I assume you have read the document I received last night?’

  ‘We have, Madam.’ They both could sense her anger under the polite mask she was showing them. They both went to the dispenser and talked quietly between themselves.

  Peyton turned her attention to Rave, who was accompanied by Tipper. ‘Greetings Rave, greetings Tipper.’

  Greetings Beloved. Rave told her. Beloved, Tipper will be your guard for the day.

  ‘I thought we were dispensing with guards now Jax is aware.’

  We dispensed with biped guards. Prowler guards will remain.

  ‘Thank you, Rave.’

  Beloved, you are welcomed.

  ‘Tipper, I am pleased to have you as my guard today.’

  My pleasure, Beloved. Tipper had a deep voice, which was always a little startling if you weren’t prepared for it.

  ‘Please remain in the office, we may have some visitors soon.’

  As you wish Madam. Tipper took up a guard position on one side of the doorway.

  ‘Rave, I will need several more Prowlers. We are to have a meeting at 11:00 hours in the auditorium. It may get unruly, please be prepared.’

  As you wish Madam.

  ‘Do you need directions to the auditorium?’

  Madam, you jest.


  Jax informed her. Madam two Draygonissia have arrived.

  ‘Thank you Jax.’

  Beloved I will see you at the auditorium.

  ‘Thank you again Rave. Jax, who is here?’

  Warmaster Ranarra and his sister Zenerra.

  ‘I thought as much, have them wait please. Commanders your opinions?’

  Hawk said. ‘It could get out of hand, if not squashed quickly.’

  Marlo added. ‘I agree, and it must be done hard, leaving no room for doubt that you are not prepared to allow this.’

  Hawk said. ‘We cannot have a rebellion. It would cause havoc among the Draygonissia. Some have a long way to go to finding they can trust us. If they feel we will give into this, we will never win that trust and they will never feel free which is more important. Trust will come with time.’

  Peyton agreed. ‘I know, they are dangerous as Malchol’s report stated. These people will not like what we are planning or any plans we have. They want to run the world.’

  ‘Madam, nothing else will satisfy them.’ Marlo stated.

  Hawk agreed. ‘This is true. I like the plan you outlined, it is sound and with a few minor adjustments will work.’

  ‘You sound like you are willing to take up the challenge. It will mean staying at home?’

  He nodded, his eyes on her face. ‘Perhaps. I think I would like the chance to do something new, and Karen would appreciate me being with her. We hope to have children, and I would like to watch them grow.’ His voice had softened with feelings of wonder at the prospect. He watched her as he said. ‘We knew this would happen, did we not?’

  Sadly, she answered. ‘Yes, of course. Just not so quickly.’

  ‘Peyton, nothing is set in stone.’

  ‘Maybe, I am thinking this may also be Melody and Heather’s last mission. They haven’t said so, but it is obvious. They are needed at home.’

  Hawk smiled. ‘Jorge and Kerol, Lukkas and Netta and of course Darby will step up. You will hardly know we are not around.’

  She smiled, but her eyes belied the expression. ‘Of course. Okay, let’s have them in Jax.’

  Marlo said nothing, having your First Commander resign his position was a sad moment. Even if they all knew it was to happen. It did not make the happening any easier.

  Jax announced. Commander Darby has arrived. Peyton frowned. ‘Well isn’t that great!’

  ‘Did you say something?’ Darby asked as she walked in from a hidden door. Peyton looked at the door and then at Darby. ‘Did you know it was there before?’

  ‘What… the door? Everyone knows.’

  ‘I didn’t.’

  ‘And this is my fault how?’

  Peyton demanded. ‘Why are you here?’

  ‘Oh please, as if I would be anywhere else.’ She turned to the males. ‘Greetings, did you all sleep well?’

  ‘We did.’ They both answered.

  Honor nudged the same door open or at least the Prowler door that resembled a cat’s door only bigger. Peyton looked at her and asked. Did you know that was there before?

  Everyone does Beloved.

  Darby snorted when Peyton stared at her, she said. ‘Greetings, Tipper, I am told you are to team up with my Honor today?’

  Tipper inclined his head. Greetings Sister Darby, I am to do so. With a nod to Peyton and a pat from Darby Honor took her position on the opposite side of the doorway from Tipper.

  Darby made herself tea as she asked. ‘Did we all read that tuap?’

  ‘Yes we have.’ Marlo answered her.

  ‘So what are we going to do about it?’

  Peyton stated. ‘I have a plan.’

  Darby arched a well-shaped eyebrow. ‘Really, you have a plan?’

  ‘Yes, why is this so hard for you to believe?’

  ‘Why are you grumpy?’

  ‘Bad night, the little ones all ended up in my bed and Hope snores. Rayvan wanted most of the bed as usual, and Keylan might be small but she is bony, her elbows stab you in all the wrong places.’ She began to screech, then brought her voice down to normal, when Darby’s eyes started to twinkle and Hawk and Marlo grinned.

  She grumbled as she asked Darby. ‘And why did your son end up in my bed, and how did that happen?’

  ‘Oh is that where he went?’

  ‘You did not know?’ Marlo asked a little surprised at her casual tone, he
had heard of her reaction to the news Draykin was Draygonissia.

  ‘Honor said he was with family.’

  They all looked at Honor, who said. He cried.

  Peyton growled her displeasure. ‘So, he cried?’

  Do not judge me, he cried, I will not allow that.

  ‘Are you serious?’ Peyton asked with a touch of outrage in her voice.

  Yes... yes... I am.

  Peyton eyed the Prowler and snarled at Darby. ‘Didn’t I say you could not come?’

  ‘Aww shut it!’

  Marlo said. ‘Ladies, let us get this done shall we?’ Just then a male and female appeared in the doorway. Apparently Jax had also decided to stop the brewing argument.

  Peyton smiled. ‘Ranarra and Zenerra Daygoniss, how are you both?’

  Ranarra answered. ‘We are well, thank you.’

  ‘Good, come in please. Commander’s I would like to introduce you to the sister and brother of Warmaster Coraan.’

  They both bowed as Ranarra said. ‘Greetings Commanders.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Do you both know Specialist Darby and Honor and Tipper?’

  ‘We have met Specialist Darby and Honor as well as Tipper, Star Daughter.’ They both nodded to Darby and the Prowlers as they walked farther into the room.

  ‘Ran, just call me Madam or Madam Peyton.’

  Darby stated. ‘You should ask him first?’

  ‘Ask him what?’

  ‘If you can shorten his name, he may not like it.’

  Peyton asked archly. ‘How do you know I didn’t?’

  Darby blinked twice as Marlo laughed at them. Hawk moved closer to the couple. ‘You get used to this form of discourse.’

  They turned serious eyes to his as Zenerra asked. ‘You do?’

  ‘Oh yes, they are family, and this is how they apparently remedy situations, we just go with it. We find it is safer.’ He told them both but in truth gave the warning to Ranarra who nodded saying. ‘I see, I will follow your advice.’

  Zenerra just ignored the two males and raised her eyes to the ceiling in thought.

  ‘That’s a good idea.’ Marlo encouraged as he and Hawk returned their attention to the by now quiet females. Darby asked. ‘Are you done?’

  Hawk grinned. ‘I think I covered it all.’

  ‘Are you sure we can wait?’ Peyton asked sarcastically.

  Marlo said. ‘Yes, he got all the salient points in.’

  Peyton said to the brother and sister. ‘Please take a seat.’

  They both turned the seats around to accommodate their wings. Before Peyton spoke, Ranarra said. ‘I do not mind the shortened name.’

  Peyton told Darby. ‘See, I knew that.’

  ‘Impossible female.’ Darby muttered under her breath, but loud enough for all to hear.

  Peyton ignored her, instead saying to the couple. ‘I know the seating is uncomfortable, and we apologize, all seats and chairs will be modified. I spoke to the Engineers at home this morn, they require someone from your people to contact them for specifications.’

  They both thought a moment, then Zenerra said. ‘That would be Xenta she is an engineer or at least likes that sort of thing.’

  ‘Thank you, we will contact her.’ She nodded to Darby, who had her tablet out and was tapping on it. Ran’s eyes were wary as he asked. ‘Madam, you wish to know why we are here.’

  ‘I can guess, but please tell me.’

  ‘We learned that you are to meet with some of the seniors. It is said they wish for you to give control of a world to them, so we can live as Draygonissia do on Draygann.’

  Peyton nodded. ‘It is so, you both wish this too, along with your brother?’

  The look in his eyes sharpened and his lips twisted in a sneer, barely concealed as he said. ‘No, Madam, we do not. It is the last thing we wish for.’

  Zenerra placed her hand on her brother’s arm halting his next words, saying instead. ‘We want a chance to live in freedom, to find out what we are capable of. To learn and grow and become more.’

  Softly Ranarra told her. ‘We want what your Warrior’s have.’

  Hawk asked. ‘What is it you imagine they have?’ They both turned to him and Ranarra raised his eyebrows as the serious expression dropped from his face and excitement took its place. ‘The Star Daughter, we wish to be hers.’

  Marlo asked. ‘Well, that says it all, does it not Star Daughter?’

  Peyton smiled. ‘It does.’

  Zenerra told them. ‘We will not allow them to snatch our chance at freedom and everything else away from us.’

  ‘This is what Coraan would agree to?’ Peyton asked, wanting to clarify they were in agreement.

  ‘Our brother would say the same thing if he was available.’ Zenerra assured her.

  ‘But you are here, Warmaster?’

  Ranarra nodded. ‘I am second only.’

  Peyton glowed, Marlo placed a hand on her arm.

  ‘Madam Peyton.’

  ‘What?’ She snarled, he raised a brow at her tone.

  ‘Sorry... sorry.’

  Darby said, ‘You are glowing.’

  ‘Oh, I am sorry. It annoys me when someone is told they are less because they want them to be. Coraan does not think like this, does he?’

  ‘He doesn’t.’ Darby stated with a confidence that fascinated Peyton, and she had to ask. ‘How would you know?’

  ‘Melody would not mate with someone like that.’

  Sheepishly, Peyton said. ‘Yeah, I knew that.’

  Ranarra and Zenerra watched the byplay, they were confused, and it showed on their faces. Before he could halt his words Ranarra said. ‘You are the Star Daughter and yet you allow others to correct you, to censor your words?’

  Peyton said. ‘I know right, it’s shameful, what they all do and they growl at me. Keep secrets from me. All the time.’

  Zenerra tilted her head as she watched Peyton’s eyes and the eyes of the three people watching them. She read the emotions in play and saw what her brother did not. These people knew their role, their places in the heart of the Star Daughter. Zenerra yearned for that acceptance and that trust, Ranarra’s wings flexed once in agitation.

  Marlo tapped the desk. ‘Madam.’

  ‘Yes Marlo.’

  ‘He does not understand you are being humorous, that you are making light.’

  ‘Oh.’ She looked at the anger in the Warmasters eyes and smiled. ‘Please do not take what I have said as serious. I was as Commander Marlo said being humorous, it is a failing of mine. I am going to like having you join our world.’ She then said to Zenerra, who was not agitated like her brother, instead her eyes twinkled with mirth. ‘You are to be admired, living with two Warmasters, it must have been tiring?’

  ‘You have no idea Madam; I am permanently exhausted.’

  Peyton and Darby laughed, causing Ranarra to relax. It seemed he was missing something, which was sadly not unusual. Coraan and Zenerra were always faster at reading people and situations than he was. Some people called his inability to understand nuances a failing, his family called it his literal nature. Ranarra, they often said, did not understand subtle.

  Peyton smiled at the brother and sister. ‘Yes we will get on very well; you two are just what we have been looking for. Darby let Netta know.’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  Ranarra was so startled he shook his head. ‘I do not understand?’

  Zenerra explained, knowing Ranarra really did not understand. ‘Brother what you perceive as disrespect, is actually love and acceptance of a heavy burden Madam carries. Her family, which if we are very lucky we one day may call our own help her carry that burden in a hundred or probably thousands of small irreverent ways. These normalize her life I know you can imagine that her task of being the Star Daughter and the vessel for the Star Child which is beyond our scope of comprehension, must be immense. The burden of life and death for a Universe would, I think, be a million times harder, if not for those she considers family, who keep her balan
ced.’ She smiled and dipped her head in a sign of respect toward Hawk, Marlo and Darby.

  Hawk said softly. ‘I have never heard it said so eloquently before. You have summed up our family.’

  Darby said. ‘Thank you, I could never find the words to express what it was. I will remember them.’

  Peyton and Marlo smiled at each other, and then she said. ‘We are pleased to have you as ours.’ And just that easily they were accepted.

  Zenerra let her head lower as tears she had not felt for many yentas filled her eyes. Ranarra asked. ‘Is this only because of Coraan?’

  Zenerra said softy. ‘Ranarra…’

  He slashed the air between them. ‘No sister, our brother is fledged to her sister all say this. So are we accepted because of that only, I must know.’

  She nodded in understanding as she went to speak, Peyton said. ‘Ran, while your brother is fledged or mated to my sister, which I really am thankful for, as we all are, and not because he is the Warmaster. We, her family are pleased because our sister needs someone to love and care for her soft heart. Besides that, you and Zenerra, regardless of Coraan would have been accepted, and the reason for that is your needars shine. We know that with or without us you will soar to greatness, truthfully we just want to be along for the flight. You matter Ranarra, your family will add much to our lives, in what way I do not know yet. I just know you will. You three are worthy additions to our world.’

  Ranarra sighed with pleasure. ‘What can I say?’

  Marlo asked. ‘What is there to say?’

  Darby held her hand out to Zenerra and whispered while Marlo spoke to Ranarra. ‘Sometimes it is easier to hang on to someone.’

  She took Darby’s hand and whispered back. ‘Thank you.’

  Peyton said to Zenerra. ‘First, can I call you Zen?’

  She laughed. ‘Yes Madam.’

  Peyton looked at Darby. ‘See, I asked.’


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