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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

Page 40

by L M Lacee

  ‘Just means you can learn.’

  Peyton opened her mouth, but Hawk calmly said. ‘Madam, time is moving on, so tell us what is to happen?’

  With a narrowed eyed look at Darby, she said. ‘Fine, this is what I would like to happen. I have a meeting scheduled for 11:00 hours this morn with the Draygonissia. Zen and Ran, I would like to offer your people some things to consider. But right now I would like to offer you both a chance to try out for my guard. I have to warn you, if you win the position, we will go off world often. So remember that has to come into your decision.’

  Zenerra asked. ‘You would like Ranarra and myself to travel with you, to go off planet with you as your guard?’

  Peyton frowned. ‘Did I not just say that? I was sure I did.’

  Darby said. ‘You did.’ Looking at both brother and sister, she explained. ‘Madam, wants you to do that, but you have to see Commander Netta first. She is her guard Commander.’ She told Ranarra. ‘You would have to relinquish being Warmaster.’

  Ranarra smiled. ‘But if we are lucky, those days are past us.’

  Peyton said. ‘Which brings me back to my plan.

  As I was saying, one of the things we will give the Draygonissia is the chance to fly.’

  ‘We would be allowed to fly?’ Zenerra asked, shock filling her voice.

  Gently Peyton told her. ‘There will be no such thing as allowing, you will fly because that is what you are designed to do. You are Maikonian Draygons.’

  ‘And Draygons fly?’ Quoted Darby.

  ‘Draygon is a very ancient name.’ Stated Ranarra. ‘How is it you know of it?’

  Marlo stated. ‘Who told us of the name was in the download you received.’

  They both quickly accessed the information and when Ranarra understood the significance of who it was that remembered the ancient name. He shook his head in amazement as did Zenerra. Ranarra stood, and it was easy to see why he was a Warmaster although he was still undernourished he was large and imposing. In fact both siblings were very impressive looking people.

  He asked Peyton. ‘You will gift us with a new identity?’

  Peyton slowly stood. ‘Only if you want it, all of you, it is one of the things that will be discussed at the meeting. I was going to wait until we got home, but it seems your seniors have taken that decision out of my hands. So at the meeting I will broach the change of name and you can all decide for yourselves.’

  Madam, they are ready for you.

  ‘Thank you Jax.’ She looked at the brother and sister and said. ‘For now, you will have to excuse me. My children await us to join them for first-meal.’ She tipped her head to the side as she offered. ‘You can join us if you like and have first-meal with us. That is if you have not eaten already or you can just hang out with us. Netta and whoever else is around will be there.’

  ‘Thank you, we would like that.’ Said Ranarra as his sister nudged his arm.

  ‘Good.’ Marlo said. ‘Let’s go and get some food. I am hungry.’

  Peyton grinned as she told him. ‘You are always hungry?’

  He nodded. ‘I am a growing male. I need sustenance.’

  ‘You need something alright.’ Peyton retorted, much to Darby’s delight.

  ‘What is hang out?’ Asked a confused Ranarra.


  Zenerra had her back to the wide windows that overlooked space as she monitored the people in the room. She was a watcher, at least this was what her brothers called her. She loved watching the interactions between people and in this room there were so many diverse personalities, which made it even more interesting. One thing she saw over and over was their love for Madam Peyton, and even though they did not understand the weight she carried. They all knew it was there.

  The second thing she saw was how much they adored the little ones, and not just because they were Madam’s and her sister’s children. These young ones would grow up never doubting they were loved and valued, even the two Draygonissia children. Zenerra knew it would take time before these little girls truly believed they were wanted and their past hopefully erased from their memories. But as she watched the healer Dinas crouch down and talk to Hope and very gently hold her hand, she knew it would happen.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw Commander Netta, a fierce Warrior approach her. What gave her pause was with her was Lady Esther.

  Esther asked her. ‘You are an observer, aren’t you?’ Zenerra turned her head to look down at the smaller female. She was older than her but younger than the seniors she knew. Darby had already told Zenerra that Lady Esther and Lady Brenda were for Terrans considered almost elders. Although compared to the Warriors and the seniors, they would be thought of as still very young.

  Zenerra had seen the way elders here were treated, none of the elders instilled fear or threatened with a look or gesture. The respect they received was genuine as was the love and more than that, they were liked. Yet she remained puzzled, it was obvious the Warriors were many yentas older than the Terran females and yet they still treated them with reverence. Lady Esther and Commander Marlo were the most deferred to, when they spoke all listened even Madam Peyton. It was not from fear or because they demanded it, they did neither. In fact, they seemed to garner the most teasing from everyone, especially Commander Marlo.

  Within mins of meeting Lady Esther, Zenerra could see she was regarded as the Star Daughter’s mother. So she made sure to tread carefully as she admitted. ‘I do not know what that word means.’

  Esther was charmed by the honest expression on the female’s face. ‘Oh, I like someone who doesn’t know it all.’

  Zenerra frowned as she asked. ‘How can one know everything, unless you are the Star Child?’

  ‘Well that is true.’ Esther agreed.

  ‘It means.’ Netta gently told her. ‘You see under the surface of things. Observe people and see what others miss.’

  ‘That may be true. I like to watch and see personalities. To try to work out why some people say and do things. It passed the time.’

  Netta asked. ‘To prove I am right, what have you observed about myself and Lady Esther?’

  Esther said. ‘It is alright if you do not want to tell us. It is just as you know Netta wishes to see what you can do before you try out for her guard. Perhaps it was unfair of us to ask.’

  Zenerra said. ‘Before it was told to me to keep my thoughts hidden, they were unwanted.’

  Esther said, and Zenerra did not miss the disapproval in her voice. ‘Stupid people say stupid things all the time. It is up to us to decide to agree with stupidity or not.’

  Zenerra took her first tentative step toward trust and said. ‘What I observed, is that the correct use of the word?’

  ‘Yes.’ Esther told her with an encouraging smile.

  Smiling Zenerra was pleased. ‘Good, I enjoy learning. Specialist Darby and Commander Netta are much more than Madam’s sisters, they surround Madam and protect her from the outside world. I would assume her other sisters do the same? Commander Netta, keeps the balance between Madam and everyone else. Because of her, Madam has the freedom to be herself. To live among us and to be what I would call approachable.’

  ‘Oh well, that is... I am not sure what that is.’ Netta commented.

  Hawk said from behind them. ‘Accurate, very accurate. Tell us Zenerra what of Lady Esther?’

  With an unsure look at Hawk, she said. ‘Lady Esther is a revered senior and is something else. What I do not know. What I know is that she makes the heart and centers balance.

  Hawk grinned and kissed Esther’s cheek. ‘What I have always known, again Zenerra you are right.’

  Netta ginned at Zenerra. ‘So can we call you Zen or would you consider it disrespectful?’

  Zenerra ducked her head and smiled. ‘I would like that. Madam already asked, I did not tell her that no one has ever done so before. It makes this name special. Thank you.’

  Esther asked Netta. ‘Did Darby tell you to ask?’

sp; Netta grinned, ‘Of course she did. You know how she is with the name thing.’ She smiled at Zenerra and asked. ‘So do you want to be in Madam’s guard, Zen?’

  She turned to Netta and looked down into her eyes, she was at least three inches taller than the Commander and said hesitantly. ‘I do, however we were not allowed blasters so I am unsure if I can use one. Coraan made swords for us, and he and Ranarra schooled me to fight with them. I am good at hand to hand. We practiced both for many yentas. I will be of value when I can fly.’

  Netta nodded. ‘Right, we can teach you the blaster, actually Melody is our champion shooter. So classes for all Draygonissia in the use of blasters will begin as soon as we get home. Now one thing you need to know is you have value with or without flight. But I understand what you mean. I will tell you as Madam would, we will believe in your value and the value you will add to our lives, until you find that belief in yourself.’


  After Zenerra passed what she considered a test with Commander Netta and Lady Esther, she was introduced to Mystic Malchol. And within mins, she and Ranarra found themselves coaxed into a small private cabin where they spent the next three hours discussing all manner of things. Mainly how they had lived their lives and the passing of their parents and the anger they lived with as a constant ache.

  Then Commanders, Netta and Marlo came and said it was time to go. It seemed like only moments had passed since first-meal, and now they were all walking toward the meeting. Zenerra was still thinking of all she and Ranarra had learned about the people they were joining their lives and the lives of their people to. As well as what she had talked about with Mystic Malchol and she realized she felt lighter. Almost like a weight had been lifted from her. The ache in her needar had lessened greatly. She asked before she thought better of it. ‘Mystic Malchol, may I come and talk to you again?’

  ‘At any time Zen, I am here for you.’

  ‘Thank you, I found it rewarding.’

  ‘I am very pleased I was able to help.’

  Marlo warned them. ‘We are here.’

  They entered onto a stage that faced an enormous room, with many seats. Zenerra whispered to Ranarra, who nodded as he started around in awe. ‘This is enormous.’

  Darby explained as she joined them. ‘It is called an auditorium. It is where people come to hear people talk. We take these seats.’

  They sat on the stage in seats provided for them and waited for everyone to arrive. They could see people arriving through doors at different levels where rows of seats were. As she looked out onto what would be a flight of her people, Zenerra let her mind wander over what had happened so far this morn. It was very exciting and humbling to be accepted so readily into this family. For so long it had been only Coraan, Ranarra and her, but no more, they belonged, not only to another world, but to a new family. Her eyes gleamed with suppressed glee. There was so much to learn and not just the technology, new worlds and new species to discover. Excitement bubbled under her skin, she could not see herself being bored anytime soon.

  Looking at her brother, she could see he was dealing with some turbulent emotions. As much as she wished to tell him all would be well. She knew that a person must fly through their own stormy winds to find the calm winds that showed them the way home. No one could solve all your worries, some you had to fix by yourself. Her thoughts all scattered when she realized everyone was seated.

  She looked out on the raised seats to see that there were so many Draygonissia present. Far more than she thought would be there, and even to her untrained eyes, they looked healthier. There were still signs of malnutrition in evidence, one night could not erase what took yentas to accomplish. An undercurrent of unease rippled through the auditorium which again was understandable. To be called here to this gigantic room was frightening and dread would be flying in their hearts.

  She watched as Madam Peyton finished talking to Commander Hawk, a most fearful Warrior but still with a kindness about him that was unexpected. Zenerra had not met an unkind person since coming on board the ship. Sadly she could not say the same when dealing with her own people. These people who were to be hers, lived in such a different world from the one she had been birthed to. She hungered deeply for what they wished to share with her and her people.

  She admired Madam Peyton and as she walked to the front of the stage, it was easy to see how young she truly was. She was such a small female to hold the Universe in her hands, and yet as she spoke Zenerra saw only a female of immense power.

  ‘Greetings, I understand you are all nervous and wish to be anywhere but here.’ There was a rumble of laughter that swept the large auditorium. ‘I want to apologize for the seating. We will endeavor to do better in the future. So I have asked you here to talk to you about some changes that will or will not happen in your lives. I had hoped to discuss this with you when we arrived home but unfortunately this has not been possible. Firstly; I want to say how healthy and well rested you all are starting to look. Secondly; I wish to squash any ugly rumors that may start circulating. I have asked your Warmasters for permission to guardio two little girls. They were once used as toys in the nursery at the government building. Permission was granted, so they are mine now.’ Her tone dared anyone to contest the action. ‘Thirdly; I am… in truth, I am in a quandary. Last eve I received a document from some seniors apparently on behalf of all the Draygonissia on board. So before we go much further. I would like all the seniors that composed and signed the document to move forward and sit in the front rows that have been left for you.’

  There was a general rumble of voices as people in the audience appeared angry or just confused, but predominately the feeling washing over Peyton was fear.

  Several seniors stood and moved to the seats Sarn directed them too. Eighty-eight from the one hundred and ninety seniors came forward. Smugly pleased with the recognition they thought they rightly deserved. Each one of them inclined their heads regally to Peyton as she acknowledged them with a nod of her own.

  Once they were all seated she asked. ‘Do you have a representative to speak for you?’

  A female stood with short white hair her narrow face wore a few wrinkles. Telling of age and yet she had a fire in the depths of her tired amber eyes. Which Peyton did not want to call a fanatical light but could hear Melody’s voice in the back of her mind, telling her that was what it was. Maybe she was wrong, she hoped she was.

  ‘I will speak. My name is Gaila Tanssia.’

  ‘Thank you, Lady Tanissa. I will allow five mins for you to explain the meaning of the document you sent me last eve.’

  Gaila Tanssia looked around at the other seniors who sat with her and received the same perplexed look back, then she returned her gaze to Peyton as she said. ‘You did not find it self-evident? I am sure we stated everything in there.’

  ‘Oh I know, it went on for pages. The content of the document was not what I wanted an explanation for. It is the reason you felt you have the right to speak for all the Draygonissia here.’

  Gailea Tanissia spread her hands. ‘We are the seniors. We have always done so.’

  ‘I see, so you agreed to the deal between you and the Blues?’

  ‘Yes we did, several of the seniors here were participants in the last war, and others were juveniles or young adults at the time.’

  ‘I see, and the erosion of the Bronze Warriors, you agreed to that too?’

  ‘It was the only way to achieve peace.’

  ‘The laws prohibiting your people from flight, you agreed to that as well?’

  ‘We had no choice…’

  ‘Lies!’ A male stated as he stood ten rows back shaking with anger. ‘You had a choice, we were convinced to leave it to you. That your wisdom was better than ours, because you had lived through the wars and were older than the rest of us. Our Warmasters were young, too young to understand the complexities of the politics at the time. You convinced us your guidance stemmed from yentas of understanding the other Draygonissia. B
y the time we realized you were not all knowing or benevolent, it was much too late. The contract had been signed, you sold us out, and you sold our lives away. You signed away our Warriors right to be who they were. And you gave away our right to soar for us and our young.’

  ‘We had no choice.’ A male said as he stood. ‘It was that, or we died. It was the lesser of two evils.’

  ‘Lies again.’ Shouted the same male.

  ‘It was the only way.’ Gailea Tanissia reiterated.

  The male scorned the female’s words. ‘You hamstrung our Warmasters at every turn.’

  Zenerra stood and said. ‘Now you want to keep us from having freedom. To once again hold us under your rule. I say it will not happen. We want to live, to fly, and to be who we are meant to be.’ Anger was evident in every line of her body as she snarled. ‘I will die rather than be guided by you again.’

  Darby took her hand as she retook her seat and said. ‘You will not die Zen, we will not allow it.’

  Zenerra smiled as she held her hand. ‘Alright, I may have been a little dramatic.’

  Darby murmured. ‘You will fit well into our family.’

  The Draygonissia were all on their feet, anger and resentment on their faces, as their voices rose with their feelings of outrage. Peyton held her hands up for silence and said. ‘Sit please.’

  When the volume of sound only increased she signaled Rave, who let out a mighty roar and everyone went quiet.

  ‘Thank you, Rave. Please, everyone take your seats we are not done yet.’ She then asked the outraged male ten rows back. ‘Senior, your name please?’

  ‘My name is Olin Karron. I am brother to the former Warmaster Herron Karron. I do not agree with these others. My friends and I did not write or sign that document.’

  ‘I know Senior Karron… I know, please take your seat.’

  He was tall and thin, Peyton could see when he was healthier he would be a fine figure of a male. His wings were copper as were his eyes which she found intriguing. He looked fierce and unbent by his age or the life he had been forced to live. As he retook his seat Peyton once more addressed the seniors she had singled out as the authors of the document.


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