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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

Page 45

by L M Lacee

  ‘This was your idea?’

  Karleo could not seem to help the prideful tone that entered her voice as she boasted. ‘My science yes.’

  Peyton shook her head, ‘Foolish, see you shot my Commander without a thought or consideration and for that alone you would die by my hand. However, the Star Child signed your death order when they found out what you were trying to do here. That all by itself warranted their Justice for you and your people out there. Seriously, your family really seems to go out of its way to piss them off.’

  Karleo returned. ‘I am Emperor Uther Jenerika’s only sister, you have no right to kill me. You cannot kill me without causing a war. Are you and your people prepared for that?’ Her voice became hoarse with suppressed emotions as she said again. ‘I am his only sister.’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘Yeah, see I would kill you just for that alone, you know being his sister? But I was told I am not allowed to. Although I have a feeling that is all changing now and you know why?’ She did not wait for her to reply. ‘Because you are no different to your brothers who are degenerate olesho’s. Who value nothing but what they want and desire. Your family have a superiority complex, it is probably not your fault. I don’t know how you were raised. But when you started trying to create Warriors and hiding Warriors and buying Draygonissia and shooting my family. Well that makes you as contemptible as the other members of your family. Oh, and another thing, I will tell you the same thing I told your brother. You cannot have a war if you have no Warriors. Your Emperor has no Warriors, therefore no war. So anything else you wish to say?’

  Virin leaned forward and placed a tablet opened on the desk in front of her. Peyton read the messages while the very devious Karleo frowned and tried to work her way out of the predicament she was in.

  Melody read over her shoulder and her eyes gleamed with amusement at the content.

  Star Daughter: Ship in orbit and contained, we are in control:

  Commander to the Stars.

  Star Daughter: I have been successful, her memories have been downloaded and all information she holds we have: I am now searching the remaining scientists:

  Mystic to the stars, Malchol.

  Star Daughter: Retrieved all the data and Jean has purged and destroyed everything as per your orders:

  The brilliant Darby and Jean.

  Star Daughter: I have appraised the hardware throughout the complex. It is excellent quality, we are dismantling and removing it. We will be complete in three hours:

  The on planet, not scared Rose.

  Star Daughter: Sleepers are being transported and placed in the med unit. I will release Reeve and Wolf as Dinas is here:

  The Mighty Healer Heather.

  She mind-sent to Melody. I do not think these messages are genuine. Where is the professionalism?

  She sent her a grin and returned. Look who is talking, Star Girl, get over yourself.

  Peyton sent her a raspberry, then looked at Karleo. ‘It seems the ship is early, so we are finished.’

  Confused Karleo asked before she could stop herself. ‘You do not wish to interrogate me longer?’

  ‘Nah, we have everything we need. There is no more to say. Unless you have questions?’

  Karleo looked even more confused and blurted out. ‘What did you do to my brother?’

  ‘Which one?’


  ‘I did nothing. He was alive when I left him.’

  Karleo relaxed in her chair and sighed in relief until she heard. ‘The Star Child, now they were outraged at what your family had done. Condolences on your loss. Oh speaking of that, tell me Karleo did you ever hunt on the world XYERE 567?’

  Karleo shook her head, tears in her eyes for the loss of her brother. They had known he was gone but to hear it confirmed, hurt her more than she thought it would. Peyton looked down at the tablet where Malchol had written. YES.

  ‘Ahh I see.’ She looked up at the female who by now was realizing she was not going to survive this encounter. Karleo saw her future, what was left of it, written in the star filled black eyes that looked at her without emotion and she breathed the words.

  ‘You really are the Star Daughter.’

  The Star Child answered her as the temperature dropped in the room. Karleo Jenerika, why did you not take heed of the lessons already given? Was not the death of your people enough for you to understand the Warriors were never yours? I have grown weary of you and your family’s prideful boasts that the Universe is yours to shape and control. You Karleo Jenerika sister to the Emperor of Jenersar have forfeited your right to life. As with thy brothers Justice will be mine. I await you in the afterlife.

  Her face paled as Karleo stood quickly, kicking the chair out behind her and screaming. ‘You are a monster… A sick monster!’

  Peyton raised her eyebrows, her eyes once again her own soft green. ‘You say that, but how am I to take you seriously when you have all that out there.’ She waved toward the cavern. ‘I am a vessel to the greatest beings in the Universe which you just witnessed, and I have never once thought of doing what you tried to do here. And I am the monster. No Karleo you should look at yourself and your family, and what they did to my Warriors. Before you start throwing words like monster around.’

  Karleo stood with her mouth opening and closing, her composure shattered and her mind numb with fear all the while she was shaking her head in denial.

  Peyton sighed. ‘My Warriors please remove this female from my sight, I find her offensive. Return her to the cage.’ She looked at Karleo. ‘You shot Dinas and hunted the innocents of our Universe, for that there is no forgiveness. Warriors please.’

  ‘As you wish, Star Daughter.’ Lukkas said as he and Iaan took hold of Karleo’s arms and steered her from the room. Sedeen and Harm with their bonded left with a nod toward Peyton.

  She looked at the young Warrior. ‘Virin, thank you for your help.’

  He bowed his head as he said. ‘Thank you Star Daughter for everything. I will return to the Warship.’

  When he had shut the door behind him. Marlo, Braace and Melody remained with Peyton, who had retaken her seat and placed her head in her hands with Melody’s hand on her shoulder.

  Marlo said. ‘I should explain…’

  ‘Nothing!’ Peyton raised her head and flames lit her green eyes. ‘There is nothing to explain. What you and your brothers did took courage, commitment and strength. You are giants among Warriors, I know we are richer for you all being in our lives.’

  He closed his eyes and shook his head, his voice was rustier than normal as he suppressed the emotions fighting for release. ‘Peyton, thank you. I will go and see if Hawk needs me?’

  ‘Thank you Marlo.’

  He looked at her and Melody for a long min, then smiled and left with Braace by his side. Peyton waited as she counted his steps when he got to thirty, she yelled.


  They both heard his bark of laughter, Melody wiped her smiling eyes as she whispered. ‘Over one thousand in a weken, remind me to never... ever piss the four of them off.’


  Side by side, Peyton and Melody left the depressing little office and went into the busy, chaotic, cavern. Rose was standing on the ledge that Karleo had previously stood on, overseeing the dismantling of the equipment.

  ‘Rose.’ Peyton called to her. ‘How is it going?’

  ‘All is well, three hours maybe less, and we will be finished.’

  ‘Okay, do you need me?’

  ‘No, Malchol is here as well as Commander Marlo.’

  ‘Where is Commander Hawk?’

  Lukkas said from behind her. ‘His brothers needed him on board Prowler I, apparently they were not pleased to be woken.’

  Peyton turned and grimaced as she thought of all the possible things two Elites could do if displeased. ‘Oh Stars, that does not sound good.’

  Melody said. ‘Oh Stars indeed.’

  Lukkas told her. ‘Madam, they re
quest you on board the Prowler.’

  ‘Now that doesn’t sound good either.’ She said aloud, and no one contradicted her. ‘Dayam and double dayam. Okay, Lukkas just a min. Melody, have you got this?’

  Melody glanced around her. ‘I think Rose has?’

  Marlo said as he came to where they stood. ‘I am sure you are meant to be on board the Prowler.’

  ‘Yes... yes, I am going, just making sure everything is taken care of.’

  ‘We have all the prisoners screened, all equipment being gathered. Darby and her team are on board the Prowler, already sorting through the data. Malchol has finished with his work and trader Rose is being a Commander.’ They all turned to Rose who was directing people with a loud speaker and smiling.

  ‘And liking it.’ Malchol said with pride written on his face.

  ‘Alright, I am going, the prisoners remain. The Star Child has decided their sentence, pack up, and do not leave any of our people behind.’ She ignored the looks from them all, as Marlo said. ‘We will not, we will need four hours?’

  ‘You have as much time as you need. Let me know when you are all on board?’

  ‘As you wish, Star Daughter.’

  ‘Melody are you staying or coming with me.’

  ‘Staying with the Prowlers.’

  ‘Okay, see you soon.’

  Without another look around, she walked directly to the prisoners and said. ‘For your involvement in this operation. This horrendous wrong against creation, the Star Child has pronounced your sentence.’

  All five hundred and fifty people seemed stunned at her announcement. A male grabbed the female beside him as she fainted, he screamed. ‘WHY... WHY?’

  ‘Why? Because you knew it was wrong. What you were trying to do was just plain wrong.’

  A female said. ‘Other worlds create their people this way. Why is us doing it so wrong?’

  ‘If that is so, why were you doing so in secret?’ The female shook her head, unable to hold her gaze or reply.

  Another female said. ‘That is ridiculous, we are doing what other worlds do every yenta.’

  ‘Really!’ Peyton scorned. ‘What world were you trying to repopulate, to help eradicate diseases from? You were doing this for credits, do not try to fool me. Fool yourselves all you like, right into oblivion if you must. But you and I and everyone here knows you were doing it for credits. And for an Emperor who is fearful the Universe will find out he has no more Warriors to trade.’

  She looked over the people in both cages and at Karleo who stood by herself and said. ‘This is what those promises of credits brought you.’

  Then she with Lukkas and Iaan along with two Prowlers walked from the cave, into the shuttle and she said. ‘When you are ready pilot?’

  He replied. ‘As you will Madam.’

  When they docked on Prowler I. Peyton disembarked to be met by an angry Jorge. She took one look at his closed face and said. ‘So give it to me straight?’

  ‘You are not going to like it.’

  Her only answer was a grunt of agreement as they walked to the airlift. Lukkas and Iaan behind them, when they got off at the next level. Harm and Sedeen along with Rave and Cobalt, guided them all into a small empty room. ‘What is this?’

  ‘A supply closet’ Jorge told her.

  ‘I had no idea we had these, they are big. So what happened?’

  Jorge said. ‘They have totally fucked up. Hawk was so angry he punched a hole in the wall.’

  Sedeen agreed. ‘I think that was, so he didn’t punch his brothers.’

  Jorge snorted then said. ‘True.’ He said that like he wished he had punched them. He told her. ‘Dinas hit the one called Wolf and then they got into a fight.’

  ‘Dear Stars is he alright?’ Peyton asked fearfully, it was only a little while since he had been almost killed.

  Harm answered. ‘Yes.’

  ‘So why did he hit him?’

  Jorge described the confrontation. ‘He grabbed Patty causing her to cry out, before we could do anything Dinas was there and the male went flying.’

  ‘And by grab, he means he slapped her away from him, she fell and is bruised.’ Harm added.

  Peyton glowed softly. ‘Is she alright and Heather?’

  ‘Yes, they are both well.’ Harm replied anger in his tone, his eyes flashing. ‘She is locked in Dinas’s office with Patty. Dinas and Netta are in Heather’s office with Hawk and the brothers. The one called Wolf already tried to take her knives from her.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Netta pulled her knives?’

  Harm said. ‘She was so angry, only the fact Hawk was there stopped her from attacking the male. I am not sure she would have come out alive this time. They are not like Hawk or Dinas.’

  ‘Okay, is she well?’

  ‘Yes, thankfully she had already received treatment. Heather says she only needs to rest.’

  ‘What about everyone else?’

  Jorge told her. ‘All safe, Jax and I sealed access to the medical level.’

  ‘Okay, anything else?’ They all shook their heads.

  ‘Rave, Cobalt, Tipper?’

  Rave said. The one named Reeve is angry like brother Hawk angry.

  Cobalt told her. Our bonded were attacked, and the one named Wolf is violent.

  Tipper added. He smells wrong

  Thank you. Is it possible Wolf is not Wolf?

  Yes, Rave said, he does not smell of his brothers.

  ‘Alright we should go,’ she said, ‘and my friends next time you are attacked. You had better tell me. I dislike being kept in the dark.’

  The three males sighed and looked at their bonded, she told them. ‘It is what they do. Lukkas go find Scout, Iaan thank you, you are both excused.’

  They frowned at her request, quickly she assured them, indicating the three males. ‘I will be guarded, now go shower, wash this day from your bodies, and thank you.’ They bowed their heads and left.

  ‘Harm, Sedeen take Cobalt and go and see to Heather and Patty. I don’t like them being alone.’

  ‘Where are you going?’ Harm asked her with a raised eyebrow.

  ‘I think that is obvious, now may I borrow Rave.’ She looked at Rave and asked directly. ‘Can I borrow you?’

  Yes Beloved.

  Harm said. ‘I do not mind, go my bonded.’

  ‘Good, Jorge, Tipper, you are with us, let’s go.’

  They left the closet and airlifted to the med-level. Harm and Sedeen went to Heather and Patty while Jorge took Peyton to what was normally Heather’s office. Where they could hear shouting and feel power sizzling on the air currents, she said to Jorge. ‘Get who you are using for security please.’ She asked Rave and Tipper. ‘Are you ready?’

  Yes Beloved.

  Good bring him down as soon as I open the door.

  Jorge comm’d the Warriors Sarn and Hue, who arrived at a run, he told her. ‘I had them on standby. Now Madam why do my bonded and Rave need to be ready?’

  ‘Because we think Wolf is not Wolf.’

  He ordered his Warriors. ‘I see, stun as soon as the Prowlers are clear.’

  She nodded and with a quick motion, Jorge opened the door. Rave and Tipper charged the male masquerading as Wolf and drove him to the floor. Shocked by the attack the male lay quietly as both Prowlers stepped back and Hue stunned the male. Then he and Sarn slapped mag bracelets and anklets on the prone male. ‘Make sure he cannot speak please.’

  Sarn said gently because he did not want his Madam to feel foolish. ‘He is unlikely to Madam, he is stunned.’

  She smiled at him. ‘I know but I have a feeling he will shake it off quite quickly.’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  Jorge made a signal and Hue placed a gag on the male which consisted of a thin strip of material that looked like cotton. As soon as it made contact with the male’s skin, it grew and thickened to cover his mouth.

  At her surprised look Jorge told her. ‘Reeico’s latest invention.’

She then said gently to Hawk. ‘I am so sorry, he is not your brother.’

  Confused Hawk replied. ‘I do not know what you mean, this is my brother?’

  ‘No my Hawk, he is not.’ She looked at the two large males, one restrained on the floor, the other who stood as they had entered. He looked at her with his mind on fire, the pain so intense it would have crippled any other. He was so tall Peyton had to tip her head back so she could see his face and wondered if her neck could actually bend that way.

  She was shocked at how much he and the one on the floor looked like Hawk. For some reason she thought they would be different like Dinas, then she reminded herself Dinas was not blood related.

  The enormous male opened his mouth and Peyton flicked her fingers dropping him to his knees. Hawk made to go to his brother’s defense but Dinas placed a restraining hand on his shoulder. ‘Wait my brother.’

  He nodded and instead asked. ‘Could you tell us what is happening Star Daughter?’

  Reeve’s eyes flicked to the small female in front of him and his mind went blank. She looked at Hawk, and he read sorrow in her eyes. ‘Hawk the one you call Wolf is an impostor. What kind of creature can take the form of another for lengthy periods of time?’

  Dinas said as he walked out from behind Hawk. ‘A Chanderoh, they can change their bodies and mental patterns for yentas at a time. Although they have to return to their original form once every lunera or they go crazy… Oh, I see.’ He rubbed his face. ‘That makes sense.’

  ‘Thank you Dinas, go to Patty, she is beside herself with worry and will not get treatment until she assures herself you are well.’ At his tense expression she assured him. ‘No, she is not badly hurt, a healing unit will fix her, but she is worried.’

  ‘Thank you, I am on my way.’ He hurried from the room with a deadly look at the male on the floor.

  Peyton smiled at Netta. ‘Netta, you too hon, go to bed. We will see you tomorrow for the morn meeting.’

  Netta nodded and gave the enormous male on his knees a deadly look as she passed him saying to Peyton and Jorge. ‘Watch him; he is not okay. I think stasis fucked his brain?’


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