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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

Page 46

by L M Lacee

  Peyton said soothingly. ‘It is alright Netta, I will fix him.’

  ‘Why bother, we should dump his ass out an airlock?’

  ‘Airlock, do we have them?’ Asked a startled Peyton.

  Jorge grinned. ‘No, it was on a vid we watched before we left home, it was amusing.’

  Peyton calmed immediately and blew a breath out. ‘Oh good, cause that is scary, thinking about that.’

  As he moved farther into the office Jorge said. ‘Netta, you look like tuap.’

  ‘Yeah, I know, the gigantic furin asshole is a furin nightmare and big taje.’

  Peyton agreed. ‘Yep, but he is brother to Hawk, so we are stuck with him?’

  ‘Well, that is just our luck, are you sure?’


  Netta sighed she was so dayam tired, the last thing she had needed was to wake up to a raging giant of a male storming around the med unit. Instinct had her grabbing for her knives. Hawk had tried to use his new ability on them and found to his annoyance that Elites were not susceptible to it. He had then placed his fist into the wall which seemed to get their attention and ordered them all into Heather’s office, where the yelling started.

  ‘I am getting my Knife, a shower and bed.’ Netta growled.

  Peyton indicated the male Reeve should sit back on the chair. He did so meekly but his eyes shifted constantly. ‘Netta I am happy you are better. You have to stop getting hurt, how is your Rie?’

  ‘It is fine, I checked. Did you record the beat up of the bitchre who shot Dinas?’

  ‘You know I did.’

  ‘Good, love yah, not you!’ She scowled at Reeve. As she passed him and left the room.

  Jorge told Peyton. ‘I will go with her and make sure she means her kit Knife and doesn’t kill anyone on the way.’

  ‘Hahaha!’ Netta yelled back.

  ‘Thank you Jorge.’ Peyton grinned as Netta called to her. ‘See you in the morn.’

  ‘Madam?’ Sarn asked. ‘What do you wish done with this?’ He toed the male on the floor.

  ‘Oh okay.’ Peyton motioned the two Warriors in, ‘Heather!’ She yelled.

  When she came in, she said. ‘You yelled?’

  Peyton looked her over asking. ‘You alright?’

  ‘I am.’

  ‘Good, Patty?’

  ‘All okay.’ She saw Peyton’s shoulders lower in relief and ran her hand over her back, saying softly.

  ‘Peyton, I swear we are all well.’

  ‘Okay... okay. So we need to place this piece of tuap back in stasis until I decide where he will go. Have Malchol… no belay that.’

  She placed her fingers on the male’s temple and closed her eyes, then tapped her finger against his skin and he changed. What lay there was a red hairless body, it was hard to distinguish any facial features, actually any features on its body at all.

  Hawk said. ‘He is not Wolf?’

  ‘No dearle Hawk, he has not been Wolf for some time. The one you know as Wolf, has not been found yet. The Star Child is looking for him. This one took Wolf’s identity many yentas ago. It was commissioned to take his place. Jorge remove the gag, it is pointless now.’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  ‘Why would he do that? Who would get you to do that?’ Heather asked dumbfounded at what she was seeing.

  Peyton told her. ‘It cannot speak, it has no voice and is asexual, unless it is someone else. It belongs to a very secretive world. It’s species survives by being commissioned to do what this did, assume the identity of another.’

  Heather asked quietly. ‘Do they kill the people they assume?’

  ‘No, as long as the person is incapacitated, they can strip them of everything, personality, abilities, body shape, mannerisms and voice. Although it is true, they can assume someone just after death.’

  ‘Well death is incapacitated.’

  ‘True, anyway no one would know they were in the company of an Impoef instead of the actual person.’

  ‘That is just sick.’ Heather’s expression flicked between distaste and fascination. Finally her researchers mind came online and she asked. ‘What weaknesses do they have?’

  ‘Ahh well, if you wish, you may find out. You should get together with Dinas and perhaps Lord Klune. You may find they already have some information on their species. I have a feeling we would be grateful to know if they actually had any.’

  Hawk said. ‘I know, I will be.’

  Heather nodded as she said. ‘I think, I really have too.’

  Peyton said. ‘Alright Warriors, if you would please.’

  With Heather guiding them, they carried the Chanderoh to a stasis tube. Peyton said to Hawk and his brother. ‘I am guessing since it could not revert to its own form, it went crazy in the tube. When we woke it up, it was confused and became erratic and violent.’

  Reeve looked at the female, then at the one who said he was Hawk, except he did not really look like Hawk. Even though he sounded like his brother and he called the short one Star Daughter. Which was impossible there was no Star Daughter? This one was… she was just so short… He looked again at the male who purported to be his brother. The pain in his mind overshadowing his logic as he rasped. ‘Are you really Hawk?’

  Peyton said before Hawk could answer. ‘Yes, he is, time has passed Reeve while they made you sleep.’

  Reeve nodded slightly, the pain was spiking causing him to lose focus on his thoughts as they circled around his brain, becoming jumbled. His gaze softened as he stared at who the female said was Hawk. He had missed the other Hawk, his brother, his friend. This Hawk had aged, the one they called Dinas had aged too. She said he had slept, and yet he did not remember sleeping. This Hawk had grown, he was more, so much more than the Hawk he had known. As he watched the Star Daughter walk around the desk and hugged him and he hugged her back. He heard her say to the male who was meant to be Hawk. ‘Reeve is Darby’s mate.’

  The male looked surprised as he said. ‘Truly, Darby?’

  She nodded, and the male smiled, Reeve frowned, this was not right. Hawk did not smile. His mind shield away from the word mate for the moment, and focused on the male, something was wrong. Elites did not smile or hug. Reeve frowned harder which caused stabbing pains behind his eyes, he knew what hugging was. His download, which he had not given permission for told him. That invasion to his person was what started all the problems, he knew he reacted badly when he woke and found a female injecting something into his body. Although Wolf, not being Wolf was not their fault. But he had not given permission for them to place things inside him. It was not right and as for the one called… Netta… Rie! How dare they?

  Mate they said he had a mate, and he knew they were right. He could feel her like a small knife in his heart. How was that possible, they said he had been in stasis for yentas? They had to be lying… and he had a mate... Who was this male calling himself Hawk?

  The short one who they called Star Daughter was strange, she looked unfinished. He had seen her before, she had been in his dream… Why would he dream of her… she was not his mate. Mate the word was nice, he rolled it around his mind, and then a spike of pain almost dropped him to the floor. He frowned as he stared at the female deciding his mate would not be like the short one who had her hands all over the male. It was not right, now the male was doing the hugging thing back… this was wrong… they were Elite’s they did not hug.

  He rubbed his forehead trying to erase the pounding behind his eyes and realized in horror his other heart was beating. Dearle stars they had poisoned him with that download… What had they done to him… he blurted out. ‘I cannot have a mate?’ He shook his head and his vision blurred.

  Jorge grinned and finally said. ‘Another one, I want to be there when she finds out?’

  ‘Who?’ Darby asked from behind him and asked. ‘Finds out what and who?’

  Jorge moved, and the giant known as Reeve, one of the fiercest Warriors known to the Universe, crumpled off his seat to the floor in an unconscious
tangle of limbs.

  Jorge said looking at the hulk lying on the floor. ‘I am not picking him up.’

  At the same time, Peyton said. ‘Surprise Darby your true love has arrived.’

  Darby looked from Reeve to Peyton, to Hawk and then Jorge, then back to Reeve, finally screeching.

  ‘No friggin furinbitchinwaay!’ She stomped away only to return and scream. ‘Pick him up, for daymanits sake!’

  Several Warriors came running at her scream, to witness the Elite Reeve, lying passed out on the floor.

  Peyton said. ‘Can you please... umm... just... umm… pick... ummmm… ?’ She could not help it; she burst out laughing.

  Hawk hung his head as his shoulders shook with laughter, which caused Darby to let go an angry scream and storm away again. The Warriors under Hawk’s amused direction and together with Jorge who grudgingly relented, half carried, half dragged Reeve to a bed.

  Dinas asked as he helped place the giant on the bed. ‘Who is the lucky female?’

  They all looked at Darby, who had returned to stand by the door. Dinas looked at Reeve now lying on the bed with his feet hanging off the end and his body taking up the width and then at Darby. He cocked his head and whispered to Peyton. ‘Will it work, I mean look at them?’

  Which made Peyton, Hawk and Jorge roar with laughter. Causing Darby to stamp her foot and say loudly. ‘I hate you all. Every one of you.’


  Two hours had passed since the explosive realization that the male the Star Child had warned her about was here. Darby had listened as Hawk and Dinas assured her the male they had woken, was not the male they knew.

  Obviously Reeve was in distress, probably from not being completely under while in stasis. Heather decided to scan him and found several lesions pressing on his brain. Thankfully, it was only a matter of an hour of fine micro surgery performed by Dinas to remove them.

  Darby was hoping without the lesions the download could now actually do what it was designed to do. They had called Malchol to remove the emotions clouding his thoughts, as well as the disorientation he was feeling from waking in this time period. While he was unconscious, they had also taken the opportunity to add to his download. Giving him several pics of Hawk and Dinas as they were now. Darby also added a few personal details about her and Draykin.

  She placed her chin in her hand as she sat waiting like some friggin maiden from those novels Jean secretly read. For her male to wake up and start demanding shit from her. Fear was a living, breathing entity in Darby’s heart. Once more as she had done for the last two hours. She allowed her eyes to travel over the length of his body and wondered again if she was worrying for nothing. Peyton told them the Star Child never chose mates for them who were not compatible. She swallowed nervously as an unbidden thought arose that surely they had miscalculated with her and him. Maybe it would not all work, regardless of what Heather said.

  She blew out a breath of air as her worry intensified; she had never made love before, which was another consideration for this not working. And yeah, she knew she was thinking crazy, because as much as she could not see this working. She desperately wanted it too. She shook her head, dearle stars the male was huge, even if they were made for each other spiritually. It seemed to her physically that was another thing all together.

  Shiiiit he was big, she wanted to peek under the sheet to see if anatomically he was big all over. But with a shudder which she was not naming desire. She decided that seemed a little invasive. Also, the telltale sound of the evil one approaching was plain to hear, which meant she wanted her to know she was coming.

  Oh look she brought me tea, like that will make me feel better, impossible female.

  Peyton glided up and said. ‘I brought you tea and cookies.’

  With a look that could sear steak, Darby took the cup and held her hand out for the cookies. ‘Where are the cookies?’

  ‘It was a long way from the diner.’

  ‘You ate my cookies?’ She screeched and then lowered her voice when the evil one smirked at her.

  Peyton said righteously. ‘They didn’t have your name on them. You should say thank you, instead of bitching at me.’

  ‘You. Ate. My. Cookies!’

  ‘Yes, but I brought them first.’

  ‘Why are you here?’

  ‘Do you mean here, here or just here?’

  ‘Are you trying to be annoying, here in this room with me? Do not make me get Esther.’

  ‘You know, you all seem to forget. I am not scared of Esther.’

  ‘You so are, do not lie… So?’

  ‘I am waiting to see if when he wakes up, he starts demanding the crap out of you and stuff.’

  ‘You are enjoying this, aren’t you?’

  Peyton sipped her coffee and thought about it. Then nodded with a gleam in her eyes. ‘Yes... yes, I am.’

  Darby looked at Hawk when he arrived, tea cup in hand, and asked. ‘Why me?’

  He sipped his tea and shrugged. ‘I cannot say.’

  ‘You need to get laid?’ Peyton said. ‘You are too screechy.’

  Darby so wanted to screech at her but held herself back, saying instead. ‘Oh, for the love of…’

  ‘I know what that means.’ Said a voice that sent chills of desire over Darby’s body and scared the crap out of Peyton who scolded. ‘Don’t do that!’

  Darby smirked as she said. ‘So funny.’

  Hawk almost choked on his tea as he tried not to laugh. Reeve had woken earlier, and like the Elite he was had observed his whereabouts before letting anyone know he was awake. He had listened as the two females spoke to each other and realized several things. The smaller of the two, Darby was his mate and how amazing was that, to finally find his second heart beating for another. Secondly; they spoke quickly, but he understood their words. Thirdly; they loved each other and the Star Daughter, Peyton, she knew that his mate was scared and was actually making her feel better.

  Turning his head, relief swamped him when he recognized his brother. ‘Hawk.’

  ‘Reeve how do you feel?’

  ‘Better. I looked for you.’

  Hawk smiled as they clasped arms. ‘I never doubted it for a min.’


  ‘Is well.’

  Reeve closed his eyes as emotions assailed him swallowing he nodded and huskily said. ‘Good… good.’

  When he felt Hawk step back from the bed, he opened his eyes and noted the changes the yentas had wrought on his brother. The most startling was the contentment that eased from his needar, where once there had only been rage. He and his brothers all had the rage that lived within their needars and he would admit at times they had allowed the rage to rule their Rie.

  As with Kardan and Wolf, Reeve had lived with the knowledge that Hawk had suppressed his anger so much. They feared his Rie would take his life but as he looked at his brother, he saw that was no longer a possibility. Searching his own Rie he was surprised to find it slumbered and the anger that had burned within his needar was gone. Replaced by the same contentment that seemed to have taken up residence in his brother.

  Was it because they had found their mates or was it because, finally the Star Daughter was in their lives. It was something to think about later, right now he had other concerns. ‘Why do I feel different?’

  ‘Oh, that was because we zapped you with our secret weapon.’ Peyton told him, which was followed by Darby’s groan and Hawk’s explanation as he helped Reeve to sit up.

  ‘Our mystic, a mind healer, named Malchol, helped you sort your thoughts into order. You are calmer because context has been added to your download. Also Dinas removed the lesions that were causing you pain, they were pressing on your brain.’

  Peyton said. ‘Yep, that is exactly what I said and now you know you have a brain which is good for Darby. Because now she knows, you are not all brawn. Even if it is in a nice package.’

  Darby let out another groan as Peyton stared at Reeve who returned the stare, t
hen she said. ‘You need to apologize to Netta.’

  ‘I do not apologize, I am an Elite.’

  Peyton leaned nearer to him, so they were almost nose to nose. ‘You do, if you want to stay in my Armee beautiful giant of a male, think on that.’ She straightened and said to Hawk and Darby. ‘I am off to see to the children, Darby talk to your mate about how things work here. I will have Draykin and Honor stay with me until we arrive home or you have done the deed, either way. I’m here for you.’

  Darby pointed to the door and snarled. ‘Go away… go far away now, impossible female.’

  ‘So rude.’ When Darby opened her mouth to scold her, she quickly said. ‘Alright… alright, I am going.’ And with that Peyton skipped from the room.

  Hawk blinked at the action. ‘What was that?’

  ‘It was skipping, and no I have no idea why she does these things.’ Darby said, trying not to be amused at the sight of the Star Daughter skipping from the room.

  Seriously she was absurdly funny at times and Darby loved her for it.

  Lighter of heart now she turned to her mate, who was now sitting on the side of the bed with his feet on the floor. And yes she was relieved to see he had pants on.

  He was seven foot three inches tall or so his details said and to her eyes he was that in width. Well probably not, but almost, he topped her by two feet at least and his arms were crazy big, with muscles on muscles. It was hard to believe he had been in stasis for over seventy-five yentas.

  Originally they had thought Hawk’s brothers were all dead then with some further research after Dinas’s release from stasis. They discovered that he believed they were alive. Now with Wolf not being Wolf they did not have any information about either brother. Although Reeve may be able to throw some light on what had happened to them.

  Her mind just boggled at the idea that someone could still be normal after that long in stasis. Darby sighed as she wondered how much bigger his muscles would get once he was training again. This was her mate, her mind could not seem to get around that idea. She could not deny the pull she had toward him, but was this male hers? She had her doubts and yet here he was with scars on his torso which were, oh so delectable. Her mouth went dry at the sight of them, something she was positive would never have happened to her.


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