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Back for Good

Page 8

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  I sat up and reached for Petey but then I heard a door close further up the corridor and feet walking towards my door.

  I held my breath. Could it be Eduard? Had he had the same idea? Would he really be sneaking around the corridors of the hotel in the middle of the night? Nah. Don’t be stupid, Wade.

  A soft knock at my door told me otherwise... Was it really him? Well, there was only one way to find out. “Eduard?”

  “Yeah, it’s me,” he whispered loudly through the door, “can you let me in?”

  Holy shit! He’d come to my room! “Give me a second.” I shouted. Fuck! I’d have to hop across the room. How fucking mortifying? Still. It was only Eduard. He wasn’t bothered…

  I managed to get across the room and balancing with my hand on the wall, I stood there, like a stork on my one leg, dressed only in my boxer shorts. “What are you doing?” I asked.

  He smiled, “I couldn’t sleep.” He said bashfully, “And I uh, I just wanted to check that you were okay. You looked really tired and uncomfortable…”

  My heart leapt. Fuck. He wanted to be with me the same as I wanted to be with him… I nodded, “Okay.” I said, feeling suddenly inexplicably nervous, “You’d better come on in, then.”

  I hopped sideways to get out of his way and almost stumbled. He caught me and pulled me into him so I could regain my balance.

  “Oooh.” I murmured, “Someone’s getting handsy. I think I like it.”

  Shit! What was I saying? I was being way too obvious.

  Ed blinked, “Are you making fun of me?” he asked indignantly.

  Fuck. My awkward attempt at flirting had just totally backfired on me. Time for absolute honesty. I shook my head, “No, Ed.” I said, catching his fingers in my mine and trying to make him look at me. My mouth had gone dry and my heart was hammering in my chest, “I was actually trying to seduce you – and quite clearly failing if you thought I was making fun of you.” I sighed miserably. I could feel my face heating up with embarrassment. Not that I was embarrassed to be feeling the way I did about him – or for trying in my rather awkward way to tell him. I was embarrassed because he appeared to be utterly horrified. I was sure I wasn’t wrong about us though. I was convinced we actually were soulmates and totally belonged together – properly.

  Eduard was trying to pull away from me, his face aflame but I grabbed him and held on, “I know what I said to you a few weeks ago – but I was wrong,” I said desperately. He had to believe me. He had to. “I guess I was in denial about my true feelings.” I took a deep breath, “You feel that, don’t you?” Tell me you feel it. I squeezed his hand and the electrical impulses that shot through my body were intense – it was almost like being high. He nodded, a guarded look on his face. I smiled and took a massive leap of faith, “I feel it too.” I whispered.

  It felt like forever, waiting to see how he was going to react. Finally, I was rewarded. He grinned, “Do you want me to give you a hand getting back into bed?” He asked, his voice husky and his beautiful eyes dancing with something I recognised as lust.

  I nodded. I wanted far more than that. I just had no idea how to ask for it, “Sure.” I agreed. I put my arm around his shoulder and he supported me back to the bed.

  He gently lowered me down to the bed and stood looking at me, “I’ve never seen you without your clothes.” He said softly.

  I looked down. My leg was exposed. I looked back up at him, expecting to see a look of revulsion on his face. He’d never seen my healed limb without the stocking on it. I’d assumed that he wouldn’t want to see it and we’d pretty much ignored its existence, which now seemed silly. It was like the white elephant in the room… or was it? Was that just my paranoia? Because when I looked at him, I found that he was gazing back at me with an almost reverent look on his face.

  I didn’t know what to say. I went for flippancy because I had no idea how to deal with the situation. “I’ve never seen you without yours, either.” I said, my voice cracking, too full of emotion to speak any louder.

  He smiled, “I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours.” He joked, “But seriously, Wade. You’re beautiful. You always have been.”

  I wrinkled my nose, “Don’t be stupid.” I muttered.

  He shook his head, “I’m not being stupid,” he said, “I’m being honest. You are absolutely beautiful. You’re totally ripped.”

  “I’m an amputee.” I said, nodding towards my leg.

  He shook his head again, “I don’t care, Wade.” He said, “You look perfect to me.”

  I smiled. He really meant it. That much was obvious. My heart swelled with love for him. This was real. He really wanted me – even without my leg. It was time to go for the happy ever after… “Kiss me.” I breathed.

  His smile was mesmerising, “Gladly.” He said on a sigh. He climbed onto the bed next to me and snuggled up close to me. “Shall I kiss you now?”

  I nodded, gazing into his eyes that were gazing back into mine, full of love for me. “Please.” I said.


  My heart was hammering in my chest. No way. This couldn’t be happening... But it really was happening. I was beginning to think that Franz was a fucking genius…

  I really didn’t want to freak Wade out and I was aware that was a real possibility. He’d pretty much admitted to being in love with me but whether that could transition to physical love was something else. He was attracted to me, he’d told me I was beautiful – it didn’t, however, mean he wanted to touch me intimately.

  Maybe I should just kiss him, first. I never had kissed him and I’ve got to admit that I was desperately nervous about the whole thing. Was my breath okay? Should I have brushed my teeth? Would he like it? Would he hate it? Fuck. It was so stressful…

  “So, uh, are we gonna kiss and see if it’s everything we’re both hoping it’s gonna be, or what?” he asked.

  This was what I loved about Wade. He was so straightforward. “We’re gonna kiss.” I said determinedly, “Ready?”

  He shrugged and nodded, “As I’ll ever be,” he said.

  My heart was in my mouth. I felt like I’d been waiting for this moment my whole life. I was actually about to kiss Wade, something I’d been dreaming about for literally years. I felt a little bit like I was experiencing an outer-body experience, the love I felt for him was so powerful I felt slightly light-headed.

  I leaned in to him, keeping my eyes open, unable to actually believe it was really happening.

  Before I managed to plant my very first kiss on his luscious mouth, he totally took me by surprise by pushing himself flush up against him, wrapping his arms around me and lining his face up to mine. He closed the gap between us and our lips met. For me at least it was like magic.

  He gazed back up at me, “That was a little weird.” He admitted, “I usually close my eyes.”

  I stopped, “Me too.” I admitted, “Because I’m usually imagining that I’m kissing you, while I’m kissing some randomer.” Well, why deny it?

  He grinned up at me, raising his eyebrows, “Really?” he asked, sounding ridiculously pleased with himself.

  I shrugged and nodded, “Yeah, really.” I agreed, “Now do you want me to kiss you again, or not?”

  He bit his lip and nodded, “I really do want you to kiss me, dude, yeah.” He said, “Do it.”

  I chuckled, “Right.” I said, feeling delighted that we were able to laugh about this, “I’m coming in.”

  He burst out laughing, “Hey,” he said, “Just to make it clear. I’ll be the top in any scenario you’re imagining.”

  I chuckled, “Fine by me.” I said, “But you’ll want it one day.”

  His smile turned wicked, “No doubt.” He agreed.

  My dick went rigid. Even still, this wasn’t about getting down and dirty. Well, it totally was, obviously – but it didn’t have to all happen at once. I was a patient man – and I wanted to seduce Wade. I wanted him to totally revel in our love-making – every bit as much as I was doing

  “How are you feeling?” I whispered, my breathing ragged and my mouth going dry.

  He shrugged, “I feel like I’m flying.” He said, “Whenever I’m with you, life is just… better. Whatever this is between us, I really fucking love it, man. I want to be with you – for always.” His voice was gravelly with emotion, “I’m not gonna lie, it’s been weird to find myself falling for my best friend – and I have no idea how we’re supposed to go from friends to lovers but I want to, Ed... I really want to and I was kind of hoping that you knew what you were doing, since you’ve been honest about your feelings for longer than I have. Would you show me how?”

  I smiled. “Of course, I will.” I murmured. I started by raining soft little kisses all across his beautiful face, starting with his forehead.

  He smiled as I pulled away from him, “That was nice.” He said.

  I grinned back at him, “Yes.” I said, “It felt nice.”

  He let out a slightly frustrated growl, “When I said kiss me, I meant kiss me – on the mouth.”

  I nodded, “I know what you meant, soldier.” I said as I moved my body so I was actually astride him and leaning over him, “Don’t rush me.”

  He smiled up at me, his beautiful blue eyes dancing mischievously, “I won’t.” he whispered.

  I kissed the corner of his mouth. He closed his eyes as I trailed kisses down his neck and across his taut chest. Fuck, he was beautiful.

  I circled one of his nipples with my tongue, revelling in the fact that it instantly hardened from my touch. I never imagined this would actually happen in all of my wildest dreams. I faltered slightly. Fuck. This wasn’t just a really awesomely real dream was it?

  I felt Wade’s hand on my arm, “Are you okay, Eduard?” he asked.

  I sighed in relief, “I’m absolutely fine.” I assured him, “Just mentally pinching myself that this is real.”

  “It’s real.” Wade whispered, “I’ve been waiting for this all my life.”

  I smiled at him and then leaned in for our first real kiss. Our lips met and it was everything I knew it would be. I knew we’d fit together perfectly. I knew we wouldn’t bump noses. I knew everything would be just divine – because we were meant to be. He might have come back from Afghanistan without the bottom half of his right leg – but he’d come back to me, just like he’d promised he would and from now on, we’d be together for always.

  “Oh, Christ.” Wade gasped as he pulled away, “Oh, Christ!”

  I winced slightly. Having been brought up by a really religious woman, it had been instilled in us to never blaspheme and I still tended not to. I usually went for ‘fuck’… not that that was really any better, but still. “You okay?” I asked.

  He nodded, “Fuck, yeah.” He said with feeling, “I’m better than okay.” He added breathlessly, “Where the hell did you learn to kiss like that?” he was gazing up at me with a slightly glazed over look on his face.

  I grinned, feeling inexplicably pleased with myself for having such an effect on him, “I can’t deny that I’ve kissed a few guys.” I said modestly, “Come here.” I said, “let me show you what else I can do.”

  He faltered, “What if I can’t do this?” he asked.

  I smiled at him, “Stop overthinking everything.” I whispered as I dropped little kisses across his face again. What can I say? He was addictive – and he did have an extraordinarily beautiful face, “We’ll go at your pace, we’ll do what you want to do – and we won’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with. And, if you can’t do it, we’ll have to just be friends.” God, please don’t put me back in the friend zone…

  He shook his head, “I could never just be friends with you, Ed.” He said seriously, “I’ve definitely fallen in love with you. It’s just the physical side of things that I’ve got to get my head around.”

  I smiled and nodded, “We don’t have to rush into anything but if and when you want to take things further, I think I can help you with that.”

  He grinned back at me, “I’m absolutely sure you can.” He said, “Now, where were we? Because I swear you were kissing me, dude and I was fucking loving it.”

  Our kissing got heated very quickly. Wade might have never kissed another guy before tonight, but heck, he very quickly got the hang of it. Our teeth were clashing and I swear he couldn’t have got more of his tongue in my mouth if he tried.

  He licked into me, exploring every last inch of my mouth, before things got a little more relaxed and we slowed things down so we were just kissing lazily, never really stopping but not so frantic any more.

  As lazy as our kissing had got, I really wanted to touch him. I could feel his cock through his boxer shorts. It was pressing against mine but there were too many layers between us. I had to ask the question.

  “Can we lose the layers?” I whispered between kisses, “I really want to feel you properly. Skin on skin.”

  He groaned into my mouth, “Fuck.” He murmured, “You’re too damned sexy.”

  I smiled against his lips, “Not as sexy as you.” I murmured, “Now, get your cock out.”

  He chuckled, “You get it out.” He teased, “If you want to play with it.”

  I nodded, “Okay.” I said.

  I sat up and went to pull his boxer shorts off him. I hesitated a little. I didn’t want to hurt him.

  He looked up at me, “What?” he asked, his eyes, that were smouldering only seconds ago had clouded with something close to hostility. “Don’t you want to touch me?”

  I nodded, “I want to touch you, suck you, lick you all over.” I admitted, “I just don’t want to hurt you.”

  He raised his eyebrows, “Oh.” He said, “You won’t hurt me, I promise. My leg doesn’t hurt anymore.”

  I nodded, “Okay.” I said, “Lift your arse, then.”

  He grinned and lifted up as I dragged his boxer shorts down. His cock sprang out of them and slapped against his stomach. My mouth watered. Fuck. He looked good enough to eat… Well, good enough to suck, at least, anyway…

  I dragged his boxers down his leg and over his foot. Grinning devilishly, I lifted his foot and sucked his big toe into my mouth.

  He watched me with dancing eyes, “I’d far rather you do that a little higher.” He said, “As nice as it feels.”

  I chuckled, “Good.” I said, “Because I’d far rather have something bigger in my mouth,” I replied, “And man, that is one sizeable cock.”

  He grinned, “Get up here.” He growled.

  I crawled back up the bed towards him in what I hoped was a slightly predatory way. I wanted to get him all excited.

  He was grinning at me, “Are you stalking me, man?” he asked delightedly.

  I shrugged, “Well, kind of.” I said with a chuckle. “I thought it might turn you on.”

  He nodded, “It is doing.”

  I settled myself down between his thighs and propped myself up on my elbows, “Feed me your cock.” I murmured, “I need to taste you.”

  Wade grinned down at me, “You want me to put my cock in your mouth?” he drawled.

  I nodded, “I want you to put your cock in my mouth,” I agreed.

  I watched as he positioned himself in front of me and took hold of his erection. He guided himself into my waiting mouth.

  I sighed with pleasure as I closed my lips around his shaft and felt his silky hardness against the back of my throat. Fuck. He was big and hard and fucking delicious.

  I shamelessly started to moan around his cock as I lapped and sucked his length, worshipping him in the way I’d always wanted to.

  I glanced up to see how Wade was fairing and smiled at the sight that met my eyes.

  He was lying back against his pillows, his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open. He was totally into it. I could taste his pre-come. He was getting closer to blowing his load and I could not wait to swallow it down.

  He opened his eyes and looked at me. I winked and pressed my tongue against the underside of him, making him groa

  “Oh, baby.” Wade murmured, “That feels… that’s… fuck, that’s so fucking good.”

  I closed my eyes and sucked him a little farther in. He groaned and pushed his hips up a little to meet me. “God, Eduard,” he breathed, “I never knew…” his hand found its way to the back of my head and he guided me to match the rhythm of his hip action.

  I was happy to oblige. I wrapped my hand around the base of his shaft and started to work him.

  “Ungh.” He breathed hard, “Gonna come.”

  Yeah, baby. Come for me. I felt as high as a kite that I’d made him come. I’d waited a lifetime for this moment and I was going to savour it.

  I milked him through his orgasm until he was gasping for me to stop, “Too much, Ed.” He panted, “too sensitive.”

  I pulled off him with a bit of a messy slurp and blinked. “Was it okay?” I asked.

  He gazed back at me with sleepy, sex-fuelled eyes and nodded, “It was incredible.” He sighed, “You’re incredible. I love you Ed.”

  I grinned, “I love you too, baby.” I said.

  Chapter 15 – The pub, our future…


  Making love with Eduard was a surprisingly easy transition to make from having sex with women. In fact, if I was going to be completely honest, it felt as natural as breathing and it was far better than any sex I’d ever had before. Well, of course it was, whether that was because he was a guy or not, I didn’t know. I was just in love with him and always had been. It had just taken a while to get to grips with that knowledge.

  I looked up to find his beautiful eyes on me. “What?” I asked.

  He smiled and shook his head, “Nothing.” He said softly, “I was just admiring my beautiful boyfriend.”

  I snorted, “I’m not beautiful,” I scoffed, “I’m plain and my lips are too big.”

  He shook his head, “Your lips are perfect and you’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever met.”

  I rolled my eyes, “Fine.” I said. There was no arguing with him. And besides, I rather liked being so loved.


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