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Omega's Savior (Omega Destiny, International Book 3)

Page 4

by Kian Rhodes

  “Tell them, Paul!” the Senator snapped. “Tell them that this pedophile forced you to marry him!”

  I snorted a laugh. “Pedophile? Really? He’s well over eighteen and just shy of twenty-one,” I pointed out in amusement.

  “He didn’t,” Paul managed to speak up. “I wanted to marry him. He hasn’t made me do anything.”

  “And what about the baby’s father?” the Senator glared at me, apparently assuming I didn’t know about the pregnancy. “Or do you even know whose baby it is, you whore?”

  “That’s more than enough,” I snarled, focusing my glare on the men before him. As one, they swallowed hard and stepped aside, parting like the red sea before Moses. I took one step toward Paul’s asshole of a father, smirking when he began to back up. “You will never speak to Paul like that again, is that clear?”

  The Senator’s head bobbed and he shuddered.

  “Good.” I turned to help Paul from his seat and led him through the throng of people to the door, stopping at the attorney who was still gripping the copy of the marriage license, pulling it free, I replaced it with Drey’s card. “Please address all further communication to our attorney.”

  Paul didn’t speak until we were back in the truck and pulling out of the parking lot, our bags still safely tucked in the bed. “Where are we going?”

  “Something’s bothering me and I don’t feel good about you being in an unsecured location,” I finally said with a sigh. “We’re going to drive into the city and find a nice, anonymous hotel for the night.”

  “Oh.” Paul sat quietly for a moment. “You said something’s bothering you?”

  I nodded and glanced over at him, my heart twisting at how pale and lost he looked. “Your scent hasn’t changed and, as far as I know, only Bari and I can pick up on the heartbeat this early. How did your father know that you’re pregnant?”

  Paul’s eyes widened as the implication of my words hit him. “Oh, shit.”

  Oh, shit, indeed.

  Chapter Nine


  I was pretty much oblivious of my surroundings as I paced a path around the hotel suite that Sylas had chosen for us, my bare feet silent on the plush cream-colored carpet. Sylas had only gone down to the lobby to request extra towels and a few other things, but without him there to ground me, my anxiety was skyrocketing.

  It hadn’t taken more than a few minutes on the ride into the city to figure out that the only logical explanation for my father knowing about my condition was that I’d been set up. Whether he’d arranged to have me seduced to get his hands on my trust fund or whether that prick Hudson had done it on his own and tried to blackmail my father and he’d simply decided to run with it didn’t really matter. Now that I knew that he knew I’d been pregnant before he caught me napping with Sylas, I was more convinced than before that I had to get Sylas to fuck me. If I failed, I risked ending up back at my father’s mercy before I’d fully escaped him.

  And that was the problem. Sylas had been clear that he had no interest in having that kind of contact with me. It was just my luck to need to seduce the one Alpha who wasn’t willing to stick his dick in any random hole that wouldn’t cut it off.

  Fuck my life.

  I ran through my options over and over. I could try to have a clear, direct conversation about the pros of us having sex. The problem was that I couldn’t think of any that would benefit him making that sacrifice when he clearly wasn’t interested. I could try and seduce him -after all, I’d watched a fuckton of porn even if I was the next worse thing to a virgin. Or I could beg.

  I groaned and started yet another lap around the living room. Dropping onto the sofa, I pulled my phone out and googled how to seduce an Alpha. The lists that popped up had me rolling my eyes. I was scrolling thru as fast as I could read when the most viable option caught my attention.

  Many Alpha males are most easily aroused by visual stimulus such as unexpectedly finding their naked partner in primal breeding position.

  Hm. Reading through it again, I shrugged. That sounded doable except for one problem: what the hell was primal breeding position? Another internet search had me rolling my eyes again. Of course, it would be doggy style. What was I thinking?

  I snorted and headed into the bedroom to strip off my clothes and wait. When I heard the front door to the suite close, I took a deep breath and dropped into position with my butt pointed at the door, spreading my legs a little farther in the hopes humiliating myself would be worth it if Sylas gave in.

  “Paul?” There was a worried note in his voice as Sylas moved through the suite.

  I cleared my throat. “I’m, ah, in the bedroom.”

  “Are you..” Sylas trailed off on a small cough. “Oh.” Moving over to the bed, he stroked one of his big hands down my back and along my flank, his touch sending an unfamiliar tingle through my body. “You’re beautiful, but you don’t need to do this, Tiger.”

  The anticipation that had been racing through me was quickly replaced with embarrassment and I rose to my knees and wrapped the sheet I’d been kneeling on around me. I mumbled an apology and started to scoot off the bed, but Sylas caught me and scooped me onto his lap, sheet and all. “Shh. I wasn’t saying no,” he murmured. “After what happened with your father, I’m afraid that Drey was right and we are going to have to consummate the marriage.” He brushed a soft kiss along my cheek. “But not like that, not in some one-off quickie. I want it to be something that has good memories for you.”

  My heart sped up -it had a weird habit of doing that around him, anyway- and I let him pull me closer.

  “While I was in the gift shop, I found a bottle of bubble bath,” he continued in a soft voice. “So, we’re going to take a nice, long bath together. Then we’ll see what happens, okay?”

  I sighed and snuggled closer. “Thank you.”

  Sylas’s chest vibrated under my ear as he chuckled. “I am absolutely positive that that is my line,” he teased. “Have you seen yourself? You’re stunning.” Soft lips nibbled their way down my shoulder, nudging the sheet out of the way. “And you taste good, too.”

  The more he kissed and stroked me, the more my body warmed up until I finally shoved the sheet off only to find his clothes were still a barrier between us. I tugged on his shirt and Sylas raised his arms so I could pull it off.

  Rising with me still in his arms, Sylas gently set me on the bed. “Wait here while I get the tub filling.”

  I frowned. “You still have pants on.”

  Sylas laughed. “I promise to take them off before we get in the tub.”

  True to his promise, when Sylas came back from the bathroom, he was nude except for a towel wrapped around his hips that was doing an unfairly good job of hiding his assets.

  “No fair,” I grumbled as he caught my hand and pulled me to my feet. “I showed you mine.”

  Sylas laughed and brought my hand to his lips for a kiss. “That you did,” he agreed with a wink. “You’ll get your turn.”

  Then, after helping me into the tub, the sneaky Alpha used the split second that my eyes were closed to drop his towel and slide into the hot, frothy water behind me. My objection was promptly forgotten when his long, hard length nudged into my crease, the slide over my clenched pucker making me gasp.

  “Something wrong?” Sylas’s voice was low as he teased me, stroking his hands over my chest and down to rest on my flat belly.

  I groaned and pressed back against him, wiggling my hips until another shower of sensation sparked through my body. “God, that feels good.”


  “Mmm-hmm,” I confirmed, more than a little surprised when arousal began to throb low in my gut. I’d thought that the earth-shattering disappointment that had landed me pregnant had killed my sex drive. Apparently not.

  “Maybe we should see what else feels good?” Sylas suggested, his teeth toying lightly with my earlobe as his hands continued to stroke over my skin, sending sparks of pleasure scattering as he touched me.

  I relaxed back against his chest and groaned again when the movement pressed his hard cock against my hole. Sylas moaned low in his chest, his length throbbing against me. “You little tease.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “What teasing? I was spread out like an afternoon picnic, you’re the one who wanted foreplay.”

  Sylas laughed with me, ghosting the tips of his fingers over the head of my cock and making me whine. “You’re right,” he agreed, taking another nip at my neck. “And I’m barely getting started.”

  Chapter Ten


  Sitting in the hot bath with Paul between my legs, it was all too easy to forget the circumstances that put us there and instead focus on the silky feel of his skin under my fingers, the firm yet soft swell of his buttocks as they engulfed the steel of my erection. By the time the water began to cool, we were both desperately needy.

  When Paul reached back to try and guide my cock into him, I caught his hand and growled against his neck. “What do you think you’re doing, naughty boy?”

  I don’t know if it was my words or the timber of my voice that got to him, but Paul’s answering moan very nearly undid me. Reaching around him, I flipped the drain open.

  “Whadaya say we take this to the bedroom?” I suggested with another nibble of his neck. I wasn’t sure why, but the man tasted like the sweetest nectar in early spring and I was quickly becoming addicted.

  “Fuck, yes!” Paul agreed quickly, huffing when I pinched his butt cheek at the curse word. “Sorry, I meant God, yes,” he quickly amended.

  “That’s better.” I rose and pulled Paul to his feet, helping him balance in the slippery tub as he stepped out onto the thick terry bath matt before I followed.

  Grabbing a towel from the rack on the wall, Paul began to run it over my skin, drying me quickly before rubbing himself with it. Deeming us adequately dry, Paul tossed the towel to the floor and stepped up to my chest, pressing our bodies together as he drew in a deep breath of my scent.

  “Jesus, you smell so good,” he muttered, licking the skin of my shoulder with the tip of his tongue.

  Even though I knew that his attraction was nothing more than the physiology of our Alpha and Omega biology interacting, I felt myself swell up at the compliment. “Come on,” I said a little gruffly, grabbing his wrist and tugging him behind me to the bed in the adjoining room.

  “Yes, sir,” Paul said with a playful grin.

  Even though I knew he was teasing, the implied submission amped my response to him even higher. I had to clench my jaw to hold back a satisfied growl when Paul fell back onto the bed and spread his legs for me to settle between them.

  “You’ll have to tell me what to do,” Paul mumbled.

  Through the fog of lust that surrounded me, I heard his hesitation and forced myself to slow down. I even managed to check in with him one last time to be sure he hadn’t changed his mind. “We can stop. You don’t have to do this.”

  Paul hissed and clamped his legs around my thighs, dragging me closer. “I want this, but I don’t want you to regret it. What do you want me to do?”

  I blinked to clear my vision. “You’ve done this before?” It was a stupid question considering I knew he was pregnant but I had to ask it anyway.

  “Once,” Paul mumbled, screwing his eyes closed as color flooded his cheeks. “It, ah, didn’t go great. Which probably explains why Hudson bailed on me.”

  That simple statement answered so many questions, at the same time leaving me with the primal urge to tear the man who had hurt my Paul limb from limb.

  “I really doubt that,” I said confidently, running my hand up Paul’s stomach to lightly pinch his nipple. He moaned despite having his bottom lip caught in his teeth. “Open your eyes for me, Tiger.” When they stayed tightly closed, I cheated by adding a touch of the infamous Alpha control to my voice and tried again. “Open them, please, Paul.”

  When his lids finally rose, I caught his brilliant emerald gaze and held it, determined that he wouldn’t doubt my sincerity for a moment. “You’re incredibly responsive. If your previous experience wasn’t good, I suspect your partner is to blame.” I could see from the warring emotions in his eyes that Paul wanted to believe me, but there was too much insecurity from years of being told he wasn’t good enough. “Shall I show you?”

  Paul’s breathing hitched and with our eyes still locked, he nodded. “Yes, please.”

  “Thank you,” I leaned down and exhaled the words against the still-damp skin of his neck, letting my teeth scrape their way down to his shoulder where I bit lightly. I smiled when Paul gasped and shifted his hips beneath me, his flagging erection was promptly making its way to full staff again.

  With long, slow strokes of my hands and kisses that alternated between gentle and aggressive, I stoked the fire inside Paul higher and higher, frotting against him as he whimpered and moaned. I waited until he was beyond comprehensive speech to finally ease my way inside his body. Slow, measured thrusts taking me deeper until finally his body was gripping my entire length, his inner walls throbbing in that delicious way that warned that this might be a short-lived encounter.

  Beneath me, Paul moaned and writhed, grinding his hips up against me as he chased the pleasure of my hard cock pressing against his prostate.

  “Sylas!” My name was nothing more than a broken sob as his lust-hazed eyes begged me to move.

  I forced myself to hold back, enjoying the frantic edge to my pleasure until I was certain that he was walking a tightrope, becoming more desperate not to pitch off into the abyss with each passing second.

  Then and only then did I begin to move.

  Chapter Eleven


  When I started drifting back to earth, I had no idea how much time had passed after I’d come in Sylas’s arms with a strangled scream as every nerve in my body exploded, leaving the neurons in my brain little more than a melted mass of gray matter.

  “You okay?” Sylas was out of breath, but still managed to sound amused as he gathered me into his arms and rolled over to his side, pulling my sticky, sweaty body against his.

  “Mlbmph,” I agreed, sucking in deep breaths as every pulse point in my body pounded, the sound of the blood rushing in my ears almost deafening.

  “Good,” Sylas gave a satisfied sigh and buried his face in my neck. “Christ, I didn’t think it was possible for you to smell any better, but you do.”

  I opened my mouth to answer, but all I could manage was a yawn. For some reason, that made Sylas chuckle.

  “Go to sleep, Tiger,” he suggested, his deep voice rumbling through his chest under my ear. “I’ve got you.”

  When I woke up, the western sky outside the window was streaked with orange, pink, and red and I was absolutely starving. My stomach growled loudly and next to me, Sylas laughed.

  “I guess it’s a good thing I already ordered food.” He leaned over to brush his lips over mine. “How are you feeling?”

  “Good, I think.” I rolled over onto my back and winced at the slight ache in my ass. Heat rose in my cheeks. “Um, maybe a little embarrassed.”

  “Oh, no,” Sylas said firmly, rolling over on top of me and holding my eyes with his own. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  I managed a strained smile as I remembered squirming under Sylas’s hard body, begging for more. “Okay.”

  “I’m serious, Paul,” Sylas said softly. “You were perfect, enticing and responsive. There was nothing wrong with anything we did, okay?”

  Distracted by the way my body was reacting to being pinned beneath the sexy Alpha, I nodded and tried to will away my erection. “Okay.”

  “Mm,” Sylas’s eyes took on a wicked glint as he felt me hardening against him. He rolled his hips, making me gasp. “So incredibly enticing.”

  My groan was equal parts need and embarrassment that fled when a large, cool hand slid between us and wrapped around my dick, jacking it lightly.

  “You’re too
sore for a full encore,” Sylas mused with a wink, “but I think I have the matter well in hand.”

  I couldn’t help but snort out a laugh. “Yeah, I think you do, but you really don’t have to.” When Sylas stilled his hand, I tried to clarify. “It’s just, I know you didn’t want to have sex with me to begin with. I, um, don’t want you to do anything with me just because you’re too nice to say no.”

  Sylas barked out a laugh, his fingers reflexively tightening on my dick when he did. I moaned and thrust into his grip, unable to stop myself.

  “You think I’m taking pity on you?” Silas shook his head. “Tiger, I meant what I told you before. Making love to a young, gorgeous Omega is hardly a chore.” He released my dick and slid his hand beneath me to cup my butt, sliding one finger into stroke over my sensitive pucker. “And believe me when I tell you that this tight little hole is every man’s dream. I don’t remember the last time I was that turned on or came so hard.”

  Sylas slid his finger through my still-soft entrance and pressed lightly on that spot that made me see stars, making me whine and buck my hips. “Look at that response,” he murmured, his eyes devouring my naked body as I shamelessly humped his hand. “You’re amazing, Tiger. If you weren’t sore, I’d love nothing more than to bury myself inside your heat and make us both come over and over.”

  Between his perfectly dirty words and the wicked fingers playing inside me, I was already on the verge of another orgasm and Sylas seem to be well aware. He straddled my thighs and wrapped us both in his large hands, the copious amounts of precum dribbling from my slit easing the friction as he thrust up, dragging his erection against mine. He leaned down to claim my mouth, swallowing my moans as I rocked up into his grip.

  “That’s right,” Sylas sighed into my mouth. “Come for me, Tiger. Blow that hot, sticky cum all over your Alpha’s cock.” He thrust again and my balls began to tighten against my body.

  “I’m..” I tried to gasp out a warning, but my release spurted out between us before the words formed, spattering us both and tipping Sylas over the edge.


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