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Omega's Savior (Omega Destiny, International Book 3)

Page 5

by Kian Rhodes

  He gave one long guttural groan as his cock pulsed between us, spraying thick white cream over my stomach and chest and coating my still throbbing dick before he collapsed down on top of me and rolled over, carrying me with him.

  “Oh, Jesus, Paul,” Sylas muttered in my ear when the feel of his cum running down my body had my dick already twitching for round three. “You’re gonna kill me and I can’t think of a better way to go.”

  Chapter Twelve


  We were about an hour over the border separating Texas and New Mexico when Paul’s voice pulled me out of my silent contemplation.

  “You’re sure you don’t mind me staying with you?”

  When we’d arrived back at the Omega Destiny, International the morning after our courthouse wedding, I’d given Paul the option of staying and completing his schooling -with me as his roommate, of course- or of joining me back at my home in New Mexico. I’d barely finished my sentence before Paul had jumped at the opportunity to leave the school that had been his near prison for almost five years.

  “We talked about this,” I reminded him patiently, more than cognizant that it was hard for my sweet Omega to believe that he was genuinely wanted. “Of course, I want you with me. Did you change your mind?”

  “No!” Paul rushed to assure me, drawing in a deep breath that I was starting to think meant he was frustrated with himself. “I just don’t want to put you out.” He hesitated. “I mean, you must have someone waiting for you to get back, right?”

  I glanced over and cocked a brow. “You think I was cheating on someone when I made love to you?”

  “What? No!” Paul denied, his falsehood betrayed by the flush creeping up his cheeks. “I, uh, never mind.” He leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, but I could tell by the stiffness in his body that he was beating himself up over his question.

  “You didn’t upset me,” I assured him calmly. “But I wasn’t even in a casual relationship when Chuck called, that was why I agreed to help Bari. You’re not going to be interfering with anything, Tiger, and I am very happy you came home with me.”

  Paul’s eyes stayed closed, but he relaxed a little and his lips quirked into a small smile. “Thank you.”

  “It’s still my pleasure,” I teased him, counting it as a win when he snickered. “Now, we’re still about an hour away if you want to get some more sleep.”


  Being alone and being celibate are two vastly different things.

  Before Chuck called me for the favor that had somehow led to me marrying a barely legal but pregnant Omega, it had been a few months since my last hook up. Not exactly a long time when one considered dry spells. Especially since it wasn’t as if I had even tried to pull anyone. As maudlin as it seems, you really do hit a point where sex for sex’s sake just isn’t worth the effort if your hand still works, and I’m ambidextrous, so, no worries there.

  As for the other, I’d been alone for a very, very long time. So long, in fact, that I couldn’t even remember the last time that I’d wondered if I should start looking for another partner. That might have been why I nearly panicked when two weeks into having Paul living in my house, I began to think in terms of the future.

  We spent a good amount of every day cuddling to stave off the threat of neglect and help the baby thrive, but we hadn’t had sex again. We weren’t even sharing a bed, with Paul sleeping in the master bedroom that had a smaller connected room that would work well for a nursery. Just in case he decided to stay past the three-month mark, that was. After all, Paul and the baby were still going to need physical contact from an Alpha until the pregnancy was through. Right?

  I was walking down the hall past his bedroom one afternoon and I heard him gasp my name, a desperate plea for help that had me bursting through the door before I remembered that Paul didn’t know I was home so couldn’t have actually been calling me.

  “What’s wrong?” I yelled, charging in and skidding to a stop at the sight that greeted me. “Oh, my.”

  Paul was naked on his elbows and knees on the bed, a flush coloring his creamy white skin. One arm was stretched behind him to slide his long fingers in and out of his hole as he rubbed his leaking cock against a towel spread over the bed, still whimpering my name even as he stared at me over his shoulder in shock.

  Before I could stop myself, I’d walked to the edge of the bed and laid a hand on the creamy skin of his lower back. “Do you need me, Tiger?” I asked, my voice gruff as my throat tightened.

  “Please,” Paul pleaded with me, dropping his face to the bed and shoving his butt back toward me.

  “I’ve got you, beautiful,” I assured him, tugging his fingers free, my mouth watering at the sight of his pink hole fluttering at the sudden emptiness. Leaning down, I licked over the sensitive skin, savoring the taste of the sweet slick that coated my tongue. “Mmm,” I hummed against his rim, my cock jumping in my pants when he shivered at the contact. “Is this okay?”

  “God, yes! Please!” Paul was babbling and shoving back against my face so hard I grabbed his hips before he could break my nose.

  “I’ve got you, Tiger,” I promised, settling in to give his sweet hole the attention it deserved.

  By the time I pulled back, my face was covered in sweet Omega slick and Paul was shaking with the effort of keeping his knees up to support his weight. He’d long since given up and let his arms collapse so he could bury his face in the pillow, not that it was doing much to stifle the erotic sounds falling from his lips.

  “Sylas,” Paul moaned my name, making my cock jump again. “Want you.”

  “Yeah?” I rubbed my thumb over his loosened hole. “You want me here?”

  The way his rim pulsed at the question had me unbuttoning my jeans even before his verbal response came.


  I eased Paul’s cheeks apart and slid in slowly, releasing a groan of my own as his tunnel tightened around me before accepting the intrusion and fitting around my length, allowing me to seat fully inside him.

  As I started to move, I was struck once again at how absolutely perfectly Paul fit me and then, briefly, wondered why in the world I wasn’t trying to make him mine.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I was still collapsed in a blissful haze of nonreality caused by Sylas wringing, not one, but two mind-numbing orgasms out of my body before he’d let loose and flooded me with his essence when Sylas stroked my sweat-soaked back and sighed.

  “I imagine I owe you an apology.”

  Too melty to move, all I could do was try and raise an eyebrow, but I wasn’t sure if it actually went up or not. “Huh?”

  “For barging in and jumping you,” Sylas clarified, still petting my back. “I thought I heard you call me and assumed you needed help,” he snorted. “That was why I came in, not to molest you.”

  I snickered. “Oh, I definitely needed that help,” I assured him with a languid stretch, burrowing closer to his hard body. “You absolutely don’t need to apologize.” I smiled against his chest, remembering the pleasure crashing over me again and again as Sylas had driven into my body with a relentless determination, fucking me straight through my first orgasm before joining me in the second. “That was amazing.”


  I shushed the man with a kiss to his armpit, sneaking another lungful of his delicious scent. “I’m after-glowing. Don’t ruin it.”

  Sylas laughed. “Yes, Tiger.”

  “Mm.” I sighed happily, my relaxed melty body still buzzing slightly. “Feel so good. I really need you to molest me more often.”

  Sylas froze for a split second before resuming the gentle strokes of my back. “Is that endorphins talking or do you really want for us to have sex regularly?”

  I nuzzled into his armpit again, completely unable to get enough of him. “It would sure beat me thinking about you while I jerk off when I think you’re gone.”

  Sylas made a growling purring noise in his chest a
nd the hand on my back pressed harder, molding me to his body. “Do you really do that?”

  “Mm hm,” I admitted, too high on pleasure to be embarrassed. “Every time you leave, but my fingers aren’t enough.” I yawned. “Gonna have to order a dildo.”

  The purring was gone, his response was all growl as he cupped my butt and slid two thick fingers into my well-used hole. I whimpered when he rubbed a circle over my overly sensitive button. “This is mine, Paul. You need taken care of, you tell me, understand?”

  I may be a lot of things, but stupid isn’t one of them, so there was no way I was going to argue. “Yes, Alpha.” I pressed a kiss to his side. “Does that mean that you’ll start sleeping in here with me?”

  Sylas brushed his lips over my hair. “If that’s what you want.”

  I gave another happy sigh and closed my eyes. “I really, really do.”

  “Okay.” Sylas wrapped his other arm around me, engulfing me in an embrace that made my heart speed up. “Go to sleep, Tiger. I’m here.”

  “Mm kay,” I agreed with another yawn.

  When I woke, the sun was high in the sky and Sylas was still holding me tenderly, gazing at me with a soft smile that I couldn’t help but return.

  “Isn’t it kind of creepy to be staring at me while I sleep?” I teased, stretching over to pop a kiss on his lips.

  Sylas just shrugged, his silvery eyes dancing with amusement. “Well, I guess I figured it was less creepy than bursting in your door while you masturbated and then taking over, so..”

  I giggled. “God, I feel so good right now.” I yawned and stretched in his embrace, trying not to accidentally dislodge his arms.

  “You definitely do,” Sylas teased, running one hand down to squeeze my butt. “You feel absolutely perfect.”

  Before I could respond, my tummy rumbled, making me groan.

  Sylas just laughed again. “I think the baby is telling us enough of the mushy stuff, they want their lunch.” He glanced over at the clock on the dresser. “Or maybe dinner.”

  “Oh, jeez,” I stifled a yawn and sat up, shivering when Sylas’s hand slid over my skin. “Is it that late? How long did we sleep?”

  “A few hours,” Sylas said calmly. “You didn’t have anything planned, did you?”

  “No,” I agreed before looking at him guiltily. “But you told me last night that you had a lot of work to catch up on.”

  Sylas just shrugged. “Nothing that won’t wait and this was definitely more fun.” He pulled his jeans up over his hips but left them unfastened. “Now, what do you say we clean up and then we’ll find some dinner?”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Whatcha doing?”

  I paused, my roller dripping over the paint pan and cocked a brow. “Is that rhetorical?”

  Paul laughed – I was noticing that he did that easier and more often nearly every day of the three weeks since we’d been away from the ODI compound -and looked around the small sitting room that was connected to our bedroom. “Well, obviously you’re painting,” he said with a smile. “I guess what I meant was why?”

  I laid the roller back down -I’d finished the first two coats and it wouldn’t hurt to let them dry for a bit -and walked over to wrap my arms around the sweet boy who had just enough sass to keep me on my toes. “Honestly?”

  “No, lie to me,” he deadpanned, making me snort.

  “I noticed that the beige on the walls was pretty worn,” I said, rolling my eyes even though I was definitely skirting the truth with my answer. “I thought you might want a spot to keep things, so I figured some fresh paint on the walls might freshen the room up.”

  “Things?” Paul repeated, confused. “What kind of things?”

  “Well,” I crossed my fingers that I wasn’t moving too fast. “You’re going to need to start looking for baby stuff, aren’t you?”

  Paul frowned. “I guess.”

  “I thought it might be less overwhelming if you could pick up a few things at a time instead of having to buy it all at the end.” I kissed his cheek before going back to my roller. “This way you have a nice, fresh room to organize it in, make it easier to keep track of what you get and what you still need.”

  I neglected to mention that if I had my way we’d be setting it up as a nursery in the near future. No sense in scaring him off.

  “That’s very sweet,” Paul murmured, his eyes starting to look damp. “You’re going to make me cry.”

  “Nope!” I said firmly, taking another swipe at the wall. “No crying. We only have about an hour before we need to leave for the doctor and every time you cry, we end up in bed.” I winked at him. “You’ll have to cry after the doctor tells you what a healthy baby you’re building in there.”

  Paul gave a strangled laugh. “You are such a dork, Sy.”

  I threw him an over-the-top innocent look. “Who, me?” and when Paul grinned and shook his head, I took it as a win and turned back to the task at hand.

  I finished painting -pretty happy with how the cream-colored walls- and scrubbed up just as it was time for us to leave.

  “You’re pretty quiet,” I observed after we’d been in the truck for a bit. “What’s wrong?”

  Paul shook his head. “What if there’s something wrong? What if I’ve been doing something wrong? What if..”

  I interrupted, dropping my hand on his knee. “Everything is fine, Tiger. You forget that I can hear the little one’s heartbeat and it is strong and healthy.” It was also slow and steady which I was fairly sure meant a boy, but I kept that prediction to myself. I could tell he was going to argue with me, so I tut-tutted. “And I can smell the baby’s scent and it is happy and healthy, otherwise we would have already gone to the doctor, love.”

  “Yeah, okay,” Paul agreed in a mumble, blowing out a long breath. “I’m just so nervous.”

  “That makes perfect sense,” I tried to reassure him. “But I’m here with you and everything is going to be fine.”

  To my immense satisfaction, Paul seemed to accept that without question, settling back in his seat and visibly relaxing.

  “You’re right,” he agreed, a soft smile teasing his lips as he glanced over at me. “As long as you’re with me, I know it will be okay.”

  My heart swelled so much at those easy words that I was surprised my chest didn’t burst right there in the truck.

  Everything was fine as I parked the truck and we took our spot in the waiting room, but when the nurse called out his name, Paul turned to me with wide eyes. “You’re coming with me, right? I mean, they can’t stop you, can they?”

  Tossing my magazine on the table by my chair, I stood and reached for Paul’s hand, pulling him to his feet and wrapping my arm around his waist. “If you want me there, I’m there,” I assured him. “Nothing on this planet will keep me from your side as long as you want me there.” I could tell from the nurse’s eyeroll that my declaration was a bit over the top but Paul didn’t seem to mind.

  He nuzzled close to me as we followed the nurse down the hall. “Thank you.”

  Instead of reminding him that he didn’t need to keep thanking me for simply caring, I dropped a quick kiss on his head and resolved to work harder at ensuring that my sweet Omega didn’t doubt how much he meant to me, even if I hadn’t given in to my urge to tell him yet.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Good morning, Mr….” The nurse hesitated and flipped through the folder in her hand. “I’m sorry but the file is missing your surname,” she murmured with an exaggerated wince.

  “You can call me Paul,” I suggested as Sylas snapped, “It’s Rogers.”

  That was the first time I’d seen him get cranky with anyone who wasn’t directly threatening me and I glanced at him in surprise. He colored slightly but gave a one-shoulder shrug.

  “It is Rogers,” I repeated to the confused looking nurse, “but you can still call me Paul.”

  “Um, okay,” she agreed hesitantly, side-eying S
ylas as she did. I had to stifle a laugh. She flitted around, quickly taking my vitals and dashing notes on the chart in front of her before handing me a paper gown. “Paul, why don’t you take off your clothes and put this on,” she suggested. “The opening will go in the back, please.”

  “Okay.” I accepted it, waiting for more instructions, but all she did was smile and reach for the doorknob.

  “The doctor will be right in.”

  When the door closed behind her, I pulled my t-shirt over my head and began to unbutton my jeans. “So, you want to tell me what that was about, Kujo?”

  Sylas grunted. “Sorry.”

  I snorted. “That’s so not an answer.”

  This time I got a sigh. “I can admit that I don’t like the thought of someone else touching my pregnant husband, okay?” Sylas rolled his eyes. “I know it’s stupid, but it’s kind of hardwired in with the Alpha personality.”

  “I get it,” I assured him, carefully hiding my smile. “To be honest, I didn’t mind at all,” I admitted, kicking off my jeans and sliding into the gown.

  “No?” Sylas picked them up and folded them, setting them on top of the shirt that he’d already folded.

  “Nope,” I confirmed, walking over to press my body to his and sighing when he wrapped his strong arms around me. “I know it isn’t real, but it still feels good to be wanted, cared about.”

  “Oh, Tiger,” Sylas murmured, nipping at the edge of my ear. “It’s definitely real.”

  Before the conversation could progress any further, a faint knock came at the door. “Everybody decent?” The low voice made it clear that the new arrival wasn’t the female nurse.

  I cocked a brow at Sylas who huffed at me before responding. “Come in,” Sylas called back, giving me one last squeeze as the door opened.

  “Paul, nice to meet you,” the man greeted me warmly, engulfing my hand in his and squeezing it before turning to Sylas. “I’m Doctor Kalen. Alpha Rogers, congratulations on your little one.”


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