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[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles

Page 95

by Watkins, Charles

  “I can’t believe that we’re back at this place again…” Jennifer stated as she walked close to me and my other women.

  “I agree…maybe there’s still something left inside that wasn’t destroyed when we attacked the last time.” I answered briefly kissing her before doing the same with Sheila and the others.

  We arrived at the entrance and managed to pick our way through the rubble and make our way into the ruins of what had once been the laboratory area—parts of the ceiling and roof above us were open and exposed and the rain was coming through; there were parts of the structure further back that were in better condition and we soon came upon a small area where there were tents and camping chairs set up, it looked like someone had tried to use this place as a shelter at some point in the recent past.

  “Looks like they didn’t stay long…dead-heads must have gotten in here and chased them off—there doesn’t seem to be any bodies or blood.” Noah reported after we had checked the entire area for signs of trouble.

  “You say that you guys attacked this place a few years ago after that clone of Bowman appeared?” Christina asked turning to me and my women.

  “Yeah, they didn’t give us much choice…we went out one day looking for supplies and ammo and we were attacked by dead-heads and other mutations forcing us to crash-land into an old barn, we managed to get out of that but as we were leaving for our homestead we were attacked by marauders who then took us captive to this place where we came face to face with Darkbourne—that’s what Bowman’s clone called itself.” I explained as the events of the past flooded back into my mind.

  “Some of these computers and equipment look like they might still work—if we can get power to this place, I might be able to figure out if this trip has been fruitful or if it’s all been for naught.” Michael Glassman stated as he started looking over the nearby lab equipment.

  “Okay—we’ll search around and see if there are any generators, we need to set up a parameter to make sure that this place stays safe—the last thing that we need is for those fucking things to get in here.” I answered as I held my AR-15 in my arms.

  “It looks like the people who left these tents started to build some kind of barricade—we might be able to finish it.” Darrell stated in a hopeful tone.

  “Good idea, let’s get going guys—we don’t have a whole lot of time.” I stated as I glanced around at the others.

  Over the next several minutes I was able to find a room off to the southeast that had a generator inside of it and I was able to get that section of the compound powered up—the lights flickered on and dimmed for a few seconds at first but then came on brighter as I headed back to where I had left my women and the rest of the group; I shared hugs and kisses with my women as I returned to the area where they were and I noticed that the entire area around the tents was now barricaded and blocked off from anything that might try to attack us—Michael Glassman had the computers powered up and he was studying the data on the hard drives. Jennifer and Sheila were making dinner and my other women were helping set up a place for everyone to eat as well as sleep—I didn’t like the thought of us sleeping there but with the bad storm still raging outside, I knew that we didn’t have much choice; we ate our travel rations and then settled down as Michael Glassman continued to do his work and by late that same night I had retired to the largest of the tents with my women and Anya was kissing me hot and heavily as she sat in my lap facing me—her ass cheeks would slap my thighs as she moved up and down in my lap and this got harder and faster as I neared orgasm; seconds later I grunted as I filled her with my seed, my other women clustered around us kissing us both and minutes later I continued with Sheila and then Jennifer, Rachel, Shae, Angel, Chelsea and finally Ivy; by that time it was well past midnight and I conked out from exhaustion. I woke early in the morning hours to the touch of wet lips on my cock and I glanced down to see that Sheila was sucking my cock—it looked like she was the only one of my women that was awake and I quickly pulled her into my arms rolling over to where I was on top of her and I spread her legs pushing myself deep inside of her causing her to let out a little moan and we started kissing heavily as my thrusts got hard and steady; I was lost in ecstasy as I came inside of Sheila several long minutes later and then Angel woke and joined us as my cock flopped out of Sheila. I pushed it into Angel’s pussy as she climbed into my arms—her blonde hair falling into my face as she kissed me with animal lust, her movements were fast and wild and it didn’t take me but a few more minutes to cum again and she giggled as she climbed out of my arms letting a sticky stream of my semen stretch from the head of my penis to her vulva. Her nipples stuck out hard and at attention and I quickly pulled her back down onto my dick letting it go all the way back inside of her—I fucked her hard and deep going back and forth and soon we were locked in a passionate kiss and I came inside of her again; the bedding beneath us was soaked with semen and bodily juices and we breathed ragged breathes as we finally finished. I pulled her and Sheila back into my arms as we snuggled back down with my other women who were still sleeping and soon after we had fallen back asleep as well, several hours later I woke to the sound of talking outside of our tent and I rose getting my clothes and gear back on and my women followed me, once we had gotten outside we saw that Michael Glassman had made some progress in his research and it looked like it had been successful; everyone gathered around the small campfire that Noah and Christina had built in the center of the area and listened as Michael Glassman explained what he had found.

  “It looks like this Bowman character knew of a way to shut down the brain functions of those infected with this Redeemer Strain—the other zombies and mutations that carry the original strain though are going to be the problem as it doesn’t seem like he done the same with them…the original strain was meant to kill the victim and then reanimate them into something completely different than what this Redeemer Strain was meant for.” Michael Glassman stated as he went over complicated schematics and data that most of us didn’t understand.

  “Yeah…I remember Darkbourne going on about that when we confronted him here—he was jabbering about some sort of collective or hivemind that controlled the ones infected by the Redeemer Strain.” I answered with a troubled look.

  “I can try to duplicate that method for the original strain but it’s going to take time…none of this equipment can be moved out of here and I doubt that there’s anywhere else that stuff like this would be found.” Michael Glassman stated in an aggravated tone.

  “It’s kind of a shame that we can’t find the place where Nicolas Bowman first developed the original strain to begin with—it would probably help if we could recover some of his old notes and data…” Noah stated in deep thought.

  “Didn’t Amy have all that data on her laptop?” Sheila asked glancing at me suddenly.

  “Yeah but I don’t think it survived the Zetros being destroyed in that explosion when the Destroyer attacked us…she would have had it with her—she always did…besides, anything on that laptop was stuff that we had already gone over in the past—doesn’t matter now because it’s gone.” I answered hanging my head.

  “Then I guess we really don’t have any other choice but to hang around here until Michael figures something out…” Jennifer answered nodding at Michael Glassman.

  “Clues are out there…I’m thinking that the best possible place to find something left behind by Bowman would be at one of the places where it all started…” I stated in deep thought after several minutes had passed.

  “Where’s that, baby?” Anya asked wrapping her arm around my waist.

  “Oklahoma City—the hospital…from everything that we’ve ever uncovered about Bowman and what he was up to prior to the outbreak, it sounded like a lot of it took place down beneath that hospital; a lot of research into viral weaponry, that’s also where he obviously created the first Entity bioweapon.” I answered in a hopeful tone.

  “That place is going to be crawling with those fuckers…there’s not enough of us to infiltrate the sublevels and make it out alive.” Noah answered grimly.

  “No kidding—with this leg injury of mine, all I would be is a liability…” Beau added with a dark look.

  ‘Well, we’ve got to do something—we can’t just stay here on and on and we can’t just go back home to Echo Bay and hope that the legions of those things will just leave us alone…” I stated in an aggravated tone as I began to pace around the area.

  “Have we checked this place thoroughly?”

  “There might be weapons, body armor—something that we can use, if we had better protection against those things, we might be able to pull off infiltrating the sublevels of that hospital again.” Christina suddenly stated.

  “Now that you mention it, there were all kinds of those things here when we were captured and brought here—we used their body armor and masked helmets to slip out and escape as well as their weapons.” I answered as a surge of hope came to me.

  Soon after, I led my group deeper into the structure to an area that looked familiar as having been the same place where we had found the marauder gear before and sure enough, we came to the locker room where we had suited up before to find that there was enough Kevlar body armor, helmets, gas masks and gear for everyone in the group—not to mention weapons and ammo.

  “This is it—this will give us the edge we need to once again infiltrate the sublevels of the Oklahoma City hospital and hopefully find something that Bowman left behind.” I stated as I grabbed the first suit of Kevlar body armor and started putting it on.

  Everyone else suited up as well and after several more minutes it became clear to me that Rachel and Shae wouldn’t be going down there with us as the body armor didn’t fit over their pregnant bellies and I knew that they couldn’t just go down there exposed—Beau announced firmly that he wasn’t going down there either and that he would stay with the plane at the airport with anyone else who wasn’t going to make sure that our only way back home wasn’t compromised; Rachel and Shae didn’t like the idea of not being with me and the rest of my women but they agreed that they would stay on the plane and wait. After everything was gathered from the locker room, we headed back to where we had stayed the night and Michael Glassman gathered everything that he had found on the computers there and we returned to our vehicles outside—the trip back to the airport in Chattanooga was quiet and uneventful and when we arrived it was well past midday, Beau climbed the stairs to the cockpit as Noah went with him and the rest of us loaded our vehicles back into the cargo hold before closing the rear doors; once we were ready Beau and Noah took off and we once again settled and waited as we headed west toward Oklahoma City. Around Six and a half hours later we arrived over the familiar city where so much had happened over the years and Beau landed at the airport allowing us to gear up and unload our vehicles, Julianna chose to stay in the plane too and I hugged and kissed Rachel and Shae before we left hoping that it wouldn’t be the last time that we would see each other; everyone got into their vehicles and we left the airport heading into the city toward the hospital, we got there shortly before daybreak of the following day and I parked our marauder near where several wrecked ambulances sat and the others parked close by.

  “Okay—this is it, some of us have been here twice in the past, those who haven’t just stay close and don’t wander off.” I stated through my gas mask as I turned to face my women and the rest of the group.

  Counting me we had ten people—I prayed that it would be enough to make it down there, find what we were searching for and then get the hell back out before we were overwhelmed; we made sure that our weapons were fully loaded and that we had plenty of ammo as well as our melee weapons that we had chosen and then I led the way into the familiar structure. Knowing all too well what the inside of the place was like, I avoided the main areas and headed straight for the stairs knowing that there wouldn’t be any power at all in this place anymore; the descent down the stairwell seemed to take forever and I knew that I wasn’t the only one who was getting winded before we finally arrived on the floor that the morgue was located on—I remembered that we had found the hatch in the floor of the morgue that led down to the hidden levels and I continued in that direction until we were almost there. That was when a loud banging noise got our attention as a mass of zombies appeared ahead in the hallway—they looked like the original strain though and they weren’t sprinting at us like the others normally did, they were getting closer though and I knew that we had to get past them and into the morgue if we were going to make any progress; I opened fire with my AR-15 sending a hail of bullets into their upper torsos and heads splattering the walls around them with blood and gore. Dozens of them fell dead to our weapons and only a small number of others were just beyond our range that we took out with our bladed weapons, once we made it past the corpses I pushed the morgue doors open and looked upon the familiar scene remembering the last time I had been there. It was almost as if the ghosts of the past were there before me, showing me the events that had taken place when we had forged our way through before—that was when Noah spoke up and reminded me that we had actually gotten to the hidden areas when we had went through the busted doors a ways back that the Cerberus bioweapon had smashed through and I nodded realizing that he was right; I turned around and led the others back in that direction and once we arrived at the doors, I led the way through the hallway that was even more deteriorated now than it had been years before and we came to the room where the ape-like bioweapon that Bowman had created out of the corpse of his research partner Jeff Connor had been.

  “This is where we took the elevator down to the level where we found the original Entity as well as what we thought at the time was the Antitoxin Sample 3—which was really the Redeemer Strain the whole time.” Noah stated with a thoughtful tone.

  “Yep…again, there’s not any power in this place…unless we can find another way down, I don’t see this being an option either.” I added with a sigh.

  “That level beneath the morgue…where does it go again?” Christina asked glancing at Noah and then at me.

  “It went to a break room and then a series of hallways and a power room if I remember correctly…it’s been so long ago that my memory is kind of foggy.” Jennifer answered in deep thought.

  “There may be something down there that leads to the lower levels where Bowman done his research—there would have to be, they wouldn’t have just relied on one way in or out…let’s check it out.” I answered turning and leading the way back toward the morgue.

  The others followed and we arrived back in the morgue minutes later and I glanced down at the opening in the floor hatch that led below—not wasting any time, I climbed down first shining my light below aware of what could be waiting in the darkness below me; I arrived at the bottom to see the familiar vending machines and then I glanced up calling out to my women and the others that it was clear. I waited searching around the room as they slowly climbed down and then once all of us were together again, I checked the outside corridor and noticed that it was quiet—too quiet, there wasn’t a single sound coming from anywhere and the air was full of dust particles; I led the way out of the break room and down the corridor that led off to my left, my women stayed close to me and the others followed watching our backs and flank as we went. I soon came upon a solid steel door that blocked our way, it looked heavy and once we got to it there didn’t look like any way to open it; as I searched around the area, Sheila called my attention to a numeric keypad that was on the wall beside of the door and I went over and examined it.

  “It has power…when Doug and Jason restored the power in the power room all those years ago it must have stayed on…meaning that this place probably has some sort of a self-sustaining reactor somewhere…we might be able to open this door after all.” I stated in a hopeful tone.

  I stared down at the scr
een of the keypad wondering what the passcode could possibly be when I looked down and noticed an employee badge that was laying in the corner against the wall—bending down I retrieved it bringing it into the light; it had the numbers 12-28B-33R-09 written on it and I quickly typed that into the keypad. Seconds later the doors opened letting a cloud of dust sweep up into the air around us—seconds later the lights in the corridor beyond the door came on illuminating the area.

  “This is it—it’s something that we completely overlooked that time we were down here.” I stated turning to the others.

  “That was the first time we came here, wasn’t it?” Noah asked from the back of the group.

  “Yeah, now that I remember the details of the past.” I answered as I led the way down the bright tunnel.

  The walls of this new corridor were white and clean—it looked like nothing had ever happened in here and as we got deeper and deeper in, I started noticing research labs that were marked by electronic doors; we went into the first one that we came to and found that the room behind the door was filled with all sorts of lab equipment, chemicals and other things that kind of made my skin crawl.


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