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[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles

Page 96

by Watkins, Charles

  “There’s got to be something here that was vital to the research and development of the T.H.C.A.I.A Toxin—let’s look around.” I stated as I shouldered my weapon and checked on my women to make sure that they were okay.

  Michael Glassman spread out taking in every little detail of the things on the tables, counters and desks with great interest and moments later he called our attention to something that was toward the back of the room—once we got to where he was and laid eyes on it I just stood there dumbfounded at what was before me; there standing against the wall were two tanks filled with some sort of liquid, bodies of what was no doubt victims of the original strain were inside of the tanks and it looked like they were in some sort of stasis.

  “I’ll be damned…” Darrell said aloud as he looked over the bodies inside of the tanks with astonishment.

  “I’ll bet that those were victims of the original strain—plucked right off the street during the original outbreak…hell, they might have even been some of the first victims infected with the virus even before the outbreak.” I stated as I grabbed a nearby clipboard and read the details aloud.

  “Subject A and Subject B showed such great signs of success that I have ordered that they be left here as a monument of my achievement; the original strain of the T.H.C.A.I.A Toxin was tested and derived from them and should I ever be of need of that particular strain again, these bodies here will be the answer as they hold vast potential for further mutation of the virus used to kill and reanimate the dead bodies of those infected.” I read aloud.

  “Bowman’s words no doubt…sounds like these were the very first ones infected back before the outbreak—the fact that he wanted them preserved could mean that there’s something inside of them that could be what you’re looking for.” I stated turning to face Michael Glassman.

  “Let me look around a little more—there are bound to be other labs on this level as well, give me a chance to examine everything that I can.” Michael Glassman answered in an excited tone.

  We sat back on the nearby benches and waited as he went back and forth around the room examining various data on the computers as well as the notes that were there and finally after what felt like an eternity, he was ready to move on to the next lab—I led the way out and to the next lab cautious of the surroundings and the next room we came to was also clear of any threats, but there were several cadavers strapped down to metal tables that looked to be long dead; they had large needles through their skulls that looked like they went straight to the cerebral cortex, these needles were attached to small glass tanks that contained a dark-colored liquid and I shivered a little knowing what that probably was. Michael Glassman began his work there and we waited, it didn’t seem like he was very pleased with what he found after several more minutes had passed and he quickly announced that this room was useless to what he was searching for—I nodded and led the way out and further down the outside corridor until we came to the last lab and I opened the door finding that this room was much larger than the other two had been, it looked like many people had worked in here back in the day and I watched as Michael Glassman started examining the computers and other things around the room.

  “I hope he finds something soon—I’d really like for us to get out of this place.” Jennifer stated as she snuggled up next to me.

  “It appears that most of the viral research took place here—they were creating bioweapons long before the outbreak, at least two and a half years prior to October 2000…their associates in New York at the Hudson Pharmaceutical building as well as in Wilkes Barre…all of that is linked here in this data.” Michael Glassman stated in a thoughtful tone as he read from a data file on the computer.

  “Yeah, we knew that—we uncovered all that shit when we went to New York City looking for someone who could use that so-called Antitoxin Sample 3 to create a cure to this mess.” Noah stated in an annoyed tone.

  “I think that I might have found what we’re looking for…” Michael Glassman suddenly stated after several long minutes of silence.

  “What did you find?” I asked getting to my feet quickly.

  “This information states that a shutoff failsafe was encoded into the original strain—that using this frequency, it would destroy all of the infected within a five-mile radius of said frequency.” Michael Glassman reported looking up at me.


  “Are you talking about something like a radio frequency or just a loud noise?” I asked with a confused look.

  “According to the data, it’s a frequency of around 80 gigahertz…” Michael Glassman answered slowly.

  “Hmm…what would this frequency do?” Noah asked curiously.

  “In theory, it would destroy the virus inside of the creatures killing them—I’m not sure if it would be harmful to us as well or not…if we use this frequency, we might want to outfit everyone at Echo Bay with hearing protection—just in case.” Michael Glassman answered glancing at Noah.

  “Sounds like that might kill off the dead-heads still carrying the original strain, but I doubt it would work on that ones that have further mutated since then…those are the ones that are going to be more numerous.” I stated with a troubled look.

  “That’s viruses for you—they’re always adapting and changing to their surroundings.” Ivy stated clinging to me.

  “Is there anything else here that might be of any use?” I asked glancing back at Michael Glassman.

  “No…this is it, all of the rest of the stuff here is data on development of bio organic weapons…completely useless to what we’re trying to achieve.” He answered grimly.

  “let’s get the hell out of this hole then and get back to the others—our search here is over…we’ll fly home tonight and see if we can’t figure out a way of utilizing that frequency.” I stated turning and leading the way out of the lab.

  I glanced further down the corridor noticing that there was another door that obviously led to living quarters where the researchers and Bowman had lived—I turned and led my group back the way we had come and after hours of retracing our steps and traversing through the hospital above, we emerged outside and got back into our vehicles heading back to the airport; once we got back, we explained what we had found to Beau and Julianna as well as Rachel and Shae who were both extremely glad to see me and my other women back safe.

  “Looks like there’s no other way—if this works then it works, if not then we’ll still keep going.” Beau stated as he turned and headed back up to the cockpit.

  He and the others had refueled the plane and it was once again ready to go—we loaded and secured our vehicles in the cargo hold and closed the rear door before taking off; this was going to be a long trip back and I knew that once we got back to Yellowknife, we’d have to do more traveling in order to get back home. I settled down in our marauder with my women and we fell asleep almost at once, hours later we were awakened by the feel of the landing gear touching the ground and we waited as Beau and Noah brought the plane to a stop and then we opened the cargo door and unloaded our vehicles—we had arrived back in the snowy landscape of Northwest Territories and I was actually glad to be back; we had just gotten back from visiting old, familiar places but those places had done nothing to bring back any sense of security—those places had been dead. We left the Yellowknife airport quickly for fear that there were still marauders lurking about and over the next few hours we arrived back home at our fortress and I breathed a sigh of relief when the gates opened and I saw my kids and other friends as they all came out to welcome us back; it was short lived though as they soon after witnessed the sight of us unloading the bodies of our friends and loved ones who had been killed during the trip. I had the difficult task of trying to explain what had happened to Chloe to our daughter Scarlet—she burst into tears and held onto me as Jennifer and Sheila both worked to comfort her; soon afterward our fallen friends were buried in the cemetery and w
e explained what had happened in Winnipeg as well as what we had found out on our trip to the both Ringgold, Georgia as well as the Oklahoma City hospital.

  “The radio transmitter on the roof might work to transmit the frequency—we’ll have to work some kinks out of the software…might be a good idea to find everyone here some ear protection as well not knowing what this frequency could actually do.” Josiah stated with a hopeful expression.

  Exhausted from the trials that we had just been forced to endure, I returned to our room on the third floor and my women followed—Anya took a look at where we were staying and then she kissed me briefly before heading down to take a look at the infirmary; I sat in front of the fireplace staring into the flickering flames with a blank look on my face, I was there but my mind was hundreds of miles away. I kept seeing that field along the side of the road where I had first laid eyes on Chloe—that day that I had saved her life and first fell in love with her, now she was gone; her voice was echoing through my mind and I soon realized that tears had been flooding down my face. Both Jennifer and Sheila seen my face and they came over to me wrapped their arms around me sharing my grief, my other women did so as well and soon we all retired to bed without much of a word reveling in the silence of our own sorrow—my sleep was blank and uneventful and I woke the next day at what the bedside clock showed as 11:42 am and I noticed that all of my women except for Shae were awake and nearby eating breakfast; Shae was still entwined around me and she opened her eyes smiling up at me once I had sat up in bed, she then rose as well letting the covers fall off her firm breasts as her swollen, pregnant belly became visible as well.

  “How do you feel baby?” I asked as it looked like she was a little uncomfortable.

  “Contractions…I don’t know but it might be soon.” Shae answered smiling even though I could tell that she was in pain.

  “How about you Rachel—how are you doing?” I asked turning to look at Rachel who was nearby sitting in the recliner.

  “I’ve been having contractions as well…” She answered noticing the worried look on my face.

  “Let’s go down to the infirmary and have Anya look at you—we need to be ready for when the babies come.” I stated helping Shae get dressed and then leading them down to the infirmary.

  When we got there, Anya greeted me with a warm kiss and then hugged me before turning to greet my women.

  “Sorry that I didn’t come back last night, I’ve been trying to get your infirmary here in order—it was in complete disarray.” Anya stated smiling as she led us into the main part of the room.

  “It’s okay—I know that you walked into a real mess here, with Beau’s leg injury and everyone else feeling like they need to come in here to see the new nurse; you can make it up to me later.” I stated bringing her into my arms and kissing her.


  “What are you going to do to me?” Anya asked with a lustful grin as her hand went inside of my pants and around my cock.

  “You’ll just have to wait and see.” I answered kissing her before stepping away knowing that the lustful horseplay would have to wait as I was pretty sure that both Rachel and Shae were close to going into labor.

  Anya got everything ready and within a couple of hours both Rachel and Shae had given birth to my children—Rachel had had a little girl that we named Tanya and Shae had given birth to a little boy that we chose to name Axel; after both Rachel and Shae had recovered some, Kayla, Christina and several of our other friends came in to see the new babies and I stood back against the wall with Anya and Noah as the others continued to chatter over the new babies. After the excitement had subsided, we returned to our room on the third floor and Anya accompanied us to make sure that Rachel and Shae took it easy after their birthing process—I headed into the bathroom and Anya soon after joined me and she got down on her knees in front of me and started sucking my cock; this lasted for several long minutes until she stood back up and kissed me deeply, she then bent down over the nearby bath tub and I pushed myself all of the way into her causing her to let out a little moan and I started thrusting hard and deep. This went back and forth, at one point I was sitting on the edge of the tub with her in my lap riding my dick—finally after several long minutes of passionate lovemaking I climaxed inside of her causing her to grab onto me and shake violently as she had multiple orgasms; we kissed for several more minutes and then got dressed returning to the main room where my other women were, Jennifer and Sheila smiled and met me with wet kisses before doing the same with Anya. I took out one of the rings that I had picked up before and slipped it over Anya’s ring finger and it was official so to speak—she was one of us; we spent the rest of the evening resting from the long trip and by nightfall Josiah’s voice came on over the intercom and I glanced at my women with surprise.

  “Chaz—you guys should come down to the communications room and see what we were able to do with the frequency you guys brought back.”

  “I didn’t know that we had an intercom in this place…” Sheila stated with a surprised look.

  “I didn’t either…guess we should head down there and see what he’s talking about.” I answered as I got to my feet.

  I quickly headed out of our room with my women close behind and shortly afterward we made it to the communications room where Josiah and several of the others were waiting.

  “I think that I’ve gotten the bugs and other issues worked out with the frequency you brought back, we’ve attached amplifiers and loud speakers all over the top of the roof as well as the various towers around this compound—the sound given off by the frequency should carry up to five or six miles give or take…it’s going to require a lot of juice to keep them going for an extended period of time though and as of right now that’s our biggest concern.” Josiah explained as he went over the details of his plan.

  “How much power are we talking about?” Richard asked as he stood nearby next to Morgana.

  “I’ve figured that we’re going to need at least another four or five generators to have enough power…we might also lose electricity to other functions here while the frequency is being delivered.” Josiah answered in deep thought.

  “How is that other issue we spoke of?”

  “How are we going to protect ourselves from the possible dangers of the frequency?” I asked in a concerned tone.

  “He’s right—at one time we were all carriers of the Redeemer Strain…even though Amy developed a cure to it, there could still be some negative side effects to our bodies should we be exposed for extended periods of time.” Billy stated folding his arms across his chest.

  “The operators will be wearing this ear protection gear while the rest of this place’s population will be inside of a sound-proof bunker beneath the main hall…the walls are five feet thick and once the vault doors are sealed there won’t be any sound of any kind getting in there.” Josiah answered turning to glance at Billy briefly.

  “That about sums it up I guess—we need to get those extra generators ready as well as figure out how we’re going to lure enough of those dead and rotting sons of bitches to this location for this to be worth the trouble.” I stated in deep thought as my women wrapped their arms around me with worried looks.

  “This is for everyone that we’ve lost over the years…maybe we can end a majority of those things—enough anyway to where we don’t have to live like we have been these past few years…” Jennifer stated in a confident voice.

  “That’s right—let’s get to work and make this happen…once those things start coming for these walls there won’t be much time.” I answered turning and leading the way out of the room.

  Over the next several days we sent out several scouting groups to the few nearby towns and several more operational generators were brought back as well as a large truck that had been wired with large speakers—the whole thing reminded me of the failed Winterset operation that we had pulled
off many years before, but this time I had hope that we would succeed in what we were trying to accomplish.

  [Chapter Six: Dead Hour]

  It had been over two weeks since we had concocted the plan to lure in the undead masses and use the frequency that we had found in Bowman’s old lair in Oklahoma City, we had been successful in finding the things that we needed and we knew that the dead-heads and other mutations were coming—Beau and few others had went out scouting only a day earlier and came back reporting that numbers ranging in the hundreds of thousands were coming our way from the south, east and west; something was drawing them to us and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what it was, it was almost as if every dead-head from the bottom of what had been the United States all the way down through Mexico and South America were all headed our way.

  “Have you had anymore of your dreams lately?” Sheila asked in a concerned tone as she wrapped her arms around me.

  “No—I haven’t, I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not…those dreams have always pointed out events that were soon to happen, if I’m not having the dreams then that basically means that I don’t have any idea as to what to expect.” I answered with a troubled look.

  “All that we can do is hope and pray for the best…we have spent so many years of our lives fighting off and dealing with those creatures and now we have a chance to end it all…” Sheila stated in a comforting tone as she wrapped her right arm around me.

  “We’ll soon find out—the sounds of the undead are getting louder…” I stated as I went to the nearby window opening it as a cold gust of wind blew in around me.

  I glanced back as the fire in the fireplace flickered and then once the gust of wind had subsided, I listened closely and I could hear the sounds coming from the directions of south, east and west—nothing at all could be heard coming from the north and I guessed that was because of the fact that there was nothing but arctic wastelands in that direction; that was when the alarm in the compound sounded and we could hear the sound of running feet. Several seconds passed and then there was a pounding at our door—I answered it finding Noah, Billy, Richard and several others standing there with urgent expressions on their faces.


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