Slow Burn (Forbidden Heat Book 3)

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Slow Burn (Forbidden Heat Book 3) Page 5

by Bella Winters

  “I like that,” Shelly said. “You are a great teacher.”

  Shelly tried another roll and picked up her spare. She was starting to get into the groove of it now and having a blast. I enjoyed seeing her having so much fun now. This was so sweet, just being there with an amazing woman and having a great time. It had been a long time since this had happened, but after my last relationship ended, I found myself just really needing time and space to reevaluate what I wanted in life and in a partner. And now I thought I’d found it in Shelly.

  But I could do nothing about it. Hell, if I even hinted my interest in her then I would have been leaving myself wide open for making Shelly feel uncomfortable with this policy looming over our heads. She had just started working with us and this was the type of stress she probably was not looking for.

  “Great job,” I said.

  Shelly grabbed her ball with a wide smile. She looked back at me and I thought I saw something in her eyes that displayed her true feelings for me. A look of glee mixed with attraction that caught my gaze for a few moments before finally disappearing back into a normal, happy expression. There was no denying it that time. I could feel that spark happening. Shelly was attracted to me like I was attracted to her. I could just feel it happening.

  Shelly approached the lane and let another roll go. This time she put a lot of extra power into the spin and it showed from the moment the ball left her fingers. The ball rocketed down the lane and settled into a nice hook before slamming into the pins and sending them all scattering down into a beautiful strike. I loved watching it happen and most of all I loved watching Shelly’s reaction to it.

  She leapt up and started cheering for herself. “A strike! Yes!”

  “Way to go!” I yelled.

  By that time, Shelly had leapt wildly into my arms and was giving me a big hug, pulling me tightly. She was excited as could be about her strike and I couldn’t blame her. It really was quite the beauty. So was she…

  Shelly and I locked eyes. Our faces were now very close together. I felt the pull drawing me in to her. I wanted to kiss her so badly. I could smell her sweetness. There was her natural, sweet scent, and on top of that a hint of perfume, but not too much. Her skin was so smooth and soft, complimented by the color in her eyes and the softness of her hair. Everything about her was soft and screamed at me to be close to her. I couldn’t remember ever wanting to kiss someone so badly and being unable to do so.

  I pulled back and tried to keep things casual. I wasn’t sure if Shelly had felt the same thing I just had, but if that was the case, she was very good at hiding it. “That was a brilliant shot. I think you’ve got this down. You are quite the fast learner.”

  Shelly laughed. “Well, do you think I can offer you some competition?”

  “Sure,” I said. “Why not?”

  “Ok,” she replied. Shelly reset the game and added it for two players, notifying the front desk. “Let’s do it.”

  I unpacked my gear and we got into the game. Shelly was doing much better than I anticipated that she would, but she was still learning some of the basics and it would take a lot of practice to master them as it did for us all. I could remember playing for about a year or more before I was even remotely happy about my playing level. And I’d worked hard to improve beyond that.

  Shelly was a fast learner and she was naturally athletic. I could tell that in the way she moved and improvised throughout her stance and delivery. She was able to make the necessary adjustments on the fly to correct her movements and it worked out for her a good majority of the time.

  I had so much fun with her. We ordered a few beers and a pizza while we played three straight games. I won them all, but Shelly came close during the last game. The best part was that I just got to hang out with her and get to know her a bit. We had a lot in common. She even seemed familiar with some of the more obscure horror movies that I loved.

  “I think you are wrong about Night Visitor,” Shelly replied. “That movie totally gets the respect it deserves in the underground horror community. They are always talking about it in the forums.”

  “Right, but I’m saying that so many people complain that Shannon Tweed is only in the movie a short period of time. They expected her to be the star, or the so called ‘final girl’,” I said. “People, it’s not that type of movie. The protagonist is a guy, which is a total twist on the genre which through the whole decade had seen their protagonist being females.”

  “I can see where you are coming from with that,” she said. “Shannon Tweed was amazing. So hot, and she never got the props for her acting ability.”

  “I agree,” I said. “You kind of look a bit like her, but I think you are even more beautiful.”

  I couldn’t believe those words had slipped out. I was tempted to let on how shocked I was, but I was almost glad I’d said it. This tension needed to be taken care of and acknowledged, or else it would eat at the both of us.

  I expected Shelly to be really caught off guard, but surprisingly she was ok with it. She just smiled warmly with a little blush. “Thanks.” Her gaze lingered on mine for several moments. I couldn’t believe that this had actually happened. I’d expressed myself without any conscious effort and it felt great. It was just something that I’d felt happening to me and then suddenly, it was done. I was caught up in the moment. And then that moment was gone.

  We resumed our game and drank a few more beers while finishing off the pizza. Shelly could hold her own when it came to downing beer and pizza. There was something about watching a beautiful woman eating junk food like that which really turned me on. Shelly had so many wonderful sides to her that the longer I was with her, the more attracted I became to her. I felt this strong urge to connect with her, to just show her everything, to lay all my cards out on the table and tell her that I’d been thinking about her nonstop since the moment I met her.

  But of course, I did no such thing. That was the behavior of a desperate, creepy man, and I didn’t consider myself to be such a way. I had lived by choice without a woman in my life for several months already, and I was sure that I could continue this lifestyle. But there was something massively different about the way that I felt when I was near Shelly. I felt that she was a woman I could really connect with, and had connected with beyond just a mere physical attraction. This was the type of want that you felt for another person when you didn’t really have a choice in the matter. The heart loves what the heart wants. It’s bizarre really when you think about it, but I believe that when two people are meant to be together that the universe creates the dynamics necessary to make this happen. It can’t be forced. And I knew I would be a fool to ignore such a thing.

  We finished bowling and I walked Shelly out to her car. It was a nice, warm spring evening. The stars were out amongst the clear, cloudless sky, and a bright full moon was looming high overhead giving light over everything.

  “Well, thank you so much for the lessons,” Shelly said. “I very nearly kicked your butt that last game.”

  “Oh, you didn’t come close to kicking my butt, but it was a bit of toss up until the very end. I enjoyed that level of competition.”

  “Wow, you aren’t one of those sore losers, are you?” Shelly teased.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never lost anything before,” I teased. “Including the games we played tonight.”

  Shelly hit me playfully on the arm. I took that to be a good sign. “Yes, I can be physically aggressive when I lose,” Shelly teased.

  “That’s ok. I won’t hold it against you,” I said. But I’d love if you held something against me. I tried to avoid the thoughts. But I wanted this woman so damn badly. She was becoming perfect in my eyes. She was beautiful, sweet, fun, sassy, and intelligent with a great sense of humor and playfulness. I wanted to learn everything I could about her and I would have sat by and listened tirelessly as she told me her entire life story.

  “Ok, thanks,” Shelly said with a giggle. “I had a great time tonight,” she said.
“I haven’t had that much fun in a while, and with moving to a new city, it’s easy to feel pretty lonely, you know?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been there,” I said. “Starting over is never easy, but I think you are always stronger after it’s done. So, I never think it’s a regret.”

  She pondered my philosophical musings for a moment and nodded. “I think you are right.”

  She unlocked her car and I grabbed her bag. I eased it into her backseat and as I sat it down, I happened to look up to notice that Shelly was right there with me, our faces only inches apart. I wasn’t sure if it happened by happy accident, or if it was just us being drawn together so strongly that this sort of thing would keep happening until we did something about it.

  I took a deep breath as I moved a little closer. I felt the overwhelming urge coming over me. I had to move on this. It was like I had no choice. I had to try.

  I leaned in and got ready to put my lips on hers. I was almost there when Shelly took a slight step back. “We can’t,” Shelly said.

  I paused in the middle of the movement and then I straightened myself up. I felt awkward and a bit foolish, but I kept my composure and settled back against the side of the car. I looked at her carefully and waited to see what explanation she would give. Was she just not as into me as I was into her? Had I misread her entire attraction to me?

  A hot flush fell against my skin and I began to sweat a bit. This was possibly a bad miscalculation on my part. I could now imagine how weird things were going to be between the two of us around the station. I doubted that Shelly would say anything to anyone, but it would still make for an uncomfortable workplace environment. Dammit. What had I done?

  I’d followed my instincts and they’d proven wrong. I didn’t really think I should have felt any shame for this.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “We can’t do this,” Shelly said. “You know what would happen if anyone at work found out. I… I’m starting a new life. I just got here, and I can’t take that risk. I’m sorry.”

  “I know,” I said. “I guess you’re right. I just felt…” I sighed. I was at a loss. There was no real explanation right now about how I felt. She could see it. And I believed she saw it because she felt it, too. That was comforting to me. That attraction was mutual. It was shared between us.

  “I’m sorry, but we just can’t let this happen,” Shelly said.

  “But you want it to,” I said. I wasn’t really fishing for her approval or validation. I was just curious. And most of all, I wanted her to say it and admit to it, as if by doing so she might be more inclined to give over to her feelings in the future. I didn’t see anything about these feelings going away any time soon.

  But if we had to wait until the moment was right, I was fine with that. And if for some reason that moment never came, then I was ok with that as well. I would have to be. Some things in life just never worked out the way you thought they would.

  Shelly sighed. She looked up at me with those beautiful eyes. Thirty seconds must have passed, but finally she said, “Yes. I do.”

  I nodded. “Well, thank you for a lovely evening. Get home safe. I’ll see you at work on Monday.”

  “I will. You do the same,” she said.

  She got in her car, started the engine, gave me a little wave, and then pulled out of the parking lot. I stood there for several minutes just looking around the quiet parking lot and listening to the sounds of the fun being had inside. The moon high above me was still looming over everything, like some cosmic eye of the universe keeping careful watch over all to make sure that all with this world was right.

  I wasn’t sure how to feel about what had just happened. I would not apologize for my feelings, and I knew that Shelly would never back down from admitting that she shared those same desires. She was being level-headed and rational about things. I could respect that. One of us needed to be.

  But I couldn’t help wondering, if maybe someday soon we would both share a moment of weakness and let things fall where they may.

  Chapter Six


  I was staring up into his eyes. Those same eyes that had burned into my eyes at the bowling alley where we had almost shared that kiss. I wanted that kiss so badly, but I knew it was the wrong thing to do. It was all too dangerous. If we were found out then we would both be kicked out in the cold with nothing. We’d have to start over. And I was tired of starting over.

  But it all felt so right with Gary.

  And there he was above me. This was really happening. I couldn’t for the life of me remember how it had happened. Had I called him and asked him to come over? Or had he just appeared out of thin air? It was all so muddled. Nothing made much sense. But the passion was there. That was real. And I wanted this more than anything. I needed this in my life. I wanted this man to be buried deep inside of me. I had to feel that hard thrust of his rock hard cock deep within me, battering away at my body, taking me closer and closer to an amazing orgasm.

  Gary bent down and kissed me softly, pressing his lips to mine. His kiss was soft, it was sensual, and it was loving. I truly felt loved by this man as he kissed me and his hands caressed my head. His fingers weaved through the strands of my long hair and he rubbed my head beneath, moving down closer until he was cradling the back of my neck.

  I loved his touch. His strong, calloused hands sliding smoothly against my soft, delicate skin. Every single nerve ending in my body was on high alert for the flood of adrenaline and sexual release that was starting to spread throughout my being. I was getting so wet that I could hardly control myself from shoving four fingers into my pussy, jamming them in there hard, and giving myself the sweet release that I had been craving.

  Gary’s mouth pushed harder against mine and I began to take some of the lead, widening my mouth and engulfing his own to allow our tongues to escape from their chambers and mingle together in a perfect dance. His tongue was strong and smooth. The sensation of his against mine sent a gulf of wetness into my center and I felt myself on the verge of exploding with pure lust. I inhaled deeply through my nose as I sucked some of Gary’s air away with my wide open mouth.

  His hands were moving down my neck now, inching closer towards my lower back. I became aware at this moment that I was naked from the waist up. On the bottom, I was only wearing a pair of thin, lace panties. I was so wet that my juices were seeping through the thin fabric.

  Gary’s hands anticipated this lust and moved down to my loins where he rubbed against the fabric of my panties, massaging my wetness through the damp garment. His fingers pushed into me, entering the outer layer of my folds and sending small waves of pleasure pulsating through me as I gasped in a long breath. I was feeling so good now. I hadn’t felt like this in a long time. I wanted to feel guilty, and deep down I knew that I did, but in this moment I no longer cared. All I could think about was the pleasure and how good all of this was going to feel.

  His hands found the waist band and pulled my panties down my legs slowly, his fingers gliding along my skin as he continued to kiss me hard on the mouth, consuming my passion and sliding his tongue against mine. His lips were so warm and strong pushing against my own, dominating them and making me want to melt further into him. I wanted to be his--mind, body, and soul. Wherever he wanted to take me, I would surely follow him.

  Gary pulled my underwear to the floor and in a flash his fingers were on my mound, rubbing my soft wetness as if trying to grow the lust to an even higher level than humanly possible. His index finger and his middle finger were primed and ready to do their best job right now. I waited with anticipation. He kissed me harder while his fingers traced along the line of my slit, and then when I thought I could not wait another second, he entered me deeply. His fingers slid into my soft, wetness with the greatest of ease. Once he was inside of me, he paused a moment, allowing me to absorb the pleasure while his tongue licked along my lips and then speared between them to enter my mouth. My own tongue lapped at his, as if trying to domina
te him the way he was dominating me, but it was to no avail. He was too strong and he was definitely in control. I liked that.

  Gary’s fingers began moving in and out of my pussy. They slid slowly at first, tracing along the bottom and then pushing in as deeply as possible before dragging back out slowly until they reached the entrance. Then they went back in again. It felt like my body was closing up and then being reopened each and every time. It felt fantastic. I loved it so much. His fingers were thick and strong. I could sense their brute force as they gently entered me. They were a substitute for his epic cock, a sweet warmup for the main event that was soon to come.

  Gary kissed my lips. Then he moved to my chin, then my neck, where he let his tongue glide down my throat until he reached the top of my chest. There he rested a moment while he finger fucked me harder and harder with each passing moment. The climax was welling up within me. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold out but I was going to do my best. It had been a while for me, and I was so damn horny. I needed to be good and fucked. And I knew that Gary was the man for that job.

  His fingers pulled out of me and he held them up to my face so that I could see my juices dripping down his mighty digits. He licked the juices off his fingers and then shoved them right back in my pussy. Then he continued to move his kisses down my chest before he lingered between my large breasts. He cupped my left breast in his left hand and then held it there for a moment, squeezing it up in front of his handsome face. He placed the nipple between his lips. He moaned lightly as he held it there, savoring the flavor of my flesh, and connecting with me in ways I was not sure could happen with a man I barely knew.

  His fingers were plowing me hard now, thrusting in and out of me with reckless abandon. I knew I was going to come hard. This was really it! I couldn’t hold it back anymore…

  “AAAGGHH!” I moaned as I released the floodgates of my orgasm and came hard on his thick, succulent fingers. My pussy twitched wildly against his hand. I bit my lip and threw my head back as I gasped and moaned uncontrollably. I thought for a moment I might actually choke on my own tongue as it flailed wildly in my mouth slamming into my teeth. “Ah, fuck!” I could not hold back the expletives as my body finished out the orgasm.


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