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Mystic Faerie War

Page 13

by James Day

  Noises came from the entrance as a Rockdweller brought the Dwarf Assassin Razor, Lilyth and Brea of the Wilder Run’s into the domain. The Mystic Dayven met them as the rest of the company came out to see what the commotion was.

  Brea stood with shoulder length hair, brownish red with bright eyes. She was dressed in brown hunting clothes and black boots. On her back was knapsack and a bow and arrow. She removed her cloak and gave it to the one of the Rockdwellers. The Mystic Dayven was speechless, his long-lost feelings for her swirled inside as they met face to face for the first time in four years. She had been with Dayven through his previous adventures with Reunion War and had helped combat the Crimson Seekers. They had promised each other it would work out and had fallen in love. Dayven went on to study and become a Mystic while she went back to Wilder Run to rule with her people. Brea had a gift, she could communicate the with the animals, and beasts of the forests. She had done so when Dayven fought the Mystic Zandu, then again when the Crimson Seekers had brought forth their minions. The relationship blossomed for two years then he simply disappeared, and she could no longer wait. She loved him, but knew his heart was not in the relationship. She studied at Mayens Hall for the first two years, learning the arts of mysticism, how to control spells and foster her own gift. Her ancestors had fought in the original Zandu War, using their powers to bring forth the unicorns to destroy the demons. Now she stood there with Dwarf Assassin Razor and Dwarf Woman Lilyth who she had saved.

  “This is a surprise,” the Mystic Dayven said feeling turmoil inside of him rage. He wanted to hold her and tell her he was sorry. He still loved her, and never forgave himself for losing her.

  “Dayven. We have much to discuss. The creatures are roaming the countryside destroying our farms and villages. The people of Wilder Run are under attack. Many of our men have been killed by these beasts. What are they called?”

  “Fire Imps,” he replied as he excused himself and the others went about their business. “The Dark Fae Warlock has risen to destroy the Kingdom of Shannon and the Six Providences with a Faerie War. We travel to Fire Rock Crater to reclaim the Hearthstone Sword.”

  A Rockdweller brought her beef and potatoes and she sat down and began devouring them. She smiled looking into his eyes. She wanted to reach out and kiss him but held her feelings back. There was a sparkle in her eyes as she drank some apple cider. When she was finished the Rockdweller came in and took the plate.

  “Do you have any ale?” She asked looking around. “I feel like I’ve returned home after four years. I have missed Mayens Hall. I miss our time together and the friendship and love we shared.

  “I have some ale. I will have it brought to you,” as he turned and motioned to the Rockdweller. “You have come at a bad time. We will be leaving tomorrow morning.”

  “Then I am going with you,” she simply said.

  He went to argue but she put her fingers to his lips and removed them, a second later she kissed him. He held her face and let down his façade.

  “I am so sorry that I put my work before you,” he said feeling remorse. “I did not want you to leave. I wanted us to be together.”

  “You were never there. You always had something else to do. I felt us separating and I was growing angry. I did not want to be angry with you or hate you. I felt that leaving was the best way to end our relationship. But I never stopped loving you for who you were. I still remember that day you and Tullamore stole my furs,” she laughed. “You have changed. You seem different. The world and the way of a Mystic lies heavy on your heart. You need someone in your life who is your equivalent.”

  “I need you,” he said as two mugs of ale were brought in and they drank. “You need to come back to Mayens Hall. I want you to come back.”

  She looked away with tears in her eyes and turned to him. “I see Noleann and Payne Axel are doing well. They have a daughter and I am happy for them. I noticed a She-Elf Warrior from Fallsridge. What are the Elves doing here?”

  “They are helping us. The Spellmakers are with us to help us retrieve the Red Faeriestone. It is magical talisman of fire. It will help us against the Dragons that will arise.”

  “Dragons?” She was shocked and then he explained the entire situation to her. After he was done, she stood quiet for a moment. “Then it is decided, I will go to Fire Rock Crater to help you.”

  “It is much too dangerous for you,” he said not wanting to make her angry, but her face reddened.

  “I can handle myself. I saved your friends in the city. You need my help. If you do not succeed in destroying the Dark Fae Warlock and his minions, then my people will die. I need to be a part of this,” she demanded. “You owe me that much.”

  “I don’t know. We have lost half of our company to the Warlock. Friends who fought alongside us are gone. The She-Elf Warrior was nearly killed, and she barely survived the assault from faerie magic. I must think on this,” he said holding her chin in his hand. “I do not want your death on my conscious.”

  “I have learned some of your arts. I can throw a fireball. I can call forth the spells I studied. I am able to use my powers to their full extent. I could wipe out the Fire Imps with the unicorns. I can call upon the Great Eagles to take you to Blue Shimmer. You seem to forget that we saved the city of Blue Shimmer. You will not have to worry about me. I can take care of myself. Think on it,” she finished. “I am going to speak with Prince Grandur and Noleann. I think you should tell the others what I am capable of. I am an asset and deadly weapon you can use if you choose to.”

  She rose and left the room. He sat there in silence and finished his cup of ale.

  A while later he called a short meeting with the company and introduced Brea to the Spellmakers, Llyendrie and Shydrie. The Dwarf Assassin Razor thanked her and Lilyth was told that she would stay in the protection of the Rockdwellers within Mayens Hall.

  They Boy-Mystic Dunnganon and decided that it was time to put a protective spell on the city to keep out any more Fire Imps from entering. The Spellmakers and two Mystics decided to prepare to cast it. It would be a protective dome that would not allow anything faerie like in through the central streets. The spell would take an hour and Patrols would be sent notice that the city was under siege.

  In the dark, a lone figure walked just beneath the sewer system of Mayens Hall. All of the waste dumped out, but that did not bother the Dark Fae Warlock. He called out to the Jyckarune and it came within minutes. The beasts heavy breathing echoed all around as dark green eyes gleamed with hatred. The Master gave his command. The Jyckarune would enter beneath the city and travel the sewers. The Warlock could feel the spell of protection extending over the city. He let his creation go and with eyes green and dark, he could see what it saw. The Jyckarune and he were one, together in mind. Once the Mystic Dayven was deterred and had to do battle with the monster, the wall of protection would weaken, and he would join the assault on Mayens Hall.

  The Jyckarune could smell for miles away and he knew where the company rested. He hunted down the sewers, leaping and bounding through the dirty water. Nothing stopped it as it moved forward with determination. It was a bloodlust that it hunted with, one for a thirst of destruction. One bite from the Jyckarune would kill its victim with injected poison from the fangs in its mouth. The venom was lethal and there was no cure for it. That defense made it one of the worst monsters of the Dark Fae to come across. However, it was not indestructible, it could feel pain and be injured like any other man. The most defensive action it had was the reflexes to avoid attacks from a variety of positions. It could leap over and scurry around. The powerful legs gave it strength to move forward. It traversed the dark tunnels with a low breathing. The strengthened and elongated arms made it travel on all fours as it reached galloping speed. The creatures hearing was impeccable. It would hear for miles around. Between the monsters ability to smell and its precise hearing it would locate them quickly and dispense with its mission. It had the element of surprise, when it came up through the sewe
rs it would in no time reach the company. Nothing could stand in its way. It vaulted as and scurried with claws digging into the side of the stone as ran along the side of the wall then rolled upside on the ceiling. Below the water was thinning and becoming more clearer as it made its way closer to Mystic Hall. Then it heard human talking from a distance afar. There were people living in the sewers as he heard them scavenging their things beneath the city. The voices echoed as it sniffed their odors. It rumbled through the sewer pipe which extended into a large cavern like pipe. Torchers were seen in the distance as voices spoke about the night’s feel and being hungry and tired. The Jyckarune stopped and listened as it realized a whole bunch of people were around the bend. They were living beneath the city and making plans to rob and steal. Then it heard the Dark Fae Warlock’s voice speak into the mind.

  ‘Kill them.’

  The Jyckarune turned the corner as a lady looked up and screamed. There was a battle cry among the men as it tore apart its unsuspecting victims one by one. They attempted to escape but were bitten and thrown aside like bales of hay. A man swung his sword as it sliced the arm of the beast and it howled in rage. A moment later the man was dead, his throat was ripped out as blood pooled and ran down the drains. All ten of the unsuspecting men and woman were dead. It had a taste for blood now which made it more eager for the next hunt. The monster lapped up the blood for a minute and licked it off a body, then it resumed the hunt. Going through more tunnels, the sweet smell of the city came into the creatures lungs, fresh air came from the city grates above. Ladders led up the grates. Then it came to a steel gate which blocked its way. It howled with rage as it turned around and found another side tunnel to move down. The tunnel went on for a long time then it could smell the company, fresh and new. It was nearing Mayens Hall and its grate. It moved through a fork and tunnel leveled up stone blocks with slime and dark sludge mucked the path. Then it stopped and above was a grate. It was the entrance to Mayens Hall. With elongated arms, it entered into the Mystic Hall.

  It found itself deep in a pit of swirling water and above it had to climb on top of a bridge which existed within the fortress. It anchored itself and made the climb up ever so slowly. Nails and claws clinking into the stone leaving small imprints. Sour water dripped from its fur as rumbled up the side of the wall like an ant.

  Shydrie and Dwarf Assassin Razor were in the eastern chamber and had decided to go to their rooms in the western quarters. The two quietly made their way through the halls of the fortress. Each room was fully furnished and cleaned. Rugs were scattered nicely on the stone floors while paintings and tapestries hung from the walls. The four remaining Spellmakers were on their way back from the chamber room. No one was able to sleep now that the spell of protection hung over the Mystic Hall. The Mystic Dayven and his father, Dunnganon, decided that they would further their studies at night. The Rockdwellers kept watch over the halls, rooms, and kitchen hearth. All appeared serene as the She-Elf Warrior and Dwarf Assassin made their way onto the span of the bridge. Then they heard something land just as the Spellmakers reached the area. Both turned as the Jyckarune leapt at the Dwarf Assassin with fangs bearing. It nearly struck him, but his quick reflexes avoided the attack. Then it ran into the Spellmakers who were unaware. It move with undying speed and attacked as the She-Elf and Assassin went to defend the Elves. One by one it bit them as they went down. Only two Spellmakers remained as a rush of green fire bolted out. The Jyckarune dodged the fire as the She-Elf Warrior snapped her broadsword out in an instant. The creature dodged the swings as the Dwarf Assassin Razor let out two flying iron star darts. One missed and the other hit the beast in the shoulder and it howled. The monsters attention turned on the two Spellmakers and lunged as a wall flame went out. The beast ran so fast that the fire barely touched it and the killing spree began. It bit the two Spellmakers as Rockdwellers came onto the bridge with spears attempting lure the thing to come at them. Then Llyendrie was there, unaware as the She-Elf Warrior flipped and dropped in front of the faerie creature. She jabbed it twice as it went to swipe her with long arms, trying to catch her like a fly. The Dwarf Assassin Razor was right behind as he let out his sword cutting into the side of the creature. It spun around wildly and flipped while sliding on the span of the bridge. It struck the Dwarf Assassin as he went down. It also turned on the three Rockdwellers releasing all of its fury. Then a wall of blue fire exploded on the bridge into the Jyckarune. It yelled out in horror as its hair singed, and skin began burning. The creature did not sway as it lunged at the two Mystics. They rebounded and sidestepped the creature hurting it with their swords. A large gash was now bleeding from the side of the beast, but the injury only made it more vicious, more powerful. It jumped onto the Mystic Dayven and went to bite him on the shoulder but the beast was met with a mouth full of blue mystic fire. The Boy-Mystic grabbed the creature by the shoulders and tossed it onto the floor as it rolled, half crawling like an injured animal. The Mystics let forth the blue fire as the Jyckarune collapsed in a heap. Then a green mist came out of its body. It was no more. The Prince and Princess ran onto the span as they saw the dead Dark Fae thing lying there. All the Spellmakers had been killed except Llyendrie. Shydrie made her way over to the Dwarf Assassin Razor who gasping for breath, his face in pain as the venom did its work on his body.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t react fast enough,” Shydrie knelt by his side watching the blood rush down through his garments.

  “You fought valiantly,” the Dwarf smiled. He handed her a dwarven coin. “You are now part of our creed. Use it and you will be assisted. Thank you for helping me.”

  Shydrie looked at Llyendrie and two Mystics with some reservations. “Isn’t there anything you can do for him?”

  “No, the Jyckarune has poisoned him and there is no cure,” the Boy-Mystic knelt. “I can put him asleep, so he does not feel any more pain.”

  “No,” the Dwarf managed, his voice straining as sweat broke throughout his body. “Mystic Dayven, promise me that you will defeat the Dark Fae Warlock. Swear on you honor.”

  “I swear,” Dayven responded holding his hands as they made a fist. Then the Dwarf let go and died.

  A second later, green mist lifted out of the Jyckarune and a form of a man took place within the light.

  “You have all failed.” The Dark Fae Warlock’s image boomed. “Your petty little party will never make it to Fire Rock Crater. I will destroy you all. Be forewarned Mystic Dayven. You have brought this curse on your friends as well as yourself. A Faerie War will come, and you will be consumed in it.”

  “Go Warlock. Do not return. I will meet you in battle.” Dayven’s fingers erupted into white-hot fire that incinerated the monster to ash as the vision disappeared. “He had the power of foresight. He was one with the mind of the creature. Where’s Brea?” He finally said in a panic.

  A few minutes later they found her locked in a room with two Rockdwellers guarding the hallway. The others had started to wrap the dead for burial. When the Rockdwellers parted Brea opened up the door, her face full of anger.

  “I could have helped,” she shouted at Dayven grabbing his arms. “I could have done something, but you had them lock me in my room like some kind of prisoner.”

  “I ordered them to protect you at all costs. I have need of your assistance. Most of our company is gone. We only have one Spellmaker left and he is needed to assist in the finding of Red Faeriestone. The trip will be dangerous. It is most certain that most of us will not make it. And if we do, I do not know what we will face. The faerie magic is strong, and creatures are more deadly than I have ever encountered. They are more cunning than the Crimson Seekers. Are you sure that you still want to make this journey?”

  “Yes,” she said as she gave him hug. At first, he did not know what to do. He wanted to wrap his arms around and felt the need to pull away. He was now putting her life in danger and he did not want to lose her. “Please hold me and be consoled Dayven. Do not let your duties deprive you of friendship an
d love. Do not distance yourself. Mystics can love.” She grabbed hold of him and tightened her grip. He held her in his arms.

  “I don’t know. Love is something distant, Brea. There is too much loss and I feel my heart harden like a stone against everything. I am growing numb.”

  “Stay with me tonight and unburden yourself,” she offered, and he smiled.

  “You always knew how to bring me back from the brink. Let us prepare for tomorrow’s departure and I will come to you later.”

  An hour later, the remaining company met in the chamber hall and sat around the table. A solemn sad mood quieted the heaviness of their hearts. No one wanted to discuss anything, but the Mystic Dayven knew that he had to push forward.

  “Friends, we have come at the crossroads and lost many companions. We must forge forward to defeat the Dark Fae Warlock and whatever new Dark Fae he releases. Llyendrie must be protected no matter what. He is priority over all of our lives. We cannot let him die. We need to find the Red Faeriestone. If we get hold of the talisman, then we can destroy whatever he brings forth. The fire will consume them all. Our second priority is the Hearthstone Sword. I need to reclaim it because I am the Protector of the Lands. I have the ability to pass it onto someone who I see fit. They would then become the Protector, but they must be of Elven blood. If I die, you Shydrie would become the Protector.”

  She was taken back by his remarks and did not know what to say. Then she stood up and faced them all.

  “I do not want that responsibility,” she admitted. “Let us just finish this mission so we can get back Fallsridge. Once we have the Red Faeriestone we can use it. Mystic you must prepare to do battle with the Warlock. There is no other way. If you retrieve the Hearthstone Sword, then you must kill him this time. You must use it at all costs,” she finished.


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