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Mystic Faerie War

Page 14

by James Day

  “It will not be as easy as you think, She-Elf,” the Boy-Mystic turned their attention to him. The Hearthstone Sword is to be used against the faerie magic and Warlock is a man. The weapon cannot be used to wage war against man. It must not fall into the wrong hands. It is only to be used as a protectorate against the Dark Fae magic. We cannot use it as a weapon of mortal war.”

  “Then how are we to destroy the Warlock?” Noleann finally spoke up.

  “We must destroy his magic,” Dayven responded. “His steel rod staff gives him his magic. If we destroy the orb, then his magic will cease. We will use our magic at our disposal to defeat him. He must be killed by any other weapon except the Hearthstone Sword. If he were to obtain it and kill me then the Promise would be broken, and dark magic would flow forth like it did with the Crimson Seekers.”

  “I will see to it that the Sword of Shannon does battle with him. It can deflect faerie magic. It is a powerful weapon. I will make sure that I am ready.” Prince Grandur spoke up.

  “How will we know if it is safe to leave in the morning?” Brea asked.

  “I will send a beacon that will check every room. It will forewarn us if something else has entered the Mystics Hall. The city of Mayens Hall is protected and cannot be attacked. The wards that the Mystics have placed will keep the people safe. There will be no more death in Mayens Hall. Now we bring the fight out to him.”

  “Do you have a plan?” Brea said with intrigue.

  “Yes, and we will send a deception to trick the dark magic. It will give us time to reach Blue Shimmer. The red Silverthreads will see us, but it will only be an image traveling through the mountains while we take the river. The deception will only work for one day but will give us time to reach our goal.”

  “The meeting is concluded,” the Boy-Mystic stood up and quietly moved away. The others broke up and went to their rooms.

  A half hour later, the Mystic Dayven knocked on Brea’s door and she opened it with her long hair flowing around her shoulders. When they originally met, she had short cropped hair, but grew it out. She was dressed in a casual robe as the whole room was lit in candles. He entered and locked the door behind him as a Rockdweller stood outside like a stone sentinel.

  “I am glad you showed up. I was beginning to wonder,” the Wildergirl showed him to a long sofa with a leather chest that was used as a table. The room had a comfortable feel to it and sweet-smelling oils burned to relax their senses. In the back room was a bed with pillows and blankets. A warm fireplace crackled as the logs burned brightly. The smell of the wood intermingled with oils and brought on a nice aroma.

  He sat down and she offered him a glass of ale and he took it. “Are you positive you want to come with the company?”

  “Must we discuss that again,” she sighed. “My mind is made up. Besides, I know some Mystic spells to help aid in the quest. I never stopped practicing them,” she said as spoke some foreign tongue and a fireball erupted in her hand, huge and blue. She then closed her fingers around it and the blue fire dissipated. Her hand was not burned. “Must you test me Dayven? I am not some little starry-eyed girl. I have changed as you have. We are both adults and know what we want.”

  “I sense you have a motive,” he came at her directly and she got up and walked away from him for a moment, stopping in the middle of the room.

  “I do,” she responded as he rose to meet her. He reached out for her shoulder and she blew away like smoke. Dayven felt a tap on his shoulder behind him. “I have not forgotten.”

  “You have retained everything I taught you.”

  “Everything,” she smiled taking a sip of her cup of ale and handed him one. “My only motive is to get you to respect me for who I am and the decisions I make.”

  “I told you before, I don’t hold anything against you. It was just so sudden. I know I was gone for a long time and you were not here. You just left a note stating that you were returning to your people at Wilder Run.”

  “Things had changed with Crimson Seekers. My people welcomed me back with open arms. They did not imprison me. The Council Members agreed that I was an heir to the throne and gave it back to me.”

  “You are Queen of Wilder Run?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I come and go as I please to protect our people. That’s why when the Fire Imps starting killing and I came to Mayens Hall looking for you.”

  “Queen,” he supposed. “It is a good fit for you. I am happy for you.”

  “There is something I need to tell you and I don’t know how to approach the subject. I don’t want to anger you.”

  “I could never be angry at you, Brea. You have been my heart and soul in the past. I have to admit that I am still in love with you, but you feel different.”

  “That’s where you are wrong. I left because of one reason.”

  “What is that?”

  “Our child,” she let out the secret.

  “We have a child?” Dayven said with his eyes dark and confused. “I don’t understand.”

  “When you left, I was with child. I left when I had three more months before I gave birth. I went back to my people and had our son.” She reached into her blouse and pulled out a locket and opened it up. Inside was a picture of a little boy with blue eyes and blonde hair.

  “I don’t know what to say,” he was in shock and had a hard time processing the new information. “I have a son. What is his name?”

  “Braven,” she said with a sigh. “He is well cared for. His full name is Braven Dunn.”

  “Does he know about me?”

  “Yes, I’ve told him the stories. My people also know he is your child. We keep this a secret. No one knows except a few.”

  “No one must know about him Brea.”

  “He must not come looking for me. Go back to Wilder Run and raise him, protect him.”

  “My people will keep him safe, but if the Dark Fae Warlock rises to power then my people and your son will be destroyed. That is why you must not fail. Even if I die, you must make sure you protect him. The Prince and Princess of Shannon have left their daughter in good hands. They travel this quest knowing that they could die. I will do the same. My people want to see Shannon thrive. We want this new threat destroyed. After we finish the quest, I will return to Wilder Run to raise him.”

  “Would you consider bringing him to Mayens Hall?”

  “I don’t know if it’s a good idea. He has the gift. He can control the animals just like me.”

  “Okay, if we survive this quest, we can discuss the issue and I will abide by what your wishes are. If others were to find out, then it would be too dangerous. He would always have a target on his back.”

  “I do not want the others to know,” she said directly and with intent. “This is our business.”

  “I agree,” he said.

  “I am glad you are not angry at me. I didn’t know exactly how to tell you or when. I found that this to be the best time.”

  “If things do not go as planned, then we will go for the boy,” Dayven said with strict determination.

  “Deal,” she said as she kissed him.

  “Let’s get some rest,” he yawned as she took off his sweater.

  “Stay the night,” she asked.

  They kissed and she began blowing out the candles.

  The morning came fast as the company met for one last time in the Council chambers. They went over the plan and the Mystic Dayven sent out a spell to check the fortress for any enemies. Within an hour he sensed that there were none. The Rockdwellers packed their supplies. With all the horses gone, they would have to make the journey by foot and raft.

  The Mystic Dayven bent over on one knee and blue fire erupted from his fingertips and palm. It circled around and then sped off into the dark. The deception had begun.

  Within an hour the company left the safe walls of Mayens Hall.


  In the field below the sewer lines of Mayens Hall, the Dark Fae Warlock moved along the river and downstream.
The Jyckarune had been defeated but served a purpose. It had killed most of the Spellmakers and the Dwarf Assassin with ease. There only remained the She-Elf Warrior and one Spellmaker from Fallsridge. The Elves were failing at their mission. Now it would be harder for them to retrieve the Red Faeriestone. He needed to find it first before they uncovered the talisman’s secret. The Warlock had an idea where it may be would need the Fire Imps to intercede on his behalf once again. They were obedient creatures that followed his lead. Now he sensed that the company was traveling north up in the mountains and he made plans to hunt them down. The Dark Fae Wolven Elves had gathered where the rivers crossed to meet their master and hunt down the Mystic and his remaining companions. In the distance, the Dark Fae Wolves moved swiftly with their riders on their backs, leaping through the countryside. The leader of Dark Fae Wolven Elves stopped before the Warlock and waited for others to come. They were building in strength, a small army to wipe out the Southlanders who threatened his sovereignty. The Red Wolves came out in droves howling along the streams as they waited for his command. They would hunt them down finish them off. A fog was rolling in and low-lying clouds made it more difficult to see. The city’s wards protected it from attack and the Red Wolves could not penetrate or enter the city. Anything formed of magic would be cast out into oblivion. Even the Dark Fae Warlock did not attempt to unravel such magic. It was also faerie in nature. They Mystics had cultivated some of the faerie magic to protect the Mystic Hall. The Jyckarune had been lucky, it went beneath the magic, an unfortunate mishap that the Mystics would not make a second time. He sensed their power faltering and knew that he had to act fast. He would send the red Silverthreads to track them down and would set a trap for them. This time the Mystic Dayven would not escape. He needed to keep him alive and would take him by force. The Warlock wanted the Hearthstone Sword and Dayven would be the vessel he used to retrieve it. His plans were working out and he needed a little more time. Then he heard a loud roar from above as the dragon flew in circles. Nightshade was all green with a long body and muscled legs with claws. Her wingspan was beautiful, and her dragon features blossomed as she grew. She felt his commands and knew what he was thinking. Dragonspeak told her what to do. She had been born from him and she called him father. She landed before the others now the size of a bull. Her wings folded in as razor-sharp teeth gleamed white and green eyes slanted with a dragon’s grin. The other creatures stood back and away from because they knew in one moment, she could strike. If she were hungry, she would feed on them if their master willed it. Soon she would be big enough to ride. Very soon she would be laying eggs and the army of dragons would be born for him to command. But she was young yet and needed to be careful. The gnomes and dwarves at Skydark had erected Dragon Killers, huge crossbows with large iron arrows that could easily pierce her armor. Her green sheen of little armor plates glowed with an incandescent green. Her tail was long and thin with dark green spikes and it moved back and forth.

  The Dark Fae Warlock walked up to her as she put her snout down and closed her mouth. He petted her, stroking her nose, and speaking to her softly. She let out a few calls to respond to his voice. Her elongated jaws snapped a few times as a puff of green smoke came out of her throat and nostrils. Soon, she would begin to make dragon fire. He released his hand off her snout and noticed that she was hungry. The Dark Fae Warlock gave the command and Nightshade pounced into the air and swooped down onto one of Red Wolves. She snatched the screaming beast which struggled as crushed her prey. She brought it to the side and began feasting. The others watched in wonder at their masters new dragon. Even to them, the Dark Fae Clan, she was beautiful and was free. She devoured the wolf and left the bones of the creature lying in the field. She then launched into the air.

  “Search for them, my beauty!” He ordered as the dragon spiraled up into the air and away from the group. She headed straight up for the northern mountains where they had been sensed. He could see with her eyes as he cast his mind spell and became one with her. Just as he did with Jyckarune, his mind attached to her. But she had total free will, and he would not take that away from her. Only when he needed her, he would call on her for assistance. She could cover a lot of land since her eyesight could spot a rabbit moving from hundreds of feet up. He turned to the leader of the Dark Fae Wolven Elves.

  “Search and find them. I want them all dead except the Mystic Dayven. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, my Master,” the Dark Fae Wolven Elf answered in a raspy voice.

  The Dark Fae Wolven Elves turned in packs and disappeared heading toward the mountain range. They would have to find a way up the side of the mountain and begin their hunt. The Red Wolves also scattered following their lead and then went ahead of them. Everything was working out as he planned.

  Soon, he would have the Hearthstone Sword.

  The company made their way beneath the catacombs of Mayens Hall. Dimly lit torchers blazed the path in dusty stone hallways built for escape. Nothing had come down here. The Jyckarune had missed the catacombs that went underneath the whole mountain range and came out of caves along the Whip. The Whip was a raging river that twisted and turned into the calm blue waters of Blue Shimmer. They were traveling by foot and by raft and the journey would take a few days. The Mystic Dayven held the torch as the others walked in single file behind him. There were no dangers at this point, but the Mystic mentioned some possible issues within the water catacombs where things slithered and lived. It would give them time they needed to get past the Fire Imps which would soon be released to scour Fire Rock Crater. Shydrie and Llyendrie took long strides with group while Noleann and Prince Grandur stayed together. O’Dea watched the back to make sure that nothing came from behind to surprise them. Two large Rockdwellers were taking them to the rafts that would be needed to go traverse the waters beneath the mountain. There were only a few ways to get to Blue Shimmer and they would take the direct route underground. Since the Mystics had taken over Mayens Hall they had learned all about the escape routes and ways of leaving the city without being seen.

  O’Dea turned around looking at the She-Elf Warrior. “Do you know what Razor gave you?”

  “A coin for assistance,” she responded.

  “Not just any coin, his pledge. Any Assassin that gives his pledge makes the receiver part of the Creed. Like it or not you are now part of the Assassin’s Dwarf Creed. They will come to you for anything at any time because he deemed you worthy.”

  “I do not need the help from Assassins,” she said outwardly. “I am She-Elf Warrior Leader of the Army of Elves. I think I can handle myself,” she said with pride.

  “I know Elven Warriors have a lot of pride, but you need the help. When we get to Blue Shimmer than you should ask for it.”

  “I need no Assassin’s help,” her voice echoed back through the tunnel.

  “We shall see,” O’Dea said

  Prince Grandur and Noleann Bounty Huntress traversed one behind the other. He held the Sword of Shannon and it was not glowing blue.

  “I think we are safe for a while.”

  “If only I had been there earlier, I could have saved them,” she responded feeling some regret. “Now all of the Spellmakers are dead except for Llyendrie. I fear that we may not be able to protect him.”

  “We must at all costs.” Prince Grandur put the sword back into its leather sheath.

  “We cannot let down our guard,” the Boy-Mystic Dunnganon said as the group listened. “These catacombs are full of danger and we must be careful. There are tight spaces that we can get caught up in so watch your backs.”

  “What lives down here?” Brea finally spoke up trailing behind watching the group move.

  “Things of the dark,” the Mystic Dayven responded to her. “Things that crawl and scamper in the dark. The night creatures.”

  “Is this how this journey is to be made Mystic? Hiding like a bunch of scared children sneaking around in caves to avoid the Dark Fae Warlock.”

  “We have underesti
mated his power. He has a large army of Fire Imps and Dark Fae Wolven Elves hunting us. This is the best way to travel. It will get us to Blue Shimmer. We cannot go through the mountains; he will have his creatures hunting for us. We will go through the lower caverns when we land on shores of Fire Rock Crater. Much of it has been destroyed, but the lava created new tubes that we can travel through. We must get to a pool of lava that is huge and wide. The Lady of Lava will be there. I believe that the Red Faeriestone is somewhere near the entrance of the caverns.”

  “Yes, I think you are correct,” the Spellmaker Llyendrie concurred. “The Elves would have put it in a spot where it was advantageous. A place where it would not get destroyed. I will have to figure out a way to get to it. It will not be easy. An Elf can only unlock the magic that wards off the others.”

  “This is all conjecture,” Shydrie said with annoyance “The truth is we don’t know where it is or what spell protects it. The magic that protects the stone could wipe us all out,” she grasped the hilt of her sword. “I like opponents that I can see. Not this magic you all use.”

  “This magic,” has saved us Noleann added. “I have fought internally with using the Mystic blood fire but have had no choice in the matter. I am bound by sword and by magic,” her voice trailed off.

  “We must use both to our advantage,” the Mystic Dayven commented. “We will need both skills. Magic can only do so much, and it expends a lot from the user. Shydrie your skills are needed and will be tested in Fire Rock Crater. You must prepare yourself mentally and physically for the fight.”

  “I am ready to face a whole horde of Fire Imps,” she quickly quipped. “I guess I am a little wary,” she admitted. “And that is hard for me to admit. An army of Elves follows your orders and goes into battle, but I have grown fond of all of you. I do not want anything to happen to any of you.”


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