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Zephyr: House of Storms: Dragon Guardians Book 8

Page 8

by Grove, Scarlett

  "It is so good to see you again," JoJo said, standing from the couch and crossing the space to kiss Maia on the cheeks.

  "So, you are the famous Dragoness Prime," said a woman finishing off a plate of chicken wings. She wiped her fingers on a napkin and smiled. “We are working on the dating website right now. We’re brainstorming it, anyway. Cato and Penelope are on the line."

  The hungry woman pointed to a human technological device sitting on the short table in the middle of the room.

  "Hi," came an enthusiastic voice from the device. “I’m Penelope. I can’t wait to meet you in person.”

  Zephyr entered the room, holding a coffee cup in his hand as if and as if he was lost in thought. Their eyes locked when he saw her. His expression shifted through so many emotions, Maia couldn't keep up.

  "You arrived more quickly than anticipated."

  "I left right away." She wheeled her suitcase around in front of her.

  "So you're going to take the lady on a proper date?" JoJo said.

  “I’m going to try."

  "Did the mating analysis finally prove you two are mates?” Hanish asked.

  Both Maia and Zephyr remained silent, staring at each other across the distance. But it was Maia who spoke first.

  "I'm afraid not. The mating analysis remains inconclusive. But, our inner dragons are quite conclusive. We've decided to spend some time together, regardless of the analysis is results.”

  "That's quite unlike you, Zephyr," Hanish chuckled.

  “There is an old human saying," Zephyr started. “The heart wants what it wants. Maia and I are being relentlessly harassed by our inner dragons, and we agreed that spending some quality time together may give us some relief.”

  "You shouldn't believe everything that you think you know about mating," Raiden said. “I speak from personal experience. Flora and I were best friends and had a connection to each other, but my inner dragon never said a thing. If I had ignored my feelings and only believed in the stirrings of the inner beast, I never would have had a chance to make her mine. When I could no longer resist my feelings, I finally ran the analysis to prove she was my mate. The rest is history. You never know how things will turn out until you try."

  "The difference is that the mating analysis ultimately proved that you were mates," Zephyr said.

  "Fate works in mysterious ways, Zephyr. You can't always rely on instinct or on science. Sometimes you just have to go with your feelings."

  "He's right," Flora said, starting in on another plate another chicken wing. "I'm going to have a baby soon. That's proof enough that we are fated, wouldn't you say?” She chuckled, waving a barbecue sauce covered wing at Zephyr.

  "I'll show you where you can change," Hanish said, taking the handle of Maia’s suitcase. She followed him up the stairs to the bedroom where she’d changed the last time she was there.

  "Can I ask you a question?" Maia asked.

  "Of course," Hanish said, standing by the door.

  “I believe that Zephyr is my mate, but the mating analysis results are inconclusive. I know dragons of old depended on their intuition to find each other and that the majority of those mated on this planet have felt the same urge. I believe we should ignore the results and follow our hearts, but Zephyr does not. Could you give me some advice about how to get through to him?"

  "Zephyr is a man of science," Hanish said. “He only believes in facts. But I know that he longs for you as much as you long for him. I've never seen Zephyr look so desperate.”

  "What should I do?"

  "Zephyr is a man who leads with his head, not his heart. And even less with his body. You can help him get in touch with those things. Then you may see that he is able to change his perspective."

  "I see.”

  "Maia, you gave me my son, the most precious gift possible. I want you to be happy. You are a strong woman who knows her own mind. You have sacrificed so much for so many. It is time for you to get your happy ending.”

  "Thank you, Hanish." She took his hands in hers and grasped them affectionately. “Thank you for everything you've done for me. I don't know where I would be without you right now.”

  "All of us would have been lost without you, Maia. It was your willingness to carry the dragonkin that inspired us to defy the elders and leave old Dragonia. You and your love are an inspiration to all dragons. Fate will repay you in kind.”

  "I hope you're right, Hanish," she said, looking to the ground.

  "I will leave you now to prepare for your date. Remember what I told you about how to get through to him. If you take it slowly, I know he will see the light.”

  "I will remember."


  Zephyr rested his hands on the dashboard of his ship's computer, staring at the holographic screen in front of him. The mating analysis might not have been conclusive, but his latest simulations were. He knew the vampires would act soon and there would be a reckoning for what the vaccine had done. The newly awakened dragons were all clamoring for a dating website, but all Zephyr could think about was Maia.

  He made his way upstairs and looked across the room see a vision of infinite grace of loveliness. Maia stood there in the white lace dress, her hair done up in curls, and cosmetics were applied to her already beautiful face. Her legs were shaped by the height of her heels and she wore a black fur cape around her shoulders against the cold.

  He had seen her in the dress before but seeing her now, with the promise of time alone together, completely floored him. He strode toward her, gulping down the lump in his throat.

  "You look lovely. Lovelier than the moon and stars." The words tumbled out of his mouth as if from the ether, and he couldn't believe he had said them. Maia’s face turned pink as she smiled coyly and reached out to take his hand.

  "Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself."

  Zephyr had dressed in a black suit with a silver tie that he had bought for Hanish and JoJo's wedding. He hadn't worn it since and hadn't expected to. Hanish had suggested he wear it tonight, and he had listened to the advice of his captain.

  "Shall we?" he said, offering her his elbow.

  She hooked her arm through his, and he opened the door for her, escorting her outside to the Tesla. She slid into the passenger seat, and he hurried around to the other side, slipping behind the wheel.

  He glanced over at her to see the rise and fall of her chest as she took quick, deep breaths. A rouge spread over her chest, and he could only assume she was feeling the same heightened sense of awareness he was. His inner dragon was in hysterics, sending him impressions of ravishing her lovely body and raining kisses across every inch of her beautiful glowing skin.

  He started the engine and peeled out of the driveway burning rubber down the road. Soon they were speeding along the freeway, headed north toward the city. He'd booked a table at a fine restaurant and a room in a five-star hotel. He had told himself repeatedly he shouldn’t get the room, but his dragon had seemed to take hold of his body and mind and made the reservation for him.

  When they made it to the city, he parked in the lot outside the restaurant. As they walked inside, his inner dragon could barely contain himself. The beast insisted he could wait no longer for his mate, and Zephyr used every ounce of strength and rationality to hold back the tide of passion raging inside him.

  He told the hostess his name and they were guided toward a table by the window, looking out on the snowy street. Soft music danced on the air as the light tinkling of conversation filled the room with a sense of peace and celebration.

  "Can I start you with drinks?" the hostess asked.

  "The finest bottle of your champagne," Zephyr said, loosening his tie.

  He felt constricted, as if his inner dragon would jump out from inside of him at any moment.

  "Will have that for you right away."

  Maia looked down at the menu, her eyebrows crinkling up in confusion. "I don't suppose we can order everything on the menu this time.”

no reason why not. But it might not all fit on this table."

  She giggled, covering her mouth with the tips of her crimson red fingernails. The sight of the color against her mouth made him mad with desire, and he had to close his eyes to maintain control. The wine steward returned with their bottle of champagne and poured them both a glass. Zephyr needed the relief of intoxication and drained the entire glass in one go. Maia chuckled at him as she sipped the bubbly liquid.

  "It tickles my nose."

  Zephyr knew it was impolite, but his eyes were fixed on the curve of her breasts. When Maia saw him looking, her reaction was anything but offended. Instead, she bit her lip and batted her eyelashes seductively. Her pupils dilated and the pink in her cheeks grew more vivid.

  "I suggest the lobster,” he said. "That's what I'm having.”

  "I'll have the same. I know I enjoyed it on the island."

  After the server had taken their orders, they nibbled on bread and hors d'oeuvres. Zephyr felt himself harden between his legs with the force of his inner dragon, vibrating within him. He drank another glass of champagne, gripping the crystal so tightly he made a hairline crack. He set down the flute and tried to breathe through his lust.

  When the lobster was served, he sated himself by cracking the thick carapace of the crustacean. The violence offered some release for his inner agitation, but it could not truly soothe the beast within. Nothing could do that. Nothing except Maia. He needed her.

  He needed to hold her, to love her, to feel himself deep inside her. He needed to wrap her in his arms and claim her as his own. He knew this to the depths of his soul. He knew that fact better than he knew his own name. There was no question. Until his logical mind reminded him that he had no true proof she was his mate. Only his simple, barbaric feelings.


  Maia enjoyed the lobster tremendously. It was cooked with different flavored sauces than they had experienced on the island. She was getting a clearer sense of what Earth had to offer all the time. When they were done with their meal, they ordered chocolate soufflé, and Maia dipped her tiny spoon in the dark sauce, licking it with her delicate tongue. Zephyr couldn’t take his eyes off her, and she saw the storm brewing behind his serious façade.

  He clenched his fist so hard it turned white. Maia reached across to him, sliding her palm and fingers over his hand. He loosened his grip, and she grasped his hand. The energy vibrated between them, and they looked deeply into each other's eyes.

  "Are you ready to get out of here?" Zephyr said in a low grumbling voice. His dragon was so close to the surface.

  "I thought you'd never ask," Maia said, in this same deep tone.

  "I have a room at the hotel across from here," he said. "Would you like to go with me now?"

  "Yes,” she said breathlessly.

  They rose from the table after paying the bill and silently walked from the restaurant. Maia giggled with anticipation as she followed Zephyr out the door and onto the cool Seattle streets. A light dusting of snow had settled on the sidewalks and the lights of the avenue were sparkling in the what concrete. The smell of the damp air hung heavily around them and filled her with a sense of liveliness, even in the chill. They trotted across the street at the crosswalk and found their way into the hotel.

  This was one of the most exciting moments of her life and she didn't quite know what to think or do. Zephyr checked them into their room, and they made their way to the second floor. Inside their suite, Maia smelled the scent of flowers and spotted a large bouquet of white and pink roses in a vase on the table. The fragrance filled her with a sense of peace and luxury. She pressed her nose to one of the blooms, taking a deep draw of the scent. Zephyr reached out for her and kissed the back of her neck with a deep inhalation of breath.

  "I am ravenous for you." He turned her toward him.

  She gasped as he spun her to face him. She couldn’t believe she was finally here with him. Having to wait for him had only increased her longing. The cup of her desire had grown a thousand-fold and now that he was filling it, she could barely contain herself.

  Their lips met in a hungry kiss. They grabbed for each other and he pulled her against the hard planes of his body. She growled deep in her throat, feeling her dragon so close to the surface, she feared it might break through and devour him whole.

  "Zephyr," she moaned.

  She wanted to consume him, to feel him inside her body and soul. She had no words. She was body, beast, and instinct. Everything else was a distant memory. He pressed his thick manhood against her, his dragon rumbling in his chest. Unable to hold back the tide of passion, she ripped at the buttons on his shirt, tearing the fabric open to reveal the taut muscles of his deep chest.

  She ran her hands over his skin, luxuriating in the feel of him. She leaned down and licked the planes of his chest, flicking her tongue over his nipples. She had never been so enlivened, so raw. Her inner dragon was awake with ferocity. She grabbed at his belt and yanked it open, the strength of her inner beast betraying the delicate disguise of her female form.

  She ripped open his pants and pulled down the clothing, sinking to her knees. Zephyr groaned as his long, thick cock popped free from the constraints of his clothing, revealing itself to her hungry eyes. She licked her lips as she drank in the sight of him. She smelled the scent of his musk. She desired his body like a woman who had not drunk water in an age, coming to a rushing well of clear, cool water.

  She sucked him in, reveling in the taste of him, the feel of him in her mouth, his thickness, the curve of his shaft, the taste of his body. She licked the head of his cock, lapping up the tiny droplets of liquid his body relinquished to her.

  Zephyr ran his hands through her hair, growling as she slid her mouth up and down on his shaft. The gorgeous feeling of him inside her was too delicious to comprehend. She sucked harder, stroking him with her hand as she moved up and down on him. Zephyr stood above her, gasping and receptive to her fierce intensity, until he could take no more and pulled her to her feet.

  He looked into her eyes, the electricity of his dragon sparking beneath the rationality the man she knew. He pulled her dress up over her head, leaving her in her bra, panties, and stilettos. He turned her around with a growl and pressed his cock to the cleft of her ass, nibbling on the back of her neck as he grasped her breasts and kneaded them in his powerful hands.

  He stepped her toward the bed and leaned her over to rest her hands on the mattress. He licked down her back, unfastening her bra, and slid off her panties. He sank between her legs, his tongue darting over her liquid pleasure.

  She groaned with need, gushing her desire. He lapped up her body’s offering, sliding her open and slipping into her channel. Maia whimpered with need as his finger twirled on the bud of her pleasure. His tongue flicked in an out of her channel, consuming her until she was right on the edge of release.

  He kept her there, suspended on the cusp of climax until she felt she might shatter from the pressure of her lust. He stood and pressed his cock against her wet core. She growled like the beast she was, unafraid of what he had to give.

  She had hatched twelve dragonkin but had never known a man. Now she stood on the precipice of this awakening, and she could not wait to surrender to it. She was so open, so hungry, so ready, she pushed back against him, sliding him inside her.

  He caught her hips in his hands and slowed her motion, inching inside at an agonizing pace. She screamed with need. “Fuck me,” she growled. He shoved himself deep into her core. Maia’s breath caught, and she threw her head back, groaning with sweet release. Her body clenched on his thick cock. Her need finally filled, she felt like crying with relief.

  "Oh yes, oh yes," Maia whimpered, needing so much more to fill the ache that had built to excruciating heights.

  Zephyr rested against her for an instant, before pulling back and thrusting hard into her again. She groaned from deep in her throat as her orgasm crested again and again with each thrust. Tears slid from her eyes as his fingers
dug into her flesh. She had become an object of lust and satisfaction, and it was all she wanted to be. Her need for him had been so deep, so relentless, it nearly destroyed her. But with Zephyr inside her, she could finally let it free. She wanted more and more and more. She wanted his teeth in her flesh, his seed in her pussy. She wanted him to fill her with the fruit of their young to make her grow ripe with his babe.

  "Oh Maia," he growled. “You feel too good to be true.”

  "Claim me, Zephyr. Claim me now! Make me yours forever.”

  Zephyr reached down and grasped her chin, pulling her close as he continued to slide slowly in and out of her core. She felt his sharp teeth on her neck, poised over her and ready to bite.

  "Take me, Zephyr. Do it now! Please."


  "Zephyr? Maia?” the Prince of Stone said over their wrist devices.

  Zephyr gasped, releasing his seed into his beloved, but his teeth retracted, and he quickly pulled away. Maia collapsed on the bed.

  "What is it?” Maia gasped, sliding her finger over her wrist.

  "The Duke of Tides. He came to our ship requesting protection from Prince Current. We took him in. We believed his story. He asked to see Waverley, to make sure she was safe. I never should have let him. I should've seen through his lies. But I know how you feel about your brother. What else could I have done?”

  "What is going on?" Maia demanded.

  “He left, not more than an hour ago. And then we received a message from the Prince of Tides, demanding you be returned to him or you would never see your daughter again. I am so sorry, Dragoness Prime. Please forgive me.”

  "My brother kidnapped my child?"

  She looked up at Zephyr, her eyes big and watery. He was at a loss for words. This was a horrible turn of events that they never could have anticipated. Maia began to pull on her clothes, tears rolling down her cheeks.


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