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Zephyr: House of Storms: Dragon Guardians Book 8

Page 9

by Grove, Scarlett

  "I'm so sorry, Maia,” Prince Mortar said.

  "We will meet you at the House of Storms," Zephyr said.

  Maia was already in motion, headed to the door. "What are we going to do?" she said as they took the elevator to the roof.

  “We’re going to get her back.”

  They stepped out onto the snowing rooftop, went stealth, shifted, and jumped into the sky. Zephyr contacted Hanish the moment they were in flight, telling him what had happened.

  "I'm afraid that's not our only problem," Hanish said. “The vampires just informed the world of their existence and our own. There is mass hysteria among the humans. And no voice of reason among them.”

  "I can't think about that now. I must focus on getting Waverley back.”

  "I understand. But if the humans destroy themselves and this world, there won't be a world for any of us.”

  * * *

  "We're almost there," Zephyr said to his love.

  He had lost his chance to claim her, but now that he had tasted her body and felt the depths of her love, he knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that Maia was his. They belonged together, body and soul, and nothing and no one would tear them apart.

  They made it back to the House of Storms in record time and landed outside on the backyard as a snow storm drove from the sky. Maia and Zephyr rushed inside. All the dragons of the House of Storms and the House of Flames had gathered. Prince Mortar was also present, the look on his face revealing the depth of his guilt. He tried again to apologize to Maia, but all she could do was lean into Zephyr and hide the tears running down her face.

  "We have to appeal to Current’s greater self," Hanish said. “The man must have some honor."

  “I’m not sure we can count on that,” Zephyr said.

  "On a happier note, we have completed a beta version of the dating website," Penelope said, turning a laptop computer on the kitchen table. “We've already entered his DNA information into the database. I’ll just tell the computers to start running it. If we use the processing power of all the ships, we might have the results fairly quickly."

  "Do it," said Kian of the Prince of Flames.

  Penelope tapped a few buttons and then nodded. "It's done."

  That still leaves the question of what we can do about this," Cato said, tabbing the computer’s screen to a feed from a news channel. The president of the United States was on the podium addressing the public, warning that these events might lead to war. Cato then tabbed to multiple other stations with the leaders of every other country in the world saying something similar.

  "But why?" Maia asked. “Why go to war when they find out that there are other beings on Earth besides themselves?”

  "They all blame each other. They believe it's a farce created by their enemies. They are looking for someone to blame.”

  "This isn't right," Maia said, shaking her head.

  "This has been a difficult day for you, Maia. You should rest.”

  "I can't rest, Zephyr. I must find my child.”

  "This is a message from the Prince of Tides," came a booming voice through everyone's wrist device simultaneously. “You will hand over the Dragoness Prime or we will destroy you all.”

  "He can't stand against all of us," Hanish said.

  "Warning," said Azure, the AI of the House of Storms. “We are under attack.”

  "I know where you are, Maia," Current hissed through the open channel. "It's time to come back home.”

  "Please listen to him, Maia," her brother added.

  "How could you do this, brother? How could you take my child?"

  "He left me no choice. He told me he would kill you if I didn't do it. If he had threatened my life, I would have gladly died for you. But he said he would hunt you to the ends of the galaxy, that he would never relent until he'd found you and destroyed everything you love, including Waverley."

  "You've played right into his hands, brother.”

  The house shuddered around them, vibrating as if struck by an earthquake.

  "Direct hit by Dragonian missiles. Shields at 85%," Azure said.

  "Maximum power to the shields," Hanish said. “Women and children to the safe room."

  "It's me he wants. I will go back to him. I have to protect my daughter.”

  "Never," Zephyr said. “You will never go back to him. You are mine. You're my mate."

  "If you have mated with my Dragoness Prime, I will destroy you all.”

  "You cannot presume to take another man's mate," Hanish said, indignantly.

  "Prove she is your mate, and I will back off. But I know the Dragoness Prime has no fated one. First, she belonged to the people, and now she belongs to me, by right. I am her prince.”

  "We need to run another mating analysis," Zephyr said, closing off the channel to Prince Current.

  "But both have been inconclusive so far," Maia said, covering her face with her hands.

  “I don't know what else to do. It's the only way to prove it.”

  There was another massive hit to the compound. The walls rumbled and Tor wailed through the baby monitor.

  "Zephyr, run the mating analysis. Cato and Penelope, push all the power you've got into the dating website and find that man's mate. JoJo, take Tor to the basement and keep him safe. The rest of you, prepare for battle."

  Everyone fell into line on Hanish's command. Zephyr and Maia hurried down to the basement with Penelope and Flora. JoJo took Tor to the saferoom. The other dragons went out to battle the House of Tides. Zephyr glanced at Maia, collapsed in a chair at the back of the lab, knowing how hard this must be for her.

  "Azure, I need you to run our mating analysis one more time. But with the new DNA samples.”

  He took a swab from the inside of Maia’s cheek and dropped it into the analysis plate and then took a swab of his own, dropping it in right after.

  "I don't understand, Zephyr," Maia said. “How could this make any difference?”

  "I just have a feeling."

  "You're making a decision based on a feeling?" Flora said, raising an eyebrow.

  "Let's just say I am growing as a man," Zephyr responded.

  "Mating analysis commencing," Azure said.

  The mansion shuddered to the very foundation.

  "I should go up to help them,” Zephyr said. "You ladies really should go to the safe room.”

  "I've got my laptop linked to Azure," Penelope said, holding the machine under her arm. “We can work from there.”

  Zephyr hurried upstairs, relieved that the women were safely behind multiple shields. As the man stood in the backyard, under the weakening dome of their shields. Zephyr shifted into his dragon form and joined the others in battle. He shot his dragon lightning at the attacking ship. The fight was a massive light show that any human within a hundred miles could see. But there was no going back now. The humans knew of their existence. Nothing could be done to put the genie back in the bottle, as the humans said.

  Maia sat in the safe room with the other women. Penelope and Flora moved between taking care of Tor and checking the computer. Maia felt so lost without her Waverley. Her arms were empty. But she held Tor close to her heart, grateful that she could be with her baby boy again.

  "Oh my God," Penelope said. “We found a match.”

  "A match?" Maia said, her voice hoarse and distant.

  "A match for the Prince of Tides. I can't believe it. She's only a few miles from here.”

  "Are you serious," Flora said, staring at the computer screen.

  "Yeah. She owns a fish farm right outside of town.”

  "What is a fish farm?" Maia asked.

  “A place where they raise fish in tanks.”

  "We need to bring her here," Maia said.

  "But we’re in the middle of a battle," Penelope said. "Hanish wants us to stay in the saferoom."

  "You don't have to do what Hanish tells you,” Maia said.

  "I know we don't have to do what he tells us, but how are we going to get out without b
eing seen?"

  The compound shuddered. "Shields at 50%," Azure said.

  "We need to go now.”

  “Flora should stay here, she’s pregnant,” JoJo said, taking Tor from Maia.

  "I can go by myself," Maia said.

  "No way. You need at least one person to protect you,” Penelope said.

  "We'll go together. JoJo can take care of the baby,” Flora said.

  "I don't think the guys will be very happy about this," JoJo said.

  Flora fisted her hips. “I'm not going to just sit here and let the Prince of Tides destroy our home when we could do something to stop all of this.”

  "Why don't we ask Zephyr to come?" JoJo asked.

  "The guys need to stay at the battle," Maia said. “Finding Current’s mate is my task.”

  “We’re coming with you,” Flora said.

  Maia, Penelope, and Flora left the saferoom as JoJo locked the door behind them. There was another direct hit to the compound and dust fell from the ceiling in the hallway.

  "How are we going to get to the fish farm without a car?" Penelope asked.

  "You forget. I’m a dragon."

  They hurried upstairs and activated their stealth shields before moving outside into the front driveway. Fire and lightning blazed all around as the missiles shot at the shields. Maia was awestruck at the fireworks blasting around her.

  "I'm here," Maia said over the din. “I will shift and sneak out of the compound along the ground and once we have made it to safe cover, we will take flight. Have either of you ridden a dragon before?

  "We both have," Flora said.

  "Good. Are you ready?"


  “Good to go."

  Maia shifted into her aqua blue dragon form, ready for the others to climb on her back. Someone squeaked as the sisters clambered over her cool scales and found a comfortable place to sit in the crook of her wings. Maia could no longer speak to them because neither of the human women had the mental link chip, but they had made their plan, and she would have to trust they would let her know if anything went wrong.

  She scampered down the driveway and waited for a beat, observing her surroundings before she slid through the shields and hurried into the cover of the forest. She ran deeper and deeper into the trees. Flora and Penelope were gasping and giggling as she charged and jumped over downed trees and ducked under branches.

  She crested a hill and found a clearing that was a suitable launching pad to take her into the air. Penelope had uploaded the map to the fish farm through Maia’s mental link. She could see it on the screen of her mind. They drew away from the raging battle at the House of Storms and drew closer and closer to the woman's home. As she hovered over the acreage, the smell of water and fish filled her nose. Maia set down in a wooded area, and Penelope slid from her back.

  “What are we going to tell this woman?" Penelope asked, fisting her hips.

  "Why don't we just tell her the truth?" Maia asked. "Now that humans know dragons and vampires exist, what can it hurt?"

  "Sooo we’re going to tell her that she is the mate of a psychotic dragon, and we need her to come with us so that she can help us stop a war?” Penelope asked.

  "Yeah but if he finds his mate, he won’t be so psychotic. It's a win-win for everyone,” Flora said.

  "We can't guarantee that,” Penelope said.

  "Come on, Pen. Let's try some positive thinking. Poor Maia is going to have a nervous breakdown."

  "Finding his mate will change him," Maia said. “I believe that to the depths of my soul. If anything can bring peace to his mind, it will be his mate."

  "Okay then, let's do this," Penelope said, charging through the forest toward the fish farm.

  "She's going to think we're so weird," Flora said.

  "There's no hope for that," Penelope said. “We just have to get in there and make it happen."

  The sisters hooked arms, laughing at each other. Flora put her arm around Maia’s shoulder, pulling her in to the embrace of their sisterly love. Something melted inside her, and she felt a sense of belonging she hadn't known could be possible. These women were risking so much to help her. It was a sacrifice she would not soon forget. But even more than that, they were offering her friendship.

  Penelope pushed the doorbell at the farm house, and they waited on the porch as the chimes rang inside. A moment later, a short elderly woman answered the door and scrutinized them inquisitively.

  "Yes?" the woman asked

  "We were hoping we could speak to Evangeline Andrews," Penelope said.

  “Can I help you? Evangeline is busy.”

  "We have very important information to share with her."

  "What information?"

  "It's concerning the news about the vampires and dragons," Flora said.

  "What does my daughter have to do with that?" the woman asked, closing the door halfway.

  "We have reason to believe that she could help prevent a war," Penelope said.

  "Wait here," the woman, said shutting the door behind her.

  "If she doesn't come willingly, we she should just kidnap her," Flora said, giggling.

  "I can't believe you just said that," Penelope said. “You sure we got all that vampire blood out of you?”

  "I'm kidding. I'm the last person who would kidnap anybody.”

  "I hope so."

  A moment later a tall, curvaceous woman wearing a jean jacket and work boots opened the front door and looked at them questioningly.

  "My mother says that you think I can prevent a war?" Evangeline asked with a smirk.

  "Something like that," Penelope said.

  "I am going to be honest with you, Evangeline," Maia said. “There is a man we have reason to believe could be the love of your life. But right now, he's not in a very good place. The fate of the world hangs in the balance. And we believe that if he were to meet you, it could change everything."

  "You're going to have to give me a little bit more information than that.”

  "We're dragons," Maia said.

  "Oh my God, she told her," Penelope said, covering her mouth, her eyes going wide.


  "You do know that the vampires revealed our existence," Maia said.

  "As far as I know that's all a conspiracy theory. Are you a bunch of nuts from that crazy cult down the road? I've told you people a million times to stay off my land."

  "What is a cult?" Maia asked.

  "We aren’t part of the cult,” Penelope said. “Maia, why don't you just show her."

  "Right here on the front porch?"

  "You’ll have to back up into the driveway, so you don’t ruin her house," Flora said.

  "Good point," Penelope said.

  "All right then," Maia said, stepping down into the driveway. “I will show you that I am a dragon."

  Maia took a deep breath and transformed into her aqua blue dragon form. Evangeline went weak in the knees and nearly fell to the floor in shock. At the last second, she caught herself in the doorframe.

  "This must be a trick.”

  "It's not a trick."

  "Are you all dragons?" Evangeline asked.

  "No, we’re human. She's the only adult female dragon left in the universe," said Penelope.

  "I must be hallucinating." Evangeline shook her head in disbelief.

  Maia transformed back into a human and stepped up onto the porch again. “I implore you to come with us, Evangeline.”

  "We should just take her," Flora whispered.

  "Shut up Flora," Penelope said. “Your baby brain is making you crazy.”

  "We have mountains of gold," Maia said. “I can transfer it to you right now.”

  "Oh that's a great idea," Penelope said. “What is your bank information?"

  "I'm not giving you my bank information," Evangeline said.

  “Okay, your PayPal address?”

  Evangeline sputtered out her email address. Penelope tapped on the holographic screen from her wrist
device while Evangeline stared at it with mystified expression on her face.

  "Is that some new kind of smartphone?" Evangeline asked.

  "It's advanced dragon technology," Penelope said, looking back up her. "Check your email."

  Evangeline pulled her smartphone out of her back pocket and slid her finger over the screen. A moment later, her mouth dropped open.

  "I transferred you… one million dollars," Penelope said, putting her pinky finger to the side of her mouth. Flora and Penelope snickered. Maia looked at them, confused.

  “A million dollars," Evangeline said. “How is this possible?”

  "We told you, we’re dragons from across the galaxy, and we have mountains of gold. We need you to come with us to meet your fated mate so that you can help us prevent a war."

  "Okay," Evangeline said, dumbfounded. “I'll come with you. This is probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever done in my life. But a million dollars cash can take care of my mother and son for the rest of their lives. And if you murder me, at least they’ll be taken care of.”

  "We don't want to murder you," Flora said. “We just really need you to come with us now."

  "I'm ready. Where's your car?”

  "About that,” Penelope start. “You're gonna have to ride on the back of a dragon while invisible.”

  "I hope you have a strong stomach,” Flora added.

  "I don't think I could get any more shocked today," Evangeline said, following them down into the driveway.

  Maia shifted into her dragon form. Flora and Penelope climbed on her back and Evangeline climbed on after. A moment later, Maia activated her stealth shields and launched them into the sky. She heard Evangeline scream, and Flora and Penelope alternately giggled and reprimanded each other for laughing.

  It only took a few more minutes to return to the House of Storms, where she landed on the same clearing and hurried through the cover of the forest to the edge of the compound.

  "What's happening?" Evangeline said as the dragon fire and lightning and torpedoes blasted across the sky.

  "We told you there was a war."

  "I guess you were telling the truth," Evangeline said.

  Flora and Penelope slid off Maia’s back as soon as she became visible. They helped the shaky Evangeline to the ground. Maia shifted back to her human form. Hanish’s dragon hurried toward them. Evangeline screamed and Hanish shifted into a man.


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