Book Read Free


Page 11

by Ancelli

  Ethan squeezed his little boy’s sweaty palm.

  “Mommy, Daddy’s going to play,” Alex announced, excited. “Grandma can be the referee.”

  Rhonda lifted her thumb in the air.

  Rayn gazed at Ethan and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She inhaled and exhaled. “You and your daddy can play. I need a break.”

  Alex frowned.

  “What?” Ethan picked up the ball, tossing it up and down. “You afraid I’m going to whoop that butt.” He kicked the ball straight into the net. “Goal.”

  Alex eyes widened. “You can play?”

  “It’s on!” Rayn ambled to the goal and grabbed the ball. “I guess you forgot who I am.” She chuckled, then placed the ball on the ground. “I was part of the winning team in middle school.”

  “Middle school?” Ethan laughed out loud. “You watched me play in college. I’m a pro.” He sidestepped her and took over the ball, then ran it down and made another goal.

  “Yeah!” Alex screamed. “Go, Daddy!”

  “Traitor.” Rayn stuck her tongue out at their son. “You were on my side a minute ago, now you’re on his.”

  Alex giggled.

  Rayn ran to get the ball and tripped over her own foot. It all happened in slow motion as she hit the grass and tumbled over.

  Ethan and Alex rushed to her side. “Mommy!” Alex got down on his knees with tears in his eyes.

  “Babe—” Ethan caught himself and closed his mouth before any more endearments slipped out. “Rayn.” He too got down on his knees. “Rayn, are you okay?”

  All of a sudden, she burst out laughing. “That one’s for the books.”

  Alex narrowed his eyes at her. “You scared me.”

  “I’m superwoman, remember? I may fall but I will always get back up and try again.” She rolled over and sat. “I never give up.” Rayn stared at Ethan before dusting off her knees. “I’m fine.” She wiped her son’s face. “It’s your day with your daddy. Go have fun. I promise, I’m okay.”

  “You sure?” He pouted.

  “Yes, sweetheart.” She kissed his wet cheeks. “I’ll see you in two days.”

  “See you.” Alex ran into the house.

  Ethan sat next to her on the ground. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Rayn rubbed her hands together. “My ego is bruised because Alex saw me, but I’m fine.”

  “Every superhero takes a tumble.” He stood and extended his arms. Rayn placed her hand in his and he gently pulled her up. Ethan’s heart skipped and for a few seconds, he could not stop gazing at her. This, being here with Rayn and Alex, felt like home. “Are you sure you’re good?” He continued to hold her.

  “Yes.” She eased away from his touch. “A long, hot bath will ease away the soreness.”

  “By yourself?” Ethan knew he shouldn’t take it there, but he couldn’t help himself.

  “Do you want to join me?” She raised an eyebrow. “For old time’s sake?”

  “Don’t tempt me.” He smirked, remembering how they used to squeeze into her small bathtub together in college. “I hope your bathtub is bigger.”

  “I made sure it was,” she answered back. “Oops, I’m sorry. You asked for space.”

  Ethan noted the sarcasm in her voice. He was sure he deserved it.

  “Dad, I’m ready,” Alex yelled, coming out the house ready to go, with his oversized book bag over slung over his shoulder. “Bye, Mom! Love you!” He blew her a kiss as he walked toward the back gate.

  “This discussion isn’t over,” Ethan said, with a small salute. His gaze remained on Rayn as he followed his boy out of the yard.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Happy birthday!” they yelled through the cell phone speaker, and began to sing. Ethan rubbed his eyes and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. One forty-five in the morning! Only his mother had ever woken him up so early on this day. He watched the two of them through the small screen.

  “Happy birthday, Daddy!” Alex’s high-pitched voice made Ethan laugh out loud. Rayn was half asleep, with a red bonnet on her head, and Alex was somehow wide awake, clapping as he sang along.

  His mother had always made a big deal out of his birthday, even when they didn’t have much. She would wake him up the same time every year because that was the hour and minute of his birth, according to her. She’d called it his “born day.” When he’d gone away to college, she began the tradition of calling him in the early morning hours to sing “Happy Birthday” at the top of her lungs, waking him up just like Rayn and Alex did now.

  The moment was bittersweet. When his cell phone first rang, he’d thought it was his mother, until it dawned on him that she was longer here.

  When Ethan had been a kid, he could always count on waking up to his favorite breakfast and at least one toy, and balloons. Later in the day, his mom would bake a big, homemade cake. The neighborhood kids would come to their humble home to sing and eat cake and ice cream.

  “Ethan.” Rayn yawned, covering her mouth with the sheets. “I’m going back to sleep.” She laid her head on the fluffy pillows. “We wanted to be the first ones to wish you a happy born day.”

  His heart swelled at the sentiment. Rayn must have spoken in detail with his mother, because not even his father realized how much his mother’s tradition meant to him.

  “Daddy!” Alex squealed.

  His kid was too excited this early in the morning.

  “Can I spend your birthday with you?” Alex asked. “Please, Daddy?” He had his hands pressed together in the prayer position.

  Ethan had taken the day off, planning to stay home and celebrate by himself with a bottle of Jack. He hadn’t wanted to be bothered by anyone, but his little boy was another story. This would be their first birthday together. “Of course.”

  “Mommy, Mommy!” He shook her awake. “Daddy said yes!”

  She turned over. “I’ll drop him off at four thirty.”

  Ethan’s eyelids snapped completely awake. “Four in the afternoon?”

  “Nope. In about three hours.” He heard her chuckle softly.

  “Goodnight, Daddy.” Alex grabbed the gadget and put his own little face center-screen. “See you soon.”

  Ethan placed his phone on the nightstand and stared up to the ceiling. His life had really changed in the last year. He’d lost his mother and gained a son. He was blessed in more ways that he would ever know. “Thank you, Mom.”


  Alex was over Rayn’s shoulder, sleeping. “I’m running late.”

  “Like always.” Ethan opened his door wider and gently grabbed his son. “You need to take a time-management course.” He continued to his bedroom.

  “Whatever.” She stuck out her tongue as she followed him.

  He laughed internally at her childish ways.

  “I’ll pick him up after my shift.” She stopped at his bedroom door, he assumed to inspect the room. This was the first time they’d been together inside his bedroom. She’d come to inspect the rest of the place a few days before, making sure his apartment was kid-friendly.

  “Nah.” He placed his son in the middle of the mattress. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to spend the day with him.” Ethan covered Alex with a blanket. “You and your mom can take the day off.”

  “Are you sure?” Rayn wrung her hands.

  Why is she nervous? he asked himself. I should be the nervous one. She’s had years of practice at being a parent.

  “I’m sure.” He walked up to her. Rayn and her mother deserved a break. And Alex, Ethan had learned, was a lot like he’d been when he was a kid. “You’ve done a great job raising him.”

  “Where did that come from?” She stepped back, giving him space.

  “Just wanted to say you’re a great mom. I see the way you are with our son.” He smirked as he gazed at her. He was getting used to seeing her in scrubs. She’d accomplished one of her goals in life by becoming a health care professional. Her hair was up in a high ponytail, and the pants sh
e wore were a little too big, hanging on her hips. “I never imagined us as parents.”

  “Me either,” she whispered. “He’s my greatest accomplishment.”

  Ethan gazed at their son, sleeping. “I’m a dad.” He still couldn’t believe it.

  “I’ll be back.” Rayn glanced at her watch. “I have to grab his things.” She power-walked through his condo to the front door like she was running from him.

  Why is she being so distant?

  He’d asked for time, but she was taking his request a little too far. Rayn hardly spoke to him. Most of the time it was Mrs. Rhonda at their house when he picked up Alex, or it was Mrs. Rhonda who dropped him off at the farm or his condo.

  He went back to his bedroom to use the bathroom.

  “Call me if anything comes up.”

  “Hold up,” Ethan called out. He walked out of his bedroom searching for her, but she was gone. He was caught off guard when he looked over at the kitchen area. There were five superhero balloons, and cupcakes sitting on the counter. He broke into a broad grin: the cupcakes were obviously homemade. They were lopsided and the frosting was all over the bakeware. He strode over and picked up the card she left. Ethan swiped his finger through the seal.

  Happy birthday to the man of my dreams…sorry about the cupcakes. Cooking isn’t my forte

  Ethan chuckled.

  I hope your day is filled with love and laughter. Love, Rayn. P.S. the balloons were from Alex.

  There was a small box next to the cupcakes. He opened the top and it was a little bottle with sand inside.

  He didn’t get it. Maybe it was for decoration. Ethan picked up the container and inspected the white sand, giving it a little shake. A piece of wood moved around inside. Why would Rayn get him a gift like this? Ethan wasn’t ungrateful; he simply didn’t understand what it could mean. Carefully, he placed it on his bookshelf as decoration.


  Maverick and his cousin sang “Happy Birthday,” making Alex laugh in the background. They always found ways to make him laugh. He missed them the minute he dropped them off at the airport.

  “I was supposed to do the intro,” Elena complained in the middle of the song.

  “You said on the count of three!” Maverick countered.

  Ethan shook his head at his cousin and best friend. There was never a dull moment with those two. Their relationship was like no other he knew. They were like oil and water one minute then peas in a pod the next.

  “Daddy, the door.” Alex looked up from his coloring book.

  With all the chattering, Ethan hadn’t heard the doorbell. He walked over to the door with the phone to his ear and swung it open.

  “Happy birthday, baby!” Jenny stood at his front door in a black trench coat, with a bottle of champagne in her right hand. “Here’s your surprise!” She pulled on the belt of her coat. The sides came apart, exposing her in a white, see-through teddy, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. His dick jerked at her amazing body.

  Ethan was in a trance for a few seconds. Shit, he had to cover her up before Alex saw her.

  “Who’s that?” Elena asked.

  “I got to go. Call you guys later.” Ethan hurried up to cover her, but it was too late. Tiny hands pulled on his T-shirt.

  Alex stood behind him with a grin on his face. “Hi!” He waved, friendly as always.

  Jenny rapidly wrapped herself back in the coat. “Shit. Oops!” She slapped her free hand over her mouth. “Is this your son?”

  “Yes.” Staring straight up at Jenny, pie-eyed, he continued smiling. “I’m Alex.”

  “Hi Alex.” She bent down to his level. “You’re a cutie.”

  “Thank you,” Alex replied. “You too.”

  Is my son blushing?

  “Well, thank you.” Jenny pinched his cheek.

  “Alex.” Ethan gently pulled him back. Rayn would probably kill him for having another woman around their son without her knowing. This parent stuff was still new to him. He didn’t know what was or wasn’t off limits. “Go set up the video game.”

  “Big-people talk?” He looked up at him.

  “Something like that.” Ethan messed up his curls before he walked away.

  “He doesn’t look anything like you.” Jenny sidestepped him to walk inside his home. “But he resembles your mom. So, I guess…”

  Is that a dig?

  She studied his son. “I would’ve been here earlier.” She turned around to face him. “I had a late shift.” Jenny lifted up the bubbly.

  Ethan held the door open. He hadn’t heard from Jenny in over a week and she popped up looking like that. He stared at her thigh, playing peekaboo through the slit of her coat.

  “I know you want this.” Jenny touched her covered nipple. “We can sneak into your room.”

  “My son is here.” Ethan looked over at Alex playing the video game. He didn’t know this side of Jenny, but all he could think was she was disrespecting his son.

  “He won’t know.” She inched forward. “A birthday quickie.” Through his pants, Jenny touched his semi-aroused dick. “For old time’s sake.”

  Ethan rapidly moved away.

  “You want me,” Jenny smirked glancing at his crotch, “just as bad as I want you.” “I’m already wet thinking about it.”

  He had to clear his nasty mind. “What are you doing? My son is watching you.”

  Jenny looked back. Alex was glued to the TV.

  He was a parent now. Ethan couldn’t make crazy choices while Alex was around. His son came first. “Jenny, I haven’t heard from you in over a week.”

  “I was giving you space to sort out your confusion.” She bit her bottom lip, making his manhood jerk. “And it’s your birthday.”

  He shook his left leg trying to control his desire. Ethan hadn’t had sex in weeks, and seeing Jenny in little to nothing wasn’t helping his self-control. His dick had a mind of his own; however, this time around, playtime was a hard no.

  “Friends with benefits.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “Right?”

  “I wouldn’t disrespect you like that.” Friends with benefits was how he’d started things with Rayn, and look how that turned out. He wasn’t into playing those games anymore. He no longer believed in anything in between. That was why he’d taken a timeout from both Rayn and Jenny.

  “Daddy, are you coming?” Alex kneeled on the couch and looked over at them. “It’s your turn.”

  Jenny saw the cupcakes on the counter and walked over. She placed the bottle down. “Yum, cupcakes.” She picked one up without asking and bit into it. “They look messy,” she chewed, “but delicious.”

  “My mommy made them,” Alex revealed proudly.

  She set the uneaten piece on the counter with disgust on her face. She grabbed a napkin and wiped her lips. “Really? Your mom baked cupcakes for your dad?”

  “Yep!” His son grabbed the controller.

  “What’s your mommy’s name?”


  “Alex!” Ethan stepped in the conversation. What was she thinking, questioning him? Rayn was going to kill him. “Jenny, I’m about to give Alex a bath.”

  “Huh?” Alex’s head snapped in their direction. His son’s face expressed shock. He’d just given his son a bath about an hour ago, but Ethan needed an out quickly.

  “I understand.” She sashayed icily over to the front door. “You’ll regret not giving me a few minutes.”

  Ethan chuckled softly. “I already do.”

  Jenny had been spontaneous, always up to giving him a good time. He watched her walk out with a little wave.

  “Enjoy the champagne.” She threw him a kiss and closed the door.

  “Is that your girlfriend?” Alex raised an eyebrow.

  “She’s a girl,” he cleared his throat, “and a friend.”

  Alex pressed the button on the controller and the game began. Ethan sat by his little boy and grabbed the other joystick.

  “Do I need another bath?” Alex giggled

  “What bath?” Ethan pinched his son’s cheek. Jenny’s half-naked body flashed through his mind until he thought about Rayn’s reaction to their son seeing her in all her glory. Shit. Ethan was going to be in deep trouble.


  “Daddy, Mommy wants to talk,” Alex handed him the phone and ran to the bedroom. “Goodnight, Mommy!” He yelled.

  Shit. Sooner than I thought.

  “Really, Ethan?” Rayn’s voice screeched through the tiny speakers. “You had a naked woman in front of Alex. What were you thinking?”

  Ethan sighed; he knew his son wasn’t going to be able to keep quiet. “She wasn’t naked. She had on a few items.”

  “And you think that makes it better, or funny?” she asked, sternly. “He’s going to be scarred for life.”

  “Come on.” He chuckled. “It’s every young boy’s dream to see a beautiful woman half naked.” As soon as it came out of his mouth, he regretted the statement.

  “Now you’re being stupid. He’s too young to think that way,” she spat out, and huffed. “I don’t care who you decide to bang, please keep my son away from it. I thought you wanted to be alone for your birthday?”

  He could hear the jealousy in her tone. How did she know he’d wanted to be alone? It hit him; his dad must have called her.

  “All kidding aside, I didn’t know she was coming over.” He spoke slowly and deliberately, working to clear up any misunderstanding, and hoping it wouldn’t interfere with the visitation arrangements they’d made. “It won’t happen again.”

  “Right. Bye.” The line went dead.

  Ethan grabbed the stuff his father had brought over last night. He found an envelope with a note and a cell phone.

  Your mother wanted me to give you this on your birthday. I charged it like she asked, click on videos. Love you, son. Dad

  He powered it on and a picture of his mother and Alex appeared as her home screen. He clicked on the picture icon and touched the last video. The date was the day before her health deteriorated.


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