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Page 13

by Ancelli

  Ethan gazed at her through unshed tears. Rayn had been there for his folks when he couldn’t be. And now, he couldn’t hide how he still felt for the woman sitting across from him. She was his forever, mirroring the relationships of both their parents. “I’m picking you up tomorrow around six o’clock.”

  Rayn’s lips curled up. “For?”

  “Our second date.” He leaned in. “I’m taking you bowling. I remember seeing you at the bowling alley trying to front on your friends.” He chuckled, remembering how bad a bowler she was. “I can teach you a thing or two.”

  “It might be the other way around now.” She inched closer to him. “I’m a pro bowler now.”

  “We will see.” he smirked. Ethan’s plan was to take Rayn out on a date every night until their little boy came back. He glanced at his watch. It was almost eleven o’clock and Rayn had an early shift coming up. He stood and extended his hand. “Come on, let me take you home.”

  She placed her soft hands in his. “Thank you for a refreshing evening.”

  “Refreshing?” He helped her out of her seat.

  “Yes, like a bottle of cold water.” She smiled. “On a sunny day.”

  Ethan laughed out loud. “What does that mean?”

  Rayn grabbed his hand and entwined their fingers. “I needed this.”

  “Me too.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “And now we have more nights to come.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Rayn stood at the nurses’ station talking to Kaliyah, running through their cases. As they finished, Jenny walked by, sporting a pair of large sunglasses, and with her head held down.

  Kaliyah tapped her fingers on the counter, getting the head nurse’s attention. “She needs to get herself together.”

  “Excuse me.” Jenny sidestepped Rayn. “Ayesha, I will be right back,” she advised the head nurse.

  “Oh, hell no.” Ayesha stood from behind the desk. “You better fix yourself before starting your shift.”

  Kaliyah stared at Rayn, knowing she was going to go after Jenny. “Don’t get involved in her drama.”

  “I’ll call you later,” Rayn told Kaliyah before running after Jenny. “Jenny!” Rayn called out from behind her. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Jenny entered the locker room. “Ayesha has it out for me. Always has.”

  Rayn followed her in, worried about the state Jenny was in. “Are you sure you’re okay to work?”

  Jenny’s hair was all over the place and she appeared sluggish, like she’d been drinking. If she was under the influence, she shouldn’t be around patients, much less driving back and forth to work.

  “I’m sure. No need to worry.” She removed her sunglasses. “I’m not drunk.” Jenny’s eyes were red-rimmed and swollen.

  “What happened?”

  “Long morning,” she sniffled. “I’ll be okay, eventually.”

  “Your boyfriend?”

  “According to him, we are no longer in a relationship. We’re on a break.” She opened her locker to place her personal items inside. “I really thought we had a future together.” Jenny picked up a pair of sneakers and slowly closed the metal door. “I should’ve known better.”

  Jenny’s relationship had been deteriorating while Rayn and Ethan’s was finally falling into place. They were getting to know each other all over again, and what she was learning about Ethan made her fall so much harder for him. “What happened, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Another woman.” Jenny sat down on the wooden bench. “He’s confused and need time to decide who he wants. I’m so tired of failing at love.” She slipped on the shoes. “I’m done talking about him. He doesn’t deserve another one of my tears.”

  Rayn touched Jenny’s shoulder. “He doesn’t. You deserve a man that will put you first. If you were meant to be, he’ll be back.” She glanced at her watch; her shift was almost over. Ethan had a night of fun planned for them, starting with a game of bowling and then the movie theater. “What about Dr. Alvin?”

  Jenny began laughing. “Been there. He’s not my cup of tea.”

  “And why would you think he was my cup of tea?” Rayn was curious to hear what she had to say. Jenny had been with Dr. Alvin and then tried to hook him up with her? That was weird.

  “You were new in town and he knows all the hot spots.” Jenny bent down to tie her shoelaces. “What we had wasn’t serious. One night of regret on my part.” She straightened up. “I thought you two would make a cute couple. Alvin knows how to have a good time, if you know what I mean.”

  Rayn cocked an eyebrow. “I have no interest in knowing.”

  “My bad.” Jenny smirked. “I won’t play matchmaker.”

  “Don’t. At least not with me.” She watched her closely. “I’ve already found my better half.”

  “Good for you. At least one of us has.” Jenny stood. “Time to get to work.” She gently tapped her cheeks. “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. It’s not the first or the last time my heart will be broken. I just thought he was different.”

  “Hold on to hope.” Rayn walked over to the door. “I did, and when I least expected it—”

  “Please,” Jenny interrupted her. “I don’t want to hear about how happy you are right now.”

  How rude, thought Rayn. How many times had she listened to Jenny her go on and on about her relationship? Rayn twisted her lips and shrugged her shoulders. “Feel better.” She strolled out, about to make her final rounds before meeting up with Ethan.


  “Strike!” Rayn pumped her fist in the air. “Who is teaching who a few things tonight?” She bounced up to Ethan. “Your turn.” She grabbed the bottle of her girly alcoholic drink off the counter and chugged it.

  Ethan stared at Rayn. Her laughter was addicting. When had she gotten so good at a game she used to suck at in college? Damn, he needed to step up his game. Back in college, Ethan and his friends used to go to the bowling alley nearly every Thursday night for karaoke and drinks, and every so often, Rayn and her friends would be there playing a game or two.

  He glanced up at the screen: a hundred and fifty to ninety-two.

  “Don’t underestimate the power of Wii Sports. Alex taught me well.” She giggled loudly and then did a shimmy dance. “I beat you twice already. I think we should call it a night.” She floated her hands toward his face. “My fingers are starting to cramp.”

  “I’m a gentleman.” Ethan picked up a ball. “I let you win.”

  She strolled next to him and eased up on her tiptoes. “Whatever, loser,” she whispered in his ear, giving him goosebumps. “I always liked playing with your balls.”

  Ethan swallowed, stepping away. Having her this close was making him unable to concentrate on the game. She came up behind him and smacked his ass at the same time he released the ball.

  “Gutter ball!” Rayn chuckled as the ball curved right into the gutter. “I win again.”

  His cell phone vibrated. Ethan dug in his front pocket to look at the screen. It was a text from Jenny.

  When can we talk?

  He shook his head, placing the phone face down on the table.

  “Everything okay?” Rayn took another sip of her drink, staring at him.

  Ethan wasn’t going to let anything put a damper on his time with Rayn. Jenny wasn’t listening to what he was saying.

  “This is why I don’t like drinking beer.” She set the bottle on a nearby stool. “I have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be back.”

  “That’s not even real beer.” He watched her as she walked away to the ladies’ room.

  “Ethan?” someone called making him look toward the small bar area. “Is that really you?”

  “Morgan!” Ethan finally recognized his childhood buddy. He hadn’t seen Morgan since he’d gone to live with his stepfather up north.

  “How long has it been?” Morgan opened his arms and gave him a bear hug.

  Ethan embraced him. “A long time.” Morgan had
been like an older brother when they’d grown up together in the broken-down neighborhood. “I thought you joined the Navy?”

  “I did.” Morgan eased back. “I heard you followed in my footsteps.”

  “I’m out now,” Ethan disclosed. “What brings you back to town?”

  “I’m deploying in a couple of days.” He pointed back at a blond woman at the front of the establishment.” My wife doesn’t want to be alone in a place she hardly knows.” He looked back at the table. “I’m taking her up to stay with her family up north. I’m on my way to see if I can find my mother. My condolences about Mrs. Magda. She was heaven sent. If it wasn’t for her, me and my siblings wouldn’t have had a hot dinner most nights.” Magda had looked out for all the kids in the neighborhood, making sure they had the essentials, like food and water. She and Alexandre always said they didn’t have much, but they had enough to share.

  “How’s your mom?” The last time Ethan saw Morgan’s mother was when she’d been arrested for shoplifting at the local grocery store.

  “Still on that shit,” Morgan replied. “But, she’s still my mother. Can’t just abandon her like the others.”

  Rayn strolled out of the bathroom. “Hey.” She smiled.

  “Morgan, this is my…” He didn’t know how to introduce her.

  “Hi, Morgan.” She extended her arm and shook his friend’s hand. “I’m Rayn, Ethan’s situation.”

  Morgan chuckled and released her hand. “Is that what it’s called nowadays?”

  “She’s much more than that,” Ethan piped up. “This is the mother of my son.”

  “You have a kid?”

  “Yes,” Ethan answered proudly.

  “We have one on the way,” Morgan revealed.

  “Congrats!” Ethan patted his shoulder. “You and your wife can join us, if you’d like.”

  “Sommer,” Morgan waved at his wife, who was sitting alone in a booth. She hesitated for a minute, and then stood, taking her time. “Honey, this my long-lost friend Ethan and his girlfriend Rayn.”

  “Hi.” Sommer eyed Rayn.

  “Congratulations.” Rayn glanced at Sommer’s midsection. The woman didn’t reply. “I’m going to go get us another drink.” She stepped away to the bar.

  “Dude, it was great seeing you.” Morgan shook his head glaring at his wife. “Are you living here now?”

  “Yep, just on the other side of town.” They both left the hellhole they’d lived in as kids.

  “When I get back, we have to meet up.”

  “Excuse me.” Sommer turned her back on Ethan and looked at Morgan. “Catch up with your friend. I’ll wait for our food.” she walked away.

  “Don’t mind her. Sommer is grumpy when she’s hungry.” Morgan cocked an eyebrow. “Her hormones are all over the place.”

  Rayn strolled up with two beers in her hands and handed one to Ethan and the other to Morgan.

  “Thanks.” Morgan took a gulp. “I have so many stories to tell you about Ethan when we were kids.”

  “Morgan became the big brother I never had,” Ethan added. “He lived next to us.”

  “What was Ethan like as a kid?” Rayn inquired.

  “Bad as shit.” He laughed. “Always getting in trouble.”

  Rayn giggled at their stories as they took turns clowning on each other.

  “His family home became my sisters’ and brothers’ safe haven,” Morgan shared. “I’m not going to bore you with my sob story. That’s for another book.”

  “Morgan, our food is ready.” Sommer lifted a plate of food in the air.

  He picked up a napkin and a pen from the counter and scribbled his number. “Here. See you when I get back in nine months.” He walked away.

  “He was nice.” Rayn slipped off the bowling shoes. “His wife, not so much. I guess she didn’t want to share a table with us, or better yet me.”

  “I don’t fucking care how she feels.” Ethan pulled one of her curls and it sprang back up.

  Rayn took a sip of his beer. “That’s nasty.”

  “It’s an acquired taste.” He eased closer. “Like you.”

  Her lips curled up. “That can be a good or bad thing.”

  “It’s a very good thing,” He grabbed her hand and entwined their fingers.

  She squeezed his fingers. “What are we doing?”

  “Dating.” Ethan couldn’t contain the cackle. Just as he was ready to lean in, close enough to capture her full lips, his cell phone began ringing. He picked it up and swiped the video icon.

  “Daddy!” Alex’s beautiful face appeared on the small screen.

  “Hey, buddy.” He turned the camera around. “Look who I’m with?”

  “Mommy!” Alex broke into a huge grin. “Where are you?”

  “Bowling,” she replied. “And guess what?”

  “What?” he asked excitedly.

  “Mommy is beating Daddy’s butt!” Rayn thrust her fists in the air.

  “You let Mommy beat you, Daddy?” Alex smirked.

  “Yep. I let her win.” Ethan bent down to take off the clown-looking shoes.

  “I want to bowl, too.” Alex yawned.

  “When you get back,” Ethan promised. “I won’t go gentle on your mom.”

  “I miss you guys.” His eyes fluttered as sleep started to take over.

  “We miss you too.” Rayn blew a kiss at their son. “I love you this much.” She spread her arms wide and then wiggled her fingers over and over.

  Awe transformed his face. “Over a million times?”

  “More than anything in this world.” She smiled. “Are you getting ready for bed?”

  Ethan just stared at them as they spoke. The love was evident every time Rayn and Alex were together. He would never get tired of watching and listening to them. He’d missed out on so much already; he wasn’t going to miss out on any more.

  Alex showed her his bedtime book. “Grandma is waiting for me.”

  “See you soon, buddy,” Ethan said. “I love you.”

  “Love you, Daddy. Bye, Mom.” Alex waved his hand before ending the call.

  Rayn sniffled.

  “Really?” Ethan watched her. “He’ll be home in a couple of days.”

  “Whatever.” She leaned against the table. “Thank you for the last few nights. I haven’t had this much fun in years.”

  “Me neither.” He picked up his beer and chugged the rest of it. “Ready to go?”

  “I’m always ready.” She picked up her purse.

  They both waved at Morgan on the way out. Fuck Morgan’s wife and anyone who had a problem with the woman he loved.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next evening

  “Never Make a Promise” by Dru Hill was playing.

  “Let’s dance.” He took her hands in his and guided her over to the small area in the back of the lounge. Ethan circled his arms around her waist and pulled her in closer. “Do you know how long I’ve waited to do this?” he whispered in her ear. “To be able to touch you without a care in the world, without worrying who is watching us?” His mother’s words resurfaced as he remembered the video. “According to my mother, I should ask you a question.”

  “Are you talking about,” Rayn circled her had around his neck, “if I ever loved you?”

  “And?” Waiting for an answer, Ethan drew his eyebrows together.

  “That’s between your mother and me.” Rayn smirked.

  “Then I’ll ask.” He leaned in. “Did you love me?”

  “Did, or do I?” She entwined her fingers, grazing the sensitive skin at the back of his neck. “There are three words that have been haunting me for years. I didn’t get the chance to tell you because I was a coward. I was afraid of what the world had to offer us. I get it now.” She paused, gazing into his eyes. “Let me prove it.” Rayn stopped dancing and strolled over toward the makeshift stage where the DJ was standing, leaving Ethan in the middle of the dance floor.

  He watched her suspiciously as she picked up the mi
c and turned it on. The music stopped suddenly as Rayn tapped the mic against her palm, making a loud thumping sound. “Testing, testing.” She smiled when she heard her voice reverberate throughout the lounge. “Sorry for interrupting your evening, but I have something to say.” She stared over at Ethan. “Years ago, you poured out your heart to me in front of a coliseum filled with people. Now it’s my turn.” She cleared her throat. “Ethan Monet, I loved you then and I love you now.”

  The crowed looked back to see who she was talking to and Ethan made his way to the stage. Everyone started clapping.

  Ethan took the mic out of her hand and passed it back across the karaoke console. He cupped her face and inched in. “I need you…”

  Rayn’s hand fell to his chest. She grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer. “Not as bad as I need you.”

  The music began playing again, and everything around them seemed to disappear. The DJ changed it up and “My First Love” by Avant and KeKe Wyatt played.

  “You already know…” He bowed his head and their lips met. She slightly parted her lips and he instantly took her mouth prisoner. Everything and everyone around them ceased to exist. The kiss turned deeply passionate.

  Someone forcefully pulled Ethan away by the back of his shirt, making Rayn stumble forward and almost lose her footing.

  “What the fuck is this? I thought you weren’t up for company!” Jenny yelled at Ethan and her bottom lip dropped when she saw Rayn. Her lips thinned and her nose flared as she pointed at Rayn. “You! How could you?” She swung her fist at her, but Rayn intercepted the blow by grabbing Jenny’s hand.

  “I don’t know what’s going on, but keep your hands to yourself.” Rayn shoved her away.

  Jenny huffed. “I told you things about my boyfriend and now I find you all over him. You used me!”


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