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The Guild Master's Harem

Page 4

by Alexis Ward

  Her pussy wrapped tightly around my shaft, pulling me deeper with every pulsing thrust. She purred deeply and sank her teeth into my chest. If it hurt, I didn’t feel it. I was fully focused on the rapidly building waves of pleasure that ran from my tip up my spine and then through my whole body.

  I slammed down inside her one more time and she rolled her head back and purred as my cock quivered within her, my seed filling her to the brim and spilling out around the edges of her pussy.

  I laid down atop her petite form, exhausted and spent. She smelled like the perfect mixture of her sex, my sweat, and the forest. I laid my forehead down on the curve of her shoulder. For a blissful moment we both laid there perfectly content, basking in the afterglow of our shared pleasures.

  Eventually her breathing became steady and relaxed. “Now master, I’m yours. Beastkin bond fiercely as I’m sure you know. You’re welcome to play with the blonde warrior if you wish, but I’ll be carefully screening anyone else that you wish to add to our bed.” she whispered, then she kissed me on the side of my head.

  “I’m still not sure I get all of this, but you’re saying if I wanted to get naked and bring Yasmina in here, that’d be okay with you?” I asked.

  Zemma purred and nuzzled against me. “Of course master. If you wanted her, having her would please you, so of course I would encourage you. Just don’t forget to come back to me eventually after you’ve had your fun with another woman, okay?” she whispered.

  “I won’t forget you kitty. You were the first after all. You’ll sleep here next to me every night?” I asked as I got off from on top of her and wiggled under the blankets.

  She rolled over and crawled in next to me, a small stream of our love juices trailing down her inner thigh. Just the sight of her fully naked after one round had my cock half hard again. “Always master. Unless you wish me not to.” she whispered as she crawled head first under the covers toward my crotch.

  Her tail brushed against my face as her tongue teased the tip of my cock. “Master, can I lick you clean before I sleep?” she asked, her voice muffled by the blankets.

  Her ass and pussy dangled tantalizingly close to my face. I buried my tongue in her pussy for a moment and she let out a gasp. As I withdrew and lay my head back on the pillow she took the tip of my cock greedily into her mouth. “Of course you can clean me kitty, but I don’t think you’ve finished emptying me yet.” I whispered as I rubbed a hand on her thigh.

  That was probably the most pleasurable night of my life. The first of many. We did not fall asleep properly until the sun started to peek out over the horizon.

  Chapter 9

  By the time I woke up the sun was high in the sky, judging by what I could see from the window. Zemma was curled up asleep, entirely under the covers, her face pressed against my hip. I lifted the blanket to get a better look at her. She purred with pleasure as I rubbed her ears and a thin line of drool trickled out of her mouth. She was perfect. But we had lots of work to do today. I moved from petting her to scratching her forcefully between her ears.

  She let out a long groaning “Nyaaaa…” and then rolled over and looked up at me. “I don’t want to wake up.” she pouted.

  “There will be time for catnaps and other exciting activity later.” I said as I pushed my half erect cock gently into her cheek. She immediately grabbed it with one hand and wrapped her mouth around the tip with a purr.

  I laid my head back and closed my eyes. We were already late to get out of bed. A little bit longer couldn’t hurt, right?

  A short time later, Zemma swallowed my seed, then sat up and waved her empty hands at me. “See, it’s cleaner when I do it that way. Do you like it?” she purred.

  I gave one of her boobs a squeeze, then crawled out of bed into the cold air beyond the bed’s curtains. “Of course I do, but if we stay up here any longer we will accomplish nothing for the day. The money I have here may be a lot, but we need income if we’re going to attract members and fix this place up.” I said as I pulled my clothes on.

  Zemma crawled out of the bed, wrapped in a blanket. “We could open a fish restaurant!” she cried.

  I chuckled. “We wouldn’t want to cut in on Enam’s business though. He seems to be struggling enough.”

  “Fiiine. But can we go have fish for breakfast? Maybe a full stomach will generate some money making ideas.”

  I scratched the top of her head, focusing in on one ear. She tilted her head and pushed against my fingers. “Maybe. I know for a fact there’s no food in the pantry here. Let’s go get Yasmina and then we can all think over our next move.” I said, then I buttoned up my shirt.

  When Zemma and I got downstairs Yasmina was seated at a table. She wore pants, a shirt, and a brown leather vest. One the table lay her sword and a round shield with a sun symbol on it. Directly in front of her was a pile of toast. “You two slept late. All the temple had for breakfast this morning was toast and eggs. They let me take the extra toast.” Yasmina said as we descended the stairs.

  I sat down next to Yasmina and snagged a piece of toast. Zemma sat down on the other side of Yasmina and leaned in close to her. Yasmina watched Zemma nervously as Zemma deftly slid the whole plate of toast so that it was directly in front of her, then stuffed a whole slice into her mouth. “You could have just asked, you know?” Yasmina said.

  Zemma made unintelligible sounds as she tried to speak with her mouth full.

  “So hear anything interesting while you were out today Yas?” I asked.

  Yasmina nodded. “Yes. A few days walk to the south, the temple told me that there is a minor demon running rampant, terrorizing the homesteaders. The priest has offered financial remuneration to anyone who can slay it.” she said.

  “How much are we talking?” I asked.

  “Probably enough to pay for meals for the three of us for a few weeks at least. Along with the blessings of the temple, of course.” Yasmina said.

  I nodded. That was better pay than I would expect for a beginners’s quest. “So my knowledge on the subject is a bit rusty, but aren’t demons difficult to slay?” I asked.

  Zemma gulped down her toast and raised her hand. “I know this one!” she squeaked.

  I sighed. “Go on and tell us then.”

  “Demons can only be harmed by magic, magic weapons, or silver! Contrary to popular belief holy symbols do nothing unless you are a priest. Demons also cannot step on hallowed ground.” Zemma said, then jammed another whole slice of toast into her mouth.

  I nodded. “Yasmina, I don’t suppose that’s a magic or silver sword you have there?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “No, unfortunately the Order only issues such things to high ranking members.” she said.

  I pulled my coin pouch out of my pocket and upended it on the table. The coins clattered out into a loose pile. “I presume you know weapons, Yas, is this enough to buy a magic or a silver weapon?” I asked.

  Yasmina stacked and counted out the coins. “Magic not a chance, silver-edged sword, yes, but you won’t have much money left afterward.” she explained.

  I nodded. Well, there goes our savings. I was pretty sure neither of the girls had any money, considering that I’d paid for all of Zemma’s food thus far and Yasmina was eating leftovers from the temple.

  Yasmina handled the details of the purchase. She returned with a longsword in a scabbard and the remainder of my funds. After we spent my leftover coin on food and supplies for the trip, I had nothing left in my coin pouch. The three of us stopped by Enam’s food stand for dinner, to take advantage of the credit I had there.

  I had my new sword strapped to my back as we approached. It looked like some rubble and debris had been cleared away on this street. Enam waved at us as he noticed us. “Welcome back!” he said.

  We all sat down on stools in front of the counter, Zemma in the middle between Yas and I. “That’s a fine looking sword you’ve acquired. And who’s your new friend?” Enam asked as he rotated some skewers atop the grill.
  Yasmina stood and performed a slight bow. “Yasmina Ferro’qua of the Order of Light.” she said, then sat back down on the stool.

  I held up two fingers. “Two helpings for each of us please.” Enam started to plate our food.

  “So any news?” Enam asked.

  “Yeah. I’m officially the master of the Adventurer’s Guild of Zrudale. For whatever that’s worth.” I said.

  Enam looked at me curiously as he set plates of food in front of us. Zemma tore into hers immediately with both hands. “I mean, I suppose there’s plenty of vacancies.” Enam wondered.

  Zemma nodded and hummed an “Mhm!” as she kept stuffing her face.

  Yasmina took a small bite of her food. “And tomorrow we go to slay a demon! Albeit a minor one.” she proclaimed.

  Enam raised one eyebrow. “Are you now? Job is a job I guess.” he said.

  I sensed an opportunity. “To that end Enam, we may be gone for up to a week. Think you could keep an eye on the guild hall for me? You’re welcome to sleep in a spare room and use the kitchen. I would consider it a personal favor.” I said.

  Enam rubbed his chin with one hand and was silent for a few moments as he considered my offer. “Sure, why not! I’ll look after the place for you.” he said.

  “Thanks. If anyone comes by with a quest or wants to join, just make a note of it and Zemma will handle it when we get back.” I said. Zemma swallowed a bite of toast and looked at me.

  “I will?” she asked.

  I rubbed her head and she purred. “Of course, until you find someone to delegate that kind of stuff to.” I said. I noticed Yasmina watching us with a curious expression on her face. Her eyes met mine and her cheeks turned a shade of pink. She whipped her gaze back down to her plate and resumed eating. Enam had turned his back to us as he worked more food onto the grill.

  “We’ll leave first thing in the morning. We’ll see you then Enam?” I asked.

  He turned around and smiled. “Certainly, see you then.” he said.

  That night passed in much the same way as the previous, except that Zemma and I didn’t stay up quite as late. I drifted to sleep with Zemma naked in my arms, her head nestled in my shoulder as she purred softly. This was something I could get used to, though I was curious about Yasmina. She hadn’t really given me a proper answer to whether or not she was attracted to me, but I suspected that she was.

  Chapter 10

  The next morning I awoke to the sound of someone pounding on the door to our room. “Guild master Marcus! It is daylight and Enam has prepared breakfast!” Yasmina yelled through the door.

  I wiggled out from under Zemma. “Huh?” she said as she stretched out on the bed. I pulled on my pants and buttoned my shirt, then opened the door. Yasmina stood before me dressed the same as yesterday, except she wore her sword and shield on her back. She looked at me, then looked away down the hall. “My apologies for disturbing you guild master, but you insisted yesterday that we start early, so I thought it best to wake you.” she said.

  I finished buttoning my shirt. “Fair. How did you know which room was mine?” I asked.

  Yasmina reached up with one hand and adjusted the hair scrunchie that held her blonde hair back in a ponytail. “Ah, that is, Zemma told me yesterday. In case of danger, or if I had any questions for you. She did not, however, tell me which room is hers. Do you happen to know--” Yasmina froze with her mouth open. I turned around to see what she was looking at. Oh.

  Zemma had opened the canopy of the bed and lounged atop the rumpled covers. Still completely naked. She smiled and waved at Yasmina. “I’m right here nya!” she said.

  Yasmina turned her back on my room and Zemma’s nakedness. “I see. I’ll go help with breakfast then, if you’ll excuse me!” she didn’t wait for me to actually reply. She sprinted down the corridor and rounded a corner, then was out of my field of view.

  I shook my head. It wouldn’t do for Zemma to traumatize her. “Zemma, was that intentional?” I asked.

  She was in the process of putting on a long skirt that covered her tail. She paused with it around her knees, her tail swept back and forth. “Maybe a little.” she cooed.

  “Why?” I asked as I tossed her shirt toward her.

  Her shirt collided with her face and she lost her balance and toppled back into the bed with a yowl. Guess she didn’t have cat-like reflexes. She lay on the bed and pulled the shirt on over her head. “Now she won’t be able to help but wonder what naughty things you’re doing with your little cat scholar! The best kind of research!” she exclaimed.

  I sighed. I wasn’t quite sure what she meant by that last bit. “Well come on, we need to get going south today. I think I smell fish downstairs?” I said.

  Zemma squeezed past me to get through the doorway, then bounded toward the stairs down to the common room.

  Enam served up a breakfast of toast, fried fish, and vegetables. He sat down and ate along with us. Throughout the morning and even once we were on the road out of town, Yasmina wouldn’t make eye contact with me, or speak to me.

  We travelled on foot along an old cobblestone road to the south. Zemma knew that the roads had been built about a century ago but couldn’t recall anything more than that about their history. We ate a brief lunch from our packs, then kept moving. A few wagons pulled by horses passed us by, they were headed toward Zrudale, traders of some sort. Other than that, we encountered no one on the road that day.

  As the sun dipped low in the sky we made camp in a grassy clearing adjacent to the road. Zemma dumped a small bundle of sticks at my feet and said, “You get a fire started while Yassy and I go to look for more wood, okay?” she said as she grabbed Yasmina by the hand and tugged her toward the forest.

  Yasmina protested a little, but not much. “Come on! He’ll be safe near the road, but the woods could be dangerous!” Zemma said as they disappeared from view amongst the trees.

  I dug around in my pack for the book I had been reading. Principles of Magic. I hadn’t had much time to practice yet, but now seemed as good a time as any. I turned to the first spell in the book: Conjure Flame. It required an incantation, some hand gestures, and a bit of dry burnable material. Perfect.

  As I mouthed the incantation printed in the book while clumsily trying to draw the runes in the air with one hand, a trail of red light flowed from my hand and hung in the air, outlining the runes. I copied them from the book as best I could and finished the verbal component of the spell. The fistful of twigs in my other hand burst into flame suddenly and in a flash the floating light of the runes was gone.

  I yelped in pain and dropped the burning twigs to the ground. My hand didn’t look seriously injured. The twig on the ground’s flame went out and then it proceeded to smoulder and emit smoke. Failure. This was going to take some practice.

  By the time Yasmina and Zemma returned with bundles of sticks, five attempts of Conjure Flame later, I had managed to keep the fire going, but I felt physically and mentally exhausted from the effort. I wrapped up in my blanket while Zemma fed the fire and Yasmina heated up some dried fish that Enam had sent with us.

  Shortly after we ate it was pitch black as the sun sank beyond the horizon entirely. The campfire was our only source of light. Zemma spread out her blankets much the same as she had that night in the forest. She patted the covers. “Master, er, guild master? The bed is ready. Yasmina and I will take turns keeping watch while you rest.” she said.

  I nodded groggily and slipped under the blankets. I folded up my own blanket to use as a pillow, then I watched Zemma help Yasmina out of her armor. “I can see the best in the dark, so I’ll take first watch.” Zemma said.

  “Very well.” Yasmina reached into her back and withdrew her bedroll. As she did so, Zemma pushed her toward me.

  “Don’t be bashful. He’s not going to hurt you. Or anything weird. Look, he’s practically already asleep.” Did I hear Zemma say that, or was I dreaming now? Not sure. I dozed into unconsciousness.

  I snapp
ed wide awake as someone lifted the blankets and slid up against me. “Zemma?” I asked as I rolled over. The embers of the fire provided little illumination, but I could see pale blue eyes looking at me.

  “She is in shouting distance, keeping an eye on the perimeter to make sure we are safe.” Yasmina said.

  “Yas? Why are you under my blanket?” I wondered. Not that it was necessarily a bad thing.

  “I-- I was cold. And Zemma suggested that I stay by your side tonight. She said I was ideal for keeping you safe, and that you were curious about me and that it might do us good to spend alone time together, even if we just slept near each other. I’ll admit, it all sounds a little strange to me, but those were my superior’s orders.” Yas whispered.


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