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The Guild Master's Harem

Page 5

by Alexis Ward

  “Uh huh.” I muttered. I had a sneaking suspicion of exactly what Zemma had in mind. I felt my cock grow hard and hoped Yas didn’t notice my arousal poking into the blanket in the dark.

  “May I speak freely, guild master?” I could barely hear Yas, she spoke the words so softly.

  “What? Were you not doing so already? Go ahead.” I said. I felt the blanket drag slightly across my body as Yas shifted.

  I heard her sigh deeply. “I saw Zemma this morning and I felt jealousy, which is foreign to me. She confronted me in the woods and I spoke my heart to her.. She-- she-- assured me that there was room in your bed for another, if it would please you?” Yas whispered.

  I am not sure how long we were both silent for. “I’m certainly open to the idea.” I whispered.

  I felt her warmth as she moved closer to me. “Then.. please sat your curiosities about me, but.. Be gentle. My order allows such things, but I lack experience.” she whispered. Her hand found my shoulder in the darkness. She trailed her fingers down it gently, till she found my hand. She seemed nervous, so I let her lead.

  She tugged on my hand and guided it to her hip. Her skin, oh, her skin. She wasn’t wearing anything. She felt cold and smooth, the muscles of her hip and thigh were delightfully dense as I explored slowly with my fingertips. “I’m sorry. My training has not allowed me to have a soft, attractive body. Please accept me despite my failing in this regard.” she whispered.

  I wrapped my arm around to the small of her back and applied a slight pressure. “Come closer, you feel cold. And.. don’t be silly, you’re gorgeous in your own way.” I whispered. I meant every word.

  She pressed her chilly body against me and I pulled the blankets tight around us. Somewhere in the dark, an owl hooted. Yasmina felt tense as her body came into contact with mine, like she was ready to spring up and run away. “There’s no way you’re going to get any rest if you’re this tense.” I whispered.

  I felt a wet softness on my shoulder. I found Yasmina’s face with one of my hands. Her eyes were damp. “Why are you crying? Am I that scary? And also, why are you naked? You’re clearly cold.” Though now that she was held tight against me I could feel her beginning to warm up. I did my best to ignore the hard throb of my cock against my pants.

  “I-- you’re not going to reject me?” she whispered.

  “What? No. You’re a beautiful strong blonde girl, who could probably out wrestle me any day. Just the opposite, I would love to spend the night with you Yas.” I said.

  I felt her warm moist breath across my neck and chest as she sighed again. Herbody seemed heavier next to me as she relaxed and draped an arm across my chest. “Oh thank the Light. And you, you ignorant foreigner. I’m naked because Zemma said it was how she convinced you to let her share your bed.” Yasmina said.

  Strange. I distinctly remember Zemma inviting me into her bed first. I could get used to women being so clear with me like this though. I slid my hand up from her lower back to stroke her long blonde hair. I found the hairband that held her hair back, and pulled it free. “So you want to sleep with me like Zemma does?” I asked.

  I felt her nod her head against my body. “Tonight? Now?” I asked.

  She didn’t move. “We can wait if you’re not ready yet. But if so, please put some clothes on, so that I’m not awake the whole night with a hard on, okay?” I said.

  “Oh thank the divine. From Zemma’s descriptions she made you out to be horribly impatient. I half expected you to ravish me on the spot. May I go get my clothes? I do want to return and lay with you if you’ll allow me.” she asked with a whisper.

  I unwrapped my arm from around her. “Go on. And come back when you’re ready.” I said. I watched as she got out from under the blankets and put her pants and a shirt on. She might be slender and small chested, but she moved with a firm strength and grace that made me want to reach out and tear her clothes off. I took a deep breath and pushed those thoughts away. Maybe another night.

  Yasmina added some more wood to the fire and then crawled back under the blankets with me. This time she did not hesitate to snuggle up and lay her head on my shoulder. She planted a small kiss on my cheek. “I feel like I belong her with you.” she whispered.

  I lapsed into silence, unsure of how to respond to that. By the time I’d thought of anything halfway decent, she was fast asleep. Soon I drifted back to sleep as well.

  When I woke up again it was still dark and something pulled at my pants. “Yas?” I muttered groggily. I lifted up the blanket and saw a pair of red eyes in the dim firelight.

  “Shh.” Zemma whispered, her head level with my hips as she tugged my half erect cock free from my pants. Her ears were squished flat to the top of her head by the blanket and her hair was pulled to one side, held in a loose ponytail by Yasmina’s hairband. I felt a shift to my left as Yasmina rolled over and draped an arm across my chest. My eyes widened as I felt Zemma take my cock into her mouth.

  I glanced down at Yasmina as she snuggled into my side. She was still asleep. I looked back under the blanket at Zemma as she worked my cock with her tongue as she purred softly. I didn’t want to wake Yasmina and traumatize her further so I remained as quiet as possible as Zemma bobbed her head up and down the length of my cock.

  She suddenly withdrew her mouth, though a line of my fluid still connected my tip to a corner of her lips. She caught it with her tongue and slurped it into her mouth. Then she shifted her weight forward and pushed my cock between her breasts. She was shirtless and the inner walls of her boobs felt silky smooth against the sides of my cock.

  SHe craned her neck forward and lowered her mouth to wrap around the tip of my cock again. She purred deeply as I reached out to pet the top of her head between her ears.

  The waves of pleasure soon grew too intense. I knotted my fist in her hair and thrust my hips. My cock plunged down her throat and my seed flooded into her mouth as she gagged on my length.

  As my body calmed down I released my grip on her hair. She looked up at me with a big smile, my come dripping from her chin. She held one finger up to her mouth and mouthed the word “Quiet”, then she proceeded to lick me clean with her rough tongue. She swallowed the evidence of our dirty deed then snuggled into the side of my body opposite of Yasmina. Zemma kissed me on the cheek and then promptly passed out.

  I turned my head toward Yasmina as I drifted off to sleep and realized that her eyes were open. We looked at each other for a moment and I felt her face grow hot. She shut her eyes tight. “I will not admit that I saw anything.” she said hotly as she rolled over and put her back up against me.

  “But if I did see anything.. What I saw looked very very appealing.” she whispered so quietly that I could barely hear her.

  I pulled Yasmina’s hairband out of Zemma’s hair and then turned and placed it around Yasmina’s wrist. “Wake me up if you want to try sometime.” I whispered sleepily in Yasmina’s ear.

  As I drifted off to sleep I heard Yasmina whisper, “Maybe I will.”

  Chapter 11

  The next day we got some info from some local farmers on where the demon might be located. Due west from their land was a swamp, where the locals claimed the demon resided. They said that it had pilfered their livestock and had assaulted some people who travelled along the road. Yasmina did most of the talking, as she had the most knowledge about the creature.

  As we walked across the farmer’s land toward the edge of the swamp, Yasmina explained, “As best I could gather from their inconclusive descriptions, we’re looking for a big blue fellow with horns. This type isn’t known for subtlety and is likely to attack on sight, especially once it sees me. Stay within arms reach Marcus and hopefully some of my divine protection will rub off on you.” she said.

  “You’re going to rub off on him?” That’s adorable!” Zemma said.

  Yasmina didn’t respond, but her face reddened. She put on her helmet and her blue eyes looked out at us from the darkness within it. “Before battle is not t
he place for such humor.” she said. But I thought it was quite well timed on Zemma’s part. But I was biased, I had grown fond of seeing Yasmina blush.

  Yasmina led the way into the swamp, careful that her footing was solid with each step in the murky water that rose up to her knees. She had her sword drawn and her shield strapped to her other arm.

  I held my new silver-edged sword in one hand. Zemma carried a tiny notebook and her fountain pen. I had encouraged her earlier to take some notes for her guidebook project. As we slogged through the water of the swamp we heard a scream in the distance, “Yaaah! Help me, somebody!” the voice sounded female.

  Yasmina’s voice boomed from inside her helmet, “Someone is in trouble! Onward!” she trudged through the knee deep water and navigated around stunted knobbly trees as fast as she could given that she wore full armor. It was easy enough for Zemma and I to keep up, though I briefly contemplated whether I should have gotten myself some armor before we started this little venture.

  As we broke through a thicket of shrubs we came to the bottom of a small hill in the middle of a clearing. Atop the hill, twice as tall as me, stood a blue scale covered demon, roughly shaped like a man, it had large black horns, a mouth filled with rows of teeth, and in one of its oversized hands it held a woman in a black robe who screamed in terror.

  Yasmina let out a battlecry and charged up the hill with a burst of speed. I chased after her and soon ran alongside her. Perhaps we should have talked battlefield tactics before getting ourselves into this. Too late now.

  The demon held his captive over his head and swung his empty handed fist down toward us. I dove between the demon’s legs as Yasmina bore the brunt of the blow on her shield.

  I raised my silver sword in both hands and slashed at the back of the demon’s knee. SKILL ACTIVATED: TEN RED SECONDS. As my blade bit deep into the demon’s tissue time slowed down around me. I pulled my sword free and swung it into the same spot and the blade bit deeper. Then I looked upward at the woman the demon held above him. Her skin was tan, almost the color of milk chocolate and her black hair was short, about chin length. I sighed. Guess this time, I was going to be a hero.

  With my sword raised over my head I hacked away at the elbow joint of the arm the demon held the girl with. It took five swings before my sword cut through and severed the limb. It hung, floating in space, it and the girl fell with almost imperceptible speed. TWO SECONDS REMAIN scrolled across my vision in block script.

  As I wiped my sword off on my shirt and sheathed it, I positioned myself under the girl and prepared to catch her. I got into position just as time resumed it’s normal flow. The demon roared and fell down onto the knee that I had cut into as it’s stump of an arm, severed at the elbow, spouted a geyser of blood onto the dirt. The girl in the black robe landed in my arms and the force of her impact knocked me to the ground.

  Yasmina did not hesitate. She flung her sword toward the demon’s face as an additional distraction, then sprinted over to me and pulled my sword free of the scabbard on my back. As she turned to face the demon, it swung it’s good arm toward her as it cried out in pain. She crouched low just in time and got her shield up to intercept. The demon’s hand impacted and grabbed onto her shield, which crumpled as he hoisted her into the air by her arm.

  She swung the silver sword into the demon’s face. It connected with his forehead and penetrated deep. The demon went corss-eyed and hummed a low note in a language that sent a chill up my spine, then he toppled forward, his horned head settled to the ground with a thud inches from me.

  I looked down to the dark skinned woman in my arms. Her brown eyes met mine. “You are a time mage?” she asked.

  “Uh..” I said as I watched Yasmina tear her arm free of her now-useless shield, then behead the demon with my sword in a single blow. Yas wiped my sword clean with a cloth, which she then tossed atop the demon. She removed her helmet. Her hair was plastered to her face with sweat.

  “Use your fire magic Marcus. Otherwise, the demon has a chance of healing.” Yasmina said.

  The black robed girl stood up, then I got to my feet. “I will assist you.” she said as she rolled up the sleeves of her robes.

  I pulled some lint out of my pocket and cast Conjure Flame. As I did so, the new girl did something similar, but it looked much more complicated. I fumbled my spell as I watched her weave runes with perfect accuracy and at high speed.

  The charred piece of lint dropped from my hand as her spell released a bolt of blue flame which ignited the creature, then rapidly spread and consumed it’s body and head. Zemma, Yasmina and I watched as the corpse was vaporized by the fire. I looked toward the girl we had rescued. “If you can do that, then why did you need rescuing?” I asked.

  When she spoke, it was in a monotone. “Magic takes time to work, as a mage you should know this. The demon struck me before I could weave a spell to defend myself.” she said.

  “Hmm. Fair point.” I said.

  Zemma danced forward to stand between us. “I believe introductions are in order! I’m Zemma, guild scholar, this is Yassy, paladin, and this,” she pointed at me, “is our guild master, Marcus!” she said excitedly.

  The woman brushed her black hair away from her face. “I am Iyldea, Arcanist.” she intoned.

  A thought occurred to me. “Yas, can we collect the reward if we have no evidence of completion?” I asked.

  Yasmina returned my sword to me and drew her own. “Yes.. just let me find it’s heart.” she muttered as she poked about in the ashes, all that remained of the large demon. After a moment her sword struck something that made a squishy sound. “Aha!” Yasmina said.

  She pulled a small cloth bag out of her backpack, then reached one gauntleted hand into the ash and withdrew the demon’s heart. It looked like a small purple charred steak, except that unlike a steak it writhed in Yasmina’s grip as she stuffed it into the bag, and then into her backpack. “There, now we just need to return to Zrudale and turn it in at the temple.” she explained.

  Iyldea came along with us on the way out of the swamp. We all agreed it was safer to travel together, at least until we reached the main road. Once we reached the road it was time for Iyldea to part ways with us. “In return for rescuing me, I won’t push for any part of the quest reward. I need to go collect some things from my home. You said your guild was based out of Zrudale to the north?” she asked.

  “Yes--” I started to say.

  “Yeppers! Big stone building, crumbling walls around it, beautiful neighborhood. You can’t miss it! And we’re open to new members! Master could use a competent wizard!” Zemma interrupted.

  I sighed. All that was true, except for the beautiful neighborhood bit. Iyldea pulled the hood of her robe up, which partially concealed her face in its shadows. “I’ll consider him. I mean, it. The offer, the guild.” she said.

  Iyldea retreated deeper into her robe as Zemma tried to suppress her laughter. Yas said nothing, but looked back and forth between Iyldea and I. I got the distinct feeling that there was something crucial that they all knew, which I did not.

  Iyldea murmured a quiet goodbye then walked south along the road. Hopefully she would stay out of danger. Yasmina, Zemma and I proceeded north back toward Zrudale.

  Both nights we camped by the side of the road and both nights Zemma insisted on draining my cock with her mouth. The second night, Yasmina didn’t even try to pretend to sleep. She was clearly watching us, and given how her hips were moving, likely masturbating. It was strange, especially since it only seemed to make Zemma more eager to satisfy me. Neither she nor Yasmina spoke about it at all, at least in front of me, so I decided it was best to keep quiet about it as well. If they were okay with it, why shouldn’t I be?

  Chapter 12

  We arrived back in Zrudale at mid-day. Our first stop was the temple, which I had not had the occasion to visit yet. From the outside it looked like a stone cathedral, but smaller in scale. The main area we passed through on the way to the ‘Missionary Depa
rtment’ looked as though it could accommodate about a hundred people.

  On the way, Yasmina explained to us that the Missionary Department was more about hunting down and purifying evils in the land, than it was about preaching the word of the Light to anyone. Yasmina’s theory was that most people already knew or had at least heard of the religion, and thus the priests were focused on eliminating the competition. In the case of this department, anyway.

  Once we arrived, it was a simple process for Yasmina to turn in the demon heart and collect our reward. Once back at the guild hall, we divided it up between ourselves and I slid Enam a portion of mine as a thank you for keeping an eye on the place.

  “Thanks Marcus. Say, I heard some news about the bandits. Two things, I suspect they realize they’ve bled this town dry, because they’ve been targeting trade caravans in the woods to the north. Second, rumor has it that they’re led by a woman, who is claiming to be the Queen of Bandits.” Enam explained.


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