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Starboard Vow

Page 7

by K. M. Jackson

  She spent the rest of the day everywhere at once, losing herself in her job, though thoughts of Aaron were never far from the forefront of her mind. Especially when she thought of the following night’s masquerade party. It would be a big hit with the guests and staff alike, she was sure, but she couldn’t help being nervous about the Starboard crew’s role in it all. There would be a special meet and greet opportunity for their super fans on the Starlight deck with cocktails. She hoped it all went well and everyone was on their best behavior. When thinking of this event, she didn’t know if she was more nervous about the fans or the crew.

  She’d successfully avoided seeing Aaron for the better part of the day and found herself in the VIP pool area later that afternoon, her eyes roaming for who, she didn’t want to admit. When her gaze finally landed on Poppy, looking gorgeous and sexy seated next to Elena Costa, Jules knew she’d made a wrong move.

  She was about to slip back out when Poppy’s gaze snagged her, making escape unavoidable, so she made her way over.

  “How are you two doing today?” Jules asked. “I was just stopping by to check on everyone to see if there was anything special you needed. Also, to ensure you’re all set up for the masquerade event. If there is anything you need costume-wise, we have plenty of supplies in our prop department.” Jules fought to keep her smile bright.

  Poppy gave her a slow up and down with no response. Jules immediately wondered if the woman had a clue about where she’d spent her night. She was about to speak, but Elena chimed in first. “We’re good. Looking forward to it. Thanks so much. You’re doing a great job, being as thorough as you are. I have to commend you.”

  Jules shook her head. “It’s nothing. I enjoy my job and making people happy.”

  “Yes,” Poppy finally said. Not a hint of America’s sweetheart in her voice. “I’m sure you do. But don’t worry about us. We’re good. We’ll put on a great show for you when the time comes.”

  What the hell bee got in her bonnet? Elena put her hand on top of Poppy’s and smiled up at Jules. “Really, we’re great. Thanks for checking. We’ll see you later then? You all will be having games, karaoke or bingo or something, right?”

  Jules knew a dismissal when she heard it, so nodded. “Of course. You can just check the daily schedule.” She walked away, stopping by the bar to let the bartender, Alexis, know to keep them happy, which of course she was already handling.

  Heading out of the pool area, Jules was glad to get away but ran smack into Morris before reaching the stairs to the next deck. She couldn’t help the sigh that escaped her lips before her mind could catch it.

  “Good to see we’re still on sighing terms, Jules,” Morris said jokingly.

  Jules shook her head. “Some things never change, Morris.”

  He nodded. “True that. Though some things, surprisingly do.” He looked around. “Listen, can you please spare me a couple of minutes?”

  Jules wanted to tell him no, but her curiosity got the best of her. What could Morris have to say to her after their last conversation when he essentially told her she was no good for her husband and his career? She nodded to the clusters of observation seats near where they stood. “Come on. But just a few.”

  Morris looked nervous but relieved as he gestured for her to lead the way.

  Jules sat and Morris followed. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. Jules could have made it easy for him, but she didn’t want to, so she just stared. Long enough to let it get a touch uncomfortable.

  Finally, Morris spoke, his words coming out on a nervous laugh. “Aaron was right, you have changed.”

  Jules pulled back in shock. “What? That’s what you sat me down to say? Um, thanks, now I’m leaving.”

  Morris reached out a hand and gestured for her to please stay. “No, wait. It’s good. It’s a compliment.”

  She tilted her head. “Funny, it doesn’t feel like it.”

  “No, it is. I don’t know if you were always like this, but I don’t think so. I see a determination in you that I didn’t see before. I kind of like it.”

  Jules was getting more than annoyed. She couldn’t care less what Morris saw in her. “Morris, this conversation is ridiculous, and I don’t know why we’re having it. Let’s just agree to live in each other’s spaces for the next two days and, don’t worry, I’ll be out of your hair and a distant memory, soon enough forgotten.”

  Morris looked at her hard, his eyes softening. “Is that what you really think? As if you could ever just be a distant memory or forgotten. Don’t you know how you’ve haunted me for the past year, Jules?”

  Jules blinked. What? Was this a joke? “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Listen, Jules, I’m sorry. Okay. It’s not easy for me to admit when I’m wrong, but I was so wrong when it came to you and Aaron, and I’m truly sorry.”

  Wait. Jules took a breath as she tried to absorb the fact that Morris was admitting to her that he was wrong. It shouldn’t matter to her, but she had to admit there was some satisfaction in hearing the words. Still they were hollow. “You don’t have anything to be sorry about, Morris. It wasn’t like you were wrong. I told you that.”

  “But I was. Very wrong. I overstepped, and I didn’t put my client first. I was too young and eager for money. I’m damned lucky Aaron didn’t dump me.”

  Jules thought about that. It’s probably because Aaron never knew about the fact that Morris knew that she was leaving. He looked at her. “I’m going to stop you there. He knows.”

  She couldn’t hide her shock.

  “Yes, he knows that I was aware when you were leaving. But you don’t know that he tried to get to you. He wanted to stop you from leaving, but I didn’t tell him when you were going. You left the time of your sailing, and I scheduled his final audition to conflict. By the time Aaron made it to the dock, you were already gone. I was a total textbook ass, and I chose my client’s career over his ultimate happiness when they should have been one and the same.”

  Jules was stunned, and for the moment she just sat in silence. She couldn’t believe all that had gone on without her or Aaron’s knowledge, but as she thought it over, she looked at Morris and wondered if she would have done anything different for Aaron. It didn’t change the fact that she still had written the letter. Still had left. All that had changed was his audition time and the fact that he had been running to try and catch her, but she was gone.

  Jules sighed as she thought once again of Aaron’s now blockbuster status. She glanced back into the pool area and saw Poppy as she got up from her lounge chair and slipped into a pair of flip flips, tossing her hair over her shoulder and looking every bit the star she was.

  Jules looked back at Morris. “Like I said, you have nothing to apologize for. We’re cool. It’s all water under the bridge.”

  Chapter 12

  The fans were lined up for the masquerade party and the air was palpable with excitement.

  Jules adjusted the ribbon of her gold lace mask and let out a breath. She felt pretty in the ship’s white and gold one shoulder issued formal dress. The drape of hers hugged her curves perfectly and made her feel like a goddess even if she was technically on work duty. The Goddess of the Night. Jules scrunched up her face. Wait, that didn’t sound quite right put that way. No matter, she looked great and she was there to make everyone’s dreams come true.

  But what about her dreams? Jules sighed and looked up at the night sky. It was a perfect evening for being under the stars. The sky was inky black, and the moon was high and bright. The sea was calm and, though Jules knew they were traveling toward Antigua at a fast clip, the Elegance cut through the water so smoothly, it was as if they were standing still.

  Jules turned to give the space another check. High round candlelit tables dotted the deck but left plenty of room for mingling and dancing. The guests filing in looked terrific in their costumes, like something out of a Venetian fantasy. A small dais had been set on the back railing for the Starboard me
et and greet, but the Starboard cast would be arriving individually in costume to mingle with the guests. The theme of the party was “guess the star” and it gave the guests an opportunity to potentially speak with the cast of Starboard in a more intimate and casual setting.

  The wait staff were outfitted in various Venetian harlequin style costumes and snaked in and out of the guests with an assortment of delectables. Everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time, but Jules couldn’t help but stay on edge. She mingled and smiled at guests as she quickly spotted Ciro Santos in a pirate’s costume that did little to hide his swashbuckling nature. Ivan Erikson made a dashing Musketeer, looking cute with his dark mustache and goatee. His impressive height gave him away. Poppy, on the other hand, was barely concealed, going full Antoinette with hair teased into a high birdcage, feathers, and flowers. Her dress must have been brought on board in its own steamer trunk, it was so wide. Yes, she wore a mask, but the way she spoke in that high distinct voice, you could tell she wasn’t even trying to hide her identity. But why should she? The woman was having fun, at least by the looks of things, as a bevy of fans male and female vied for her attention.

  Still, Jules looked for Aaron.

  Just as she was passing a pillar, a waiter stopped in front of her with crab cakes. “Care for a taste?” he asked soft and low. “I hear they’re delicious.”

  Jules looked past the court jester costume and the harlequin mask to the eyes she knew too well. Aaron quirked up a lip.

  “You know I can’t eat on duty,” she said.

  He grinned. “Good thing I can,” he leaned down and captured her lips in his own. Once again, Jules’s world stopped. Everything went dark and then bright as color flooded all her senses with sparks of light. “Aaron,” she breathed out when he finally pulled away.

  “God, I love hearing you say my name, woman.”

  All she could do was nod. Just then she heard a click that sounded eerily like a camera shutter, and Jules jumped and looked around nervously. She moved away from him. “What are you trying to do? Don’t you care if you get caught?”

  He shook his head. “No, I don’t. Now, if you care if you do that’s another story. But I’m no longer living a lie.”

  Jules snorted. “Says the man in the full costume, stealing a kiss.” She licked her lips, practically still tasting him before turning to walk away. “Can you get it together, please. It’s time to be on. There’s a Q&A coming up and I’m sure you’ve got eager fans waiting for you.”

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  Jules stared out at the assembled guests as they looked up at the Starboard dais with eager anticipation. So far, the crew had successfully answered the usual fun questions. How did it feel to shoot on location? Did they film their own action scenes? What sort of adventures would there be for the next movie, which Aimes Webber successfully sidestepped well. But suddenly the air changed when a question came out from one man who didn’t seem much like a fan at all. Jules sucked in a breath when she caught sight of the long-angled lens holder from their run.

  “Aaron, you’ve essentially hit it big with Starboard and have been breaking hearts since you hit the screen.”

  “I wouldn’t say that,” Aaron chimed in, “though I could not be more grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the Starboard cast.”

  The man nodded. “Like I said, breaking hearts, but for the most part you’ve been cagey about your love life. All fans have to go on are the reported close friendship between you and Poppy.”

  Aaron frowned. “Was there a question there?”

  Poppy chimed in from Aaron’s side suggestively. “We’re very good friends.”

  Aaron blinked and smiled at her. “That we are,” he said. “I’m lucky enough to have lots of good friends,” he said and the women in the crowd giggled. “But,” he continued. “I have long had a love in my life, and she likes to keep our private life private.”

  Jules sucked in a breath.

  The questioning man smiled. “A love or a wife?”

  A collective gasp went through the crowd, and Jules would have passed out if she wasn’t in such shock.

  Aaron looked at her, smiled, then turned back to the man deadpan. “Love or wife? Is there a difference because to me they are one and the same?”

  The man nodded and tilted his head. His gaze went from Aaron to Jules and from Jules to Aaron, and suddenly all eyes were now on her. Jules couldn’t breath and she felt like she was going to faint, but before she hit the floor Aaron’s arms were around her and he was lifting her toward his chest. “Don’t worry, darling. The initial shock only stings for a moment and the best part is after this I’ll kiss all the hurt away.”

  Chapter 13

  It was another perfect day in paradise when they pulled into Antigua. Jules prepared carefully for the day, making sure her staff were in place and all the other passengers were well in hand and ready to go ashore for their different excursions. There would be shopping and sightseeing, diving and snorkeling, lazing and lounging. The tranquil island paradise was about to swell in population by a huge percentage and Jules had a lot to prepare. She also knew she was totally deflecting and playing an avoidance game, trying to block out the events from the night before.

  But there was no blocking; the news was everywhere. Her phone was blowing up constantly, Dina was just about out of her mind, and though Jules was able to get away from the crowds and Aaron after he’d whisked her away last night, in the end there would be no getting away. She’d finally have to face it all. The world knew she was Mrs. Aaron Manning. However, whether or not she stayed that way was another thing entirely.

  She made sure her makeup and uniform were perfect as she got on the tinder boat to meet the Starboard crew for their special excursion of a beachside barbecue off one of the private islands. Jules wanted to give the assignment to someone else, but when she woke, she told herself she could see this through. It was the last day and, come tomorrow, it would all be over. They would leave and she could get back to her life. Surely Aaron would wake and see the folly of this all. Heck, Morris was probably talking sense into him right that moment.

  She had her smile firmly in place when the Starboard crew arrived. She was prepared for lots of looks and some questions but was surprised when all she got was the usual questions and complaints about their destination, what there would be to do on the island and what type of food would be served. Wait, did she dream what had happened the night before? Jules frowned. But it all seemed so real. She looked around as the departure time came and no Aaron or Morris showed. She glanced at her phone; no messages from him.

  Her heart sank. Well, she guessed she didn’t dream it and maybe she had gotten her wish. Aaron must have decided this morning that it was all too much. She was sure she could expect her signed papers when she returned.

  Jules put on her work smile and hit the PA. “Are we ready to have a great day?” she asked the assembled crowd.

  “Yeah sure.” Came the bland reply from Poppy which, strangely, mildly cheered her. Yep life would surely go on.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  When they pulled onto the private island, Jules thought they may have hit the wrong shore. This was supposed to be set up for a barbecue. There should be a volleyball net, a barbecue pit, and where were the lounge chairs? Not the white voile decorating an archway and gold leaf chairs she was seeing that was obviously set for a wedding. What had gone wrong? She turned to her chief officer. “I think we should maybe be on the other side of the island. We’re about to crash some poor person’s wedding.”

  He smiled at her. “Yeah, I think we just might.”

  Then Jules saw him. Aaron, looking breathtaking in a black tux as stepped came into view from under the sheer voile fluttering in the breeze of the archway. He was staring out at the boat, and even from the distance she could see the nervousness in his eyes. Poppy came up to her, “Are you going to keep that man waiting? Because I sure wouldn’t,” she said.

  Jules blinked back tears an
d suddenly wanted to hug the brash starlet.

  She couldn’t get to Aaron fast enough, kicking sand as she went. “What is all of this?” she asked when she reached him.

  He shrugged. “I figure if I’m going down, it’s not without a fight, Mrs. Manning.” Aaron opened a box, showing her the most beautiful ring, she’d ever seen in her whole life. Platinum and diamonds that sparkled as bright as the night sky. “It’s been too long that that finger has been bare.”

  She shook her head. “I told you before I didn’t need a ring.”

  “And I told you all I ever needed was you.”

  They kissed, long and slow, and this time it was everlasting. When they pulled back, the rest of the Starboard crew stood around them, and Jules noticed that Dina was there and Brenden too.

  Dina held up a dress bag and waved it her way. “How about we have us a wedding? You know I always wanted to be a guest at a fancy Hollywood type party,” her friend joked.

  Jules nodded through her tears. “How about we do that. I’ve always wanted to go to a fancy Hollywood type party myself.”

  Jules couldn’t resist wrapping her arms around Aaron once again and feeling his lips on hers. She couldn’t wait to say her vows to him once more. She’d vow to kiss him good morning, while from him all she wanted was to be sent off to sleep at night with an ‘I love you,’ assuring her a sound sleep and sweet dreams here ever after.

  T H E ♥ E N D

  Turn the page for a look at Kwana Jackson’s


  Real Men Knit

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  Chapter 1

  There was nothing cute about the first time Kerry Fuller met Jesse Strong.

  He broke her glasses, she bloodied his nose and they both ended up in a tangle of yarn on the floor in the loft space of Strong Knits being scolded by Mama Joy.


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