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Beyond Always (Lex and Amanda Series)

Page 27

by Carrie Carr

  "Call me Shelby." She followed him through the door. "Ms. Fisher makes me feel like a school teacher, or somethin'."

  "All right, then. Have a seat, Shelby. How's your partner feeling?"

  "Rebecca was a mite sick this morning, but she was feeling better when I left for town." She dropped into one of the visitor's chairs across from him. "Thanks for asking. Speaking of which, has that mare showed any more signs of rabies?"

  Jeremy leaned back in his chair. "Ron called me this morning. The filly and the gray still seem healthy but the chestnut has begun to show signs of deterioration. We still don't know for sure."

  "Damn it!" Shelby slapped her thigh. "Any luck on finding the owner?"

  "No. I can't find a brand on file that matches the description on them, and no one in the state has reported them missing. In two weeks I can put them up for public auction, if you're interested."

  Shelby stood. "What about the chestnut? You can't auction a diseased horse. Can we go ahead and have it destroyed, so we can test it for rabies?"

  "We can't destroy the mare until we're certain she's terminal. It would open the county up to a lawsuit, if the rightful owner came forward. I'm sorry, Shelby. But until the vet tells me that there's no hope for her, my hands are tied."

  "That's complete bullshit, Sheriff! How long will Rebecca have to worry?" Shelby placed her hands on the edge of his desk and leaned across it. "Are you going to wait until the fucking horse falls dead?"

  Jeremy pushed his chair back and got to his feet. "Calm down."

  Shelby had to tilt her head back to an uncomfortable degree to look into his eyes, but she was too angry to be afraid. "Don't fucking tell me to calm down! My partner is at home right now, sick, because of having to start the damned rabies vaccine. She cries herself to sleep at night, worried that she's going to die."

  Tears burned her eyes and Shelby's demeanor changed. "Please, Sheriff. I'll do whatever it takes." She softened her voice. "What if the horse got loose? Disappeared? The county wouldn't be liable then."

  He shook his head. "I can't authorize that, Shelby."


  "Wait." Jeremy rubbed his face and glanced at the open door. He walked around the desk and closed it then stood beside Shelby. "Look. I know you're a good friend of Lex's. Hell, we went to school together and she's like a sister to me. The thought of her going through those blasted shots so soon after she got out of the hospital worries me."

  He sat on one guest chair and gestured to the other.

  Shelby took a deep breath and released it before she sat on the edge of the chair. "Yeah. I don't even want to know how freaked Amanda is about all of this. She's more protective than a mama bear."

  "No kidding. She's a fireball, that's for sure."

  "Ha. That's puttin' it mildly."

  Jeremy laughed along with her before sobering. "So, if that mare just happened to get worse, then the vet would put it out of its misery. Not that I'm advocating anything, mind you. Just having a conversation."

  Shelby gave him a curt nod. "Right."

  She slapped her hands down on her legs and got to her feet. "Thank you for takin' the time to see me, Sheriff. I appreciate it."

  He shook her hand. "Anytime. Give me a call if you need me."

  "Yeah. I'll do that."

  THE SLIGHT DIP of the mattress woke Lex. She rolled onto her side and looked into the eyes of her wife. "Hey."

  "Hey, yourself." Amanda mirrored her pose. "How are you feeling?"

  Lex considered the question seriously before she answered. "Better, I think. What time is it?"

  "A little after six."

  "Wow. Guess I was more tired than I thought." Lex realized the house was quiet. Too quiet. "Where are the kids?"

  "The girls went to town with Martha and Charlie to see a movie. Eddie was exhausted from his visit at Jeannie's and is sacked out in his room. He'll probably wake up at midnight, ready to play, but I didn't have the heart to keep him up."

  Amanda brushed her fingertips along Lex's cheek. "You're hot."

  Lex weakly grinned. "Nice of you to notice." Her grin faded as the light touch turned into a caress. "Mmm."

  "I need to get you something for the fever, honey." But Amanda didn't seem in any hurry to move.

  Lex's hedonistic moment was interrupted by the phone. "Figures." She rolled away from Amanda and picked up the phone. "Walters. Yeah, Ron."

  She sat up and swung her legs off the bed. "Really? When?" She felt Amanda sit behind her and touch her back. "All right. Let me know as soon as you hear, okay? Yeah, I know. Thanks."

  She hung up the phone and turned to her wife.


  "Yep. He went out to check on the chestnut mare and found her lying in her stall."

  Amanda felt a moment of sadness for the loss of life, but then focused on the bigger picture. "And?"

  Lex rubbed her face and exhaled slowly. "He's on the way to the testing lab in Austin, with the uh, specimen."

  "It's getting late. Wouldn't it be better for him to go in the morning?"

  "Remember who we're talking about here, sweetheart. Ron has never been one to wait around."

  Amanda leaned against her. "That's true. Especially when family's involved." She kissed below Lex's ear. "Hopefully we can find out something before y'all have to get another round of shots."

  The warm tickle that ran down her spine had nothing to do with fever, and everything to do with the woman draped against her. Lex tried to focus on the conversation. "Um, huh?"

  "How about," Amanda reached around Lex and unbuttoned her shirt, "we get this off you?" She placed another light kiss, this time on her wife's back. "And get you ready for bed?"

  "Wait, what?"

  Amanda laughed at her. "After you're ready for bed, I'll run down and grab you something to eat." She climbed off the bed and gently pushed Lex backward, until she was lying down. "Soup, or sandwich?"

  Lex glared at her as she was tucked under the covers. "Sandwich, I guess."

  "Peanut butter and jelly?"

  The glare was replaced by a childlike smile. "With milk?"

  "Of course." Amanda adjusted the blanket and kissed Lex on the forehead. "Be right back."

  "THANKS, AMANDA. I appreciate you calling."

  Shelby closed her cell phone and tucked it in the back pocket of her jeans. She scratched Patches' nose. "Looks like we'll find out one way or another by tomorrow. Have a good night, girl."

  She left the barn and made her way across the yard. At the base of the steps, she turned and looked out across the acreage she and Rebecca owned. It was ten acres of mostly hills and trees, with less than two acres of flat land suitable for grazing. Shelby felt a deep pride at the improvements she and Rebecca had made through the years. "The best is yet to come, I reckon." She dusted off her jeans and went inside.

  Rebecca turned and looked over the edge of the couch when her partner came into the living room. "How are the horses?"

  "They're fine, darlin'." Shelby sat next to her and put her arm around Rebecca. "Patches said she misses you, but understands."

  "Ha. You've spoiled her more than I have." Rebecca snuggled into her embrace. "I'm feeling better. But tomorrow I have to get the next shot, which will probably make me sick again."

  Shelby hugged her. "Well, maybe not. I got a call from Amanda while I was in the barn. She wanted us to know that Ron found the chestnut mare dead this afternoon."

  "Oh, no. That's horrible. Did he have any idea what caused it?"

  "No. He ran a few tests, but then decided to load up the specimen and head for Austin."

  Rebecca rubbed her hand on Shelby's stomach. "You don't have to sugar-coat it for me, hon. I know what they have to do to test for rabies." She sighed and rested her head against her lover. "I feel bad for the filly, though."

  "She was gettin' close to weaning age, anyhow. And the vet had the chestnut quarantined, so they were already separated. So, hopefully we'll hear something before your doctor's
appointment tomorrow afternoon."

  "Maybe." Rebecca sniffled and tried not to cry. "I'm scared. If the horse died, it probably died from rabies. I don't know if I can go through being sick for the rest of the month, Shelby."

  "Hey, now. We don't know nothin' yet. Let's try to keep a positive attitude, all right? By this time tomorrow, we'll have an answer. Whatever it is, we'll handle it."

  Rebecca nodded. "Thanks, honey." She settled more comfortably in Shelby's arms. "I love you."

  Shelby kissed the side of her head. "Love you too, darlin'."

  Chapter Twenty-two

  AMANDA WATCHED LEX'S hands clench the steering wheel until her knuckles were white. Her wife hadn't said more than three words since they had gotten Ron's call, asking them to come to his office. He had told them that he couldn't get away, but was supposed to hear from the state lab before three o'clock. He also had a few forms for Rebecca, Shelby and Lex to sign after the notification. "Honey?"

  Lex blinked and glanced at her. "Hmm?"

  "What's going through your mind?"

  "Lots of things, I guess."

  Wanting more of an answer than that, Amanda waited. At her wife's heavy sigh, she reached across the seat and lightly gripped Lex's arm.

  "I'm worried about what Ron will find out. Odds are, the horse had been infected with rabies. And I really don't want to go through a whole month of those damned shots."

  Lex turned to Amanda. "Kinda childish when I say it out loud. Especially since poor Rebecca has to worry about the bite she got and the shots."

  "I don't think it's childish at all. Because I'm as worried about the results as you are." Amanda squeezed her arm. "I'm scared that the shots will screw with your immune system and put you back in the hospital. And I don't think I can handle that again."

  Lex blew out a heavy breath. "Yeah, that sucked. And I'm lucky enough not to remember a lot of it." She took Amanda's hand. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, sweetheart."

  "Me, too." They turned onto the street where the vet's office was located. "Looks like Shelby beat us here."

  "Yep." Lex parked beside the older truck. "It's about a quarter "˜til. Think he's got the results?"

  Amanda got out of the truck and waited for Lex to do the same. "I hope so. Your appointment at Rodney's is at four."

  SHELBY PACED THE small waiting room as Rebecca sat quietly and thumbed through an equine magazine.

  The main door opened and Amanda walked in, followed by Lex. Amanda sat beside Rebecca and nudged her with her shoulder. "Hi."

  Rebecca put the magazine down and gave her a forced smile. "Hi." She watched as Lex crossed to the other side of the room to speak to Shelby. "How's Lex feeling?"

  "Anxious." Amanda leaned closer and softened her voice. "Scared, I think. But you know we'll never hear it out loud."

  "No kidding. Shelby's worse, if you can believe that." Rebecca giggled, which caused her partner to turn and look at her.

  Lex tipped her head toward their significant others. "Bet they're talking about us."

  "Oh, yeah." Shelby crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at Rebecca, who laughed even louder. "Those two are dangerous together, Lex."

  "Tell me about it."

  The interior door opened and Ron appeared. "Hey, guys. Why don't all of you come back here?"

  Trading looks amongst themselves, the four women followed him to an office, where Ron directed them to guest chairs. He sat on the edge of the desk and watched as Lex and Shelby held the two chairs for Amanda and Rebecca. "I really appreciate y'all coming by. Doctor Hernandez is out of town and I couldn't leave the office unattended."

  "We most likely had to come into town, anyway," Lex answered for all of them. She had her hands on Amanda's shoulders while Shelby stood to one side of Rebecca's chair. "Unless you say differently."

  Ron chuckled and crossed his arms. "Always right to the point, huh?"

  "Some of us are," Lex chided him.

  "All right, all right." His grin grew wider as he looked at her. "The chestnut did not have rabies."

  Shelby paled. "What?"

  Ron took a paper off the desk and handed it to her. "Here's the fax. Just the fax." When the other three groaned, he winked at Lex. "I've always wanted to say that."

  "What does it say?" Rebecca asked Shelby.

  "Tetanus," Ron answered for her. "I feel like an idiot. I should have thought of that, instead of jumping to conclusions."

  Lex accepted the paper from Shelby and glanced at it. "The signs are very similar, Ron. And I'm the one that thought the wound was caused by an animal bite."

  Shelby took the paper back from Lex and passed it to the vet. "A horse can die from tetanus, right?"

  "Yes. I probably should have done a full autopsy after I found her, but I was in a hurry to test for rabies." He looked into her eyes. "But now that I know what it was, I'm surprised she succumbed so quickly."

  Shelby tucked her hands into the back pocket of her jeans and met his gaze. "Yeah, I think everyone was surprised. It's a shame. Still, at least she's no longer suffering."

  She gave him a slight nod before turning to her partner. "I guess I'd better get you back to work, darlin'."

  Ron was almost certain what had happened to the chestnut, but since he'd had the body destroyed, he had no proof. "Let me get your signatures on an acknowledgment form and I'll let y'all go."

  AMANDA SWUNG THEIR linked hands as they left the veterinary building. "I wonder what that was all about."

  "Hmm?" Lex opened Amanda's door for her and helped her into the truck. "Oh. That little look between Shelby and Ron?" She hurried around and got in behind the wheel. "I have a pretty good idea."

  "Do you plan on sharing, or just tormenting me with it?" Amanda asked as Lex backed out of the parking space.

  Lex began to whistle until Amanda poked her in the ribs. "Hey, watch it. I'm trying to drive, here."

  "More like trying my patience." Amanda thought about the exchange between the ex-rodeo rider and the veterinarian. "Oh, my God. Do you think that Ron believes Shelby had something to do with the horse's death?"

  "What makes you say that?"

  The truck slowed as it turned onto a residential street toward Anna Leigh's home. "You have to admit, the timing's right. Ron had told us the evening before that there had been no change in her condition, and then, all of a sudden, she's dead the next morning."

  "Yep. He even mentioned that as the rate she was going, we'd probably have to take all the shots before we knew for sure." Lex parked on the street in front of the Cauble house, since there was a moving van in the driveway. "Is she moving today?"

  "Who even knows, anymore? Ever since Daddy pissed her off by hovering, she's done what she's wanted to do without telling us about it. Not that I've been paying attention. My mind's been on more important things, lately."

  Amanda started to open her door, but the look she received from Lex stopped her. After Lex helped her out of the truck, Amanda linked their arms. "You never answered me. Do you think Shelby killed that horse?"

  Lex stopped and turned to look at her. "Truthfully? I wouldn't blame her if she did. If, God forbid, a stray horse bit you and then showed signs of rabies, I would have probably killed it on the spot."

  "Come on, Lex. I know how much you love horses. I find it hard to believe you'd kill one."

  "I do love horses." Lex rested her arms on Amanda's shoulders and looked into her eyes. "But I love you, more. And you, and our kids, mean more to me than anyone or anything else." She lowered her head and gently kissed her.

  "Good grief! Don't you two ever stop?" Jeannie called from the front porch.

  Lex put her arm around Amanda's waist as they walked toward her. "Of course not." When they were on the porch, she released Amanda and kissed Jeannie on the cheek. "Is that better?"

  Jeannie tried to shove her, but Lex didn't budge. "My God, you're a pain in the ass. Mandy, how do you stand her?"

  "Labor of love." Amanda tugged Lex
away by a belt loop. "Is Gramma inside?"

  "Last time I saw her, she was upstairs showing the movers what order she wanted stuff taken and put on the truck." Jeannie followed them into the house. "Wait for me!"

  ANNA LEIGH STOOD outside the master bedroom door. "I believe this room should be first, since it has the largest pieces. The northeast bedroom has the furniture for the guest room at the condominium and between the two there are less than a dozen boxes."

  A male voice came from the bedroom. "Thank you, Mrs. Cauble. We'll take very good care of these things for you."

  "Thank you, Mr. Wills."

  Anna Leigh heard footsteps on the stairs and turned to see Amanda and Lex. "Hello, girls."

  "Is there anything else you need from me, Mr. Wills?" she asked the mover.

  "No, ma'am. We'll holler if we have any questions."

  She nodded and returned her attention to Amanda and Lex. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

  Amanda put her arm around Lex. "We were in the neighborhood and thought we'd see how you were doing. Oh, and we found out that Lex won't have to have any more rabies shots."

  "That's wonderful!" Anna Leigh hugged Lex and kissed Amanda's cheek. "I'm so happy for you, Lexington."

  "Thanks, Gramma." Lex gestured to the bedroom. "I thought Dad said you were moving on Saturday?"

  Anna Leigh let out an unladylike snort. "On the contrary. That's what Michael decided. He wanted to rent a truck and have the family move my things. As if everyone doesn't have better things to do. I, on the other hand, have made my own plans."

  "Well, I'm sure I could have asked the ranch hands. I know the spring craft fair and barbecue is this weekend, so they'd be in town, anyway."

  "No, Lexington. As much as I'd appreciate their assistance, I'm quite capable of hiring professional movers. These gentlemen come highly recommended. They've gotten most of the furniture from downstairs already loaded. At least the pieces I'm taking. Jeannie has offered to take care of everything else."

  Amanda felt Lex inhale to argue, and she quickly jumped in. "That's wonderful, Gramma. You could be settled into your new place sooner. Smart."


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