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Finding Hope (Satan's Sinners MC Book 7)

Page 11

by Colbie Kay

  Two days later, we finally make it back to the Cobras' compound, and everyone is waiting for us. I step out of the van with Hope in my arms. Chatty runs up to me and throws her arms around us. "I'm so glad you're back!" She lets go in order to see her niece for the first time. "This is her? This is Hope?" I nod tears brimming in my eyes. "Oh, T, she's beautiful. Can I hold her?"

  "If she'll let you." I laugh. "She hasn't gone to anyone besides me since we found her."

  Chatty holds her arms out, but Hope buries her head into my neck. "You'll get used to me." Chatty gently pats Hope's back and walks over to her husband who's holding their daughter Destiny. "You're moving in with us now, right?"

  I gaze up at Romeo because I don't know what to say, but he answers for me, "Nah, she's moving in with me." He glances down at me with a grin. "That's if she wants to."

  Smiling, I nod.

  Chatty laughs. “But you’re living here until our clubhouse gets rebuilt, right?"

  He shakes his head with a smirk, and my brows knit. "Not anymore. I have a place already set up, and everything is already there for Hope."

  My mouth drops open. "How did you do that?"

  "With help from Hanger and Crazy Girl."

  Chatty looks at Zoey with narrowed eyes. "And you didn't tell me?”

  Zoey looks at Chatty sheepishly. “Hanger made me promise not to tell. You know it’s been killing me not to open my mouth.”

  Hanger jumps in, "I'm glad you got your daughter, Tinsley. Get settled in, and when she’s ready, she can join the other kids for playdates."

  I suck my lips into my mouth to keep from giggling. It’s so funny to see these rough bikers, to know what they do, and yet, they can talk about playdates with kids. "Thank you."

  Hanger nods, but I see the amusement in his own eyes. "I hate to cut the reunion short, but we have some club business to deal with. All the ladies need to leave." He hands me a couple of house keys.

  Chatty says, “I’ll take T and Hope to the new house.”

  Romeo runs into the clubhouse, and a few minutes later, he returns with a piece of paper and hands it to me. “Here’s the address.” I stand in the same spot for a moment not really sure what to do. I mean, I know he got us a house, but that’s not saying hey everybody we’re together. I don’t know if I should walk away or what. “Whatcha waiting for?” He smirks. I awkwardly turn and take two steps before I’m yanked back and facing him. “I meant to kiss me.” He laughs and shakes his head, pressing his lips against mine. He breaks free all too soon, but his gaze meets mine. “Just ‘cause we’re home, Tin, doesn’t mean shit changes. You’re mine.” His smirk widens. “Now go. I’ll see you at home later.”

  I guess that answers my question. I walk away, smiling ear to ear with an extra pep in my step.

  Chatty beams at me. “You better spill after we check out your new house.” Her shoulders bump with mine as we saunter, our daughters in our arms. This is everything I ever wanted.

  Chatty pulls into the paved driveway of a one and a half-story cream colored house with blue shutters. I gasp at how beautiful it is. “Are you sure this is the right address?”

  “This is where the GPS directed us. Let’s see if the key works.”

  We get out of the car, and with Hope in my arms, I stroll up to the pillared porch and open the glass screen door. I stick the key in, and sure enough, the door unlocks. I rush back to the car. “Oh my God, Chatty! This is it!” I squeal and dance around the car. Hope begins giggling and the sound instantly causes tears to start falling as I laugh with her. “You’re laughing!” I exclaim and kiss her forehead.

  After Chatty gets Destiny out of her car seat, we enter the house, flipping lights on as we check out each room. Throughout the house, it has beautiful light-colored hardwood floors, and the walls are painted colors that brighten up the rooms. The whole house has been renovated, but the kitchen is gorgeous with light granite countertops and matching tile floors. I have to say though, the master bathroom is my favorite with the huge jacuzzi tub and a separate steam shower, and that’s in addition to his and her vessel sinks. This house could be featured in a magazine; it’s that beautiful. We tour every room, and the last is Hope’s room. Romeo was right. He has everything here that she would need and more. They decorated her room like a safari. "He loves you."

  I turn to meet my cousin's stare. "I don't know if he loves me, but it's been good, Chatty. Better than it's ever been for me."

  Chatty grins, her own tears filling her eyes. "You deserve it, T. It only gets better from here."

  I bite down on my lip. "I hope so."

  Chatty stays and I catch her up on everything that happened while we were gone…well, as much as I can. Gunner calls and asks her to come and get him a few hours later, and she packs up Destiny. Not long after she leaves, Romeo comes through the front door.

  He stands in front of me and wraps his arms around my waist, jerking me into his chest. "You like it?"

  I gaze up at him happily. "I love it."

  "You think you and Hope will be happy here?"

  I nod. "Definitely."

  He grins and runs his tongue along his plump bottom lip. "Good. She sleeping?"


  "Then let's get this house broken in." He pulls my hand as he rushes into the master bedroom.

  Once all of the women and children are gone, we gather outside of the shed. "For those of you that have been gone, I want to let you know that Drifter has found our rat." We all turn to glance at Drifter; he stands proud. He should be, none of the rest of us could figure that shit out. Hanger goes on, "The rat has kept a secret phone and used it to keep in contact with Deuce."

  Demon questions, "Do we know for a fact this time?"

  Hacker pipes in, "Yeah, I looked into it. Burner phones are untraceable, that’s why we use them, but Deuce, on the other hand, is a fucking idiot. Either that or he was so comfortable with the fucking traitor working against us that he was using a regular cell."

  Hanger continues, "I also sent Hunter to Texas, to where we now know Deuce is hiding out. Because Deuce has been using a cell instead of a burner, Hacker was able to backtrace the number on the burner phone, and it traced right back to Deuce. On top of that, we were able to pinpoint the tower where all of Deuce’s outgoing and incoming calls were pinging from."

  "The rat's in there?" Chayser tilts his head toward the shed.

  Bear declares, "Yes. He's been hanging up the last couple weeks, but we’ve taken him down to eat and drink water just to keep him alive until we were all together once again. As a club, we will kill our traitorous brother."

  My brows furrow and I ask, "Who is it? Who’s the rat?" I scan the crowd of my brothers, and only two are missing. Hanger opens the door to the shed. "Ghost!" My gasp isn’t the only one to be heard.

  "Why would he turn on us?" Bam Bam questions just as shocked as I am.

  Hanger replies, "Because he didn't approve of the way I've been leading this club." My eyes move to Ghost’s bloody and beaten naked body, hanging from chains inside the shed. I never would have thought it was Ghost. He’s been with the club longer than I have. I think back over time, and my head spins with the past. Come to think of it, he did start changing after he got shot by Shug. She was a club whore that worked for Ever, but that’s a different story to be told.

  I ask, "So, what now?"

  "Now he dies." Hanger's hard stare bores into mine. Fuck! How do we kill one of our own and not feel some sort of way about it?

  "Let's do this." Demon bounces on his feet. As we enter the shed, Hanger stands next to Ghost's hanging body.

  Hanger grabs the blow torch that's sitting on the wooden workbench. "You wanna be a rat?" Hanger fires up the torch and places the burning flame on Ghost's back which is tattooed with the Satan's Sinners’ emblem. Ghosts head lifts as his screams fill the room. The smell of burning flesh makes me wince, but I keep my focus. His flesh boils until it's charred black. Hanger doesn’t stop until there’s nothing
left of his mark to our club.

  "Gunner," Hanger calls on our vice president, who was gunned down because of Ghost. Gunner steps up on his crutches and pulls out his gun. He fires as many shots into Ghost's body as he got hit with that day.

  "Tink." Our youngest brother, who was also changed because of the decisions Ghost made, steps forward. Tink pulls out his blade and begins slashing across Ghosts flesh just like what happened to him, but it shocks us all when Tink bends behind Ghost and shoves the blade up his ass. Ghost is no longer moving, fighting, or making a noise. Our brother has gone to meet Satan himself.

  "Demon." Demon steps up and pulls his machete, he brings it up over his head and slashes clean through Ghosts dislocated arms. His body falls to the ground.

  "Drifter and Pretty Boy." They step up next. "Carry him outside to the back and bring his arms." Hanger grabs a gas can.

  When we get out back, they lay him and his arms down into a fire pit, and Hanger pours the gasoline over his dead body. Bam Bam hands Hanger a zippo, and he lights it before throwing the lighter onto Ghost. We watch his body ignite in flames.

  "We leave tomorrow morning for Texas," Hanger announces. "Prospects, when the flames are gone take him into the wooded area and bury his body." Hanger walks away leaving the rest of us standing there. Tink, Pretty Boy, and Drifter are the only three prospects. The rest of us begin trailing off while they clean up the mess. I hop on my Harley and head to my new house where Tinsley and Hope will be waiting. The rat has been dealt with, and now we finally have Deuce. The moment we’ve been waiting for, for so long, is almost here.

  We gather in the Cobras’ clubhouse with Snake, Storm, and Ace.

  Hanger calls church for the last time before we ride out. "We've found Deuce at an old rundown motel in Austin. From what Hunter said, it looks like he's on his own. So, we go in, take care of him, and then we're out. It should be an easy job and have us home tomorrow night. Snake, Ace, and Storm are riding with us."

  Snake’s gaze travels around the room, and he questions, "Everyone good with that?"

  "Ayes," of agreement sound throughout the room.

  Snake nods. "Let's ride."

  The eight-hour ride is smooth as we come to the outskirts of Austin. We pull into our Texas Chapter's clubhouse where we'll be staying the night. They have a feast of food waiting on picnic tables for us and a bonfire going with raging flames. Hanger shakes hands with the President. "Nice ta see ya, Clap."

  "You too, Hanger." The two men slap each other on the backs before Clapper says, "Go get food. We have your rooms ready."

  Don't have to tell my starving ass twice. I pile my plate with meat and potatoes, grab a beer, and find an empty seat.

  "Hey, handsome." A hand lands on my cut while my mouth is full of food. I feel eyes cutting into the side of my head as my chewing slows.

  "Hey. Uh…I'm not interested," I tell the club girl that straddles the bench seat next to me.

  "Ah, come on. We always have a great time when you're in town." Her finger runs down the side of my cheek.

  Swallowing, I knock her hand away, and my eyes bore into hers, letting her know just how serious I am. "Not this time."

  "Looks like you're getting serious about, T." Gunner gives me a knowing smile.

  "Yeah, I am. I'm gonna ask her to be my ol' lady as soon as we get back." I smile proudly.

  Pretty Boy shouts, "Hell yeah!" We all turn to Pretty Boy with questioning glares. "One more down. That means more pussy for us single men." We all burst out laughing.

  "Wait until it's his turn," Bear says with a shit-eating grin.

  "Never!" Pretty Boy comments, "I like variety."

  "We said that too." Hanger, Bear, and Gunner say in sync and laugh harder.

  "Fuck!" Pretty Boy stands with his plate. "I'm getting the fuck away from here before all y'alls curse lands on me."

  I glance up. "What curse?"

  Pretty Boy whispers, "The curse of the locked down pussies." We all laugh harder.

  Drifter gapes at each of us, horrified. “Is that really a thing?” It’s a known joke between us guys about getting locked down by women. It all started with Hanger. The new guys must have turned it into being a curse.

  "Yep." Gunner nods and takes a pull from his beer. "Once you have taken on that patch," He glances at Drifter who’s about to earn his patch, "You're doomed to meet the only woman you will fuck for the rest of your life." Gunner keeps a straight face.

  Drifter narrows his eyes. “You’re fucking with me.”

  "No, he's right. It's happened to the majority of us," Bear continues the teasing, "It's only time before the next man gets his balls taken."

  "Oh, fuck!" Drifter jumps up.

  Bam Bam laughs. "Where are you going?"

  "I'm going to get as much pussy as I can before I'm doomed." He rushes away from the table while Pretty Boy and the rest of us bust out laughing.

  Finishing the last bite of my food, I tell the guys, "I'm gonna find out where my room is. See ya."

  With help from a prospect, I’m directed to my room, and after stripping down to my boxer briefs, I grab my phone and call Tinsley. I don't think I want to wait until we get back. Telling the guys I want to claim her as mine, is me not wanting to wait a second longer as the anticipation builds.

  "Hey." I hear the smile in her voice.

  "Hey," I repeat as I lay back on the mattress. "I wanna ask you something."


  "I love you, Tin. I want you to be mine from here on out. Will you be my ol' lady?"

  I hear her heavy breathing through the phone, but the silence is killing me. "Wow, Romeo. What brought that on? Do I need to come and kick a whore’s ass?"

  I bark with laughter. "No, you need to stay and take care of Hope, and I made it very clear I’m not available. I was just talking to the guys and realized, I don't wanna wait until I get home to ask you."

  "I love you too, and of course I will. I can't wait for you to come home."

  "I can't wait either. Is Hope sleeping?"


  We stay on the phone until her breathing evens out. I know she’s sleeping when she no longer replies. Fuck! I hate being away from them. I’m ready to get this shit done.

  The next morning we get up at sunrise, and Hanger takes the lead on his Harley as we make our way to the motel Deuce has been staying in. We park in the parking lot of the empty motel and race up to room 213. Instead of knocking, Bear kicks the door, busting it wide open and causing Deuce to jump from his bed.

  "Well, well, well, my old buddy." Snake takes the lead as he faces the man who used to be his vice president and best friend, the very man who also became a traitor and shot Snake. "You can't even do a job right. How many times have you failed at attempting to kill us?"

  "Fuck you," Deuce hisses.

  Gunner steps up next to Snake on his crutches. "You couldn't hide forever, Deuce, and now your end has come."

  "Where's that little fucking snitch of yours?" Deuce looks around the room.

  "You mean Ghost? He's dead," Hanger spits with venom.

  Bear and Storm step up, each grabbing one of Deuce’s arms. Deuce flails and tries to break free, but it's no use. No way is he getting away from us this time. It's been a long time coming, and today Deuce will meet his demise.

  Ace stands with a hammer and long nails in his hand. "Put him against the wall. Hold his wrists and two more of you grab his ankles." Hacker and I step up, gripping his ankles, and together the four of us hold him above his dirty motel bed. Ace puts the first nail in the palm of Deuce's hand and begins to nail it into the wall. Deuce screams out in pain, I survey the others in the room and can’t find an ounce of pity for the man who tried to end us all.

  The second nail goes into his foot before Ace moves around the bed to Deuce’s other side. The four nails hold Deuce to the wall as the four of us release him, he continues yelling out for someone to help him.

  Snake lifts the hammer, takes his aim, and throws i
t like it’s a hatchet. It lands in the middle of Deuce's forehead, and his screams cease, his faint pants of breath stop as the hammer sticks out of his forehead.

  Demon approaches, and with his machete, he makes a clean slice from Deuce's neck to his abdomen. His skin rips open, expelling all of his insides as the blood pours from his body. His guts fall to the mattress.

  Storm stands next to the bed, and with his own blade, like a baseball bat, he brings his arms forward, cutting Deuce's head clean off. It drops onto the mattress and rolls a few times before stopping with the hammer still embedded in his skull.

  "Our job is done. Let's go home," Hanger announces, and we follow our president out of the motel room.

  The guys left yesterday to head for Texas, so all of us ladies are hanging out at Hanger and Zoey's with a couple prospects. I come out of Harper and Ava's room, stating, "Hope's finally asleep." She’s adjusting well, but has moments when I think she misses the nuns…mostly at night when it’s time to go to sleep. I’ll admit that I’m jealous they had her for so long, but at the same time, I understand. She’s used to them; however, I believe with time, she will be fine.

  "That's the last baby down." Jacey rubs her hands together with a beaming smile. "Time to get our drink on!" She jumps up from the couch and runs into the kitchen, returning only a few minutes later with a tray of shot glasses and a bottle of Tequila.

  Chatty speaks up, "I started this tradition when I first met Ripper. At the time, I was by myself, but over the years, all of you have joined this close-knit group, and we've become a circle of sisters." She raises her shot glass in the air, and the rest of us follow, except Daphne. “To the Lady Sinners. May our guys have a good ride and all return safely. May we have fun while they're gone. And may they have fun while we ride them after they're home."


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