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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

Page 29

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  Darth Sidious slowly turn his hooded face on the Zabrak Sith. “I know, given how you manage to obtain the items I ordered you to acquire and how you’ve dealt with that traitorous mongrel Hath Monchar. Move against the Jedi first. You will then have no difficulty taking the Queen back to Naboo, where she will sign the treaty.”

  A surge of exultation came into the younger Sith, “At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge.”

  “You have been well trained my young apprentice. The Jedi will be no match for you. It is too late for them to stop us now. Everything is going as planned. The Republic will soon be in my control.” Darth Sidious rasped.

  Darth Maul bowed and headed off for his ship.

  * * *

  “Viceroy, we have located the Queen. She’s here on Tatooine.” Aurra Sing said on the portable holopad.

  “This information would have been useful earlier. Our employer has already sent someone to hunt down the Queen.” Viceroy Nute Gunray muttered.

  “It’s not my fault, I’ve been hailing you for an hour now and I can’t get a decent connection with any of your lines.” the Jedi turned bounty hunter rasped.

  “Can you get the Queen before the Sith gets there?” Gunray asked.

  “This should be easy. Yes, we can.” Aurra Sing nodded.

  “Very well, bring the Queen to me the moment you get her. Your one million credits are waiting for you here.” Gunray said.

  “It’d better be.” Aurra Sing warned him and ended the call.

  “The hatch is opening. I see three figures coming out. Two Jedi and one… I’m not familiar with the species…” Cradossk hissed.

  “Gungan.” Jango Fett supplied.

  “The Gungan is on a speederbike… there he goes, he went straight over that dune.” Cradossk said.

  “There’s nothing out there for days.” Aurra Sing frowned.

  “The Jedi are heading this direction.” Jango warned them.

  “I can’t see them!” Aurra Sing complained as the herds of Banthas blocked their view of the two approaching Jedi.

  “Blast it!” Cradossk snarled in anger.

  “The Gungan, where is he?” Jango moved down the dune and went to his swoop.

  “What are you doing?” Aurra snapped.

  “I’m going after the Gungan. I don’t like the look of this.” Jango said and took the swoop towards the other end of the herds to make a turn to the dune where the Gungan has gone.

  “Good, let him be, I’ll take his share.” Cradossk grunted shaking his head.

  “Shut up and find those Jedi.” Aurra Sing strained in her macrobinoculars trying to spot the two brown robed Jedi among the billowing dusts and seemingly endless parade of wild Banthas.

  Cradossk stood erect and sniffed the air, there was no wind blowing in the scorching hot midday and the Trandoshan could hardly get a whiff of the hundreds of Banthas trudging below the canyon.

  “Something is not right here, perhaps the Mandalorian is correct.” Cradossk admitted.

  Aurra Sing was about to say something when they both saw the Royal Starship took off and headed towards the Dune Sea.

  “They must have seen us!” Aurra Sing kicked the sands in frustration. Cradossk ran towards his swoop and started to head back to Mos Espa.

  “Where are you going?” the former Jedi asked.

  “To my ship, I can’t catch that starship with a swoop right?” Cradossk hissed and drove off.

  “Great. Just great, everything falls apart when it is the last thing we need.” Aurra Sing started down the canyon to her own swoop when she felt a presence behind her.

  “It’s called irony.” Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn said. His lightsaber already lit.

  “Aurra Sing, of all places, why do we end up meeting here?” Obi-Wan Kenobi suddenly spoke from below her, his lightsaber held in a battle stance.

  “Nice trick. I should have known you two were up to something the moment you head off towards those Banthas.” Aurra Sing grunted and dropped her long projectile rifle and took out and ignited her lightsaber and the one from the Bith Jedi.

  “I know that weapon. So, it was you who killed Master Nug and his apprentice...” Qui-Gon nodded at the wooden lightsaber hilt.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Aurra Sing growled and leaped from the slope and somersaulted over her swoop and the padawan landing a few meters from Obi-Wan.

  Qui-Gon jumped after her as Obi-Wan rushed at her with his lightsaber swinging.

  Obi-Wan and Aurra’s blade clashed but the bounty huntress kicked him in the chest as Qui-Gon landed and swings low at her feet. Aurra jumped and twisted her body in mid-air to land both boots on the older Jedi’s face.

  Qui-Gon fell on the dirt when Obi-Wan came at her with blurring speed. The two let out a series of alternating high, low, left, right and feint blows, slice, slash and swings at each other. Their red and blue blades thrumming with power and sparkling with every jarring impact against each other created a faint haze of purple glow between the two combatants.

  Qui-Gon got up and joined to assist his padawan and the three battled across the desert valley.

  * * *

  Jang Fett halted his swoop after he got around from the Bantha herds and over the dune rise. He took out his pair of WESTAR-34 blaster pistols and activated his bioscanner.

  The desert was undisturbed by anything recent and he knew the Gungan could not have flown high with his swoop without disturbing the sands. He surmised that the Gungan have hidden the swoop nearby and out of their view and hid or continued on foot onwards through the Banthas unseen.

  Jango’s bioscanner detected a huge presence before him but before Jango Fett could even react accordingly, Jar-jar Binks bursts out of the sand and fired a large electrified net at the new bounty hunter.

  Jango tried to break free from the electrified net using his wristband blades but the Gungan fire a stun bolt on his neck at point blank three times until the beam got through the neck cover. Jango went limp and Jar-jar removed the net and started taking out all of his weapons.

  The Gungan collected the weapons and placed it on his duffel bag and fired the stun gun twice at Jango Fett for good measure before heading back to where he buried his speederbike.

  As Jar-jar drove towards the canyon, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were already narrowing Aurra Sing’s exit as the two Jedi tirelessly hammered her with their superior lightsaber and fighting skills.

  Desperate to get away from the two greater opponents, Aurra Sing took something from her belt and detonated it.

  A blinding flash of light temporarily blinded Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. When their eyes finally started to discern shapes again, Aurra Sing was already in her swoop heading back to Mos Espa.

  Jar-jar reached the two Jedi. Qui-Gon took out his comlink and called Captain Panaka, “Meet us here on the canyon.”

  Obi-Wan picked up the macrobinoculars on the rocks and lifted it to view the distant Mos Espa.

  “Can we trust this junk dealer, Jar-jar?” Obi-Wan asked.

  “Messa do not trust Watto but Reti told ussa that Watto definitely has that hyperdrive youssa need.” Jar-jar shook his head.

  “Go ahead of us and contact that Watto junk dealer, strike a bargain. We’ll wait for Captain Olié to return with his ship and get the Queen into safety.” Qui-Gon instructed.

  “It’s youssa call. Just let messa know once youssa already near the Mos Espa.

  A ship flew past above them. Its powerful engines sending echoes throughout the canyon walls, Qui-Gon recognized it as the Pelt Price, the private ship of the leader of the bounty hunters guild, Cradossk.

  “Captain, you’re going to have company, a small private fighter ship owned by bounty hunter Cradossk.” Qui-Gon clicked the comlink to warn the captain and crew of the Royal Starship.

  “Cradossk, the Trandoshan? The leader of the Bounty Hunters Guild?” Panaka gasped as the Jedi nodded in confirmation.

  Captain Panaka, Queen Amidala,
Captain Siege, Artoo Detoo and the Royal Handmaidens finally reached the canyon and rejoined the Jedi.

  “Your Highness, once Captain Olié returns, I would like you to stay inside the starship. Captains Olié, Panaka and Siege will stay with you along with your handmaidens and my padawan here. Jar-jar and I will acquire the necessary parts for your hyperdrive so we could all get away from this planet as soon as possible.” Qui-Gon slowly explains it to them

  Queen Amidala nodded and step back as Captain Panaka and the Royal Handmaidens converged on the Queen and they whispered. The Jedi Master had already gone outside the Royal Starship.

  Panaka then approached Qui-Gon down by the ramp with an astromech and a Royal Handmaiden.

  “The Queen is curious about this planet and she wishes’ that her handmaiden Padmé and astromech droid Artoo Detoo to come with you.

  “No more commands from Her Highness today, Captain.” Qui-Gon shook his head adamantly.

  Padmé and Panaka looked at each other briefly before the Commanding Officer of the Chief Security Forces of the Queen tried to convince the older Jedi.

  “Padmé is a trained fighter both in weapons and hand-to-hand combat. She could protect herself. As for Artoo… he’ll definitely be handy.” Panaka smiled.

  “Alright she may come, but I do not like the idea of this. Stay close to me.” Qui-Gon finally agreed.

  Chapter 34: A Person named Anakin

  Anakin Skywalker is a slave like his mother and like thousands of others living in Tatooine from Mos Eisley to Mos Espa under the rule of Hutts. Tatooine is one of the harshest worlds to live in, much more to grow up.

  When his mother Shmi Skywalker first came to Tatooine, Anakin was but a toddler. Under the ownership of Gardulla the Hutt, Shmi strove to stay in favor of the Hutt’s eyes, always too careful in everything she was tasked to do. She also patiently taught and disciplined her son to grow up obedient to their masters, lest they both suffer their cruel and most of the time, fatal punishments.

  Being a slave under the Hutts made them stronger in spirit than any other free people. Shmi did her best to be the mother that she is to her only son. Oh how she longs for the day that her little Annie would be free from the shackles of this dangerous life he doesn’t deserve.

  If only there was an easy way out. They could not escape because she’d seen new slaves foolish enough to make the attempt only to perish. She could not buy their freedom, the Hutts charges astronomical prices to slaves wanting to buy their freedom. It would take them their lifetime to earn such price, therefore making their freedom useless. But then again, her current master is not a Hutt so perhaps Watto would not charged that high a price for their freedom. Shmi sighed, that much she knows are still wishful thinking.

  Shmi stood at the top of the Slaves’ Row, a residential area for the slaves on Mos Espa, and was cleaning one of the translation circuits her son scavenged from the junkshop for his little pet project… a disassembled protocol droid that Annie found on the side alleys of Mos Espa.

  She saw the rickshaw droid came and stop by at the junkshop and dropped off Watto, her master, and Annie. Watto spoke shortly at the boy and then little Annie made the short walk towards the Slaves’ Row.

  As Annie approaches, Shmi saw the scowl on her son’s face and knew something had gone wrong in their trip to their former master Gardulla.

  “Annie what’s wrong?” Shmi asked as soon as Annie was within earshot.

  “She didn’t give us the loan for the repairs of the pod racer and she doesn’t want to sponsor me for the Boonta Eve.” Annie cried.

  “Oh dear, you know I only let you race because Watto insists that you do and that I know you love it. Maybe it’s for the better…” Shmi said as Annie rushed up the stairs and embraced her and started to sob.

  “No mom, there has to be a way. They said the price money for this year’s race is the highest yet because the desalijic clan would be arriving and bringing in their ace pod racers. The grand price would be enough to buy both of our freedom.” Annie said as he continues to cry.

  Shmi closed her eyes.

  Enough to buy both of our freedom…

  “Annie, if the stakes are that high then the race would absolutely be extremely dangerous. Those Hutts would scheme against each others’ bets for their own racer to win. There will be killings and I can’t let you participate in such race. It is dangerous enough as it is.” Shmi said to him.

  “It’s our freedom mom, it is worth the risk.” Anakin let go and look at his mother in the eyes.

  Shmi locked gazes with her little boy and saw in his orbs a sheer determination. Taking a deep breath of resignation she finally nodded at him.

  “Here’s the translation circuits, I’ve cleaned it, try it on your droid. I know this one moisture farmer from Anchorhead who always comes by the junkshop… I’ll see if I could get him to give me a sideline, the moisture harvest is tomorrow, perhaps he might need a hand on the harvesting…” Shmi said.

  “You mean that mister Cliegg Lars?” Annie asked.

  “Yes. He and his friend Mr. Huff Darklighter might be able to help us.” Shmi nodded.

  Anakin’s eyes grew wide in surprise. “Huff Darklighter? He’s that teenager that everybody was talking about that was the heir to the largest moisture farm on Tatooine!”

  “That’s him alright.” Shmi smiled.

  “Annie!” another young boy came trudging down the Slaves’ Row.

  “Kitster!” Anakin beamed at his best friend.

  “Watto said you go back in the shop and fix those set of newly arrived protocol droids…” Kitster said, the moment Annie heard the word protocol droids he kissed his mom and hurried down the stairs past his best friend towards the junkshop.

  “Kitster, put this on Threepio will you? I’ll see you after work!” Annie threw the translator circuit at him and the other slave boy caught it.

  Shmi walked down the stairs and stood beside Kitster as they watch Anakin run out of Slaves’ Row. When her son was out of sight she turns to regard Kitster.

  “Are you free for the day?” Shmi asked him.

  “Yes ma’am.” Kitster bowed slightly, imitating an off-worlder he saw earlier.

  “Would you like to accompany me to the Darklighter Depot?” Shmi asked.

  “Sure! I always wanted to go there!” Kitster beamed in excitement.

  “Wait here; I’ll lock the house first.” Shmi said and went inside.

  * * *

  Padmé watched in silent awe and wonder at the bustling town of Mos Espa as she tried to keep up with the Gungan and the Jedi who seemed to walk like they know the place well like natives. Artoo Detoo deliberately slowed down so he could accompany the real Queen of Naboo.

  Jar-jar halted before one of the similarly built adobe building and spoke to the Jedi.

  “Messa, goin’ there first. Youssa wait here.” Jar-jar said to Qui-Gon Jinn and went inside the shop.

  A young human boy with sandy hair and bright blue eyes were sitting by the side of the counter and making some repairs on three protocol droids of different make and models. The boy looked up as the Gungan entered. The boy frowned a bit for not being able to recognize his species and addressed him in Huttese.

  “Achuta! Chut-chut Outmian, dobra Anakin Skywalker, chowbasa tah Watto’s pankpa pachee chone junkie.” The boy said to him.

  Jar-jar understood little Huttese but he answered in basic, “Messa Jar-jar Binks, messa friend of Reti the Toydarian. Messa been said messa could find Watto here.”

  “My master is at the back by the thrusters’ storage section.” Anakin cocked his head on the back door and nodded at him to go.

  “Messa have company, can they ussa wait here?” Jar-jar asked the boy who nodded as he resumes finishing his work. Jar-jar called out to someone from the outside then went to the back of the shop.

  A tall bearded man with long hair wearing a typical desert poncho entered followed by a gleaming brand new astromechanic droid accompanied by the most b
eautiful female human the boy has ever seen in his life.

  Anakin dropped his wrench and it clanged loudly on the scattered droid parts around him. He stood up and greeted them as he greeted the first one but this time in basic.

  “Hello! Greetings Outlanders, I am Anakin Skywalker, Welcome to Watto’s Spaceship Parts and Scrapmetals.”

  “Hello.” Qui-Gon smiled at him then crouched before him and casually looked at the protocol droids he was fixing. “Is Watto here? May I speak with him?”

  “Sure, he’s at the back where your friend went.” Anakin shrugged.

  “Thank you.” Qui-Gon stood and turns to face the female, “Stay here, don’t wander off and don’t touch anything. Droid, come with me” Qui-Gon said and went out to the backdoor.

  Padmé looked around the shop and her gaze landed on the boy staring back at him with mild curiosity.

  “Are you an angel?” Anakin found himself asking her.

  “What?” Padmé was momentarily baffled.

  “An angel, they live in the moons of Iego, I think. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe.” Anakin explained.

  “You’re a funny little boy, how do you know so much?” Padmé smiled.

  “I heard the deep space pilots talk about them. I’m a pilot too you know. Someday, I’m going to fly away from this place.” Anakin said dreamily.

  “Have you been here long?” Padmé inquired as she took a stool and sat facing him and ran her hand on the droids being repaired.

  “Since I was very little, three, I think. My mom and I were sold to Gardulla the Hutt by the relatives of mom’s former master Pi-Lippa after she died. But the Hutt lost us to Watto from a betting in the Podraces. Watto’s a lot better master than the Hutt, I think.” Anakin answered casually.

  “You’re a slave?” Padmé gasped.

  “I’m a person and my name is Anakin.” the boy said defiantly.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just not used to this. This is a strange world to me.” Padmé apologized.

  Anakin nodded at her and smiled, “One day I will marry you.” He suddenly said which startled him more than it startled Padmé. “I mean it.” Anakin added which really surprised him for having said that to her.

  Padmé smiled at him in amusement, “You’re an odd one, why would you say that?”

  “I guess because it’s what I believe…” Anakin couldn’t exactly explain why he said it.


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