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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

Page 30

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  “Well, I’m afraid I can’t marry you Anakin. You’re just a little boy.” Padmé’s smile was dazzling.

  “I won’t always be.” Anakin shrugged and resume working on the droid.

  * * *

  Shmi and Kitster waited by the lobby of the spotless Mos Espa head office of the largest local water seller business establishment in all of Tatooine, an albino Twi’lek female sat by the desk smiling at the people milling around the lobby.

  “Shmi Skywalker? Master Darklighter will see you now, you have ten minutes.” the Twi’lek stood and opened the door to Huff’s office.

  Inside, Shmi and Kitster was surprised to see that the entire wall behind the owner’s desk was a huge aquarium from floor to ceiling. Large sea creatures the size of mature womprats swims lazily behind the young handsome teenager standing by the desk smiling at them.

  “You must be Shmi Skywalker, pleased to meet you! This is my friend Cliegg Lars and his boy Owen.” Huff shakes her hand and winked at Kitster as he indicated the two other people inside the room.

  “Please, be seated. My secretary says you’re here to discuss a loan,” Huff sat and punched some keys on his console to bring out her customer record, “You are employed under Watto… you have no withstanding debt… let’s see what we can do.”

  Shmi nodded and felt uneasy from the furtive looks Cliegg was subtly giving her whenever he thinks she was not looking. Kitster and Owen were pressing their faces on the glass watching the exotic fishes that both of them have never seen before.

  * * *

  “Outlander, this Gungan tells me you are in need of some parts of a J-type 327 Nubian.” Watto the Toydarian hovered to face the approaching human customer. Jar-jar crossed his arms and glanced around at the open backyard where rows upon rows of various engine parts were stacked by several pit droids.

  “My droid has the readout of what I need.” Qui-Gon regarded Artoo who rolled forward and transmitted a list on Watto’s datapad. The Toydarian studied the list seriously and rubbed the growing stubble in his leathery chin.

  “A T-14 hyperdrive generator! You’re in luck. I’m the only one hereabouts who has one. But you might as well buy a new ship, it would be cheaper. By the way, how are you going to pay for this, Outlander?” Watto grinned.

  “I have twenty thousand Republic credits to…” Qui-Gon was interrupted by the Toydarian dealer.

  “Republic credits? Republic credits are no good out here! I need something better than that, something of real value…” Watto burst out in disgust.

  “I don’t have anything else,” Qui-Gon shook his head and casually waved his hand before the Toydarian. “But credits will do fine.”

  “No. They won’t!” Watto shook his head.

  “Credits will do fine.” Qui-Gon repeated his wave and put more emphasis on his words.

  “No, they won’t!” Watto growled in annoyance, “What do you think you’re doing waving around your hand like that? You think you’re some kind of a Jedi? I’m a Toydarian! Mind tricks don’t work on me, only money. No money, no parts, no deal! And no one else has a T-14 hyperdrive generator out here, I promise you that!” Watto scowled.

  Jar-jar stepped forward about to bash some sense on the Toydarian but Qui-Gon signaled him to stand down and turn to smile at Watto, “I understand.”

  Qui-Gon went back inside as Jar-jar, Artoo Detoo and Watto followed him.

  “Let’s go.” The Jedi said to her and continued outside the shop.

  “I’m glad I met you Anakin.” Padmé said as she started to leave.

  “I’m glad I met you too!” Anakin called out as Watto hovered beside him.

  “Outlanders! They think because we live so far from everything, we know nothing.” Watto grunted then looked at Anakin, “Get those droids back on storage and finish it tomorrow. You can go home.”

  “Yipee!” Anakin cheered and started to stack the parts on the box and drag the protocol droids back on the corner.

  * * *

  Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn took his company to a side ally as he called Obi-Wan in the comlink. Jar-jar faced the road and glared at anyone who looks at their direction. Padmé leaned on the wall beside Artoo Detoo and ran her hand on her face, the heat was staggering and she was not used to it.

  “Ask Captain Panaka if we have anything there of value that we might be able to trade for the parts we need.” Qui-Gon asked.

  There was short wait as Obi-Wan conferred with Captains Panaka and Olié. “We only have a few containers of supplies, the Queen’s wardrobe, some jewelry maybe but not enough for you to barter with. Not in the amounts you’re talking about.” Obi-Wan reported.

  “All right then, another solution will present itself. I’ll get back to you.” Qui-Gin sighed and regarded his companions.

  “Messa could shake up some cash in dessa crowd…” Jar-jar mused.

  “We’re not robbing or mugging anyone, Gungan.” Qui-Gon reprimanded Jar-jar.

  “It’s just a thought.” Jar-jar shrugged and followed the Jedi as Qui-Gon beckoned them towards the market area. Padmé and Artoo Detoo trailed closely, behind them they didn’t notice the slave boy Anakin was heading their way.

  Jar-jar spotted a gang of ruffians playing sabacc. He saw an empty seat and took it and took out some credit chips. Qui-Gon and the others stopped by a vendor and asked questions.

  “We don’t accept credit chips!” a Dug muttered waving him off the table.

  “Youssa just afraid to lose big time!” Jar-jar snorted and took his card from the dealer.

  “Sebulba never lose!” the Dug growled and leaped at the Gungan. The impact threw the two down on the street and the players shouted curses and threw their cards in disgust and started to bet instead on the two.

  The commotion caught the attention of Qui-Gon, Padmé and Artoo Detoo who started towards the Gungan.

  Jar-jar caught Sebulba’s long neck and started to squeeze, the Dug lashed out his foot and gripped the Gungan’s neck as well.

  Qui-Gon stepped forward, disentangled the two and dragged the Gungan away. Sebulba spat and leaped on Qui-Gon but another human from the crowd intervened and caught the Dug on the neck in mid-air.

  Jar-jar shoved Qui-Gon away from him and started for Sebulba but when he saw another man holding the Dug, he stopped.

  “He is not worth your trouble.” The man said to Sebulba.

  Sebulba blinked twice and started to calm down, “He is not worth my trouble.”

  “Go Sebulba, have yourself a nice drink.” The man released the Dug.

  “I’m going and will have myself a nice drink.” Sebulba intoned and started to leave.

  Anakin stood beside Padmé and Artoo and gasped, “Did you just see that!”

  Qui-Gon bowed as the other man turn to face him. “Thank you.”

  “I hear you were looking for parts for your ship.” the man said then led them away from the crowd and into a vacant side alley.

  “Master Vos, what are you doing here?” Qui-Gon finally said when they were alone. The others looked at each other in bewilderment to see another Jedi.

  “The usual missions.” Jedi Master Quinlan Vos shrugged.

  “Do you think you could help us get this credits converted?” Qui-Gon asked.

  “I could but there’s not enough time, I’m due any minute now to tail my quarry.” Quinlan Vos shook his head in regret.

  The two talked a little longer then parted ways, as Qui-Gon and his companions were heading out of Mos Espa, Anakin caught up with them. Padmé stopped by a fruit stand and bought some pallies.

  Anakin approached the vendor and greeted her, “Here Jira, use this power cells for your cooling unit.”

  “Thank you,” Old Jira said, “Looks like there’s a sandstorm coming Annie, you’d better get home quick.” Jira said as she stood and prepared to close her kiosk.

  “They said this sandstorm is going to be the roughest this year. Do you have shelter?” Anakin asked. Qui-Gon came and also bought pallies to O
ld Jira, as he went to put the pallies on his pouch, Anakin saw a lightsaber clipped on Qui-Gon’s belt.

  “We have a ship out on the outskirts.” Padmé pointed on the horizon.

  “You won’t make it there in time, not on foot, come; I’ll take you to my place.” Anakin took Padmé’s hand and led her back to the town proper.

  Padmé looked at the Jedi but Qui-Gon just nodded at her and they all followed Anakin to Slaves’ Row.

  Chapter 35: Lunch with the Skywalkers

  The Sith Infiltrator Scimitar emerged from hyperspace and made a sweep around the planet, its’ scanners searching for the profile readings of the Nubian Royal Starship. A match has been found but before the computer got a lock on the exact location the sensors were blocked by a powerful interference.

  Darth Maul frowned and rechecked his scanners but his companion stopped him. The Zabrak had rendezvoused with Crimos’ ship at the edge of the Chommell Sector after he received her transmission from the Saak’ak. Once she boarded his Sith Infiltrator, the two continued on to their destination; Tatooine.

  “It’s useless. There’s a sandstorm down there. Let’s just land on that region and start the search when it has passed.” the Lady Sarc Crimos said.

  Darth Maul nodded and eased the Scimitar and went down on the desert planet, the twin suns blazing ceaselessly behind them.

  * * *

  Captain Ric Olié went to the main deck where Captain Panaka, Captain Siege, Aluva and the others were preparing their dinner. Queen Amidala has already retired to her bedroom and the Royal Handmaidens were busy helping on the kitchen and the table.

  “We detected a massive sandstorm heading this way. We will temporarily be out of contact with them.” Ric announced, double checking on the composition of the incoming sandstorm, according to their sensors, this are the strongest ever recorded in the past decade.

  “Reduce power to minimum and direct the rest for the shields, sandstorms can be very rough. Especially this one.” Obi-Wan said and Olié nodded and return to the cockpit.

  “What if they can’t obtain the needed parts?” Aluva asked.

  “Then we must get ourselves another ship.” Obi-Wan answered.

  The group ate in silence, their thoughts wandering, worrying about the others, their situation and the crisis back home.

  * * *

  “Mom! Mom I’m home!” Anakin called out as he led his guests inside.

  Qui-Gon and the others followed in and Jar-jar closed the door behind them and locked it as the sandstorm begins its supposed to be most violent onslaught yet.

  Padmé looked around and admired the simplicity and coziness of the adobe hovel. The ceiling were high enough to keep Qui-Gon and Jar-jar standing erect, the side walls were curved from ceiling to floor and although the static-charged doorframe keeps the sand from entering the house, somehow the sands still finds its way in. A small static-charge cleaner droid were constantly rolling about the floor making sweeps and absorbing dusts.

  Padmé observed that there were a number of various gadgets and robotic machines in almost every corner of the house. At the side of the doorway to her left was a small workstation filled with pieces of memory chips and other components. An aeromagnifier hovers at the table beside a tool demagnetizer, a micro-circuit welder and a diagnostic screen. A whiff of something delicious drew the attention of Padmé and Jar-jar as a middle-aged woman came out of the kitchen with a cleaning rag on her hands.

  Anakin came beside her and introduced her to them, “This is my mom, Shmi Skywalker. Mom, these are my new friends.”

  “I’m Qui-Gon Jinn, this is Padmé and that one is Jar-jar Binks. Your son was kind enough to offer us shelter. We met at the shop where he works.” Qui-Gon offered a hand that Shmi absently shook as she looked at them each in turn.

  “Oh, welcome then, please pardon our house, it’s a little messy and clogged up with my son’s inventions.” Shmi indicated the various gadgets and tool droids.

  “No apology necessary, we are grateful enough for the hospitality of your wonderful son.” Qui-Gon smiled.

  “Come on! Let me show you my droid.” Anakin took Padmé’s hand and pulled her to his room. Artoo Detoo followed them while Jar-jar sat by the dining room with Qui-Gon as Shmi returned to her cooking and took out more ingredients so the meal would be enough for everyone.

  Anakin showed Padmé a deactivated protocol droid without any external plating. “Isn’t he great? He’s not finished yet, but he will be soon. I found what was left of him on my way to the shop, he was pretty messed up and since no one seems to be interested in him, I hauled him here to fix him.” Anakin clicked the power switch at the back of the head of the droid.

  Internal motors powered up and the droid bolted upright and move its single photoreceptor around him. “Oh my, where is everybody?” the droid exclaimed.

  “Ooops!” Anakin rummaged on the pile of parts and found another photoreceptor and attached it on the protocol droid.

  “How do you? I am See Threepio, human-cyborg relations protocol droid…” C-3PO introduced himself automatically.

  “He’s perfect!” Padmé grinned.

  Artoo Detoo on the other hand had something else to say and let out a series of beeps and hoots.

  C-3PO turned to face the other droid and ask in indignation, “I beg your pardon… what do you mean by naked?”

  Artoo whistled in reply and the protocol droid straightened up in surprise, “My parts are showing? Oh my!”

  “Sorry about that, I’ll get you covered one day Threepio.” Anakin said to his droid then beamed at Padmé as another thought came to his mind, “When the sandstorm is over I’m going to show you my racer. I’m building a Podracer but Watto doesn’t know about it. It’s a secret.”

  “Don’t worry Anakin. I’m good at keeping secrets.” Padmé smiled at the irony.

  “Annie, tell our pretty guest that dinner is ready!” Shmi called out from the kitchen.

  “She can hear you mom!” Anakin answered and winked at Padmé.

  Qui-Gon and Jar-jar Binks was already placing the plates on the table as Shmi serves her freshly cooked meals.

  “Smells great!” Padmé said as she took a seat. Anakin went to help his mom place the spicy ahrisas, Lamtas, Haroun breads, Sidi gourds, Tezirett seeds and Driss pods on the table as Shmi poured Bantha milk, or most known as the blue milk, on their glasses. Qui-Gon added the pallies he bought from Old Jira.

  “So mom, how did it go with the Darklighters?” Anakin asked.

  “Huff was kind enough to promise a loan by next week after he sold their stocks. As for Cliegg, well, he was in his usual cocky self and he also agreed to loan me a couple of hundred wupuipi.” Shmi said.

  “A loan?” Jar-jar asked and Qui-Gon gave him a sharp look but the Gungan ignored the Jedi.

  “My mom and I are saving money to buy our freedom…” Anakin said then changed the subject, “So how are you going to convert your credits to wupuipi?”

  “How do they grant you your freedom?” Qui-Gon stayed on the original subject.

  “They can grant freedom anytime they want with or without cause but usually they set a certain amount of money if we are to buy our own freedom.” Shmi said.

  “And usually it’s so expensive our lifetime isn’t even enough to pay for it with the amount we are earning. Not to mention we can’t also attempt an escape. It is said that there’s a transmitter somewhere inside our body that would trigger an explosion inside us if we ever try to reach a certain distance without the approval of our master.” Anakin added.

  “I can’t believe slavery is still permitted in the galaxy. The Republic anti-slavery laws should…” Padmé started to say but Shmi shook her head.

  “The Republic doesn’t exist around here. We must survive on our own.” She said sadly.

  “Have you ever seen a Podrace?” Anakin quickly changed the subject.

  “They have Podracing on Malastare, very fast, very dangerous.” Qui-Gon nodded.

/>   “I’m the only human who can do it.” Anakin said proudly, Shmi gave a sharp look at him but Anakin shrugs it off, “Mom, what? I’m not bragging. It’s true! Watto says he’s never seen any human doing it.”

  Qui-Gon and Shmi’s eyes caught each other and the Jedi look closely at Anakin, “You must have Jedi reflexes if you race pods.”

  Jar-jar and Padmé looked at each other as if something else is being discussed between the lines.

  Anakin was in deep thought for a few seconds then regarded Qui-Gon seriously, “I… I was wondering about something…” he said hesitantly.

  A nod from Qui-Gon encouraged Anakin to continue, “You’re a Jedi Knight aren’t you? Like that man who sent Sebulba away earlier, it was a Jedi mind trick.”

  “What makes you think that?” Qui-Gon tested the boy.

  “I saw your lasersword. Only Jedi Knights carry that kind of weapon.” Anakin indicated the belt under Qui-Gon’s poncho.

  “Perhaps I killed a Jedi and took it from him.” Qui-Gon insisted testily.

  “I don’t think so. No one can kill a Jedi.” Anakin shook his head at the absurdity of the idea.

  Qui-Gon leaned back on his seat and smiled at him, “I wish that were so.”

  “I had a dream I was a Jedi. I came back here and freed all the slaves.” Anakin paused then throw out the question he’d been meaning to ask, “Have you come to free us?”

  Shmi gasped and looked apologetically at Qui-Gon. Jar-jar cleared his throat while Padmé leaned forward, amused and interested at the direction their conversation is taking them. Artoo Detoo just moaned silently.

  “No, I’m afraid not…” Qui-Gon began.

  “I think you have. Why else would you be here.” Anakin insisted.

  Shmi was about to chastise her son but Qui-Gon leaned forward and spoke in a conspiratorial tone, “I can see there’s no fooling you, Anakin. But you mustn’t let anyone know about us. We’re on our way to Coruscant, the central system of the Republic, on a very important mission. It must be kept secret.” the Jedi admitted to Anakin and Shmi.

  “Coruscant! Wow! How did you end up here in the Outer Rim?” Anakin asked.

  “Our hyperdrive has been badly burnt. We’re stranded here until we can get it fixed.” Qui-Gon explained.

  “I can fix it for you. I’m good at fixing things.” Anakin offered.

  “I’m sure you are. But first we need to get those parts we need.” Qui-Gon nodded at the boy.


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