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Atomic Mage 3

Page 8

by Carter, Garrett

  Time seemed to stretch for hours as Cade was held in place by his orgasm as he filled his pretty kitty to bursting with his seed and her tight clenching core milked him until it could hold no more and a river of the milky fluid began to flow down her inner thigh.

  Time resumed suddenly as the aftershocks from their massive shared release hit them and they fell to their sides on the bed.

  Involuntary pumps into his wife's over full canal were followed by his excess seed puddling under their hips as they rode out the last pleasurable moments of their intense lovemaking session.

  "That's going to be a big mess to clean up my love. Though I haven't been this full of your seed in a long time, and I want more."

  Joining her hand over her mate's above her womb, Mina purred contently after her blissfully moaned out statement.

  "And don't think I am done with you yet my love. We are going to start from the beginning... after I can feel my legs again."

  Stretching his tingling limbs and pulling Mina closer into their spooning position Cade checked on his little ones after their rollercoaster ride.

  Finding them healthy and growing a little faster than their brother and sisters, Promena being the mother of his son Jakobe.

  Acquiring that little tidbit of information had required sating his goddess quite a few times as she withheld the name and gender of their baby in a little game of 21 orgasms.

  "From the looks of our twin's growth, they might be showing up a little sooner than the others. Should I have our goddess move up her plans for our renovation to before our trip across the ocean?"

  His kiss into Mina's black locks turned into a hiss of pleasure as she recovered the use of her lower body before him and squeezed his still hard girth with her tight wet channel.

  Her husky laugh at his appreciation of her skills turned to a pleasured moan as he used his strength to force his length as far as he could into her tight depths and holding it there.

  "I think I would like my question answered before I turn you into a puddle of blissful goo my love. Sound good?"

  At her nod and moan of ascent, he relaxed his hold on his pretty kitty and gave her a little room to breathe as he slid a few inches out of her, the action driving a moan of his own past his lips as he found her tight canal impossibly slicker and wetter than before.

  "You should not have such a hold over my tongue with that weapon in your pants my love. My goodness, I think I came a little."

  Wiggling her well-padded ass against his hips with a growl of pleasure she settled in to answer her mate's question.

  "Our kits will arrive a few weeks to a month before our other children, so Promena's timetable on our renovations before their arrival should work as planned. Kars and Fen will have a safe and secure place to grow into their chosen roles. Kars will certainly inherit some of your traits as your son, I fear for his opponents after he finishes his growth if I am right in assuming your stature here was above average on Earth."

  After she felt her mate's nod of agreement she continued.

  "And our little Fen will be a fierce warrior if her six and maybe seven mothers will have anything to do with it."

  Giving her mate and father of her kits a loving lick on the cheek as he toyed with one of her black nipples, she clenched her drenched sex around his hard length as the idea of bearing his kits caused a thrill of lust and need to fly through her.

  As the tingling in his legs ceased Cade rolled his sexy panther wife onto her belly and began the arduous task of loving her into oblivion.

  Taking long strokes into her depths as she growled and moaned out her pleasure he enjoyed this respite before they attacked the emperor tomorrow.

  Groaning out his second orgasm he hoped the bloodshed would be minimal, or not.

  His Laurith could use more troops.

  Landing outside of the Sumat, the seat of the empire, Cade had a moment of pity for the army amassed before him.

  He had given them the same chance as he had given the duke's soldiers, and even fewer had taken his gift of life.

  As his Laurith landed next to him in a cloud of grass and dirt he looked up at her massive black form and the same thrill of lust went through him as when he was in his dragon body.


  As he voiced his conflict over that feeling he felt her own need through their bond.

  "I like that I can make you feel that way in this body, my love. Now stop lusting over me for a moment so I can grow our army."

  Turning his attention to the troops trying and failing to keep from shivering in their boots, he sent a mental kiss to his dragon wife before making a seat to watch the show.

  Fending off a collective mental attack by the mages stationed throughout the army, he threw up a shield as arrows, fireballs, spikes of earth, and jets of water flew at them.

  More than ready for the mental attack he knocked the mind mages unconscious in quick succession as Laurith began her task of overcoming the regular soldier's minds and bodies, enthralling dozens at a time.

  As the army fell relatively quickly under their combined might Cade found himself with nothing to do besides watch the emperor shout impotent orders from his throne room deep within the huge city.

  The spy eye's feed kept his attention for a few minutes as she watched commanders scurry back and forth, pulling reinforcements from around the city, but as the mages and soldiers brought against them fell under his pet's control like lemmings jumping off a cliff he grew bored.

  "Laurith, can you spare a moment. Not that kind of moment, though if you say yes I'm not going to say no."

  His grin at her half-hearted look of irritation at her mate's implied usual sexual advances grew curious as she gave the soldiers still streaming out of the city half her attention as she wanted for his question."

  Chuckling at her sudden change in demeanor and the well-hidden disappointment that never the less trickled through their bond he voiced his question.

  "I would like to learn how you create your pocket dimensions, they might come in handy someday. I can think of one problem they could solve and it rhymes with shmosey shmeenagers shmand shmids shmenturrupting shmudult shmime."

  His hopes rose for his attempt at gaining that bit of knowledge as he planned for his and his wive's sexual future.

  If he could learn how to make a little getaway for them there would be no more kids interrupting "adult" time, he couldn't count the number of times Vance and Candice had either interrupted them as kids or voiced their disgust as they realized their parents still had sex.

  "Little cock blockers."

  As his dragon wife chuckled at the grumbled statement she sent him a few images of what she had done to practice the ability.

  Giving them a once over he filed that knowledge away for practice during their weeks-long trip to the Kandar continent and their first target the country of Vanden as the numbers of "recruits" streaming from the city slowed then stopped.

  As her thralls began their March into her barracks dimension Cade rose from his seat and kissed a human Laurith on her full chocolate lips.

  "Let's go meet the emperor, my love."

  Tossing a gaudily dressed commander of some sort into a similarly tasteless wall Cade smiled as the last in a long line of doors and corridors ended with the familiar entrance to the emperor's chambers.

  Smiling at a bored Laurith as he broke down and absorbed the unconscious commander he gave her a look that promised a pleasurable time later as she fulfilled her duties as his chaperone.

  Giving his wives the benefit of the doubt after his ill-advised charge into death, he couldn't be mad at their caution if they decided to keep a sexy woman on his arm during his outings.

  Licking his lips at the tight robes that outlined her curvy body he turned his attention to the doors blocking his path as he heard shrill screams of panic make their way through the massive doors.

  "Do you think we should knock? It sounds like they are busy soiling their britches."

  Her h
usky laugh at his question made him want to throw her to the ground and ravage his pet into a sexy well-loved puddle, but he left that for later, there was an asshoe to unseat.

  Dissolving the doors, with a little added "boom" for effect that did a wonderful job of silencing the screeching old man sitting on a shining throne at the back of the huge chamber.

  Standing forward he created a similar chair in the middle of the room and sat in it unceremoniously.

  Laurith's soft behind was a surprise as she dropped into his lap and made herself comfortable with a long stretch that put her long mocha legs right at the perfect height to caress with his hands.

  Taking advantage of his Laurith's smooth toned legs right in hands reach he gave the assembled group his attention as they gave them goggle-eyed looks of disbelief.

  "I have come as requested and now that I am here I find myself disappointed by the caliber of people who lord their power over others. I think I should use my own station to replace such an... unworthy ruler."

  Giving the red wrinkled-faced old human man fuming on the throne a dismissive look he cast his eyes around the room as the dozen or so nobles of Zeme squirmed under his gaze.

  The only person not shivering in terror was the woman sitting next to the emperor trying and failing to hold back a laughing fit.

  "You wouldn't happen to be the empress?"

  His question was followed by the woman losing her composure for a few moments as she laughed maniacally at the man next to her before collecting herself and rising from her own smaller throne.

  "Yes I am empress Restia, Mage Cade and it is a pleasure to finally meet you."

  Finishing her introduction after she stopped in front of him and Laurith. His dragon wife gave her a measuring look as Restia offered her hand palm down to him.

  Giving her delicate fingers a quick shake he gave the fortyish woman a stare of his own as he measured her as a possible replacement for emperor Catias who was currently shaking in his silk slippers even as he gave his wife a death glare.

  Finding no outward tells of betrayal in the woman before him he spoke into her mind.

  "You seem a little eager to meet me. I would like you to replace that old bag of bones over there but I think a warning might be in order. I can and will burn your empire to the ground, the choice to allow you to take over is a gift I hope you will appreciate and not squander."

  Her thoughtful look after his mental communication gave him a little hope that he wouldn't have to come back and kill the woman someday over some scheme or another.

  "I accept your gift of rulership Mage Cade, but may I ask why me?"

  Her question, while apt, surprised him nonetheless with its simplicity.

  Holding back a laugh he gave the soon-to-be empress a level look before answering.

  "I simply don't want to have a novice fucking things up worse than Catias has. Now before we get you in your gilded throne we need to make sure I won't have to come back and kill you."

  Her startled look as he calmly talked about killing her made him smile as he entered her mental domain.

  Finding himself in the same throne room, more tastefully decorated thankfully, he sat down on the throne placed at the top of the tiered dias.

  With a thought brought up a floating image of the empress's memories, finding a woman held back by her husband's shortsighted schemes and half thought through plans.

  He found his choice to make the woman his proxy ruler in Zeme was a good one as he watched her work behind the scenes of the empire, tweaking orders and improving the implementations of her idiot of a husband's plans.

  A laugh left him as he watched her enjoy her own harem of men and women as she celebrated one success in improving her shadow empire after another, the woman was going to be a great fit into his plans.

  "A woman after my own heart."

  Finding nothing that would make him reconsider his decision he left her mind with a smile on his face, one more check in the box towards world domination.

  Giving the blushing empress in front of him a smile he gave his verdict.

  "You're in Empress Restia, long may you reign. You may rule as you see fit, as long as the decisions that affect the empire as a whole go through my wife Mina. You can contact her through Qetch, my advisor. I assume you know how to contact him?"

  Her nod of assent made him smile as the glee fighting to make its way to her face warred with the decorum required by the situation.

  "Are you ready to go home my pet?"

  His question to his wife was followed quickly by her sultry smile as she wiggled her deliciously plump ass in his lap.

  Getting his answer he kissed his Laurith quickly on her lips before setting her shapely legs free from his questing hands.

  As she rose the empress's blush grew to encompass her face, neck, and the tops of her rounded breasts as she got an eyeful of an excited Cade.

  Giving her a salacious wink before following the alluring ass of his wife out of the doorway he raised his hand and with a dramatic snap emperor Catias was shining dust for him to do with as he pleased.

  "If you have any issues please don't hesitate to call us."

  Finishing his offer as he sent the particles that were all that was left of old emperor Casitas swirling around his hand before provided the useless man with a proper home as part of the vast power he was accumulating.

  Exciting the gates he left Sumat and Zeme as a whole in the new empress's capable hands.

  Pulling Laurith into his lap as they departed in Poppy Cade decided to forgo actually flying them home and instead used his power to lift and push the vehicle in the right direction.

  Lifting the hem of his dragon wife's robes he settled in for the long flight home as he sheathed himself with a grunt inside of her.

  His tasks on Zeme were completed and a pleasant trip across the open ocean beckoned him as he ravished his moaning wife.

  Sending their clothes to the back of the vehicle he captured a hard brown nipple in his lips before one last thought concerning their task passed through his mind, "Kandar here we come."

  A little last minute shopping

  Sitting at the newly created meeting room inside of their newly renovated mansion Cade listened intently to his wive's as they crossed off the completed tasks on their to-do lists.

  "My mother sent a message last week that the first shipment of mithril ore has been received in Bargest. The payment for the delivery of the M.F.V.s has been received and is stashed away in our treasury."

  Beth let out a short laugh at her husband's questioning look before she continued.

  "The Massive Flying Vehicle or M.F.V. is the designation the council gave their order of a dozen Poppys', without the guns of course."

  Cade gave a smile and nod to her explanation. The past few weeks had been smattered with quite a few messages between his dwarven wife and the council.

  The discussion had turned a little sour until he had intervened in the talks of weaponizing what he had considered troop transports, and very well protected ones at that, and made his terms for producing the vehicles clear.

  "Our mine has of course received more applicants for jobs than we can provide but Derrick tells me that the businesses popping up around our claim have absorbed most of those eager to get away from Opect. Even a sizable number of dwarves from the collective clans have made the trip some just to verify the size of the ore deposit we have found. That also negates one reason for visiting the site before our trip to Kandar. With the number of dwarves and earth mages present any shoring up we would have done in preparation for the rainy season next month has already been completed by our employees and the other members of the population that have made the trip to our claim."


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