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Atomic Mage 3

Page 9

by Carter, Garrett

  "It does help that we pay triple the usual wages to our workers, and even with that high overhead, we are turning a respectable profit. That being said I have spoken to Zag about his guild producing an upscale line of our bathroom and kitchen fixtures for some of the more open-minded nobles who have expressed interest in gaining some of those amenities for their own homes. As per our agreement with them, I have provided the schematics and blueprints for their creation to their guild. The merchants guild has also received our delivery and the first shipment of our mithril and assorted ores has left port for Mustef a week ago."

  Nodding at that bit of good news from his sweet Cade turned to his Dresk for an update on Restia's progress in her new position.

  "Restia has reported a smooth transition in power over the last month. The dissenters from her husband's reign have been handled as they make themselves targets for her wrath. Thankfully most of them have given in to their common sense and toed the line. We should see no more idiots of the caliber of our dearly departed Duke Jance in any positions of real power during her reign or her heirs. And I believe congratulations are in order for our empress she has finally announced her pregnancy. She has named one of the less despotic dukes as her consort and father of her child. Surprisingly he is the father too, our goddess has verified that fact for us. If any of the other nobles try and block their child's ascendancy we will have verifiable proof as to his or her claim to the throne. I have also talked to Indaria about finding enchanters willing to combine their businesses under our Atom corporation. If they can be swayed to join us it would help them with gaining and keeping business through the builder's guilds' efforts to modernize Opect and the mages guild to fill their academy with students. That will be a long-term goal for us as most of what Beth has told me about the business doesn't lend me to being optimistic about that happening quickly. Enchanters seem to be a very closed-mouthed group about their methods and practices if what our headmistress of the Martin Academy told me is true."

  Giving his Dresk a half-smile at her snark and his goddess a full one as she finished he looked around the table at amazing women taking over the world with him.

  "If that is all my love I think we should finish our personal tasks before we depart for Kandar. I am going to ask this question once before me and Xandia go on our shopping date, does anyone have anything on their taste buds that isn't on the shopping list?"

  Smiles and shaking heads answered his question as his wives rose and collected a few kisses each before they moved off into the massive home to either complete last-minute business or to enjoy some well-deserved relaxation.

  As Laurith collected her kiss Cade's member hardened almost painfully as he got a heavy dose of her pheromones.

  Stepping back unsteadily from his tease of a wife he gave her a playful glare as she smiled wickedly at his predicament.

  "That's not fair my pet you can not tease me without pleasing me."

  As he lunged to capture his smiling wife to punish her for leaving him unfulfilled she assumed her smallest possible dragon form and flew off through the window of their meeting room with a high-pitched draconian cackle.

  Resigning himself to a long shopping trip hard as a rock he passed through the massive living room to the other wing of the house to retrieve Xandia for their date.

  Standing in front of the door to her suite he hoped the antics of his pet wouldn't lead to further trauma to the beautiful woman.

  Huffing out a breath before diving back into Xandia's delectable flowered entrance Cade had a moment of disbelief before her sweet fluids squirted into his mouth and the taste of her release wiped away any questions about how they had ended up in this inn and in bed together with her moaning out her orgasm as he groaned into her clenching sex.

  Their shopping trip had begun well enough with the alluring lamia shyly greeting him after he had knocked on her door, her attire had drawn his eye with its tasteful if tight fit around her upper body.

  He had given the blushing woman an admittedly leering stare as he undressed her with his eyes, her large rounded breasts and snatches of her wide hips holding his attention as she swayed with nerves in the grey dress she had chosen for their date.

  He had unclenched his hands and cleared his throat before he looked into her blue eyes and again lost his train of thought.

  "I am ready when you are my Cade."

  The nervous but excited energy she gave off helped him temper his lusting over the attractive woman, and as he smiled and offered his arm the excitement he felt coming from her won over her nerves as she returned his smile and draped her arm in his.

  After arriving in the shopping district there had been almost unbearable tension between them.

  The brush of her fingers against his as she passed him a few of the items on his wives list of goodies had sent a thrill through him and he suspected her as well as the few times it had happened she had stood still her eyes locked on his before she returned to reality with a blush and explained what kind of fruit, snack or condiment she had given him.

  One interaction had strained his self-control as she inspected a certain fruit that her Bean had requested and pulled him close behind her to explain the story of how her daughter had discovered her taste for the mango-like fruit.

  "She returned covered in the juices of this from a little excursion around our nest after she declared she needed to have a taste of it one morning. It took me hours to get the bits of it out of her hair, and our home smelled of this for two whole days."

  His ingrained habit of holding his wives close to him around their middles along with the months of small touches between them here and there had backfired somewhat as during her story as his arm snaked around her small waist unconsciously as he listened with a smile to her story.

  "Candice had a similar incident when she was about two or three. She had gotten into her Halloween candy and destroyed half the bag before Tony or I noticed. That little girl was a chocolate mess from the top of her head to the tips of her fingers and a decent amount on her bedroom floor as well. I swear we had dropped a handful of dirt in the bath that night after we cleaned her up."

  Her chuckle after he finished his story was followed by his as they both reminisced about the joys of parenthood.

  Taking a sniff of the fragrant fruit as she offered it up for inspection Cade heard her soft "children are a handful" and as he turned to look at her and agree he realized how close they were to each other.

  As his eyes caught hers and her forked tongue as it slipped over her full lips the memory of the taste of those same lips caused him to slowly close the distance between them.

  Watching her pupils dilate as he closed the gap between their lips he felt his pants tighten as her mouth opened a minuscule amount as she pushed herself closer into his one-armed embrace.

  Millimeters from tasting her sweet lips once again they were startled out of the moment by the jaguar woman vendor as she cleared her throat nervously.

  Startled out of their almost kiss Cade was distracted from hearing what the woman had asked by Xandia's soft ass backing into his groin as she back away in surprise, forcing his erect length between the cheeks of her ass.

  As the ringing in his ears ceased after the quick rise in his blood pressure from surprise and the redirection of the flow of blood he heard Xandia's polite, if strained, request for a dozen boxes of the fruit to be delivered to their home.

  Stepping back from the entrancing woman with a calming breath Cade closed his eyes and counted to ten before his heart rate calmed somewhat and he believed his self-control could manage not to crumble under the need to have his Dia right then and there.

  "Are you ok Cade?"

  Giving her a quick nod, he opened his eyes and felt a kick in his gut as the need he felt he had under control returned full force.

  "I am ok Xandia, just... I am ok. I am ready to go to the next shop when you are."

  Giving her what he hoped was a confident smile he couldn't help but notice h
er hungry eyes as they found something interesting in his pants before locking onto his grey eyes with a hunger he knew well.

  "Beth has requested a particular snack from an inn that is the only one that makes it to her liking. It isn't too far away."

  Nodding and offering his arm once more Cade shivered as her soft skin slid along his as she looped her arm in his with a bright smile.

  As they headed towards the inn his dwarven wife had suggested he hoped he could hold out until they got home, Xandia clearly wanted what he had to offer but her trials had left scars in and out and he wasn't going to tear them open by taking her before she was ready.

  As her hip brushed against his as they turned a corner he hoped he could hold out for both their sakes.

  Their arrival at the inn had resulted in a surprise as the lizard woman that owned the building had been a friend of Beth's and instead of just taking the order had glanced at them and offered a room for them to wait in as she baked up a few dozen batches of what turned out to be pastries for his pregnant wife.

  Cade couldn't blame her for her assumptions, the walk to the inn had been... hard.

  The first block had been a trial in itself as his lust for the woman on his arm abated somewhat until she had reached some sort of decision in her mind and made the rest of the walk a lesson in enthralling him with her hands and tail.

  Her innocuous first brush against his chest with her hand had brought his need back to the fore of his mind as she "hmmed" in appreciation after she had released his arm and moved it over her shoulders bringing them closer together.

  After she had gained courage from the act of touching him more intimately she had become a woman on a mission to melt his mind as their destination came into view.

  A quick dance between their lips and tongue had occurred after she had used her long tail to throw him against the wall of a shadowed alley and tried to maul him with her body.

  He had groaned into her mouth as they tasted each other and tried with all his might to touch every part of her amazing body before she had too much of his affections.

  Surprising him pleasantly she found some well of willpower and strength and gave as good as she got, diving into his pants with her soft hands and stroking him even as he lifted her dress and palmed her plump scaled ass.

  As the feeling of her round ass in his hand and her large breasts tipped with nipples hardened with need pushed against his chest drove him to take her mouth harder and snake his other hand up her dress to remove the offending garment she backed away and looked into his eyes.

  "We need to finish our shopping my Cade. If we keep going here I don't think I will be able to stop."

  Nodding and capturing her lips once more in a short but intense kiss he kept her hand in his as he looked into the blue orbs he wanted to spend the night drowning in.

  "Let's finish our rounds my Dia, I need you and I don't think either of us will last too much longer."

  Pulling her along with him she returned to her spot under his arm and clutched herself to his side like a woman drowning, and he couldn't blame her, as soon as they had the chance he was going to claim the gorgeous lamia as his.

  Coming up for air for what seemed like the hundredth time Cade drank deep of Xandia's release as she moaned out her orgasm under him.

  His need and the tip of her tail's attentions on his aching length had left a slimy coating of his precum on the appendage as he ate his fill of her.

  Hoping he wasn't making a huge mistake gave her soaked entrance on last loving lick before he trailed light kisses up her mouthwateringly curvy body.

  Shaking with the immensely pleasurable sensation of her soft belly scales sliding along the head of his swollen member he slipped past the soaked lips of her entrance before looking down into her blue pools that were barely visible in her blessed out state.

  "I need you my Dia, but I need to ask. Do you want my babies? I can help you make them with me if you want them but I will leave that choice up to you."

  As his question sunk in she gave him a happy smile as she sat up and kissed him softly.

  "I have my bean and my grandchildren to spoil, and I knew this day would happen. I am happy with just having you and our family to love my Cade."

  Kissing her deeply Cade performed the necessary procedure to comply with his newest wifes wishes.

  Driving down into her soaked depths after he completed his task he spiked her pleasure center as he bottomed out in her.

  Holding her tight as she came explosively under him he groaned as the wetness he was submerged in became an ocean of pleasure as her release drenched his hips and hers.

  Placing his hands next to her head he gave her long hard strokes of his length as he held her eyes with his as he tried and failed to communicate with words how much he loved her and appreciated the gift she had given him by allowing him to love her.

  As her eyes widened and her mouth opened as her huffing breaths signaled her approaching orgasm, his own impending release sent tingles down his spine.

  As he found a modicum of focus that wasn't currently overwhelmed by the wet sounds of their lovemaking he opened the bond he shared with all of his wives and surrounded her mind with his love for her, his pride in her overcoming her trials, and his appreciation of the gift of her love.

  As he received her feelings for him, the strength of the love that she had nurtured from a savior complex after her rescue and reunion with her baby into something that would stand the test of the eons of his life, the strength of her feeling for him left his legs weak as the sensation of her tight depths and her blue eyes filled with the love and devotion he felt from her severed the last of his control.

  Moaning soundlessly with the Intensity of his release he watched as her blue orbs rolled into the back of her head as she followed him into bliss.

  As she shook with the strength of her release under him his vision whited out as he came for what felt like hours in his Dia's ripping passage.

  Coming back from their trip to paradise Cade captured her lips before leaning back to see her beautiful face.

  Her roll underneath him was a surprise but the large, scaled ass she presented him with blew away any concerns he might have voiced.

  "This one next."

  Her words followed by her long black hair being thrown over a shoulder as she gave him a playful look as she wiggled her plump behind trapping his sex slick length between her scally cheeks left him without words for several moments.

  "I have two other holes for you to reclaim my love and I am more than certain they can handle that monster, who do you think taught my Sabine to take it."

  Disbelief colored the bark of laughter that left him over the change in the woman currently sandwiching his dick between the cheeks of her scaled ass with "fuck me" writ large on her face.

  Shaking his head Cade slipped the head of his dick into her tight hole, if his Dia was ready to play who was he to say no.

  Returning from their shopping date Cade was almost knocked from his feet as his wives rushed to Xandia's side and unloaded a tsunami of questions to the laughing woman.

  "Yes, we did. Yes, it was as amazing as you said it was my bean. Yes, she did provide us a room Beth, and thank you for that. No, we won't be having any hatchlings, Mina. Yes Nat I can babysit my grandbabies, what kind of question is that? Yes, Promena your "tools" worked like a charm. No Eve I won't be sleeping in the room, I have to have my hideaway for when I steal the babies away to spoil them rotten. Now if everyone has the answers to their questions Eve and I need to get dinner ready."


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