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Atomic Mage 3

Page 10

by Carter, Garrett

  His smile at the round of questions fell as the group of amazing women who had chosen to spend their lives with him left him standing alone in the garage holding a box of pastries for his Beth.

  He resigned himself to being forgotten for the moment as his wives listened to Xandia give the play-by-play of their date before Beth ran back down the stairs and pulled him down for a long kiss.

  "Come along husband, we need your side of the events too."

  Taking the box from him and presenting her well-padded behind for a smack Cade laughed before picking his little firebrand up in his arms, box and all, and going to join his wives.

  They had conquered Zeme and Kandar had better ready themselves for his family's arrival.

  Cry baby

  Enjoying his Beth and Sabine's combined efforts to bring him to completion the day after his Dia's claiming Cade groaned his release through clenched teeth as the sensation of his sweet's gulps of his seed was mixed with the soft warmth of his firebrands incredible assets wrapped around his pulsing length.

  Huffing out a breath he had been unconsciously holding he came back to earth to hiss out a moan as his Beth bent down to collect her own portion of his release.

  "Best breakfast in all of the empire."

  Smiling at his Beth's comment he gave his two wives a playful glare before he placed them next to him on the bed one atop the other, with his Sabine below his dwarven wife on her hands and tail.

  "I am provided with such excellent service, now to provide my two wives with a reward for such excellent cooperation."

  Sliding into his sweets tight ass he lifted his Beth's dripping entrance to his lips as he began to stroke slowly into his little snake's spasming puckered star.

  "A meal fit for a god indeed."

  Diving into his dwarven wife's sex on a mission to sate his thirst on her release he enjoyed their dual moans of passion before he devoted all of his focus to bringing them to shivering bliss.

  Sitting around the table after he and his wives had finished their lunch he asked their opinion about an issue he had thought of while drowning in his Beth's liquid bliss.

  "I have an idea of how to bring the mermen's kingdom into the fold, but I need your suggestions on how to implement it."

  Seeing that he had their attention as his Dresk gave him her undivided attention after finished a late communication with Qetch on the status of their ongoing efforts to bring the scattered enchanters under their company's control.

  "First I would like to ask if the mermen have access to smithing and other above water industries?"

  Hesitant looks went around the group before all eyes fell on Beth.

  "That my giant is a good question that I don't have a definite answer to, I might have a contact that could provide us an audience with merman ambassador for the merchants guild. He could provide an answer to your question and the authority to make agreements for the merman kingdom."

  Nodding his understanding he watched as Beth's eyes grew distant, a clear sign of her using their advisor and sometimes mental cell provider to get that particular ball rolling.

  "Qetch has contacted their embassy and expects a response within the next day or so."

  Giving her response another nod he decided to implement the first step in his plan, that regardless of the ambassador's response would allow him to check up on their mining business and complete the long-overdue traditional visit.

  "I would like to make a trip to the mine to prepare for a positive response from the merman ambassador, anyone interested in coming with me?"

  The speed at which his wives hands flew up made him laugh at their eagerness.

  "Well, it's a day trip for us all then."

  Seeing the site of his first home here on Curset surrounded by a small bustling town made him smile as he brought Poppy in for a landing next to the largest building of the small mining town.

  Spying Prat and Derrick walking towards them as they exited Poppy he was unsurprised as Beth ran off to meet them with a squeal of joy.

  The stunned looks on their faces as she announced she was pregnant made his wives chuckle as they joined the hugging group.

  "Congratulations brother and sister, will you be staying long?"

  Smiles and shakes of heads went all around before Mina spoke up.

  "Just for a few hours, Cade wanted to see the mine and thank you all for your help and efforts to bring our mining empire to fruition."

  Prat and Derrick's respectful bows of their heads toward Cade made him smile once more before he gave his own and his dwarven wife's excitement got the best of her.

  "Did Stretta and Janice join you?!"

  The chuckles and nods they gave her were all the responses she needed as she gave her other wives a look to follow her and she took off towards the large building they had landed next to with them in tow.

  "They will be at that all day, if you care to join us we will show you your mine while our wives talk of all things baby."

  "Our mine, and please lead on."

  Their smiles after his comment proved his decision to share the mine with his dwarven family was the right one.

  As he followed the two tall dwarves into a stone arch that led towards the massive mithril deposit that would make the difference between his world-conquering being a peaceful endeavor and one that left mountains of corpses in its wake, he hoped his plan would let the former be his reality.

  Trying to shove a block of pure mithril the size of Poppy's regular dimensions into its expanded rear end was an exercise in frustration before Cade just fused the massive block to the bottom for integration into their home when they returned to Opect.

  The trip to the mine to retrieve the block of metal had been a roundabout journey as he improved on the dwarves and earth mages warren of tunnels with LED lights and an elevator system for the mined material and the miners that didn't require an earth mage to operate.

  Enjoying their praise and thanks for his improvements he had begged off a feast in his honor citing his approaching meeting with the merman ambassador, a man by the name of Wreston, that had been scheduled for the next day at noon.

  Chatting with his brothers-in-law as the sun reached the tops of the jungle trees he felt his wives approaching with Derrick and Prat's wives still enjoying their talk.

  "Your man will certainly be busy, ten of the little buggers. I don't see how he will manage to find time or energy to make anymore."

  "I think it will be infinitely easier this time around Stretta, being able to read their little minds should make crying a thing of the past. Also making sure they enjoy some daddy time should also be fairly easy."

  Creating nine clones of himself from the earth beneath his feet was a simple process but moving the clones was another matter that gave him a small headache as he tried to move them independent of one another.

  His headache eased to nothing after a few quick mental instructions from his smiling goddess gave his clones some autonomy with the assurance he would gain their knowledge after he absorbed their essence.

  Putting his clones through their paces he gave his wives and relatives a little impromptu show as they leaped and tumbled around area.

  After a few minutes, he decided his point had been made and after instructing them to bow to their audience he broke down their bodies and absorbed the golden mist.

  Gaining another splitting headache as he absorbed the few minutes his clones had been alive he decided against any bedroom shenanigans involving any of them, unless he wanted to become an overstimulated vegetable.

  "Shit, that's intense."

  Steadied by his Dia's long tail his goddess cupped his face in her soft hand as his other wives surrounded him.

  "I would caution you against their overuse my love, more than a few of my race have been rendered comatose by too many vivid memories assaulting their minds at once and there are other downsides as well."

  Glancing past his wives he noticed a six-inch depression that extended for twenty
feet surrounding the group.

  Realizing the cost of experimenting with the clones he had to agree with his goddess's words, though he had a decent amount of excess power available and the idea of squandering it on babysitting duties would almost be worth the energy and headache as his real body loved his wives into oblivion.

  With the threat of Farth over their heads, he knew the petty god wouldn't take his Promena's win against his objections of her help with his task laying down, he left that plan for safer times namely after the birth of his six children.

  Though the added reserve of power the block of mithril gave him made that choice all the more difficult, suppressing a flash of hope Wreston might decline his offer Cade said his goodbyes and joined his wives for their long flight back to Opect and home.

  Yawning widely as he continued to wait with Sabine and his advisor and uncle Qetch at the merman embassy Cade let his irritation continue to simmer at rudely being left to wait an hour after his appointment at his uncle's insistence.

  "These are difficult matters to discuss for the mermen, their race's unique circumstances make relations with the other races difficult with who and what they are. As you can imagine trade is almost nonexistent as well as easy communication. With the exception of myself, of course. They have centuries of isolation to overcome, if they even wish to, if they are to accept your offer."

  Giving the huge naga a nod Cade still couldn't find it in himself to completely release his irritation.

  "They will either accept my offer or fall behind the other races even more and when they come to ask for what I am willing to give almost freely today I might not find me so... giving. I hope you made that clear uncle, as much as I would like to give them time to overcome their isolationist ideals when it comes down to it, my way will be what happens. They just need to accept that it will happen now or later but it will happen."

  He missed Qetch's grave nod as a merwoman opened the door to Wreston's office.

  As he gave his sweet his hand he heard her coils along with Qetch's slide along the floor as they followed him.

  Walking into the room the glare he had intended to give the rude man didn't appear as he took in the harried expression of the merman he had come here to meet.

  Wreston's large eyes sclera were almost eclipsed by his sea-green irises and black pupil as the olive-skinned man watched them take seats in front of his coral desk.

  "Thank you for your patience Mage Cade, my communication with our king required I bring the merchants guild into the talk, and their... opinion of your... tactics gave our king pause as to you and your family coming to our kingdom."

  Cade was tempted to let the veiled insult go uncommented on but the fear in the man's eyes won over that sentiment. The merchants guild had clearly painted their interaction in a less than pleasant light.

  "Could you ring up Astoth for me Qetch?"

  Waiting for the powerful mind mage to either provide the chairman of Krumash's merchant guild an offer to join the conversation or tear the man's mind from whatever he was doing, Cade asked Wreston for permission to pull him into the conversation.

  Gaining it with only a little hesitancy he pulled his sweet and the ambassador into a copy of her office back home.

  Stepping to the side of his Sabine's chair he nodded his thanks to the still nervous Wreston and after a few moments smiled darkly at the fifteen-foot troll that dropped unceremoniously into the huge chair next to the merman.

  "Astoth long time no see. Our friend here was just telling me you had a conversation with him and his king, and don't you know it, they seem to think discussing business with me and mine would be... unprofitable. Is there a problem with how we have done business in the past?"

  Smiling as Sabine gave the huge troll a sugary sweet smile as she pulled their agreement from a drawer and placed it at the end of her desk facing the two men.

  "You came into our place of business and strong-armed us into signing that agreement. On top of that disrespect, you forced bombs into our chests after we made good on our promise to work with you. Ambassador Wreston I believe I made myself clear in our last communication that going into business with Mage Cade and his family was a bad idea that would only end in tears and pain."

  Opening his mouth to refute some of the misconceptions the troll had spoken of he clamped his lips shut as his wife tore into the troll's story with her sweet smile in full effect.

  "Astoth I believe you have spoken some untruths. First, your meeting with us was a thinly veiled attempt on our lives. Ambassador Wreston I can provide the message from the recently departed emperor stating there was a bounty on our heads that Astoth intended on collecting. Secondly chairman you are not innocent of strong-arming yourself."

  Cade's eyes grew wide as the talk with the merchant council lit up in a hologram above her desk.

  As the incredulous offer Astoth made to them, at spearpoint, played out Wreston slid his chair away from the pale troll as a sign of putting distance between him and the leader of the merchant guild.

  "I believe we have kept our end of the deal. If you would take a look at the financials for the first shipment of our goods to Kandar ambassador you can clearly see that the merchant guild is making a healthy profit. I believe once we have contracts in place with their chapter in Mustef and a regular schedule of shipments between the two ports the guilds profits will triple at the least."

  As the ambassador took a look at the financial report from the first shipment and his already large eyes grew to almost ellipse his face Cade saw none of it as he tried and mostly succeeded in hiding his steel hard length.

  Turned on in more ways than he knew existed by his sweets impressive dressing down of the mute troll and her exemplary handling of the situation he sent her a heated mental message.

  "When they leave I am going to fill you to bursting my love."

  "So fucking sexy."

  Going wide-eyed as she realized he had vocalized the last part of his message he thanked his lucky stars as the troll missed the words, caught in his own personal hell, and the ambassador was firmly entranced by the financial report and what it could mean for his kingdom.

  As a blush spread from Sabine's beautiful face to her delicate neck Wreston finished his examination of the report and gave them a huge smile.

  "I think we can work together and profit from our mutual business interests. That being said I find it hard to believe you can make it to our kingdom. Protea lies deep and dark under the waves and few land-dwellers have made the trip and survived."

  Gracing the tall olive-skinned merman with a smile Cade doubted it would prove too difficult to reach their kingdom, if reaching the merman's kingdom was going to be a challenge then he was going to meet and exceed expectations.

  "I and my family will be there, all that is required is permission to visit."

  Giving the brown-skinned human a toothy smile, the ambassador replied simply, "it is granted".

  Shaking the merman's offered hand he released him to return to his mind before giving the dejected Astoth his full attention.

  "I will confer with Qetch and Wreston about any permit paperwork we might need to complete before we reach Protea."

  Giving his little snake a smile and nod he watched her alluring form dissipate and missed her presence intensely.


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