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Hurricane August (Loving the Curvy Girl Book 5)

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by Dakota Rebel

  Probably because I was so distracted by Levi. I knew that I needed to keep my head in the game. The fate of the company literally depended on it. But every time Levi shifted in his seat and bumped his leg against mine, little jolts of happiness ran through me and distracted the hell out of me.

  Several times I’d looked up to catch Jacob grinning at me like an idiot, as if he knew exactly what was happening. It was almost worth slamming shut any affectionate thoughts I had about Levi just to annoy Jacob.

  But I was pretty sure that horse was already out of the barn.

  I snapped my attention back to the meeting, covertly glancing around at the board members to try to get a read on them. They were listening much more intently to Mr. Cyrus than they had to Levi. That was annoying.

  Levi was just as commanding, just in a different way. You couldn’t help but pay attention when Levi spoke, even if you weren’t necessarily catching every word he said.

  But Mr. Cyrus was a powerhouse. He had a booming voice and his large body moved around animatedly as he presented his case. It really was like watching a court drama.

  When Mr. Cyrus starting talking about profit and loss, the tone of the room changed so abruptly it made goosebumps prickle along my arms.

  “Wait just a damn minute!” Levi exploded, jumping to his feet. “What in the hell are you talking about?”

  “Excuse me?” Mr. Cyrus said, his smooth tone cold as ice.

  “Those figures are not accurate,” Levi answered, his tone just as dangerous. “I provide this board with a P&L every month. You can’t stand here and fabricate numbers.” Levi looked around the room, and the blank stares he received back were more telling than anything else that had happened all day.

  “Levi,” Mr. Potts said softly. “Donald’s explanation exactly matches every report we’ve received in the last year.”

  “That’s not possible,” Levi told him. “I went over those numbers in detail this morning.”

  I could feel fear emanating off of Levi. Something was happening here that I didn’t quite understand. I looked across the table at Jacob, and noticed his jaw was set in a tight line. He was angry too.

  I’d warned Levi that no one had been paying attention to him this morning. And now, there was something going on. I just wish I understood what.

  “Levi,” Mr. Cyrus said smoothly. “We get your reports. But perhaps you don’t understand them as well as you should.”

  I gripped Levi’s arm, tugging gently to get his attention. Mr. Cyrus was lying.

  Levi ripped his arm away from me, his gaze hard as he stared at the larger man.

  “Levi,” I whispered harshly.

  “I think I could use some coffee,” Mr. Cyrus said, his tone making my blood run cold. He turned his beady eyes to me and my stomach clenched under his glare. “Ms. Jones, would you mind providing refreshments for the group?”

  Of course, he thought of me as nothing more than an assistant. There to fetch and gopher, despite Levi’s promise that I wouldn’t be treated that way.

  Levi dropped into his seat and tried to avoid my gaze for a minute, but eventually he turned pleading eyes toward me.

  “Of course,” I told Mr. Cyrus, smiling sweetly at the men in the room. “What can I get for everyone?”

  They all made requests for coffee and when I got back to Levi I stared down at him, my saccharine smile firmly in place.

  “Mr. Morton.” He flinched and I knew that he didn’t need an ounce of empathy to hear the anger in my tone.

  “Just water, please,” he answered.

  I walked out of the room, more angry that Mr. Cyrus had managed to get me out of the room than I was at Levi. It wasn’t actually his fault. But he’d ignored me when I needed his attention, and that more than anything upset me.

  He’d wanted my opinion, and when I most needed to give it to him, he’d pulled away from me. I just hoped that action hadn’t cost him something important.

  Chapter Eight


  I’d been too stunned and angry with Cyrus to pay attention when Auggie had tried to get my attention. But I didn’t need her to tell me he was lying to everyone.

  “Ms. Jones, would you mind providing refreshments for the group?” Cyrus had asked, staring at her in a way that I did not appreciate at all. He’d probably seen her trying to get my attention and had wanted her gone.

  “Of course,” she said sweetly. She looked at me as she stood, and I didn’t have to be an empath to see murder in her gaze.

  I’d promised her she wouldn’t be treated like a secretary, but I was letting it happen. She walked around the table and took everyone’s coffee orders. When she got to me I weakly asked for water, hoping that would be easiest for her.

  “Of course, sir,” she said, her heels clicking loudly as she made her way out of the room.

  Jacob leaned over to whisper to me, but I shook my head and pushed him away. I already knew, he didn’t have to tell me she was pissed at me.

  Cyrus continued speaking as if he’d never interrupted himself, talking up all the good and valid points of selling the company now. He was a very commanding presence, and I could see the rest of the board watching him with rapt attention.

  And he’d so smoothly accused me of being too stupid to understand the reports, that I wasn’t sure what I could say that would convince everyone otherwise. Obviously he had been providing false reports to the board for months.

  I was so screwed.

  Auggie slipped back in the room a while later, two drink trays in her hands. She quietly set a cup in front of everyone, then set mine down as she took her seat again.

  I looked down to see a cup of ice with a straw in it.

  “Auggie,” I whispered. “This is just ice.”

  “Oh!” she said, her voice low and her tone light. “Well, I guess you’ll just have to wait then. Looks like a great opportunity for you to exercise some patience.”

  She swiveled her chair away from me and I heard Jacob try to turn a bark of laughter into a cough on the other side of me. But I was too busy staring at her to bother shooting him a look of annoyance.

  I loved her.

  I couldn’t tell you why I realized it in that moment. In fact, I couldn’t have picked a worse time or place to understand my entire relationship with August Jones. But that flippant little comment opened my eyes to the fact that I’ve probably always loved her.

  And I was pretty sure she loved me, too.

  I reached over and placed my hand lightly on her arm. She startled and looked down, then up to meet my gaze. I smiled softly at her and squeezed lightly.

  “Thank you for my future water,” I told her seriously.

  “You’re welcome,” she said.

  “Jacob,” I whispered, turning to my brother. “If I blow this up, you’ve got my back, right?”

  “Always have,” he said. “Do what you need to do, brother.”

  “Am I boring you two?” Cyrus asked sharply.

  “Kind of,” I admitted.

  The rest of the table seemed to inhale sharply in unison. This time, Jacob didn’t try to hide his laughter, he just chuckled out loud. I turned and met his gaze, needing one more confirmation and Jacob nodded, silently agreeing to go with whatever I was about to do.

  Honestly, I didn’t know what that was yet, but I just started talking and let my heart lead the way. Jesus, what the hell had August Jones done to me?

  “Cyrus, I’ve never liked you,” I said. Great, off to a roaring start. “I don’t think Dad did either. Pretty sure the rest of the board hates you, too. I always wondered why Dad brought you on. But I think I know now. I think you were a test for me. I don’t know if he wanted to see how far I could be pushed before I broke, or if I was supposed to fire your ass two years ago. But I guess, it’s better late than never.”

  “You can’t fire me,” Cyrus snapped. “You can’t afford to pay out my contract. So, you’ll do as your told, Levi. This is a good deal. Walker industries is pay
ing enough that your family will be set for generations. For once in your life, listen to someone smarter than you.”

  “Oh!” Auggie said suddenly, jumping to her feet and staring at us. “Oh…you’ve been a very naughty boy, Mr. Cyrus.” She made a tsk sound against her teeth and shook her head.

  I stared at her, so shocked that I didn’t even bother to interrupt her as she continued. I’d thought I was doing fine, but if she had something to say, this meeting wasn’t going to get any weirder because of her saying it.

  “You’re very conservative, tough to read,” she said, stepping around her chair and walking toward Cyrus and I. “I knew you were lying, but I couldn’t figure out why you wanted this deal so badly. I mean, you’ve got such a sweet gig here. Levi and Jacob essentially pay you to do absolutely nothing for them.”

  “Young lady,” Cyrus growled. “I’ll thank you to mind your own damn business.”

  “You’ve been playing both sides,” Auggie said, as if Cyrus hadn’t spoken at all. “You work for Walker. Which means you’re double dipping on this deal.” She blew out a sigh. “That’s treason, Mr. Cyrus.”

  “Espionage,” I corrected, chuckling softly before turning to glare at Cyrus. “You son of a bitch. All this time?”

  “You’re making a mistake,” Cyrus insisted. “It’s a good deal, Levi.”

  “I don’t care,” I told him. “You’re fired.” Then I turned to face the rest of the room. “Well, gentlemen, shall we vote?”

  Chapter Nine


  I’d been so proud watching Levi save his company the way he did, and I’d been so happy to be able to help him. His family had done so much for me over the years, it felt like the least I could do for him.

  Being that close to him all day brought back the feelings of adoration I’d always held for him. By time I’d gone to bed that night, the smell of his cologne was still on my blouse, and I actually slept in it just to keep the feeling of nearness.

  When had I fallen head over heels for Levi Morton? Sure, I’d always crushed on him. And no one who looked at him could deny that he was handsome. But this was more than that. This was like years of taunting and fighting and adoration coalescing into a fiery glow in my belly. I loved him.

  Too bad those feelings were one sided. He’d obviously found a grudging respect for me and moving forward I believed we’d be much friendlier to each other. But at this point in our lives, I thought he’d moved me firmly into the annoying little sister category, and that’s where I’d live for the rest of my life.

  I slept fitfully, and finally gave up around five a.m. and just got up and ready for the day. By time I got down to open the shop, I was a caffeine fueled zombie and I knew it was going to be a long day.

  Mornings are always pretty slow, and I spent most of it wandering around dusting and trying to stay awake.

  When the bell jingled around eleven, it was my first customer and I forced myself to paste on a smile as I walked out of the backroom to greet…Levi.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, shocked to see him standing in my store for the second time in a week.

  “You didn’t show up for work today,” he said.

  He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, his hair was artfully mussed and he had a five o’clock shadow as if he hadn’t bothered to shave that morning.

  “My work was done,” I said, surprise in my tone. “You hired me to help save the company, which you did.”

  “I hired you for two days of work,” he corrected.

  “Oh.” I stared at him. He seemed amused, not angry. There was a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth and his eyes were sparkling. But his jaw was set firm and his arms were crossed over his chest. “Sorry?”

  “When you didn’t show up this morning,” he said, dropping his arms and walking toward me. “I realized something very important.”

  “What’s that?” I asked, my mouth suddenly dry.

  “I didn’t like it. In fact, I realized it before I got to work. When I rolled over and opened my eyes and you weren’t next to me, it felt wrong.”

  “What?” My heart was pounding in my chest and my body was suddenly thrumming in response to the sexual tension he was exuding through the entire shop.

  “You and I,” he said, stepping into my personal space. “Have been at odds since the first time we ever met. You drove me crazy.” He blew out a sigh and he was so close that it blew a few wisps of hair across my face. “And now, you still drive me crazy. And we’re still at odds about everything. But, as insane as this sounds, I need that. I need you.”

  “I don’t understand,” I admitted, tears filling my eyes as I stared up into the gaze of the only man I’ve ever loved.

  “You make me a better person. You make me fight harder, you make me brave. You make me strong and you make me crazy.” He smiled softly as he reached up and cupped my cheek in his palm. “August Jones, you are an absolute hurricane of a person. You breeze in and you just turn everything upside down. My life, my company, my heart.” His thumb traced over my cheekbone. “I’ve been in love with you for so long. And I didn’t know what to do about it, so I did nothing.” He leaned down, his lips pausing just above mine. “I can’t keep doing nothing. My life is passing me by and I’m tired of it passing without you in it.”

  “Levi,” I whispered, a tear slipping down my cheek, catching on his fingers.

  He finally closed the distance between us and when his lips brushed mine my knees went weak and he wrapped me in his arms to keep me on my feet as he kissed me.

  Kissing him was home to me. My body melted against him and my heart seemed to burn in my chest as his scent flooded my senses, his heat spreading through me like the warmest blanket. We fit together as if we were pieces of a puzzle and I knew in that moment that I was going to spend the rest of my life with Levi Morton.

  As we broke apart, I felt my gaze narrow at him.

  “Took you long enough,” I teased.

  “You’re a monster,” he growled. He scooped me into his arms and carried me into the backroom. He stood there for a minute, looking around the room. “Where are the stairs?”

  “First of all,” I said, wiggling in his arms until he set me on my feet. “I have to lock up the store. Second, they’re out there.” I led him back out of the room, walked to the front door to turn the lock and flip the sign to closed, then turned back to him. “So, you think you can just walk in here, sweep me off my feet and then take my virginity just because you kiss like a Greek God?”


  “Works for me,” I agreed. I ran back to him and he caught me, spinning me around before kissing me and setting me on my feet again.

  I took his hand and led him toward the stairs to my apartment over the shop. My heart was hammering in my chest as we went up. I couldn’t quite believe this was happening. But I wasn’t nervous. Levi was always going to be the only man for me. I’d saved this moment for him, and I knew he would never hurt me.

  We walked through the tiny apartment into my bedroom and I froze just inside the door.

  Now I was a little nervous.

  Levi smoothed his hands over my shoulders and down my arms, kissing my ear lightly.

  “We don’t have to do anything right now,” he whispered.

  I could feel him pressed hard against my back, his erection obvious against me. It made my body respond immediately, flooding with sudden need and want. I leaned back against him and he trailed his kisses down my cheek and neck, drawing a small whimper from my throat.

  “I do want to,” I admitted. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” he said on a heavy sigh. “God, I’ve needed to say that to you. I’ve been such an idiot, Auggie. We’ve wasted years we could have had together.”

  I turned around in his arms and met his gaze.

  “We’ve done exactly as we’ve needed to get here,” I argued. “But now that we are here…I’m not sure what to do.”

  “Neither do I,�
� he admitted. “But I know what I want.”

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “You,” he answered with a small shrug. “Forever, if you’ll have me.”

  “Levi Morton.” I stared up at him. “Did you just propose to me?”


  “It was awful.” I shook my head and smiled softly. “Not that I’d expect anything less from you.”

  He laughed and dipped his head to kiss me again.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, our bodies pressed hard together and I knew that I could absolutely spend the rest of my life feeling like this.

  “Was than answer,” he whispered, his lips paused just above mine. “Because if it was, it was awful.”

  “Yes,” I said, pulling back to look up at him. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He picked me up again and carried me over to the bed, laying me down and climbing over me. The weight of him on top of me made my body hum with happiness. It felt so right and suddenly I realized that I’d never really understood what it meant to want. I wanted Levi. Needed to feel him over me, inside of me. Needed him to take me and make me his forever.

  Suddenly our kisses became more urgent, our hands more demanding as they began pulling at each other’s clothes. In minutes we were naked, his hips positioned between my thighs as we touched and sighed and clung to each other.

  My hips canted up of their own accord and my eyes flew open, staring at Levi as he pressed forward, slowly entering my soaked channel. He peppered kisses over my face as he continued sliding inside of me, pressing through a small bite of resistance until he was fully encased in my body.

  I blinked back tears as I met his gaze, both of us still as statues as we seemed to adjust together to this new step we’d taken.

  “Will you marry me,” he asked.

  “Yes,” I agreed, smiling. “I’ll marry you.”

  He kissed me softly, then began to rock, the motion making my eyes roll up into the back of my head as bliss washed over me. The initial discomfort was forgotten and replaced by the most intense pleasure I’d ever experienced in my life.


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