Book Read Free

For Keeps

Page 11

by Jeannette Winters

  “We’ll take it,” both said.

  She looked at them both as though she was going to question what they had been discussing while she’d been gone, but instead she rolled her eyes with a huge grin. “Men!”

  This time, all three laughed.

  Jett hated to admit it, but Rafe showing up might have been a good thing. The pressure was off. The Turchettas now knew Phoebe was alive and in time, when it was right, they’d all be together again. One big, happy family.

  Only then did he believe she wouldn’t need him any longer. That should feel like a weight being lifted. Instead, he found he dreaded that day. It doesn’t matter what I want, it’s what is best for Phoebe.

  They watched as the chopper took off again with Rafe back on board. Phoebe leaned into Jett and said, “If I knew the chopper was coming back, I’d have put in a request.”

  He wasn’t used to planning for what a woman might need, outside of what he normally kept on the boat. She hadn’t asked for anything, and Jett had no clue what she might need. “What did you need?”

  Phoebe boldly grabbed his ass and said, “Condoms.”

  Fuck. This woman is out to kill me. Of course there was no way he was going to ask Rafe to bring protection. That would’ve been a very awkward conversation. Hell, I wouldn’t even ask Roman.

  He pulled her into his arms and said, “That was definitely an error on my part. But I’m sure if you let me, I can find a way to make it up to you.”

  “Well, I know the first stop I want to make when we get to Boston tomorrow,” Phoebe teased as they headed below deck.

  His body was already throbbing just thinking about it. Damn, it’s going to be another long night.

  Chapter Eleven

  Their time on the boat seemed to have gone by too quickly. They were now docked in Boston and Jett was waiting up top for her to be ready to disembark. It wasn’t as though she had a lot of belongings to pack, just what Phil had delivered for her over the years. Although they were practical, they weren’t cute.

  But Phoebe didn’t need to look pretty. Boston wasn’t a vacation, it was a place where Jett could continue looking into her past for her and she could…catch up on soap operas?

  She didn’t even know if she liked watching them. Why sit and watch when I could be out on my own adventures? That’s what Boston was lacking for her. Adventure. Why should Jett get to have all the fun, while she’s stuck waiting for the results? This was her life, who better to explore it than her?

  Grabbing her bag, she headed up top to deliver the news to Jett. But when she got there she found he wasn’t alone.

  “You must be Phoebe.”

  It was a voice she knew. “And you’re Roman. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Get to know me better and you’ll feel differently. I’m really a jerk.” Elbowing Jett, Roman continued, “Unlike my friend here.”

  She smiled, but wasn’t going to play into that line of teasing. Phoebe had been focused on what she wanted to discuss and didn’t want to get distracted. By the look of things, Jett was packed and ready to disembark. Turning to Jett, she said, “Do you think I could talk to you before we go?” He nodded. “Alone, I mean.”

  Roman laughed. “See, she’s tired of me already. I knew it.” He slapped Jett on the back and said, “I’ll be in touch soon.”

  Once alone, Phoebe asked, “Did I interrupt anything?”

  “We were discussing a game plan.”

  “About me?” She felt as though she was always the topic. It didn’t sit well with her.

  “Not all about you, but yes, you were mentioned. Did you want me to tell you what we were talking about?” Jett asked.

  “You’d tell me?”

  He nodded. “I’m not out to lie or hide things from you Phoebe.”

  “I’m glad. You also said it will always be my choice, what I want to do. Is that still true?”

  “It is. Why?”

  “Because I changed my mind.”

  He cocked a brow. “Okay. Would you mind telling me about what?”

  She snickered. “I guess that might make it a bit easier on you.”

  “Just a bit. But I think, given enough time, I could guess.”

  “I would accuse you of being cocky, but somehow, I think you could.” Phoebe had to admit, Jett seemed to stay one step ahead of her. But she didn’t think that was the case this time.

  “Cocky? I would call it confident,” Jett teased.

  “Well we can discuss that on our trip.”

  Jett crossed his arms and looked at her. “Trip? Do you have a destination?”

  “I do. Moreira.”

  Jett looked as though someone had just punched him in his gut. His eyes became dark and for the first time, he actually yelled at her. “There is no fucking way you’re going there.”

  She had no idea what she’d said to cause such an…aggressive response. He said she would always have a choice, and this was it. Was he finally showing his true colors? Was he only saying she had a choice when it fit into the plan he already had? That isn’t going to work with me.

  “Jett, you made a lot of promises. I wish I’d have known you had no intention of keeping them.” Phoebe held her bag tightly as she headed toward the dock.

  “Where are you going?” Jett asked.

  “Away from you,” she snapped. It was a rash decision that she might regret later. But there was something inside her, a strength which hadn’t been there before. Was this her old self returning? A person who was independent and strong and not afraid to be alone? Guess I’m going to find out.

  “Phoebe, you can’t leave.”

  She spun around to face him. “I thought I wasn’t a prisoner. Or did that change too?”

  Jett ran his hand through his hair. “No, you’re not a prisoner, but you have no place to go.”

  She had a place to go. She just needed to find a way to get there. “I appreciate you bringing me to the States. But I’m here, and I’m no longer your problem.”

  Turning again to leave, Jett grabbed her arm and this time he spun her around. “Is that what you think?” he asked, his voice filled with anger. “That you’re nothing but a job to me? Because if that were the case, then I would’ve sent you on that chopper with your brother.”

  Brother? “Jett, what do you mean? My brother was there and you didn’t tell me? Neither of you guys did?”

  “Phoebe, you don’t understand. We didn’t tell you for your own good.” Jett said, trying to plead with her.

  “Really? And that makes lying to me okay?”

  “I never lied to you,” Jett stated firmly.

  “Jett, you kept information from me intentionally. In my eyes, that’s the same as lying.” Tears were threatening to burst, but she held them back. “You knew I was searching for my family and yet you said…nothing. Not then, and not when he left. You let me believe he was…wasn’t important.”

  “I’m sorry,” Jett said softly. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  She shook her head. “No. You didn’t mean for me to find out. There’s a difference.” Tugging her arm, she said, “Please let go of me.”

  “Phoebe. I’m begging you, don’t go.”

  Jett sounded so sincere, and she knew she’d forgive him. But right now she needed and wanted to be alone. That was something she couldn’t remember feeling in a long time. It was a good thing too, because it wasn’t as though she could go to her brother either. He’s just as guilty as Jett. There wasn’t anyone who she could trust completely. What hurt the most was, she had really thought Jett was the one person she could.

  “It’s my choice and I want to leave.” She met him square in his eyes. He held on for a few more seconds, then the pressure of his fingers was gone. It was a bittersweet victory as she left him standing alone on his boat.

  Jett was right, she had no place to go. Boston was his home, not hers. She knew who she was now: Phoebe Turchetta. She could call her family and ask them to come get her. But her brother had been t
here. He hadn’t reached out and pulled her into his arms, hadn’t held her and welcomed her back like she’d dreamed that someday someone would.

  I wasn’t as missed as I had hoped.

  But she was a fighter. Jett had reminded her of that on many occasions. Her feet were back in the States. That was huge. All she needed was to find a job and make enough money to get her back to Moreira. That place held answers, ones that she no longer had Jett to help her find. I’d find them on my own if I have to.

  Each step hurt more than the previous. It was as though she was walking away from her only happiness. But she couldn’t bring herself to turn around and give in. That’s not who she was. It wasn’t always easy recalling her past, but she did remember going head to head with her brothers when they tried telling her no.

  So they won’t be so shocked when they hear I’m gone again.

  When the smell of the ocean was replaced by the stink of car fumes, only then did she allow herself to open the floodgates and let the tears flow.

  Maybe I should’ve kept being Lisa. Not knowing was better than not being wanted.

  * * *

  “What the fuck do you mean she left? You need to go after her!” Rafe ordered.

  Nothing Rafe said was going to be worse than what he’d already said to himself. This was his fault. He never should’ve let Rafe’s visit slip. He’d just been so shocked when she asked him to take her to Moreira, the place that had almost taken her life.

  “I had promised her I’d never do anything against her will. That included holding her here.”

  “There are times you can’t always keep a promise,” Rafe said.

  “I made the mistake of keeping the truth from her. I’m not going to break my word to her again.”

  “And if the price of that is her life? What then?” Rafe asked.

  “I said I let her go. I never said I wasn’t still watching over her.” Jett had instantly brought Roman back into the picture. There were people in Boston they could count on. It wasn’t ideal, or what he wanted, but it was his way of keeping her safe.

  “I have no idea what made you fuck up like that,” Rafe said.

  “She wanted me to take her to Moreira.” Even saying the name of the place pissed him off. Hearing her ask to go, almost dropped him to his knees and stop his heart.

  “There’s no fucking way she’s going there,” Rafe snapped.

  “That’s exactly what I said. Let’s just say your sister didn’t take being told no very well. Actually, she flipped out on me. Accused me of lying to her.”

  “Did you?”

  “Lie? No. Not exactly.” Her words echoed in his head, and his guilt felt like a knife twisting in his gut. “I didn’t stand by my word, and she called me out on it.” He could’ve handled it a hell of a lot better. Actually, I’m not sure I could’ve handled it any worse.

  “I’m coming to Boston.”

  “No. She needs some space.”

  “Who the hell do you think you are, telling me what I can do regarding my sister?” Rafe growled.

  The man who loves her. He’d never thought that was possible. And he had no idea if she’d ever forgive him, never mind return his feelings. But nothing was more important to him than her happiness. If that meant them being apart, so be it.

  “The sister you knew isn’t the same person she is today. What happened to her in Moreira changed her. And if either of us push to make her something she’s not ready to be, it could get a lot worse than it already is. Right now, she is mad as hell at us. And Rafe, she had a fucking good reason to be. Nothing you or I say or do is going to change that.” If so, I’d be doing it.

  “You got balls, Turner, I’ll give you that. But I’m sending a team member to keep an eye on her.”

  “I told you, I got this,” Jett barked.

  “I see that. That’s why my sister is wandering the streets of Boston all alone,” Rafe said sarcastically.

  “Don’t worry, she’s not going to be sleeping on a park bench.”

  “You know this how?” Rafe asked.

  “Because I’m going to ask my cousin to cross paths with her and offer her a place to stay.”

  “More lying and manipulation. Let me know how that works for you later. Because even if Phoebe forgives you, she’s never going to forget. Trust me, I’ve learned that being married to her best friend.”

  “You married your sister’s best friend?” Jett didn’t know that.

  “I hadn’t planned on it. But Deanna and Phoebe were both volunteers in Moreira when all hell broke loose. Deanna was the only person we thought had made it out of there alive.”

  Jett had heard the story from Phoebe. She’d never mentioned anyone else surviving. “Phoebe didn’t mention her.”

  “Deanna was away from the camp when it was attacked. When she returned, it was too late, the men were dead and the other women, gone. It had taken her a few days to make it to help.”

  “But why didn’t anyone go and—”

  “We wanted to. Trust me. But we were all bound by our duties serving overseas. The government refused to negotiate, not that it would’ve made any difference. They weren’t out for money. They had been hired to make it look like they were. But the bastard who hired those assholes is dead.”

  “Why the hell would someone kill all of those people? Drugs? Weapons?” Jett asked.

  “No. Over money. Milton Enwright had married Abby Prescott, the daughter of a very wealthy family. You know, the old-money type. But Milton was a cheating bastard and would’ve lost everything if they found out. Abby was a volunteer in Moreira with my sister.”

  “Wait, if the daughter of someone that rich had been held captive, I would think the government would’ve done anything to get her back.” Jett wasn’t trying to say Phoebe wasn’t equally important, but Jett knew how the world functioned. Money drove everything.

  “Because Milton made sure no one knew she was there. It was the perfect way to have his wife murdered and not have any blood on his hands. Or so he thought. My brother Gabe found the connection and eventually, like all greedy son of a bitches, Milton slipped up. It cost him his life. Although death was too good for him.”

  Knowing what Phoebe had gone through, Jett had to agree. If he had his way, each and every one of them would’ve suffered ten times what they inflicted on Phoebe.

  Through all this, it hit him. He knew the one person who Phoebe needed. It wasn’t him, or Rafe, or any of the other Turchettas. It was Deanna. The one person who Phoebe might be able to connect with on a level none of them could.

  “Rafe, I have an idea.”

  “You’ve done enough for one day,” Rafe said.

  Brother or not, the guy was pissing him off. “Tell Deanna about Phoebe. If anyone would know her, it would be her best friend.” Unless you exaggerated that, then we’re fucked.

  “I’ve thought about that, but she’s not going to sit back and do nothing. She’ll drive to Boston and search the streets herself if she has to.”

  Good. “But if what you’re telling me is true, then Phoebe will trust her. That’s something neither of us have.” Jett was going to do everything he could to earn back her trust.

  “You just keep track of Phoebe. I’m going to talk to my wife and will be in contact.” Then Rafe ended the call.

  Jett was getting the idea that all Turchettas were strong individuals. But Deanna wasn’t one of them, at least not by blood. Yet friendship could at times be a bond stronger than blood. And if Deanna was even half the woman Phoebe was, then Jett would be hearing from Rafe very soon.

  The entire time he’d been talking with Rafe, Jett had also been reading the text messages from Roman. It was killing him to know that she was crying. He wanted to rush to her, pull her into his arms and beg her to forgive him. But words were easy. Proving to her how much she meant to him was the only way she’d ever understand. Maybe Deanna will help her see that I’m not really a bad guy. Just a stupid one.

  Chapter Twelve

  Had it been that long since she’d been in Boston in spring that she’d forgotten how damn cold it was, or had her body just acclimated to the tropics? She should’ve realized the temperature difference when they had to bundle up on the boat last night. Thankfully Jett had plenty of warm clothing and had been kind enough to share. But the sweatshirt Jett had given her to use wasn’t going to cut it once the sun went down.

  Phoebe had some money to pay for her coffee and burger, and another meal tomorrow. That wasn’t going to give her a place to sleep tonight. When she’d stormed off the boat, there were things she hadn’t taken into consideration. Did that mean she was about to go back there and ask Jett for help? Hell no. He needed to understand that what he’d done was wrong and hurtful.

  What she still didn’t understand was, why would her brother come to the boat and say nothing? If anything, it was as though he had intentionally limited the conversation with her. Had that been Jett’s doing as well?

  Phoebe shook her head. There were still a lot of blanks to fill in, but one thing she knew was that she was a Turchetta. They were strong, proud, and more than anything, stubborn as the day was long.

  How do I know all this? She wasn’t sure, but it didn’t feel forced at all. She felt strong and confident and like…Phoebe. I might be the baby of the family, but I think I’m still a force to be reckoned with. That may have been a bit of a shock for Jett, but her brother surely had seen this side of her before. In fact, she recalled the two of them butting heads many times over the years. He was so…controlling, and Phoebe wasn’t one who would tolerate it. Maybe that’s why he kept so quiet.

  That didn’t mean her brother was off the hook any more than Jett was. They both were guilty in their own ways, and she fully expected an apology. Of course, that might be a tad difficult. She’d reacted without thinking the entire situation through. I don’t even have a cell phone if they wanted to call me.

  One thing about sitting at the diner alone, it gave her plenty of time to think back to what had transpired between her and Jett and where it all went bad. When she had gone top deck, she had anticipated telling Jett she wanted to be actively involved in the research. But out of nowhere, she’d blurted out that she wanted to go to Moreira. She had no idea where that thought had even come from. Jett could’ve so easily dismissed that and explained why Boston was better suited for what they needed to do. But instead, Jett had been livid. Why?


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