Book Read Free

For Keeps

Page 12

by Jeannette Winters

  Should she focus on why he was pissed, or why Moreira had popped into her mind? Phoebe couldn’t get into Jett’s head. She barely was figuring out what was going on in her own. She waved her hand in the air holding her empty coffee cup. The waitress came over and refilled it for the third time, then scooted away to wait on other customers.

  Phoebe wasn’t even enjoying the taste of the coffee. Her thoughts immediately returned to Moreira. There was something there that was important to her, something she needed to find. But she didn’t remember ever being there before. Hell, she knew nothing of the place or even where it was. If she had a phone, she’d Google it. But wherever it was, Jett seemed very familiar with it.

  Knowing he always knew more than she did was getting old. Phoebe didn’t need anyone taking care of her. She’d proven that years ago when her brother forbade her to join the military. Did I? No. That didn’t seem like her. So what did she do? Could I have worked in Moreira? She was sure they wouldn’t have approved of her leaving the States no matter where she was going. And I’m sure they couldn’t stop me.

  Phoebe laughed to herself. She had some decisions to make, and this time she wasn’t going to act so rash. First off, staying in Boston without any money, or real means to get some, was foolish. Phoebe wasn’t about to do anything illegal to earn any either. Breaking the law wasn’t in her DNA.

  “Will there be anything else miss?” the waitress asked.

  Phoebe shook her head as she got the hint, it was time for her to move along. “No. Just the bill please.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to try their apple crisp? They are known for it.”

  Phoebe spun around in her chair to see Roman standing there. “What are you doing here?” Before he could answer, she raised her hand, “Never mind. I know. Jett is making you follow me.” She should’ve known he wouldn’t have let her leave so easily.

  “No one makes me do anything,” Roman replied.

  Me either. “I’d ask you to join me, but I was just leaving.”

  “Where are you going?”

  Lying wasn’t going to do her any good, since he probably was just going to follow her anyway. “I haven’t thought that far ahead.” Unfortunately.

  “Then may I suggest you sit and have dessert with me? Maybe by then you’ll have a plan.”

  She sat back down and said, “Sure, I’ll let you buy me dessert.”

  He sat across from her after giving the waitress their order, and she didn’t look pleased that the table wasn’t going to be vacant after all.

  “So what did Jett say to piss you off?” Roman asked.

  As though you don’t know. She wasn’t going to discuss all the details with him. Really, all she knew of him was that he worked with Jett and Jett trusted him. That had held more weight earlier in the day. Not so much now.

  “We didn’t see eye to eye on what was best for me.”

  “And being stranded in Boston with little money and no phone was the better option?”

  She didn’t miss the slight sarcasm in his tone. “I do not need you to point out the obvious.”

  “Then what can I do to help you? Because you might as well face it, I’m not leaving you to sleep on the streets.”

  “Because Jett said—”

  “Because I’m not an asshole. But if you’d like to—”

  “I’m not going home with you,” Phoebe said firmly.

  Roman laughed. “Once again, I’m not an asshole. I was only going to offer you the use of my phone.”

  Phoebe blushed. She had no idea why she’d jumped to such a conclusion. “I’d appreciate that.” But I don’t know who to call.

  Roman slid the phone across the table and she just stared at it. Names were still a difficult thing, there was no way she could recall a phone number. Even if she did, how could she call her family after what Rafe had done? That’s who was on the boat. “Rafe.”

  “I’ve got his number if you want to call him.”

  She looked up and Roman sat there watching her. Phoebe shook her head. “No. That would be just like trying to talk to Jett. Neither of them wants to hear what I have to say.”

  “You’re talking about Moreira?” Roman asked.

  She nodded. “I have no idea why Jett reacted so…harshly.”

  “And I’m not about to talk to you about it either. Why don’t you go back to the boat? Talk to Jett and ask him to explain.”

  If it was only about Moreira, she would. But he never told her that the man was Rafe, her oldest brother. Not even later that night, when they were alone and in each other’s arms. Jett had let her believe he’d been insignificant, and she was angry.

  “There are other ways to learn about Moreira than returning to the boat. I could…call my sister Melissa.”

  “You could, but I don’t believe she knows you’re alive yet.”

  Although Phoebe believed Melissa would be overjoyed with the news, she also didn’t want to give Melissa such a shock if she didn’t have to.

  “So what do you suggest I do? And please don’t say the boat.”

  Roman took the last bite of his apple crisp before answering. “If I were you, I’d call Rafe. I know he fucked up yesterday, but you should consider his point of view.”

  “And what is that, exactly?”

  “He thought you were dead. For years he had struggled to come to terms with that. I don’t care how tough he is, finding out you’re alive was something he hadn’t prepared himself for. And if you can remember anything about your brother, you’d know how protective he is when it comes to the family.”

  Overprotective. “I do. But he was there and saw me. He had to know right then that I really am Phoebe.”

  “I’m sure he did.”

  “Then why didn’t he say anything?” Why didn’t he pull me into his arms and welcome me home?

  “Because Jett asked him not to.”

  What? “Why would he do such a thing?” Had he changed his mind and no longer wanted her with her family? Was he trying to keep her all to himself? Had she misread him, was he not the kind, gentle man she’d felt comfortable opening up to? I hope I’m wrong, because that would hurt like hell. She might not have known who she was when they had first met, but her radar regarding good and evil, seemed to still work.

  “Phoebe, when you saw Rafe, what did you think?” Roman asked.

  “At first, I thought it might be you.”

  Roman laughed. “Rafe? No. He’s too clean cut. Now your brother Renzo, maybe.”

  She looked at Roman, long hair, full of muscles on top of muscles. Then she smiled at him. “You’re right. I have no idea what I was thinking.” It was beginning to make sense to her. Rafe didn’t say anything to her, because she had no idea who he was. “But what if Rafe would’ve told me who he was and it triggered my memory back?”

  “There are so many scenarios you could run through. All I know was Jett was trying to protect you.”

  “Surely Rafe wouldn’t hurt me,” Phoebe said firmly.

  “Physically, no. Your memory is coming back the way it should, when it should. Jett wasn’t going to risk jarring it and causing a…setback.”

  “But no one knows what would’ve happened if Rafe had told me.”

  “You’re right. And Jett wasn’t about to risk it on the unknown.” He leaned back and crossed his arms. “If you think Rafe is protective of you, he might have met his match with Jett.”

  “So you’re saying I was wrong for leaving?” Phoebe challenged.

  Roman shook his head. “No. Jett was an ass. And besides, I kind of got a kick out of hearing how you set his ass straight. I only wish I would’ve been there to see it.”

  Phoebe huffed. “I don’t find it funny at all.”

  “I’m sure you wouldn’t. But Jett isn’t one who gets rattled. And you did that.” Leaning closer, Roman said softly, “You must mean a lot to him.”

  Phoebe wasn’t sure what Jett felt for her. He’d never said. With Roman here, maybe his actions we
ren’t as appalling as she had first believed. But this was all coming from a third party, not Jett. If I hadn’t left, maybe we could’ve sorted it out. Was it too late now? Probably not, but going back to the boat wasn’t going to help her remember the past.

  “I’m sure Jett and I will talk about it someday. Right now, I need to…be with my family. Rafe and Jett seem to think they know what is best. But I know my sister. She’d want to know now. Will you bring me to her? To Melissa Turchetta?”

  “She’s now Melissa Stratton.”

  Phoebe’s mouth gaped open. “Married. I…guess I have missed a few things.”

  Roman nodded. “You’ve been gone almost five years.”

  I missed my sister’s wedding. I should’ve been there. Jett and Rafe were right. She couldn’t just walk back into her old life. Phoebe was still trying to figure things out for herself. If she was there, she might be overwhelmed with everything and never get to put all the pieces back together.

  “Roman, I know I have no right to ask, but would you be willing to help me?”

  “Do what?”

  “I need a little time alone. Not with Jett, and not with my family. But I don’t have much money. I’m sure someday I’ll be able to pay you back, but for now, do you think you could put me up in a hotel?”

  He shook his head. “I have place that might suit you better.”

  “Not Jett’s boat,” she said flatly.

  He laughed. “Nope. My parents are out of town. They go to Florida every year and I have to keep an eye on the place. They won’t be back for a few more weeks. You can stay here and help me out by giving the place a good dusting so it looks like I really had been by.”

  That actually would work out perfectly. She didn’t want any charity and cleaning a house for a place to stay sounded perfect. “Deal.”

  She got up to head out and Roman said, “You didn’t even eat your apple crisp.”

  She looked down and realized his was already gone. “I can’t eat it, sorry.”

  Roman slid it over and stuck his fork in. “You have no idea what you’re missing.”

  No. But I will know once I have time alone to think about it.

  * * *

  “That’s not what I told you,” Jett growled.

  “Phoebe is a woman with a mind of her own,” Roman replied. “I got a feeling you’re going to have your hands full with her.”

  “What the hell does that mean? It’s not like we’re—”

  “Didn’t say you are,” and with a grin, he added, “yet.”

  Jett glared at him and said, “But for now, I think you need to work on some…damage control. She’s pissed, and with good cause.”

  “Roman, I don’t care if she hates me for the rest of her life, if it means she never returns to Moreira.” Phoebe obviously hadn’t made the connection yet between Moreira and the attack. When she did, it was going to be a blow that he had wanted to be there to help her through. Now she won’t even speak to me. What the fuck?

  “There are things you can’t do for her Jett. Rebuilding her past so she can have a future with her family is one of those things.”

  “Roman, you weren’t there. Some of the memories were…” fucking horrible, “difficult. I don’t want her alone.”

  “I don’t think you want me there either,” Roman said sarcastically.

  Definitely not. Roman was supposed to be watching over her. When did the plan change and he decide to sit and share a dessert? Probably when I blew it. He should feel grateful that his friend was able to gain Phoebe’s trust. Instead, that feeling was buried under a heavy dose of jealously. Not because he felt like anything was going to happen between them, but the fact that he was now Phoebe’s confidant, pissed him off.

  “I don’t think Rafe is going to approve of this new plan.”

  Roman shrugged. “Phoebe doesn’t seem concerned with anyone right now besides herself. That’s a good thing. It means she is ready to face things head on.”

  “Damn it. I think you’re right,” Jett said.

  “About what?” Roman asked.

  “Phoebe isn’t the type of woman to do anything any way but her way.”

  Roman laughed. “Glad you finally figured that out. But when she has all this shit behind her, you can hopefully learn to compromise. Because you’re both stubborn, thickheaded individuals.”

  There was no comparison between them. She was capable of so much more than he was. I’m an ass, through and through.

  “Guess I need to make a phone call to Rafe and let him know that—”

  “I’m in charge?” Roman joked.

  “In your fucking dreams. I’ll let him know she’s safe. But Roman, I expect you to keep me updated hourly. Do you understand?”

  “Somehow you think I work for you.”

  Jett said again through gritted teeth, “I’m serious. Nothing better happen to her.”

  “Roger that.”

  Jett ended the call and knew he needed to wait a few minutes before calling Rafe. Not because he wasn’t sure what to say, but because Rafe was damn good at reading situations. He didn’t want any hint of concern lingering in his tone when they spoke. I trust Roman with my life, I should be able to do the same with Phoebe’s.

  What he realized was, Phoebe’s seemed so much more precious than his own. Since being back in Boston, he’d done a lot of research on Phoebe. She wasn’t just a strong woman, she was a compassionate one as well. Her reason for being in Moreira hadn’t been a vacation. She was there on a mission to teach children how to read and write in a country that suppressed its women, controlled them by trying to keep them ignorant to the world. Phoebe might consider herself just an educator, but Jett, he knew she was a hero. Giving hope where there was none.

  There was no doubt in his mind that when she made that connection to her past, she’d be right back at it. Even though it almost cost her life. All he could do was hope this time it didn’t.

  Dialing Rafe’s number, he decided there was no better time than the present.

  “Turner, where is my sister?” Rafe questioned.

  “Roman has set her up in a house that is vacant for the season.”

  “And you’re not going to tell me where that is?”

  “Rafe, she doesn’t want to see you.” Or me. “Phoebe realized that she needs a bit of time alone to sort out a few things.”

  “And you think that’s wise?”

  No. “I think the old Phoebe is returning.”

  “I still think my wife should go and talk to her. The two of them had been inseparable back then.”

  “But Phoebe doesn’t know Deanna is your wife. She doesn’t even know that Deanna had been with her in Moreira. Give her time to piece a few more things together. And then she will need to slowly catch up on the new Turchetta family dynamics.” Jett had done his homework, and a lot had changed since Phoebe’s so-called death. Her brothers all had married; some had children of their own. Even her sister had started a new life. Phoebe was going to feel out of the loop for a while. So alone.

  “I get it. It’s like when I would be gone overseas for a year or two. When I came back it was—”

  “Like getting to know everyone all over again?” Jett asked.

  “In a way. More like learning how not to be a complete asshole to them. For the record, there are times I still have to work on it.”

  “Then don’t let this be one of those times. I know you don’t know me or Roman, but we’re the good guys.” Like your family. “We have nothing but the best intentions where Phoebe is concerned.”

  “That I question. You seem to have gotten closer to her than I’d prefer.”

  “I don’t believe that’s any of your business,” Jett stated. Although he would have to agree with Rafe that they probably shouldn’t have become intimate, at least not while Phoebe was still sorting things out. But what they shared, it was…healing for them both. And that definitely wasn’t anyone’s business.

  “If it hurts Phoebe in the long r
un, then it is.”

  “Rafe, I would think after what happened in Moreira you’d have learned that no matter how much you love and want to protect someone, there are times you can’t.” It was sadly the truth. He could only imagine the guilt Rafe and his brothers endured. Saving so many lives, but not being able to save Phoebe’s. That explained Rafe’s feelings now. He wasn’t going to lose her a second time.

  I don’t want to lose her either. “Rafe, you’re right about one thing, Phoebe isn’t a job to me.” She never could be. “But I’m clearheaded enough to know when to step back. This is one of those times.” Thanks to Roman for pointing that out to me. “And I think it is that time for you as well.” He hated saying it, but these words were meant for them both. “If you can’t trust me, then trust Phoebe. She’s tougher than any of us even realize. Maybe more than she even knows. If we give her space, it’s possible one day she might actually be…happy again.”

  No one was belittling what she’d gone through, but with her tenacity for doing good in this world, Jett believed she wouldn’t let it hold her back for long.

  “Deanna knows Phoebe’s alive. I’ll let the others know tomorrow morning. They’re all gathering at my house for a meeting. I don’t know if I’ll regret doing this, but…you’re welcome to come. I’m sure they will have questions and really, right now, you’re the one with the answers. Or at least some of them.”

  Jett hadn’t expected that offer, and really had no interest in going. But this was Phoebe’s family. She would want him to be there for them just as much as he had been there for her. “Just tell me when and I’ll be there.”

  When the call ended, Jett tossed the phone on his desk. Great. A family reunion and I’m not one of them. He closed his eyes and tried to get some much-needed sleep, knowing none was going to come. Only for you honey. Only for you.


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