Book Read Free

For Keeps

Page 13

by Jeannette Winters

  Chapter Thirteen

  It was obvious that Rafe had already made his announcement regarding Phoebe. The tension was so thick in the room that he wasn’t sure coming was a good idea. It was too late to back out.

  “Let me introduce you to the family,” Rafe said. “This is my wife Deanna, my sister Melissa, and my brothers, Gabe, Renzo, Josh, and David. Their spouses have not met Phoebe yet, so we thought we’d keep this small.”

  Small wasn’t how he’d describe the Turchetta family, but the less people there, the better. “Nice to meet you all. I’m sure you have questions. I can’t promise you that I have all the answers.”

  “No one expects you to,” Renzo said. But we do expect you to tell us what you know.”

  That was reasonable. Jett looked at Melissa, who looked as though she was still in disbelief. So Jett knew he would start there.

  “When I first met Phoebe, she was using the name Lisa. It was a name she had given herself. I had asked her why that name. She said because the name Melissa was one she called out, and she wasn’t sure who it belonged to.”

  “And you think it was me?” Melissa asked, her eyes wide and hopeful.

  “I know it was, because as her memory started to return, she saw your name tag for work. That’s how I found you, found Rafe.”

  Tears started flowing, and Jett wasn’t sure he’d said the right thing. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “No. It’s just that…that I never knew…” Melissa broke down completely, and Deanna wrapped her arms around her. “My sister is…alive.”

  Deanna, now crying along with Melissa, said, “And she’s coming home.”

  “I’m sure she will.” In time.

  Josh walked over and said, “Rafe mentioned her lack of memory, but you’re talking as though she’s gained it back.”

  “Not totally. Actually, when Rafe came to see me, she had no idea who he was,” Jett replied.

  “You saw her?” Melissa said. “You didn’t tell us that.”

  Rafe glared at him, and Jett knew he’d just thrown Rafe under the bus. Should’ve been clear on what I can and can’t say.

  “I went to verify what Jett was telling me was accurate. No way was I going to let anyone come here claiming to be Phoebe, when they’re not.”

  Melissa asked, “But it really is her, right? You wouldn’t come and do that to us, would you?”

  Jett shook his head. “Never. And your sister is alive and well. But Melissa, you treat the wounded. You know that what you see externally is only a piece of what they’re going through.” Melissa nodded. “That’s what Phoebe is facing right now. Not only is she sorting out what happened to her when she was attacked, but she’s also trying to learn who she is all over again.”

  “We can help her with that. We all can,” Deanna blurted.

  Melissa said, “No. We can only love and support her as she does this on her own. Jett, my sister is a good judge of character. If she trusted you enough to open up as she has, that says a lot.”

  “It sure as hell does,” Gabe added. “So why aren’t you with her now?”

  “She needed space, even from me, to do some thinking.” He wasn’t about to tell them about their argument, and he figured Rafe wasn’t either, since he was involved in that as well.

  “But she’s safe right?” David asked.

  “Yes.” The less he said, the better right now.

  Rafe said, “Why don’t you come sit down and tell us everything she told you about what happened in Moreira.”

  Jett leaned over to Rafe and said softly, “Not in front of the women.”

  Rafe looked at Melissa, then Deanna before turning back to him. “Deanna was in Moreira when it happened. Although she didn’t see what happened to the others, she unfortunately was the one who found all the murdered men in the camp.”

  “And Melissa?” Jett asked.

  “I need to know, not for myself, but for Phoebe. It’s how I can help her later,” Melissa responded.

  “Okay. Then let’s sit down and I’ll tell you what I know. Then maybe you guys can answer a few of my questions as well.” Jett had the same rationale as they did. The more he knew about them, the more he could help prepare her for when they all met again. That is, if she’s willing to see me before then.

  The next few hours were spent giving all the gruesome details that Phoebe had shared, then learning all the things Phoebe hadn’t recalled yet. It had been horrific, and he was glad she wasn’t here to listen to it. Rafe may have taken out the bastard Milton, but no one knows for sure who the local men were who had done the vicious acts in the first place. The thought that even now this could happen again, made him sick. And Phoebe wanted to go back? Over my dead body.

  “What I don’t understand is, who did you bury, since it wasn’t Phoebe?” Jett asked, knowing it was a question that they must have all been pondering.

  Rafe said, “Milton had some serious pull back then. From what I have learned, papers had been forged. The scary thing is, we don’t know if Phoebe is the only one they lied about.”

  Jett hadn’t thought about that. “You mean there could be other survivors there?”

  Rafe nodded. “After Phoebe is home and settled, my brothers and I will go back to Moreira and do some investigation on our own.”

  He understood that they wouldn’t want to give any other family a false hope. “I’d like to go with you guys?” And see those bastards face to face.

  “Not that I don’t think you could handle yourself, it’s just that we’re all trained in these matters.”

  “I have a level of expertise which may be helpful.”

  Gabe said, “I’m familiar with your…work. Impressive.”

  Jett wasn’t looking for any recognition. He gave Gabe a quick nod, then addressed Rafe again. “Not that I need your approval to go to Moreira, I have my own means to make that happen. It’s that I believe I could be an asset. Hell, I know I can be.”

  “There is plenty of time for you guys to argue about this later. Right now, we need to figure out how we can help Phoebe,” Renzo cut in.

  This conversation was far from over. He wasn’t taking a backseat for anything that had to do with Phoebe, and the family might as well accept that.

  “I agree, for now,” Jett said, not breaking eye contact with Rafe. He might be the eldest in the Turchetta family and used to running shit, but Jett was an only child and answered to no one.

  Deanna came over and stood between them. “If you two are done here, I’d like to hear more about Phoebe. You said she has scars. Physically, is she fully healed?”

  He wasn’t a doctor. All he had to go on was what he could see. “She hasn’t complained of any physical pains. Does that mean there wasn’t any internal damage that we don’t know about? Not necessarily. My advice would be for her to have a full physical once things settle down.”

  “I agree. Pushing that right now would not benefit her,” Melissa added. “Damn this is hard. Every cell in my body wants to strangle you until you tell me where she is, and yet I also want to hug you so tight, because you brought her back to us.”

  Jett smiled. “I’ll take the hug. Thanks.”

  Melissa chuckled and walked into his arms. She gave him a tight hug and then said, “This one is for Phoebe.” She then gave him a second.

  Jett said, “I’ll make sure she gets it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to Boston. And if I’m correct, you all have a lot to talk about as well.”

  Deanna said, “I hope the next time we see you, you’re not alone.”

  That’s my goal. “I’ll keep you posted.”

  As soon as he was in his car, Jett was on the phone with Roman checking on Phoebe.

  “I just left her,” Roman said.

  “I hope you have more to say than that,” Jett snarled.

  “What do you want to hear? That Phoebe couldn’t stop talking about how much she missed you?”

  Only if it was true. “How about her e
motional status?”

  “She’s fine. If anything, I think she’s doing better on her own than with you,” Roman said.

  Fuck you. He knew Roman was just jerking him around. Normally he could tolerate Roman’s joking, but this wasn’t one of those times. “Listen, I just left the Turchettas and my patience is—”

  “Shot to hell. I get it. But you’re worrying for nothing. I’m telling you, she is fine. I brought her breakfast and she seemed in good spirits. I asked her if she remembered anything more and she said yes.”

  “What did she remember?” Jett snapped.

  “The names of all her siblings. Also, she spoke about a friend that she raised hell with, but she couldn’t remember her name.”

  Deanna. She didn’t look like the raise-hell type, but then again, neither did Phoebe. However, most people did things when they were young that they didn’t share with their family.

  “That’s Rafe’s wife she’s talking about.”

  “Seriously? Rafe married his kid sister’s best friend? That’s going to suck for Phoebe.”


  Roman laughed. “I can tell you don’t have any sisters. See, women share things that they don’t want any man to know. And when a friend marries a brother, you’ll always wonder what you can share and what you can’t. You know, what slips during pillow talk.”

  Jett shook his head. “Damn it. I’m glad I didn’t have any sisters. They seemed to have turned you into a bitch.”

  “Say that to my face and you’ll be eating those words.”

  Jett laughed. “I’ve heard that before. Now if you don’t mind, let’s get back to Phoebe.”

  “Why don’t you just go home? Phoebe will call if she needs anything,” Roman said.

  “You gave her a phone?”

  “Of course. She has everything she needs to do what she needs to. Phone, money, a place to stay.”

  “What the hell, Roman? She could take off with all that access.”

  “Yes she could. And guess what? It’s her right to, if she wanted. But I don’t think that’s her intention.”

  “Since when did you become an expert on what Phoebe will or will not do?” Jett asked.

  “Probably when she told me what you mean to her.”

  Don’t you dare say the words. He really hoped Phoebe hadn’t said them to Roman and not to him.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “That woman might need space, but not as much as she needs you. If you don’t hear from her by tomorrow, I’ll give you her number and you can call her.”

  “Just give it to me now.”

  Roman laughed. “No.”

  “Why?” Jett asked.

  “Because you’d be calling her as soon as we hung up.”

  Damn straight. “Twenty-four hours Roman. Then, whether she’s ready or not, I want to see her.”

  “Roger that.”

  It was going to be another long night of him being awake thinking of her. I wonder if she really is thinking of me.

  As he pulled onto the highway, he knew he’d have his answer tomorrow.

  * * *

  Although she missed Jett, she found it easier to stay focused with Roman. There was no sexual tension or attraction between them. It was all business, if that’s what one would call this. When Roman came by, it was only to bring her useful things, like food, warmer clothing, and most importantly, a cell phone and laptop, so she could do some research on her own.

  Phoebe wasn’t so sure how Jett would feel about that, but she was learning a lot more than she had thought. As memories returned, she was able to log on and gather more facts. Like the fact that my best friend married my brother. Gross. She never would’ve thought Deanna and Rafe would get along, never mind really get along.

  Was she happy for them? Of course she was. And to know Rafe and Deanna were parents to two children was even more surprising. Rafe had never been one to stay home long. And to actually settle down? Wow, it really did take someone as passionate about life as Deanna to conquer that major hurdle.

  Phoebe had spent her day and a good part of the night searching for her family. For the most part, they kept a low profile. The only one who seemed to have lost that battle was David. She remembered her parents having to yell at him to get in the family photos, yet there he was, plastered all over magazine covers. Guess that’s what you get when you fall for a top model.

  Each of them had really found their soul mate, and she hadn’t been there for any of it. If she had been, would things be different? Was it her death that had changed everything? From what she learned so far, it had. Her brothers hadn’t reenlisted in the service, and Gabe left working for the government. What she didn’t know was what they all did now. God, I hope they’re not all unemployed because of me. That would really suck, because right now, she was living on the kindness of Roman. But as long as they were healthy and happy, that was all that mattered to her.

  There were certain times when she had to close the laptop, because it became too much for her. The hardest part had been reading her own obituary. It’s not something most people do, but it sure as hell beat the alternative: not being around to read it.

  What she noticed the lovely tribute lacked were her cause and location of death. She had been twenty-eight years old.


  That explained Jett going ballistic when she’d asked to go there. Was that the place where she’d been attacked and left for dead? She wished she knew, but then again, she didn’t want to relive those last days again. It’d been hard enough when Jett was with her. Although she had questions, she wasn’t ready for the answers. Not concerning Moreira. Not yet, at least.

  One thing at a time. Family first. Then deal with the…pain.

  Phoebe turned off the light near the bed, pulled up the blanket, and closed her eyes. That was enough for one day. Her head was already starting to pound. How was she going to sleep? She didn’t lack comfort; the bed was like a mass of pillows totally enveloping her. But it was Jett’s strong arms around her that she was missing. Not the sex, although that was amazing, but the security she felt while with him.

  She didn’t worry about being attacked or in danger here, but that didn’t change the fact she wished Jett was there. She wanted to share with him everything she had learned, how she felt about it and…that she wanted him to go with her to see them.

  Should she call him, or call her brother or sister? Definitely not my sister. She wasn’t sure if Melissa even knew she was alive yet. Rafe, well, he knew and probably would be happy to hear from her, but she wasn’t sure what to say yet. Hey, let’s have coffee? That didn’t sound or feel right. The only thing that did right now was talking to Jett. He knew her when she thought she was Lisa. That person still existed within her. Even though she knew who she was now, she still didn’t really feel like Phoebe. At least not the Phoebe her family knew.

  I don’t think I can ever be her. She died in the jungles of Moreira. At least, a part of me did.

  She reached over and picked up the cell phone. Roman had preset a few numbers that he thought she might need. His, Rafe’s, and Jett’s. She scrolled over the numbers a few times, and each time, she lingered on Jett’s. I hope you’re sleeping better than I am.

  Gripping the phone close to her, she hugged it as though she were holding on to him. Tomorrow. I’ll call you tomorrow, I promise.

  Chapter Fourteen

  No! No! No! She sat up, holding the blankets tightly in front of her. Her entire body was drenched in cold sweat. Unfortunately, she was used to waking up this way, but it had been weeks since it had happened. Foolishly Phoebe had thought the nightmares were over.

  As she pushed the blanket to one side, a horrible sight flashed before her eyes. She was covered in blood. The men standing above her were laughing and saying it didn’t matter any longer which one of the women had been Abby. They were paid the same no matter what.

  This wasn
’t a random attack. They had been hired to do this to us. And from what she recalled, the look in their eyes, they felt no remorse for it either.

  As the memories continued to come, Phoebe felt weak, and her pain was replaced by numbness. Then one of the men walked over to where she laid. He was still holding a knife dripping with blood. Hers. As his cold, dark eyes looked down at her, he held up the knife and tapped the point of it with his finger. Laughing, he reached out and brought the knife close to her face. Eventually, she could feel the cold, flat metal slice across her right cheek, then move to the left and do the same before lingering at her chin. Was he about to slice her throat? Was this the end?

  Phoebe brought her hands up, as though this horrific act were happening right now, instead of years in the past. It all felt so…real. Her breathing was labored as she waited to learn what was to come next. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly, but the visions didn’t cease. Her dreams were no longer forgotten when she woke. They were crystal clear, and more vicious than one could imagine.

  Her heart felt like it would be ripped out of her chest as once again, he lifted the knife high above her. As he brought it down, blade pointed to her flesh, she remembered praying that it would end. She must’ve passed out from the pain, as everything had gone black.

  Hot tears burned as they ran down her face. They did this to us, to me, on purpose. How could anyone have so much hate, to do such things? It seemed impossible that these things could have taken place. But the scars on her body were proof it wasn’t some horror film that haunted her. This wasn’t her imagination.

  She had hoped this was the end of it, but then Phoebe remembered them walking over, kicking her, one even spat on her, muttering about how feisty she was, then laughing that it had done her no good, just made it last longer…but that she was now dead like all the rest.

  By some miracle, she’d survived, and when they had left, she had found the strength to drag herself from that hell hole and into the jungle. The one thing she couldn’t let go was her hope to see home again one day. To tell my family I love them one more time.


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