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The Lie She Told: All Kate wanted was a peaceful life, all Ryan wanted to do was destroy it. (Thornes series Book 1)

Page 18

by Catherine Yaffe

  “I know, I get it. I’m just frustrated that we’re sat here when we could be doing something.”

  “Let’s start again. Where would Ryan usually keep his car?”

  “Round the back of the pub. I’ll show you.”

  They stood and exited the pub through the rear door. The Vectra that belonged to Len, which Ryan often drove was sitting in its usual place. PC King walked round to the front of the car, and using her Maglite she shone her torch down the dirt path leading away from the pub into the woods.

  “That barn there, does anyone use it?” She flashed her torch at the rickety structure. Janice had now joined them.

  “Nah, hasn’t been used in years,” she said, arms wrapped around herself in an effort to keep out the chill.

  Both officers started to walk towards the building. They studied the lock that was on the door.

  “That looks new,” commented Jones, pulling on a pair of gloves. King looked at it and agreed. They gave a hefty push to the bottom panels, and it didn’t take long for them to give way. They squatted down and flashed their torches into the cavernous space.

  “Mr Albright?” shouted PC Jones. There was no response. “Here.” He passed his torch to his colleague. “I’ll take a look.” He dropped onto all fours and crawled under the space they had made. Having retrieved his torch, he approached carefully, taking his time to kick away the debris underfoot and look for any clues. He could see discarded medical bits and pieces; a syringe, bandages and an unknown bottle of pills.

  “Think we might have something Claire, you’d better call it in,” he shouted back. As he slowly edged his way to the back of the barn, fearful that at any minute the whole structure would collapse on him. He could smell something foul, and at first wondered what he was going to find when he caught a glimpse of something silver out of the corner of his eye.

  “Mr Albright? It’s the police. Are you in here?” Still no response. He proceeded with caution, the unmistakable odour getting stronger as he approached one of the stables. The door was hanging off its hinges, and he realised that the flash of silver he had seen belonged to the rim of a discarded wheelchair. Moving closer, he lifted his torch higher and shone it straight into the face of who he presumed was the missing pub landlord, Len Albright.


  “Kate, it’s Ziggy. How are you holding up?” The line was full of static and she struggled to hear him. Kate had stepped outside to get some fresh air. She clutched her mobile phone to her ear.

  “I’m OK, wait let me go back inside.” Kate pushed the cafe door open and signalled to Jack and Fiona that Ziggy was on the phone. “Is there any news?”

  The line was still crackly and she could barely hear what Ziggy was saying.

  “OK, I’ll keep it brief. We’ve spotted the Audi on the A9, heading south so it seems likely that he’s heading to a meet-up point. I doubt he’ll risk driving all the way to Leeds.”

  “Meet-up point? What do you mean? Is Joe with him?”

  “The CCTV isn’t brilliant but it’s been confirmed that there is a passenger in the back seat about Joe’s height.”

  Kate felt her heart drop. “Oh God, what is he doing with him?” She thought back over the last few months and tried to see if there were any signs that this would happen. She had been so taken in by Ryan, how could she be so stupid. She’d been so careful, kept her life so simple and sheltered Joe from the past, from the hurt that she’d had to go through.

  “Kate? Are you still there?”

  “Yes Ziggy, sorry. I’m here.”

  “Kate, I have to ask. Have you been in touch with your ex-husband recently?”

  “No, he doesn’t know where I am and anyway he’s inside isn’t he?”

  “Not anymore. He was released on parole last week.”

  Kate dropped the phone. She felt the life drain out of her. Her hands started shaking and her heart bounced around her chest. Jack and Fiona, who had been sat listening to the one-sided conversation sprang up from their seats. Fiona dropped to her knees to comfort Kate whilst Jack retrieved the phone from the floor. Fiona helped a fragile, broken Kate into a chair.

  “Hello?” said Jack into the receiver. “Ziggy?”

  “Who’s that? Is Kate still there?” Ziggy was confused at the new voice.

  “It’s Jack, I’m a friend of Kate’s. What did you say to her? She’s gone awfully pale.”

  “Jack, this is DI Ziggy Thornes. I’m the SIO on Joe’s case. I’ve just updated Kate on where we are with everything. Is she OK?”

  “Not really, here, I’ll see if she wants to speak to you. ” Jack took the phone away from his ear and approached Kate. “Do you want to speak to him hen?” Jack felt he was caught in the middle of something that he didn’t understand. He had no idea what was going on. Kate took the phone from Jack.

  “Sorry Ziggy, that was just a bit of a shock. Is he behind all this?” She didn’t know why she had asked, she knew in her gut that he was. She had a flashback to the last words he had shouted at her as he was taken away to start his sentence. He’d sworn he’d take his revenge on her.

  “We believe so, it’s a bit early to say just yet but it is a line we’re following. We’re covering this from every angle Kate, and it’s being treated as high priority. Just stay where you are, keep this line clear and I’ll update you when I know more.”

  “OK, thank you.” She clicked the end call button and dropped the phone into her lap. Jack sat at the table, drumming his fingers and wondering what the hell was going on. He could see that Kate was still shaking and she appeared to be mumbling to herself.

  “Kate, what’s going on?”

  “Oh Jack, it’s all crashing down on me.”

  “What is? You can tell me.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you, or where to even start.” She looked at Jack properly for the first time since Joe was confirmed missing. His face was etched with worry, and she was overcome with a wave of guilt. “You’ve been so good to us Jack, you don’t deserve any of this.” She placed her hand over his.

  “Deserve what Kate? Is it Joe? Is he hurt?” She could hear the emotion and panic building in his voice. He deserved an explanation but pride held her back from giving him the full picture, which included her lies.

  “They think Joe is still in the car with Ryan and they’re heading south on the A9.” She held her breath before she said any more.

  “But what made you drop the phone?”

  Kate exhaled. “Ziggy suspects that Joe’s dad is behind all this.”

  “Joe’s dad? Why would he? Wait, is Ryan Joe’s dad?” ventured Jack, something that he had suspected for a while.

  “No, no he isn’t. Joe’s dad is called Darren, Daz. He’s been serving time in prison in Leeds.”

  “Prison? What the hell for? Jack wasn’t sure if he wanted to know the answer.

  “Armed robbery,” Kate admitted, tears streaming down her face. “And it’s all my fault. He’s been released early on parole and I had no idea.”

  Fiona sat and listened to Kate’s words, not quite believing what she was hearing. Of course she knew about the court case and the volatile relationship between her sister and Daz but much of what she was hearing was news to her. She watched Kate closely, wondering what other secrets she was keeping.

  For Kate, all the missing pieces started to slot into place now that she had had time to digest the information. Of course Ryan had befriended her, and then some. It was so obvious to her now. She just knew that Daz had somehow convinced Ryan to abduct Joe and take his son back to him. Kate felt stupid, foolish, and naive. It had all been a big game to Ryan. He didn’t care it was people’s lives that he was playing with.

  “I never trusted him,” muttered Jack. He didn’t know what to make of the info Kate had just told him, and now he knew the full story he didn’t blame Kate for what she had done. She had acted to protect her son. She had needed to protect herself. Kate had done what he thought any woman would do in her situation. He
was about to tell Kate this when her mobile started to ring again.

  “Kate it’s Ziggy. I have an update. It looks as though they’re headed towards a service station which is where we believe the handover will happen. We have officers in place, and we’ll ensure Joe’s safe before we take any action. I’ve arranged for PC King and her colleague to bring you to us so you can be reunited with Joe once we know he’s OK.”

  “Oh thank God. Thank you Ziggy. Please keep my boy safe or all this will have been for nothing.” She hung up and relayed the message to Jack and Fiona.

  “Do you want me to come with you?” Fiona was anxious to see Joe and know that he was unharmed.

  “No, thank you Fiona. I know Joe means a lot to you but I think I’m better going on my own.”

  “Kate, I’m not sure what’s going here but at least let Fiona go with you,” pleaded Jack.

  “Honestly, I’m fine and what could you do anyway?” Kate didn’t want her sister with her when her world fell apart. She was already ashamed at how naive she had been and she couldn’t bear to see that look of disappointment on her sister’s face.

  “Please Kate. Let me come with you, you need your family around you at a time like this. Stop pushing me away.” Fiona was in tears, begging her sister to accept support just for once.

  Feeling beaten, Kate relented and agreed that Fiona should go to the police station with her. She already accepted defeat and knew that Joe would need someone with him. As his aunt, it was only right that Fiona went with her.

  Jack stood back and watched as the sisters clung to each other. He was no longer sure who was supporting who. His only concern was getting Joe back home, safe and sound.


  PC King stepped precariously towards the beam of her colleague’s flashlight. She was immediately hit with the foul smell that made her recoil and cover her mouth and nose.

  “Is he...?”

  Jones felt for a pulse in Len’s neck. “Barely. We need an ambulance, and forensics.”

  “I’ve called it in, they should be here shortly.”

  Both officers took a quick visual scan of the area surrounding the wheelchair, noting the knocked over bottle of water and unopened energy bars.

  “Looks like someone wanted to keep him alive,” said Jones as his torch took a sweep of the debris lying next to the chair. His experienced eye travelled down the body, from Len’s head that was slumped forward to his legs that were straight out in front of him, and the wound that Ryan had ineffectively tried to treat. It was once again weeping and oozing with yellow pus.

  “That’s what the smell is,” he said, holding the light onto the open wound. Blowflies and maggots were having a feast on the fetid flesh.

  King retched, well known for her weak stomach, she took a few steps back and inhaled deeply.

  “What’s happening?” came a voice from the other side of the barn door.

  “Why don’t you go and wait for the SOCOs and let Molly know we’ve found her dad?”

  Relieved at being able to get away, she didn’t need asking twice and made a hasty retreat into the fresh air. Crawling underneath the barn door, she got to her feet and shook her head to clear her senses, as well as gulping in the fresh air by the lungful. Molly was immediately at her side.

  “Is he in there? Is he... is he alive?” She couldn’t bring herself to utter her worst fears.

  King pulled herself together. “Yes, yes he’s in there and he’s alive but only just. An ambulance is on its way.”

  Just as she finished her sentence blue flashing lights could be seen from the main road.

  “Janice, can you direct them in please?”

  Janice had been engrossed in every detail, remembering as much as she could so she could retell the story later. “Aye, aye, sure.” She scurried away to wave the ambulance in.

  “Molly, he’s not in a good way and it seems he’s been here a while. He has an open wound on his leg that needs attention and it looks as though he’s dehydrated and in need of a good meal.”

  The two women stood to one side whilst the crew opened the doors and grabbed their response kits. Claire relayed the known information to them and watched as they made their way into the barn.

  “Oh God, how could this have happened?” Molly was overwhelmed with guilt and horror.

  “We’ll get to the bottom of it, right now we need to get your dad to the hospital.”

  Janice rejoined them with mugs of sweet tea. “I thought you might need this.” She passed a mug to Molly and the police officer took the chance to retrieve crime scene tape from the boot of the patrol car and cordon off the area surrounding them.

  As they stood surveying the scene, SOCO arrived. Wrightson, the Crime Scene Manager approached them.

  “Evening Claire.”

  “Hey Wrighty, you been updated?”

  Wrightson was already in full protective clothing and dropped his protective mask as he spoke. “Yeah, we had an update from Steve. Is he still inside?” He gestured towards the barn.

  “Yeah, I think he’s waiting with the victim. Responders are in there at the minute.” Just as Claire finished speaking, Steve appeared underneath the barn door and straightened up. He acknowledged Wrightson and joined the others.

  “Can you start with the barn door? We need to break it down to get Mr Albright out. If you could take a look at the padlock that’s on there, might be some fingerprints.”

  Wrighty gave a short nod and motioned for the rest of his team to follow him. King guided Molly and Janice away from the scene so it could be secured without any further contamination. Molly was desperate for news of her dad.

  “What’s happening? How is he?” she asked.

  “They’ll be bringing him out shortly. He needs urgent treatment, they’re doing as much as they can right now. Molly, the recent operation he had, was it on his legs?”

  “Yes, yes that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. Ryan picked him up but no one has seen him since.”

  “OK, well...” He was interrupted with loud cracking noises as the SOCOs brutally wrenched the barn door, allowing the emergency response team to exit with Len strapped to a stretcher. Molly rushed forward.

  “Dad...Oh Da, what has he done to you?” She reached forward but didn’t know where or what to touch. The odour was overwhelming.

  “If you could step back please, we need to get him in the ambulance.” Between the two paramedics they manhandled the stretcher into the rear. They hadn’t dared to undo the bindings that held much of Len in place. They’d been able to insert an IV line and cautiously tend to the infected wound but once they had him stabilised, with a more consistent and stronger pulse, the priority was getting him to the hospital.

  “Can I come with you?” asked a distraught Molly.

  “Yes, of course, just climb in the back here and take a seat to the side.” Molly climbed in and did as she had been instructed. King’s radio stuttered into life with her call sign.


  She listened to the message carefully and walked over to her colleague. “We need to take Kate to Stirling HQ. Looks like they’ve caught up with Ryan.”

  Happy that the scene was secure, PC Steve Jones handed the scene over to SOCOs, asking to be kept up to date with developments.

  Janice looked woefully on as everyone left the scene. She had no intention of leaving while there was still a white tent and crime scene officers there!

  Climbing into the patrol car, Claire looked over at Steve. “What the hell has been going on?”

  “No idea. It’s all a bit of a tangled web really but if this Ryan bloke is responsible for leaving his own father in that state, he needs catching.”

  “Sounds like Thornes is about to catch up with them, thank God. Do you know him?”

  “Who? DI Thornes? Not really. I’ve seen him a few times but never really had anything to do with him. Seems he’s well thought of though. Can’t help but wonder what Kate did to get moved into witness protection
though, she looks like butter wouldn’t melt.”

  “Yeah, the whole thing’s a bit strange, right?”

  “Aye, it is that. So we’ve to take her to Stirling then?”

  “Control said so, Thornes’ orders.”

  “Great, another long night then.” With that Jones started the car and pulled out of the car park, heading back towards Harbour Café.


  The rain was lashing against the windscreen, and from her position in the back seat of the police car, Kate watched the rain sliding down the window on the outside. She traced some of the drops with her finger, wondering what lay ahead. Her main concern was that Joe was safe. She just wanted to collect him and return to their easy way of life, but in her gut she knew that wasn’t going to happen. Too much had happened, and her darkest secret was nudging closer to the light.

  Why hadn’t she been told that Daz had been released? What would happen once the police spoke to him? And what would Ryan tell them? All of these thoughts whirled around her head and she felt physically sick.

  After what felt like eternity, they pulled up outside Stirling police headquarters, and Kate was shown into the family room. She had just sat down when the door opened.

  “Kate, hi.” Ziggy stepped into the room and shook Kate’s hand. “Didn’t expect to see you again.”

  “No, me either. Where’s Joe?” She had forgotten just how tall and imposing Ziggy was.

  “He’s fine, don’t worry. He’s sleeping in the next room.” Ziggy sat down opposite Kate. The family room was set up to look like someone’s living room, with sofas and soft furnishings. There was a box of toys in the corner and a bookcase sat on the wall behind Ziggy.

  “When can I see him?” asked Kate.

  “You can see him in a short while, I just need to ask you a few questions first.”

  Kate felt the colour drain from her face. “Questions? What about?”


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