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The Lie She Told: All Kate wanted was a peaceful life, all Ryan wanted to do was destroy it. (Thornes series Book 1)

Page 19

by Catherine Yaffe

“I’ll get to that. Would you like a drink or anything to eat?”

  “No, no, I’m fine thank you. Can we just get this over with?”

  Ziggy moved around in his chair so that he was leaning forward and placed a brown folder on the coffee table that stood between them.

  “So as you know, we’ve arrested Ryan, Darren and Darren’s cousin Sean. It has come to light that Darren was paying Ryan to abduct Joe and take him back to Darren.” Ziggy was chancing his arm with that last statement. He’d yet to interview any of the suspects.

  Kate gulped. Although she felt that Daz was behind it, hearing the words made it real and she couldn’t believe he had been so desperate to see his son, and hurt her.

  “During the interviews with Darren, some new evidence has come to light and I’m hoping you’re able to help me make sense of it all.” Ziggy glanced up from his notes and looked at Kate, who could barely sit still. She caught him staring at her and she flushed bright red.

  “OK,” she ventured tentatively. She shrank back into the lumpy sofa, trying to make herself as small as she could.

  Ziggy sat back and crossed his legs. “I’d like to take you back to the day you handed in the gun at the police station. Remind me again, how did you come across it?”

  Kate paled and ran her hands through her hair but didn’t reply. “My son Joe and his friend found it in the back garden of the house I shared with Darren in Leeds.” She paused. “Wait, am I under arrest?”

  Ziggy looked up from the notes he had been taking. “No, you’re just helping with our enquiries at the minute, but it would help if you could answer my questions as honestly as possible.”

  Kate took a deep, shuddering breath and weighed up her options. Tell the truth and face the consequences or continue with her lie? Different scenarios ran through her head, none of them appealing. Eventually the emotions became too much to bear. “You don’t understand. Daz was a bully, he made my life hell. I couldn’t see any other way out.” She was sobbing now, tears streaming down her face that she made no effort to stem. She had known this day would eventually come but she couldn’t have imagined how wretched she would feel.

  “Kate. Tell me what you know.” Ziggy passed her a tissue.

  “Can I see Joe?” She blew her nose.

  “You need to tell me what you know Kate.”

  “Well this is a holy clusterfuck of a mess,” exclaimed Ziggy Thornes, running his hands over his shaved head. He hadn’t expected to hear from Kate again. When he had last seen her, he was handing her over to the CPS and the allocated safe house. He had passed her his number out of courtesy more than anything. He had felt sorry for her. She had escaped an abusive marriage in an effort to protect her son, and possibly save her own life. Ziggy had been the Senior Investigating Officer throughout the trial and sentencing. They had built up a bond over that time and even though he always advocated his officers against it, he’d found himself pulled in. Ziggy’s son was the same age as Joe, and at the time Ziggy had been going through the break-up of his own marriage. He reasoned with himself that he had been vulnerable and his own emotions were high. He’d allowed himself that one slip in an otherwise exemplary career, and it hadn’t happened since. When he heard Kate’s voice that first time it had taken him right back to a time in his life that was full of drama.

  Pushing the past to one side, he walked into an office that had been allocated to him; Stirling HQ being the nearest station to the motorway services where they had apprehended Ryan Albright, Darren Ward and his cousin Sean. Joe had been safely taken by a child protection officer and was currently sleeping on the sofa in the soft interview room. He sat behind the desk, and accessed his emails, looking for any updates whilst he waited for the interview room to be free. It was set to be a long night.

  One of the duty officers knocked lightly on the door.

  “Yep?” called Ziggy.

  “Guv, all prisoners have been processed and are waiting to be questioned.”

  “Thanks, I’ll be down shortly.”

  Ziggy had mobilised two of his senior officers to accompany him to Stirling to help with the interviewing. He called for DC Harrison who was writing up notes at a nearby cubicle.

  “Which do you want to do first?” Harrison asked as he entered the temporary office.

  “Albright I reckon. Just had an update from Steve Jones. Albright’s father was being kept hostage in a barn behind the pub that he was working at. Could be looking at a murder charge yet.”

  “Really? What the hell has gone on?”

  “No idea. Albright has a record for petty crimes as long as my arm, but this isn’t his usual style. He’s been suspected previously of more serious stuff, but we’ve never been able to get enough evidence.”

  “Could be our chance now?”

  “Oh yeah, though his dad is in a bad way he’s already blamed his son for it. No such thing as family loyalty there.”

  “So how do you want to play it?”

  “Let’s see what he has to say for himself shall we?” Ziggy pushed his chair backwards, grabbed his notes and together they headed downstairs to the interview rooms.

  “Interview room 2 is ready for you guv,” said the Custody Sergeant.

  Two uniformed PCs escorted Ryan from his cell into the interview room. Ziggy hit record after making the usual introductions and advising Ryan of his rights, and then started the interview.

  “Are you comfortable there Ryan? Would you like a drink?” Ziggy started soft, aiming to build rapport.

  “Nah, I’m good thanks.” Ryan had his arms folded across his chest but other than that he looked completely unperturbed.

  “OK, what can you tell me about the events that have taken place this evening Ryan?”

  No response, much as Ziggy expected: it really was going to be a long night.

  “Ryan, this is your chance to tell me your version of events. Whose idea was it to abduct Joe?”

  No response. Ryan slumped further down in his plastic chair.

  “Did Darren Ward put pressure on you?”

  No reply.

  “Do you owe him money?”

  A snort escaped from Ryan. Ziggy jumped on the small involuntary tell. “Is that what this is about? You owe Darren money?”

  “No, he fucking owes me money but that’s not happening now is it?” Ryan crossed his legs under the table.

  “So you did do this for money? He was going to pay for abducting his son?”

  Ryan realised he’d dug a hole for himself. “No comment.”

  Ziggy inwardly sighed, dreading the no comment interview. It was the bane of his life and a reason he hated interviews.

  “Yeah, this isn’t TV Ryan. No comment will only get you so far.”

  Ryan looked up at Ziggy and smiled, “Whatever.”

  Ziggy decided to change tack. “Tell me about your dad.”

  Ryan’s head snapped up and he readjusted his position. “What about him?”

  “When was the last time you saw him?”


  Ryan looked distinctly uncomfortable.

  “Isn’t that why you’ve been up in the Highlands? To look after his pub?”

  Ryan knew he had to be careful how he answered now. If he admitted he was there to take over the pub then he would have to admit to seeing his dad recently. “No comment.” It was the easiest route he figured.

  “Ryan, this is your chance to tell me what you know.”

  “I don’t know anything.”

  “I think you do. I think you’ve set out on a path that seemed relatively easy money and you’ve ended up digging a massive hole for yourself. I don’t think you meant for circumstances to go so far and you’ve lost control. Am I close?”

  ‘Are you close? Fucking spot on mate,’ thought Ryan but he chose not to answer.

  Ziggy decided to let him stew and ended the interview. Hopefully when they next spoke they would have more forensics and Ryan wouldn’t have any excuses.

r />   Ziggy walked out of the interview room and kicked the wall, immediately regretting it as he stubbed his big toe. He swore out loud just as a young PC was passing. He apologised and headed for his makeshift office. How could he have been so stupid? But he had no time to dwell on his own failings as he prepared to interview Darren Ward. He watched closely as Darren was led from his holding cell to the interview room. He was running out of time and patience, and he certainly wasn’t in the mood to build rapport. It was late, he was knackered and just wanted to wrap this up as soon as.

  Darren was brought in and seated in the chair that Ryan had just vacated. Once again Ziggy went through the set-up procedure and read Darren his rights.

  “How much money did you offer Ryan to abduct Joe?”

  “What? Is that what he said?”

  “You’ve just been released Darren, what were you thinking?”

  “I should never have been sent down in the first place and you know it.”

  “Oh really? Why’s that then?”

  “Oh come on. Don’t pretend you don’t know. That gun wasn’t mine. I had nothing to do with that robbery. It was all bullshit made up by her to take my son from me.”

  Before leaving the station at Leeds, Ziggy had asked for the case file on Darren’s conviction. Despite Darren’s not guilty plea, it was Kate’s testimony along with the t-shirt that had convicted Daz. Ziggy had asked for forensics to test the gun again for fingerprints and was waiting on the results.

  “That bitch took my son and I wanted him back. Ryan fucked up. He had one job and he fucked it up.” Daz kicked the underneath of the formica table, sending pens, cups and notes flying.

  Ziggy was taken aback with the vitriol in Darren’s tone, and his sudden lashing out. It was easy to see why Kate needed to get away. He collected his notes and calmly addressed Darren. “So you don’t deny paying Ryan to plot and abduct your son?”

  “Not much point is there?”

  “Not really to be honest. Tell me,” said Ziggy, changing tack. “What do you know about Len Albright?”


  “Len Albright, father of Ryan Albright?”

  “Not a clue mate, never met him.”

  “So you weren’t involved in the kidnap then?”

  Daz laughed. “Useless piece of shit, he’s really done it this time.”

  Ziggy sighed inwardly. He was certain that Darren had nothing to do with the disappearance of Len but he had to ask the question. Getting back to the main point, Ziggy started his questioning again. “So who came up with the idea to take Joe?”

  Darren looked at Ziggy. What was the point in holding back now? He knew they had Ryan and Sean in custody and it wouldn’t be long until one of them gave up the information, if they hadn’t already. “Ryan.”

  “Really? How did he contact you?”

  “He was on my allowed calls list.”

  Ziggy rolled his eyes. Every number was supposed to be closely vetted before being added. He wondered how it had slipped through the net. “And what? He just contacted you out of the blue one day and came up with the grand plan?”

  Darren reached for his cup of tepid tea. “Yeah, something like that.”

  Ziggy didn’t believe him. “I’m not sure Ryan’s clever enough to be honest. So you had no input into the plan?”

  “Oh yeah.” Darren pushed his tea away in disgust and stretched his legs out, pushing himself back in his chair. “But he was the one who started it all.”

  “How so?” asked Ziggy.

  “Told me one day that he’d happened across Kate in Scotland, where his dad lives. Pure coincidence by all accounts. Apparently he’d gone back to his dad’s pub for some reason.”

  “Bit of a huge coincidence don’t you think?”

  “That’s what I thought but you could see it as fate as well.” Darren placed his hands behind his head, grinning.

  Ziggy looked on, taking in Darren’s very casual approach to what would likely result in another five years inside at least. “I must say, you seem to be taking this all very well considering you’re looking at another spell inside,” he observed.

  “Is what it is, isn’t it?” came the reply.

  Ziggy couldn’t help but think that Darren was holding something back. What more did he know? What was Ziggy missing? “So Ryan contacted you, and you came up with the plan between you?”

  “Yep, that’s pretty much it.”

  “I can’t help but think I’m missing something Darren. You seem to be too willing to confess. What am I missing?”

  “Ha, that’s rich. You’re the detective, you tell me.”

  The heavy atmosphere was broken with a knock on the door. “Message for you guv,” relayed the PC who poked his head around the door.

  Ziggy pushed himself up from his seat, suspended the interview and left the room. “What is it?”

  Harrison was waiting for him in the corridor. “Forensics are in for the gun.”

  The two detectives made their way into Ziggy’s office where he opened the email and reviewed the contents. “Shit.”

  “What now?” asked Harrison.

  “Take Darren Ward back to his cell. I need another chat with Kate. Under caution this time.”

  Ziggy had left Kate in the family room, where she was joined by Fiona. The two sisters had barely spoken a word, despite Fiona having so many questions. All she had been able to get out of Kate was that everything had been her fault. Fiona had spent most of time holding her sister and passing tissues. She felt like an outsider and didn’t have a clue what was going on. She had been allowed to see Joe but he was, thankfully, fast asleep unaware of the chaos unfolding around him. Ziggy entered the room and acknowledged Fiona with a nod of the head before addressing Kate. “Kate, can you come with me please?”

  Kate stood and rubbed her hands on the front of her jeans. She turned to look at Fiona. “I’m sorry,” she said. She reached out for Fiona’s hand. “Will you look after Joe for me please?”

  “Of course, but what’s going on?”

  Ziggy led Kate away, leaving Fiona confused and frightened for her sister.

  Once settled in the interview room, Ziggy realised that he could no longer pussyfoot around Kate. It didn’t matter what kind of bond or rapport they’d developed in the past. Kate was in serious trouble and he had to get to the truth.

  “Kate, as you’re aware Darren Ward and Ryan Albright have been arrested and charged with abduction, namely of your son Joe.”

  Kate looked at Ziggy and fidgeted in her chair. His tone was completely different and it terrified her. Was he waiting for an answer? She was just about to speak when he spoke again.

  “Kate. I want to take you back to the time when you handed the handgun into the police station. Do you remember that night?”

  “Yes. We’ve already talked about it and I told you what happened.” Kate ran her hands through her hair, she was shaking.

  “That’s right, and I’d just like to go through in a lot more detail exactly what happened that day.”

  “Why? I’ve already told you everything and Daz was charged so what’s the point?”

  “Well, that’s what I want to discuss. Your now ex-husband, Darren Ward, was arrested and charged with armed robbery on the strength of your testimony and the evidence presented at the time.” Ziggy paused and rearranged his paperwork. He allowed the silence to fill the room. “Do you have anything you would like to say to that?” He met Kate’s eye, and instead of the usual glint of stubborn determination he saw a scared young woman whose life was about to change irrevocably. He sat back and waited for her to answer. When she didn’t he continued, “Kate, I have here the statement you gave earlier today regarding the handgun and how you found it.” He consulted the piece of paper in front of him. “Earlier you said that Joe and his friend found the gun in the back garden of the house you shared with Darren Ward, and as it was wrapped in Darren’s t-shirt you assumed it was his?”

  Kate gulped. “Yes, that’s ri
ght.” She could barely get the words out.

  “And that you remembered seeing Darren with the gun in the past and that you were convinced it belonged to him?”

  Kate nodded. Her throat seemed to have closed over.

  “So you handed it in to the police?”

  Where was this going? She thought.

  “Kate. I don’t believe you.”

  There, he’d said it but she was in too deep now to claw her way out. “Why not?” she mumbled.

  “We’ve had the gun re-tested for fingerprints. Forensics have come a long way in the last few years Kate.”

  Kate felt cornered but she let him carry on.

  “Further examination has found another set of fingerprints on the gun. Those of Ryan Albright.”

  Kate felt herself crumbling from the inside, out. She hung her head and let the tears fall.

  “Did you know Kate? Did you know that the gun belonged to Ryan?”

  No answer. Just the sound of a sobbing woman filled the room.

  “I believe you did. Here’s what I think happened. We know from Ryan that you and he were having some kind of relationship. We also know that on the day you brought the gun to the police station Ryan Albright moved out of the area after visiting you and your then husband.”

  Kate looked up, sniffed, and asked for a tissue. Ziggy’s colleague left the room momentarily to grab a box from the office. In the silence Kate continued to sob but appeared to be more in control. Ziggy waited for his colleague to return and for Kate to blow her nose and wipe her face.

  “Kate, it’s time to tell your side of the story.” Ziggy leaned across the table, his voice softening as he spoke. “Come on Kate, if not for your sake then for Joe. Tell me the truth.”

  At the mention of Joe, Kate closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her head was buzzing. It was late. She was tired and had a headache. She had to admit defeat.

  “Yeah, I knew. I didn’t know he’d used it in a robbery but I did know it belonged to Ryan.”

  ‘At last,’ thought Ziggy. “Now we’re getting somewhere. Carry on.”

  Resigned, Kate continued. “He called by the house one day and asked me to hide it for him. I refused but as he forced the gun on me, Daz came home and I bundled it into one of his t-shirts. I was outside hanging the washing out. When I went back into the kitchen Ryan had gone. I found out later that he’d left Leeds.”


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