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Witch Unchained (Blackwood Supernatural Prison Book 2)

Page 7

by Valia Lind

  Practically speaking, I shouldn't be walking into unknown portals. I have no idea where I might end up. But the other, more adventurous, side of me knows there is an explanation, and the only way I'll get it is if I step inside.

  So, before I can talk myself out of it, I do just that.

  The portal swallows me whole. When I emerge on the other side, I drop to my hands and knees, breathing heavily. Glancing behind, I see it close right up, vanishing into thin air. Well, at least no one can follow.

  Turning back around, I find that I'm in a forest. It looks slightly familiar. When I look to my right, I see why. A house stands there, which looks more like a shack actually. Then, a young man steps out onto the porch, crossing his arms in front of him.

  "You really can't stay out of trouble, can you?" he asks, shaking his head.

  "It's my burden to bear," I reply, getting to my feet. Dusting my clothes off, I take a step toward the house, unsure of my welcome. But I shouldn't be. He's concerned, but he's also kind.

  "Hello, Maxwell."

  "What happened, Cordy?" Maxwell asks, standing on the porch with his arms crossed. Even though he looks relaxed, I'm sure he won't hesitate to protect himself or this place if it comes to it.

  "Honestly, I don't know. This," I raise my hand and point to the bracelet, "apparently decided that my safe haven will be here."

  "Explain, please."

  I give him a very short rundown of what happened at the gardens, leaving out my talk with Kelsey. For now. Maxwell watches me steadily, mulling over my words before finally motioning me forward.

  "Let's move inside."

  My chest feels a bit lighter at those three words, and I happily follow him into the house. The space opens up before me, just like I remember it. Everything here is old and classic somehow, with wooden accents and elaborate furniture. But it looks exactly like it did when we left.

  I follow Maxwell into his library, which seems bigger somehow. And fuller. The book piles are growing, but it doesn't look cluttered or disorganized. It looks like a different kind of magic. He motions me to a chair, and I sink into it gratefully.

  "So, you followed the bracelet's magic and it brought you to a portal?" he asks, diving right in.

  "It's all I have for you. I needed to get away from them. I needed space to think, and I needed someone I can trust. I think subconsciously..." I pause because I didn't really think about it until this moment, but my next words ring true anyway. "I knew I'd find shelter here."

  Maxwell is silent once more, as he leans against his desk watching me. I know how this looks. I wouldn't trust me either. But somehow, I don't think he's going to turn me away. Maybe I just hope he won't.

  "Why don't you trust them?"

  That's a loaded question. One I can answer in many ways. But I only have one right now.

  "I need answers."

  "And you think they're not giving them to you?"

  "I know they're not."

  "Why do you think the magic led you to me?"

  I can see why he's the historian. He has a sharp mind and knows exactly what to ask to get to the heart of the problem.

  "Because you have no real stake in this game? The people I'm with aren't giving me the whole truth. They have their own agenda, and until I discover what that is, I don't trust them."

  "Considerably, once you get more answers, you might trust them even less."

  "Good point. Which means I need all the unbiased information I can get."

  "You think the magic knew to bring you here because of that?" He glances down at my bracelet, and I follow his gaze. It's settled now, as if content. Somehow, she trusts him. Maybe because I do. I look up at him with a slight nod. He takes that at face value.

  "Did you find what you were looking for?"

  His voice carries a note of curiosity but also wisdom. It’s as if he's cataloguing the information I'm providing for further dissecting later. It doesn't surprise me.

  "We found another relic, yes. A necklace of sorts. Tom said that, according to lore, it turns into a breastplate. It's gorgeous, but we haven't seen it at its full power."

  "You don't have it." It's not a question, but I answer it like one anyway.

  "No. The bracelet has attached itself to me. But the breastplate..."

  "Was confiscated?"

  "Oh, how did you know?"

  We share a smile then. I realize if I had to choose anyone to trust right now, it would be this guy. Just then, a voice comes from one of the hallways, heading our way.

  "Max! I'm here. And I brought your favorite." A beautiful blonde walks into the library then, weaving around the stacks of books like a pro. She stops at the sight of me, giving me a nervous smile. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know you had a guest."

  "It was unplanned," I reassure her as Maxwell pushes off the table and reaches for the newcomer. He gives her a quick kiss on the cheek, and she melts under that small gesture. When they look at each other, there's depth of emotion there. It brings a small smile to my face.

  "Jemma, this is Cordelia. I'm helping her out with a problem."

  "Magic can be such a pain, huh?" Jemma says, grinning at me. "It's nice to meet you. I wish I would've known you were here. I would've grabbed an extra burger! No worry though, we can split it."

  "Oh, you don't have to."

  "Pfft, of course I do. I'm not about to let Max's guest go hungry. He probably doesn't have anything good to eat here. Plus, I got extra fries anyway."

  "I'll stock up soon!"

  "Sure, honey." She gives me a quick wink before patting him on the arm. "You guys finish up here and meet me in the kitchen."

  Maxwell and I watch as she turns on her high wedges and expertly maneuvers herself back out of the room. Here and gone, just like that.

  "So that's the human girlfriend?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.

  "Yes, that's my Jemma."

  "She's a character."

  "You have no idea." He sighs, but it's a nice sigh. As if he's exhaling from all the happiness. A witch and a human. Not something I've heard of a lot, but I know it happens. And clearly, these two are two peas in a pod. They feed off each other's energy in a way I only dream about, and that's after being in the room with them for less than a minute.

  "Hey, where did you go?" Maxwell's voice pushes through my thoughts.

  "Nowhere. Now, what do you think?"

  "I think," Maxwell says, offering me his hand. "That we better go meet Jemma. Then once we've eaten, we’ll be able to think a little more clearly."

  The smile that comes to my face is automatic, and I let him pull me to my feet. For this moment, I feel safe. Even though, technically, I don't know this man or his magic. But he seems to understand what I'm going through. Right now, I need all the allies I can find.

  And I can't go home.

  The sadness that thought brings is heavy, but I won't dwell on it. At least, not right now. Maybe, once night has fallen, and I'm hiding under some blankets, I'll let myself feel. For now, I follow Maxwell into the kitchen and hope the guy has some magical fix-all for my problems.

  Unrealistic, but I have to have at least a sliver of hope.

  Chapter 11

  I've never seen two people more in-tune with each other than Maxwell and Jemma. They're completely on the same wavelength, but they don't make me feel like I'm a third wheel at all. That's rare. I remember when Kelsey and Pam both got boyfriends. I couldn't hang out with either of them because they were too wrapped up in their significant others.

  It's crazy how things change. Pam completely abandoned me when the verdict was decided on. Not that we were the best of friends, but we grew up together. And Kelsey, well, I know what happened there.

  But these two, they seem to have the balance thing down pat. It's refreshing. And yes, it makes me feel and think about things I shouldn't right now.


  "How long do you think you'll be staying?" Jemma asks, taking a bite of her burger. She managed to
split their two meals into three somehow, and we've all had enough to fill our stomachs.

  "I'm not sure." I glance at Maxwell, hoping he can shed some light.

  "They won't be able to track you here," he replies after taking a sip of water. "This place is cloaked, and I still don't quite know how your magic led you here. It has to be very intentional." He glances at the bracelet again but doesn't comment on it. "I doubt they'll think to look for you here. Even if they do, I'll know in advance."

  "Wow, you're really in hiding. Like all cloak-and-dagger."

  "Yep, that's me." I smile because I can't help it. Jemma puts me at ease. I haven't been at ease in a long time.

  "Well, don't worry. I'll make sure there's actual food here. And I know Max will help you figure out whatever you need to figure out. He's good like that."

  "I honestly don't know where to start," I reply, wiping my mouth and sitting back in my chair. Now that I'm here, I should have some idea. But I don't even know what question to ask first.

  "We can see if we can find anything else on the relics, specifically, your bracelet." Maxwell and I glance down at the piece of jewelry once more. It's been happy—she’s been happy—since we got here. It feels weird giving her a different pronoun now. We've beyond bonded, and she's become a friend. Of that, I have no doubt.

  "That's probably the smartest place to look."

  "He is smart!" Jemma announces. The pride in her voice is heartwarming. They share another look, and this time, I feel like maybe I should give them some alone time. "Can I show Cordy to the room?" Jemma beats me before I can speak up.

  "That's a great idea," Maxwell replies, grinning.

  "Perfect." Jemma jumps to her feet and smiles at me. "Ready?"

  "Get some rest, Cordy," Maxwell says before I can hesitate too much. "We'll start fresh in the morning."

  There are many things I can say right here, but I settle on one.

  "Thank you."

  "You're welcome."

  Jemma leads me out of the kitchen and down the hall toward the area I stayed in last time. This place seems like it goes on forever, and if I turn the wrong way, I might get lost. When I mention this to Jemma, she agrees.

  "I know what you mean. This whole magical cloaking and shifting of perspective can get overwhelming. I haven't been around it for long, and I'm still learning. Here we are." She pushes the door open. I find myself in a large room with the biggest bed I've ever seen, and suddenly, all I want to do is lay down. It's the exact room I slept in last time I was here, so I know I'm going to relax the moment I'm under the covers. The small sense of familiarity helps.

  "There are clothes in the dresser and towels in the bathroom. Feel free to use anything." I nod and thank her, ready for a shower.

  "Hey Cordy." I turn at her words and she gives me a sweet smile. "I don't know everything that's going on in your life, just the little parts I heard at dinner, but I do believe that everything happens for a reason. Magic included. Maybe you already know this, or maybe you need the reminder, but if you were chosen to carry this," she glances at the bracelet before her eyes meet mine once more, "then I truly believe it's something you can handle."

  She doesn't wait for a response, just gives me another smile, turns, and shuts the door on her way out. I stand in the middle of the room, unsure of what to feel at her words. She spoke them like she believed in every single one. I don't have that kind of confidence in myself. Not anymore. But maybe, just maybe, Jemma is right, and I can learn to believe it too.

  After the most relaxing night of sleep I've had, well, in months, I'm up early. Not early enough that I beat Maxwell to the library though. Dressed in one of the t-shirts and leggings I found in the dresser, I make my way to the large room with no issues. Surprisingly, the path from my room to the library doesn't try to get me lost.

  "Good morning, Cordy." Maxwell greets me when I step around a stack of books.

  "Good morning. Where's Jemma?"

  "Oh, she left early to visit Cali."

  Right, the friend Maxwell mentioned last time I was here. He only looks up for a second while he speaks, going back to the book open on the table in front of him. It seems awkward to interrupt, but then he beats me to it.

  "I think I found some information on the relics. Maybe. You're probably hungry, so let's talk in the kitchen." He stands and steps around the table, grabbing the book on the way past me. Shaking my head, I follow close behind. We reach the kitchen in no time, and thankfully, there's coffee on the counter. I pour myself a cup before I sit at the table. Maxwell joins me with his own cup moments later.

  "What did you find?" I ask, taking a sip of the coffee.

  "Remember how I said there are eight relics and having at least five of them will make the king incredibly powerful." I nod, so he continues. "Now that we know what at least two of the relics are, I've been cross referencing those with the information I have in the books. A few have mentioned various magical artifacts but none do a very good job at describing where to find them."

  "Probably a defense mechanism."

  "Exactly what I thought. So, how do we find something that doesn't want to be found?"

  "You don't actually expect me to answer that, do you?" I ask when he doesn't continue.

  "Kind of. I say we ask one of the relics." He looks at my wrist, and I follow his gaze to the bracelet. "You said the bracelet has helped you before and has even responded to your questions. What if we try the same concept in the library? Ask the bracelet to show us a book that might hold the information we need."

  "That's not a bad idea." I perk up immediately, thinking back to how it led me to the portal. She knows what needs to be done. Maybe that's exactly why we came here. I stand, grabbing my coffee cup, ready to try it immediately.

  "Just like that?"

  "Well, yes. I'm not one to sit around. Give me a second to change."

  Maxwell grins. I hurry back to my room to pull on my jeans and a tank before I grab my jacket. I'm not preparing to run again, but it's good to have options. Just in case. Maxwell is already in the library when I reach him. I have a feeling this is where I'm about to spend all my time. It doesn't take Maxwell long to pull up a few books and motion me over.

  We settle onto the floor with Maxwell setting up a few candles in a straight line in front of me. Then he sits across from me, a book in his lap. Sitting silently, I wait for him to provide me with any kind of instruction. I can try this on my own of course, but it seems more beneficial to have some guidance.

  "I want to prelude this by saying that I have no idea what I'm doing."

  "What? That's not comforting." I chuckle, but only to hide the rising worry. Magic is already unpredictable, and we're messing with something that's much more powerful than both of us.

  "Sorry, I'm just trying to be honest. Magic is different depending on the realm. It is its own entity, and therefore, it chooses how it will respond. This relic," he points to the bracelet, "is a step above that. It's already displaying attributes of a living entity."

  "So, what do you want me to do?"

  "I want you to talk to it like an old friend. But at the same time, I want you to push some of your own magic into the conversation."

  That... kind of makes sense. I've done similar things in the past. Now I have to be more intentional about it.

  Of course, I'm nervous. Without intention, the magic has led me to an artifact and then a portal. I'm nervous and curious to see where it'll lead me now.

  "Don't be afraid of it, Cordy." Maxwell's words penetrate my thoughts. "It's bonded to you for a reason. We're just trying to understand it now."

  That makes sense. Of course it does. Because Maxwell knows what he's talking about, regardless of how unusual this is. Everyone has their place in the magical world. Maxwell has found his. I thought I knew what mine would be, and then everything changed. So, this is my chance.

  Closing my eyes, I look inward. Before the bracelet found its resting place on my wrist, I never paid much
attention to looking inward. My magic has always been responsive to me and my emotions. It’s more powerful than I imagined, and it's still growing.

  I nudge it forward, toward the power brewing in the bracelet. For a moment, I'm blinded. The lurid array of colors makes my head spin, but then, just as suddenly, they settle. A feeling of pure euphoria overwhelms me as my magic twines with that of the bracelet. Before, it was only a little bit of a connection. This... it's the whole deal, and it's exhilarating.

  There's no longer any barrier. It's like I'm discovering my magic for the first time. And maybe I am. I'm seeing it in a whole new light. More powerful and more complex than I've ever imagined.

  "Show me where to go next. Please, help me keep you safe."

  It might sound strange, but the words come into my mind before I can think too much of it, and they taste true. The magic answers in kind, like a kitty rubbing itself against her owner’s leg in contentment.

  I'm not sure what I'm looking for or what I'm doing exactly. But somehow, I feel balanced. Maybe for the first time in a long time.


  When I open my eyes, I realize Maxwell has said my name more than once.

  "I'm not really..." I begin, but I don't finish because Maxwell's eyes are not on me, but on something over my shoulder. Turning slowly, I'm met with the same sensation I felt in the Summer Palace. There's a ripple in the air. This time, the portal doesn't need a mirror to anchor itself to. It's suspended in the middle of the library.

  "What did you do?" I ask. When I glance at Maxwell, he's shaking his head.

  "That was all you. There was almost a glow that came off you for a second and then the air rippled."

  I turn to look at it again, and I know what must be done.

  "I have to go in."

  "Are you sure that's such a good idea?"

  It's good that he's cautious. He should be. Magic isn't a joke. But I also know that I can't afford to be cautious. I asked the magic for help, and this is where it's leading me next.

  "I don't think I have a choice."

  We both get to our feet, and I turn to face the portal fully. It continues to ripple in the air, but it's not getting any bigger or smaller. It appears completely controlled. I wonder if I'm doing it or if something else is causing the affect.


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