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Witch Unchained (Blackwood Supernatural Prison Book 2)

Page 8

by Valia Lind

  "Any idea where it leads?" Maxwell asks from behind me. I try and see beyond the library, but I can't make out any features or anything that might give me some kind of direction.

  "No. I think I have to trust it'll take me where I'm supposed to go."

  Those words feel right, and I know I can't wait any longer. Checking that my knife is still in its sheath at my back, I grab my jacket off the floor and give Maxwell a quick smile.

  "Thank you."

  "I'll be here when you return," he says with a smile. It's the kind of a statement you tell someone to encourage them. Because we both know I might not return. That's part of the risk I have to take. Without too much thought, I take a deep breath and step through the ripples.

  Chapter 12

  When I come out on the other side, I'm in a forest. I know immediately I'm no longer near Maxwell because this place feels different. I'm not sure how I can tell, but I can.

  Glancing behind me, I find that the portal has disappeared.

  "Great," I mumble. Now I'm stuck here until I find whatever the magic wants me to find. "I know I've said it before, but it would be helpful if you came with an instruction manual."

  The bracelet flairs up for a moment, like she understands what I'm saying and agrees. It would be more beneficial to all parties if I knew what I was doing.

  I do know that I can't just stand in the middle of this small clearing hoping something useful will come along. Without a map or even knowing which direction is north, I have to orient myself. I'm not sure I can. The trees here don't seem to follow the same patterns I'm use to, so the only thing left to do is call on my magic.

  Closing my eyes, I dive in, this time much faster and easier. My magic and the magic of the bracelet are still bonded, sitting happily in that sweet spot. I call on my years of training and let my consciousness, fueled by my magic, spread out around me in all directions.

  Since I'm in unknown territory, I can't exactly use my powers to their full potential. That would send off too many alarms, if there are any kind of warning systems in this forest. Most places have a magical security system, no matter if the place is dominated by humans or witches. I only learned that in my last year of school. It may be strange to assume, but I always thought humans were a world apart from us. In reality, we're so intermingled, we often intersect. So being cautious is my best practice.

  Not that stepping into unknown portals... twice... is all that cautious. I'm a contradiction to myself.

  As far as I can feel, there is nothing but forest around me. It would be nice to have a portal keeper around, but as it is, I'm stuck.

  The reality of my situation sinks in, and I groan out loud. The noise travels into the forest around me, stirring up a wave of activity in its wake. It's like the forest was holding its breath, waiting to see if I'm dangerous or not. And now that I sound like a disgruntled employee, it can breathe again. I look down at the bracelet, shaking my head.

  "You couldn't have taken me somewhere near civilization?" I ask, not bothering to keep my voice down but also not shouting. I have no idea what's in these woods, so I'm not about to be stupid. I've already done plenty of that today. "What now? I wander around the forest until I'm gray and ready to keel over?"

  Now I'm being dramatic. Ugh. What has my life become? I almost feel like asking for Kelsey to find me just so I can have a round or two with the king's minions. I need to work off some of this nervous energy.

  Instead, I reach for the bracelet's magic once again. But it seems to have completely diminished.


  I close my eyes, concentrating fully, but nothing. It's like she's gone to sleep.

  "Are you kidding me? You bring me here and then decide to take a sabbatical?"

  Of course, nothing happens at my words. The magic is ignoring me.

  Taking a deep breath, I try to calm my racing heart. I'm stuck in an unknown place at an unknown time. I have no idea what realm I'm in or how the magic works here. I really got myself into a pickle now.

  "Okay, I can handle this," I say out loud. The sound of my voice helps. "I have no choice but to explore. So, I'll pick a direction and walk that way. I will have to run into someone eventually, right?"

  What I don't say out loud is I could never run into anyone, and I would die of starvation. My only saving grace is that I don't think the relic would want me to die out here where no one would find me. So, while it has suddenly gone quiet, I'm hoping it'll speak up again soon. Until then, I'm following my minuscule plan.

  Spinning in a circle, I try to see if any direction is a better choice, but it's all trees around me. Some appear to be purple and pink. The vines aren't anything like I've seen back home, so I don't think I'm in my own realm. I'll have to be cautious I don't step on or touch anything that's hazardous to my health.

  I really should've thought this through before I stepped into the portal.

  Well, too late now.

  Taking another deep breath, I start walking.

  The next morning, or what I think is morning, I climb down from a tree and continue my walk. My stomach is growling. I realize I haven't had anything to eat in a day now. Thankfully, the forest didn't seem as scary at night, but I still slept above ground. The tree I climbed looked normal by my standards. Even though I didn't rest much, I have to keep moving.

  I have no idea how much time passes before I'm once again in a small clearing. I'm tired and hungry and feeling stupider than I've ever felt in my life. Closing my eyes for a moment, I try to center myself. I need to see if my magic can give me more direction. I'll keep trying until I get something.

  Pulling on my magic, I focus on staying steady. I'm looking for some kind of direction, something to grab onto so I know which way I need to turn or if I should keep going straight. When the rumble sounds nearby, I don't react right away. Then I feel it. Something large has moved right behind me, and it's not happy.

  I turn slowly with my hands out, hoping that whatever is hissing at me finds me un-provoking. What I don't expect is the creature in front of me. A giant... cat? It's the size of an elephant or a large horse, with turquoise fur and white eyes. He's as beautiful as he is terrifying.

  "I promise you I'm a cat person," I mumble, keeping my eyes trained on him. He stands still, watching me with those eyes of his. I can't tell if he's getting ready to pounce or if he's just curious.

  "Don't worry, he's a big softy." A voice comes from behind the cat and then a beautiful woman steps around him, her hand running over his fur as she walks toward me.

  "I think I'll take your word for it," I reply, dropping my hands to my sides with one of them reaching discreetly for my knife. The cat hisses again, and I freeze.

  "He can sense the weapon on you. I wouldn't make any sudden movements."

  I drop my other hand to my side, but I don't relax. If need be, I'll throw some magic at them. Although, I really don't know how much good it'll do. She seems powerful to say the least.

  The woman studies me carefully, and I do the same to her in turn as well. Her brown hair is long and wavy, braided at the sides to keep it out of her face. She's wearing dark pants, a dark shirt, and boots, but somehow it looks regal on her. She carries herself with the poise of royalty and power.

  "You must be Cordelia," she says, breaking through my thoughts. I furrow my brow, entirely confused. "Maxwell and Jemma told me about you."

  And just like that, it clicks. Maxwell's best friend, the queen of the largest kingdom in Skazka.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't know who you were," I say, taking a small bow, but she stops me.

  "We are on equal ground here, Cordelia." The woman smiles, and the kindness in her eyes tells me she's not faking any of this. "My name is Calista. And this here is Kot-Bayun. He's a friend."

  "He's a scary-looking friend," I can't help but add, and I swear the cat smirks at me.

  "He likes you."

  I give him another quick look, but honestly, I'm intimidated. Sure, I know all about the diffe
rent creatures that live in the realms surrounding mine, but I haven't met that many. Or any at all. That's something I was going to experience as I trained to be a Protector.

  "What brings you to my forest, Cordelia?" The queen's voice pushes away my distracting thoughts.

  "My magic, I think. And this." I point to the bracelet around my wrist, and it somehow looks even shiner here. "We've been looking for relics. They're part of an ancient coat of armor. If the pieces are united, the wearer could syphon magic from anyone or anything. Maxwell was trying to help me figure out what this does and then a portal opened that brought me here. There's someone who wants these, and I'm trying to keep them away from him."

  "The king."

  "You know of him?" I'm surprised.

  "Not personally," she smirks. "Just that Maxwell mentioned him and your quest. I like to be appraised on what is going on in my kingdom, you understand."

  "I'm not exactly sure how this ties in to your kingdom, to be honest," I say, sighing. This constant thread of questions I'm accumulating is becoming overwhelming. I need to balance the scales with some answers.

  "Here in Skazka," Calista says, running her hand over the cat's fur again. He purrs, loud enough to shake the ground I'm standing on before laying down. He keeps his eyes open and on me, but at least he's not towering over us now. "Relics play a big part in our heritage. I myself had to protect such a thing once upon a time."

  "What did you do?"

  "I gave up everything, and it ended up being the greatest bargain. It seems you're in the midst of one yourself."

  She continues to study me, and I stand tall under her scrutiny. From the little information I have, I know she can crush me like a bug. She doesn't hide her power; she wears it like a badge. But I also see kindness in her, and her next words solidify my opinion.

  "Let's get you fed, shall we?"

  Chapter 13

  Calista leads me through the forest, her steps sure. At first, the big cat walks right behind me. But after a few minutes, I turn, and he's gone. Not exactly sure how such a large creature can be so quiet and disappear. Calista doesn't speak, and I don't either. I'm exhausted and hungry and I have too many questions twirling in my mind.

  Suddenly, we break through the trees and come to a small clearing. The forest seems to have arranged itself like a wall around the area. The trunks are so close together I'm curious how we managed to squeeze through. When I glance behind me, I see the trees closing the ranks back up. I realize they opened up for Calista.

  "Take a seat. You must be tired." The queen motions to the right, and I see a log with some supplies leaning against it. Calista waves her hand, and the fire pit bursts into flame, sending shadows dancing. Instantly, I feel better. My own fire magic ignites, as if happy at being around someone similar. Calista walks to the opposite side of the fire pit, grabbing a few sticks. Next, she opens up what looks like a cooler and pulls out hot dogs.

  I must make some kind of a noise because she looks up from her work and grins at me.

  "Did you expect me to be roasting some wild game?"

  "Honestly, yes. You look capable."

  "Well, thank you. But I prefer meat that's already been prepped."

  We smile at each other, and I find comfort in her company. There's something about being in her presence that soothes me. Maybe it's her magic, maybe it's the fact that Maxwell trusts her, and I trust him. But I'm not worried, and that's new. It's been a while since I didn't have to worry.

  "Why are you here?" I ask before I catch myself. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so forward."

  She smirks, placing the sticks with hot dogs on a contraption over the fire.

  "I think you do. I think forward is part of your personality."

  "Usually, yes. But I don't want to be disrespectful."

  "I appreciate that. I also appreciate honesty. So, you don't need to walk on eggshells around me."

  I nod, accepting that at face value. She can't be but five years older than I, but she has a presence that demands attention. It's intimidating, but she doesn't make me feel any lesser. I'm not used to that. Those in power at my coven have a tendency to be all high and mighty.

  "To answer your question," Calista continues, turning the hot dogs over, "I'm hunting. Just not for game."

  "Then what?"

  "An enchantress." By the puzzled look on my face, I'm sure I don't have to ask the question. Calista hands me a stick with a hot dog and then some bread before taking a piece for herself.

  "When I first came to power, it wasn't an easy path. Originally, I wasn't even supposed to sit on the throne. This land, it chose me. It showed me that I was more than my heritage. It allowed me to become more by trusting me. But there are those who still want the power for themselves. One of which is Baba Yaga."

  "Wait," I interrupt, swallowing a piece and gaping at Calista. This is what Eric mentioned. "You mean like the fairy tale one?"

  "One and the same. Well, a little different than you might've heard of her to be, but yes."

  "That's who you're looking for?"

  "I took her power, but she escaped. Even without the full extent of her magic, she can still cause a lot of problems. She needs to be stopped before she ends up with another crazy scheme to take over Skazka."

  There's so much to unravel here. A history that I want to hear all about. I know there are numerous realms with their own magical stories, and this one seems to come straight off the pages of an old book.

  "So, you've been tracking her by yourself?"

  "I know, not very queen-like, but she's my responsibility. Besides, I'm not really by myself."

  "Yeah, your cat is terrifying."

  Calista laughs then, and it makes her look younger. When she meets my eyes, hers are gleaming with mischief.

  "He's a sweetheart. But I'm talking about my Brendan."

  "Brendan?" I glance around just to make sure I'm not missing anything. Calista chuckles again.

  "He usually gives me a day by myself before he tracks me. It's kind of a system we have."

  "How does he find you?"

  She smiles then. There is so much love in her expression it makes my chest hurt. Her eyes get that faraway look for a moment before she focuses on me.

  "He will always find me."

  I don't know what to say to that, but I know that I want that. There is no doubt in her words, not even a glimmer. She trusts that statement completely. I don't know if I have anyone in my life I would trust that much. There's no one I could put my faith in like that.

  "Do you have anyone in your life?" Calista asks, bringing my attention back to her. I shake my head even as my mind drifts to Eric.

  He probably hates me right now. Well, hate might be slightly dramatic, but he's close. I keep making things difficult for him. That much is a fact.

  "Don't tell Brendan I said this, but a day away from him is too long. I'd keep him with me always if I could. I hope you find that one day."

  Even as she says it, there's something underneath her words that makes me think she can read my thoughts and knows I'm thinking about a boy. When she smiles, I can't help but smile back.

  "Now, drink up." She tosses me a canister. "Let's talk about this problem you have found yourself in."

  I do what I'm told, and after getting my fill, I update Calista on everything that's been going on. She listens patiently, asking questions when necessary. There's intelligence in her eyes, and I can tell she's processing. After I'm finished, Calista doesn't speak up right away but takes a few moments of silence to orient her thoughts. I can see the royalty on her like the jacket she's wearing. It's in everything she does, effortless and powerful.

  It's everything I strive to be.

  Minus the queen part. I don't want that kind of responsibility.

  "I'm sorry for your friend's betrayal."

  Her words take me by surprise because it's not what I think she'll focus on. But the quiet phrase brings tears to my eyes. I push them down.

"It's okay to mourn your friendship," Calista continues, getting down to the bottom of the matter. I don't think anyone else has truly let me feel just how much that betrayal means to me. When a tear does slip through my defenses, I let it.

  "It feels like I failed her and everyone I've ever known. How could I have not seen what she was doing?"

  "Because she didn't want you to." Such a simple statement but so true. "She knew exactly what to say and exactly what to do to keep this from you. That's on her. She made those decisions. They don't reflect the kind of a friend you were or the kind of a person you are."

  The words are similar to what Eric told me, and I think he's the closest person I've had who understood this was a big deal to me. I'm still not too sure he likes me, but he has taken his responsibility of guarding me seriously. That apparently included my feelings. If only for a brief moment.

  I wonder just how mad he'll be when he finally finds me. Because I know he will. There's no doubt he's already looking.

  "So how do I push past those insecurities and trust myself again?" I ask the one question that's been sitting heavily with me.

  "You just do. There isn't a formula I can give you. Let yourself feel what you need to feel but don't let those emotions hold you down. You make the decision to overcome what happened, and you move forward. That's all you can do. It's not easy by any means. But you're capable. Of that I am sure."

  I nod, taking that into my very being and letting it settle there. She's right, of course. And it's not like she's saying anything novel. She's just putting into words exactly what I need to hear. The rest is up to me.

  "What about this?" I ask, raising my hand a little and pointing to the bracelet. Calista shifts her gaze, giving it a thorough study before she answers.

  "Our land carries its own relics within it. There are enchanted objects from a time before that hold powers we don't understand. I think every realm has one or ten of those." She smiles, poking at the fire. "In my case, I gave up a lot to keep our relic safe, and I wouldn't exactly recommend my actions to anyone. But I can tell you that it chose me, just like this relic seems to have chosen you. You have to trust that."


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