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Omega Reimagined volume 2

Page 11

by Tanya Chris

  “Are you willing to talk to him?” Anissa reached for Owen’s hand, and Fortis stifled his instinctive growl. His hackles were up, his wolf urging him to pick up Owen and run, but his human knew Anissa wasn’t a threat. She had an air of confidence and certainty, but it was mixed with kindness rather than command.

  “You don’t have to,” Keesh reminded Owen. Keesh knew what kind of wolf Cyril was as well as Fortis did. No offer of Cyril’s could possibly be a good one.

  “I can talk to him. It’s only polite since he came all this way. Can I change first though?” Owen looked down at his bare chest and the flirtatious capris beneath it.

  “Of course, dear. Whatever makes you comfortable.” Anissa squeezed his hand and he got slowly to his feet, acting as if Fortis might stop him. Did Owen want Fortis to stop him? Was he supposed to play alpha and make this choice for him? He should’ve claimed Owen last night while he’d had the chance.

  “How well do you know Alpha Cyril?” Anissa asked when Owen had disappeared from view.

  “Too well.”

  “Do we need a guard?”

  “He won’t fight.” And if he did, Fortis could take him, even without Keesh who would be right at his side. His fangs finally retracted as he realized the truth of that. Owen was safe. Unless he went back to North Leland to submit to Prince Devin’s claim.

  Anissa let in Cyril who wore a red cape trimmed in white rabbit fur that was too obviously similar to the robes the royal family wore. He flung it around himself as he made a courtly bow to Keesh’s parents before turning to Fortis.

  “I ought to bring you back as well.”

  “Bring me back,” Fortis repeated with a laugh. As if Cyril could bring him anywhere. “What for?”

  “You kidnapped Prince Devin’s betrothed omega.”

  “You know full well I didn’t kidnap him. He left by his own choice, and I’ve been accompanying him as a courtesy.”

  “If you were on your way to Pertha, I might believe you, but instead I find you here, in Hybernia, after having laid a false trail west.”

  Fortis snorted. They’d traveled a short distance past the turn-off before doubling back, but they’d made no effort to disguise their tracks. Any wolf worth his salt would’ve been able to sniff out which was the more recent trail and follow it. If Cyril had continued down the path to Pertha, it only proved he was as bad a tracker as he was a person.

  A creak on the old wood stairs had Fortis turning to see Owen descending them. He’d dressed for court in a crisscross of leather straps that framed his chest like a halter and a long skirt in shades of blue. His hair had been bound into a tight placket more severe than his usual braid. It hung thick down the center of his back, so stiff it didn’t even move as he walked.

  Fortis pulled out a chair for him, then stood behind it with his arms crossed, daring Cyril to mess with a royal son of the Western Pack. Owen folded his hands on the table in front of him. On one finger he wore a ring with a stone as large and green as Keesh’s eye. Fortis had never seen the ring before, but he could guess what it was. Owen couldn’t go back to Devin. He just couldn’t.

  Cyril made a sort of bow, mainly for the purpose of swirling his cape again. “May I be seated, Omega Owen?” His voice was honey sweet, so full of phoniness it curdled in Fortis’s ears. He hoped Owen wouldn’t fall for it.

  “Prince Devin is concerned about your being alone with this rogue alpha,” Cyril said as he pulled out the chair next to Owen’s. Keesh cleared his throat. He was right there where Cyril couldn’t help seeing him, but Cyril had yet to acknowledge him. “He sent me to escort you back to North Leland.”

  “Why? He doesn’t want me there.”

  “Of course he does,” Cyril said with a smile as phony as his voice. “You had a misunderstanding, that’s all. A lover’s quarrel. Omegas can be so emotional,” Cyril commiserated with Anissa. Then he seemed to realize he was talking to an omega and tried to backpedal. “That is, it’s understandable that Owen might have been sensitive under the circumstances—so far from home and about to be claimed. Prince Devin was perhaps inattentive. He has duties, you know.”

  Fortis rolled his eyes. He’d never seen Prince Devin undertake any duties, unless walking around in a cape with his dick out counted.

  “I know what he said,” Owen insisted. “He said he wasn’t going to claim me because I don’t know how to take a knot right.”

  “He said what?” Fortis exploded. Was that how Owen had gotten that ridiculous idea? Great Moon, he’d like to give Devin a knot right to the face.

  Cyril forced out an embarrassed chuckle. “Perhaps your chemistry could’ve been stronger. But Prince Devin contracted with your esteemed father to claim you, so of course that’s what he’ll do.”

  “In other words,” Fortis said, “Owen’s esteemed father caught wind of the fact that Devin hasn’t claimed Owen yet and threatened to cut off his balls.”

  “So crude.” Cyril turned his face up to appeal to Anissa, but her expression was as stony as Fortis could imagine an omega’s being. “Head Alpha Harrod is naturally interested in how the claiming is coming along, which is why I’m here to fetch Owen back to North Leland where he belongs. Prince Devin will claim him, and everyone will be happy.”

  “I won’t be.” Owen said.

  “Of course you will be,” Cyril said. “From what he tells me, you were very satisfied before.” He raised his eyebrows, making his meaning clear, and this time Fortis didn’t bother to hold back the growl rolling out of his chest. From the other side of the table, an echoing growl sounded as Keesh gave way to the same urge to protect their omega.

  “I don’t want to be claimed by Prince Devin. I thought I did once, but I was wrong.” Owen took off the ring and sent it skittering across the table to Cyril. “You can give him that. Tell him I don’t want it. I don’t want his ring, and I don’t want him.”


  When Cyril said Prince Devin wanted him back, Owen was swamped by a feeling of intense relief. Everything was going to come out right. He would mate with Prince Devin, his father wouldn’t be mad, and he wouldn’t feel like he’d made an unfixable mistake.

  But that feeling didn’t last long. If Devin had wanted to claim him a week ago, Owen would’ve been overjoyed. If Devin had offered to claim him two days ago, he would’ve been conflicted but he still might’ve said yes. Today he knew the answer was no. Prince Devin could go fuck himself.

  “You’re an omega,” Cyril said in response to his pronouncement.


  “Consider your situation. Prince Devin has graciously agreed to mate with you, despite knowing you for what you are.”

  “Which is what exactly?” Fortis asked.

  “Easily had,” Cyril said with a smirk. “Owen has demonstrated himself to be of questionable moral character. The crown prince deserves better than an omega who can’t be trusted.”

  “I’d like to tell you in great detail exactly what Devin deserves,” Fortis said, “but I doubt you’ve got the time for it.”

  “I’d watch my words if I were you. You’re still a citizen of the Northern Pack. When Prince Devin becomes head alpha—‍”

  “Over my dead body,” Fortis interjected.

  “Over a lot of dead bodies,” Keesh said. “Including Angel’s. You know Devin will never be head alpha.”

  Cyril shrugged. “I know nothing of the kind. With an alliance with the Western Pack at His Excellency’s back—‍”

  “That alliance isn’t happening,” Owen said. “I just told you so.”

  “Your father—‍”

  “I don’t care about my father.” Why should he? His father had never cared about him. “I’m staying here.”

  He didn’t know how he was going to manage without even the ring to barter, but if the Central Pack could have an omega as their head alpha, then this was the pack for him. He wasn’t going anywhere an alpha could put him in a gilded cage and treat him like a pet, not ever again.

bsp; Here in Hybernia, he might find a wolf to mate with who was as amazing as Keesh and Fortis. He didn’t even care whether they turned out to be an alpha or a beta or even an omega. Wolves were wolves, and how they treated you was more important than whether they had an extra lump at the base of their cock or not. Fortis hadn’t knotted Keesh last night, and it’d still be the hottest thing Owen had ever seen, because they’d been so thoroughly into each other. The intimacy and honesty, the depth of their connection and affection—they’d turned every action into an affirmation, and Owen wasn’t going to settle for anything less than that, even if it meant spending his whole life alone.

  Anissa had been lurking behind Cyril, watching the scene play out without interfering, but she stepped forward now. “You have your answer, Alpha Cyril.”

  “We’ve pretended it was a question long enough.” Cyril rose to tower over Anissa, but she didn’t shrink back the way Owen would’ve. “Owen is returning to North Leland with me. The Northern Pack has ignored your harboring of escaped omegas thus far, but don’t expect us to overlook this.”

  Keesh laughed. “You just admitted the omegas were escaping. That really says it all. And no, we won’t be returning Owen, no matter what you threaten us with.”

  “Well said.” Anissa beamed at Keesh. “I’m pleased to see you’ve lost none of your Central Pack spirit. I hope you’ll consider moving back here yourself.”

  “Very likely.” Keesh grinned at Owen, giving him a surge of hope. Maybe he wasn’t going to lose both his lovers. But then Fortis’s fingers tightened on his shoulders, reminding him that whatever was won, something else was lost. Someone had to sacrifice, and Owen didn’t see how he could be responsible for ending the connection he’d witnessed last night. That couldn’t be the last time Fortis and Keesh fucked, not even for his sake.

  “Do you need help making sure Cyril leaves your territory?” Fortis asked Anissa.

  “I’m not going to force him off it,” she said with an airy wave of her hand. “Everyone is welcome. If he stays here long enough, he might develop a better attitude.”

  “I have no reason to stay,” Cyril said stiffly.

  “Then you’re equally welcome to leave. We don’t impose restrictions of any kind. Safe travels.”

  Owen shrank back when Cyril eyed him like he was considering snatching him up and carrying him off, but he had the weight of Fortis’s hands on his shoulders anchoring him safely to his chair and the rough stroke of Keesh’s thumb settling his twitchy hands. Cyril seemed to realize he was outnumbered, because he banged out of the front door without another word.

  “Well,” Mama Keesh said. “Thank the moon you boys were able to get Owen away from North Leland. Why have you been living in such a place, Keesh?”

  “To help.”

  “Oh, honey.” She came over and dropped a warm kiss on his head. “We raised you right. Now.” She clapped her hands together briskly. “Let’s talk about how to get Owen settled in Hybernia. He’ll live with us, of course.”

  “I will?”

  “That bedroom is yours for as long as you want it. Maybe you’d rather have a place of your own, but we’d be pleased as punch to have you here.”

  “Stop by Town Hall when you have a moment,” Anissa said. “We’ll make your citizenship official. Welcome to the Central Pack.”

  Home. He had a home.

  Around him, everyone was bustling. Anissa made her farewells, and Louis saw her out. Mama Keesh started clearing the table, which left Owen sitting with Fortis and Keesh, which he couldn’t bear right then. He was too close to tears already.

  “I should help in the kitchen.” He escaped, ripping himself away from his lovers to follow Mama Keesh with a handful of dishes. She clucked over his teary expression as she aceepted them from him.

  “Why don’t we take a walk?” she suggested.

  Owen nodded hurriedly, still trying to stem the tears. At first they’d been happy tears because he finally had a home, but the happy tears had given way to sad ones because his new home might not have Keesh and Fortis in it.

  The air outside felt good against his cheeks, still cool because the sun hadn’t risen very high yet. A light breeze washed over him, clearing the threatening scent of Cyril from his nostrils. Mama Keesh walked at his side, letting him ramble in any direction as if it didn’t matter where they went. She had a little basket on her arm, and every once in a while she stepped off the path with an excited coo to pluck a mushroom from beneath a tree.

  “Dinner tonight,” she said as she deposited a particularly large one in her basket. “Sometime when you’re feeling more settled, I’ll teach you which mushrooms are edible and which aren’t.”

  Owen nodded. There was so much for him to learn. Even if he had a mate, he wouldn’t know how to make a home for him, not unless they lived in a palace full of other wolves to wait on them. But he was going to learn all the things—everything Mama Keesh could teach him—and then he’d be worthy of a mate. His future wasn’t here yet, but it would come.

  His tears had dried up, but he still felt off. The woods were too big, and there was no one there to protect him. The temperature couldn’t have warmed that much in the short time they’d been walking, but his skin felt hot and itchy. He stopped, anxious about not knowing where he was. Everything was so open, so big, and there was no way Mama Keesh could keep him safe.

  “Owen?” Mama Keesh peered into his eyes, then sniffed along his neck. “Goodness, we’d better get you back to your mates. You’re crashing into heat hard, aren’t you?”

  Heat, yes. He hadn’t recognized the feeling because he’d only had a few heats before, and they’d all happened at the palace where he was closed in and surrounded by familiar scents. Freedom was a wonderful thing, but not when you were in heat. Then everything loomed large and threatening. Cyril might be out here. He might smell Owen’s heat and come for him, give him to Prince Devin. And Owen might like it.

  He whimpered, clinging to Mama Keesh because she was the only thing he could cling to, but she wasn’t enough. He needed.

  “Owen? Owen!” The shouts came from a ways off, but when Owen heard them, he knew which direction to go—to the voices, to Fortis and Keesh who were calling for him. He ran toward them, hearing a thundering crash of approaching footsteps that said they were running just as fast to him.

  “Owen.” Keesh got to him before Fortis. He grabbed him around the waist and hauled him in as Fortis caught him from the other side. “Something’s wrong. What’s wrong?”

  “He’s going into heat,” Mama Keesh explained. “Get him upstairs, and I’ll bring you some supplies to get you through it.”

  “Who me?” Keesh asked. “You mean Fortis, right?”

  “I mean both of you,” Mama Keesh said as if it were obvious. “Little omega is going to need you. Now’s not the time to dither.”

  “Right.” Fortis lifted Owen into the air and threw him over his shoulder. He took long strides, getting them into the house and up the stairs in a matter of seconds to toss him down onto the bed they’d shared last night.

  Oh, it was so good. Owen squirmed into the pile of bedding, letting the scents they’d left behind settle over him. Keesh pulled down the blinds, which made the room dim and cozy, the air heavy and redolent with their mixed odors.

  Mama Keesh handed in a pitcher of water, which Keesh set on the bedside table. “Just holler down when he needs food,” she said. “I didn’t bring any since he just ate. What he needs most is you, I imagine.”

  Owen let out a pitiful mewl. The bed was wonderful but empty.

  Mama Keesh chuckled. “Go on, you two. I’ve never seen two grown wolves looks so scared.”

  “I’ve never done this before,” Fortis said.

  “Just do what comes naturally.”

  “But I’m not even an—‍” Keesh started.

  “You’re exactly what he needs,” Mama Keesh interrupted. “Now, don’t worry about the noise. I’m sure we won’t hear a thing.” She shu
t the door behind her, leaving Keesh and Fortis standing near it staring at each other.

  Owen didn’t have time for this. He’d never had a heat swamp him so fast, so hard. Slick dripped from his ass, making a wet, slimy splotch beneath him, and his cock pressed tight against the scratchy fabric of his skirt. He needed it off. Off. All of it off. He tore at the straps of his halter until strong hands stilled him.

  “I’ve got it,” Keesh said, sounding so certain that Owen almost cried with relief. Keesh made quick work of the complicated leather bindings, then eased the long skirt away. Owen spread his legs, shivering at the rush of air against his wet hole until Keesh butted his head in there to lap at the slick leaking from it.

  Owen keened. He tipped his head back and reached blindly for his other lover. He latched onto Fortis’s cock, his hand finding it even without his eyes to guide him, sensing the warmth of alpha flesh. His touch snapped the stupor Fortis had been locked in. He gave a lusty growl and vaulted Owen’s chest to straddle him with all his weight.

  “Suck me,” he ordered. “Get my cock nice and hard for you.”

  Owen doubted Fortis’s cock could get any harder than it already was, but he was willing to try. He opened his mouth, and Fortis rammed it into his throat. What little technique Owen had learned deserted him. He worked on instinct, letting his throat go lax and moaning around the intrusion, so eager for it. Keesh’s tongue in his ass was a tease. Fortis’s cock in his mouth was a promise.

  His first orgasm came while he was still sucking Fortis. Even in his unpartnered heats, he’d enjoyed multiple orgasms, able to quickly bring himself back to hardness again after each one, but there was no lull at all after this one. The frenzy of ecstasy intensified rather than retreated. He churned his hips up, chasing the sensation of being speared from both ends, trapped like a wild thing by his lovers and his own need.

  Keesh and Fortis worked him over with their hands and tongues, switching places so that it was Keesh’s cock he moaned around and Fortis’s thick fingers spooning slick out of him like a bear eating honey straight from the hive. Owen came again and again. Keesh came too, spurting down Owen’s throat with gusto, but his erection didn’t deflate any more than Owen’s did. Alpha or not, Keesh was in rut.


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