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Omega Reimagined volume 2

Page 12

by Tanya Chris

  Owen slipped into a state of pure pleasure as he was assaulted from every end. He wasn’t getting what he wanted most—what he’d been wanting this whole trip, what he didn’t dare ask for—but this was good enough. So good his claws were out, the sheets in shreds, his stomach a come-splattered mess, his cock covered in fang marks, dripping almost as much as his ass.

  “Give him your knot,” Keesh said, voicing Owen’s need for him. Owen inhaled a desperate breath of quiet hope.

  “A little more,” Fortis mumbled around Owen’s cock. The question of whether alphas sucked cock had been indisputably answered.

  “He’s exhausted,” Keesh argued. “He needs a knot so we can get him to sleep.”

  Fortis picked his head up and looked past him at Keesh, who had him cradled in his lap.

  “It’s okay,” Keesh said. “He wants you to. Don’t you, little one?”

  “Knot,” Owen said shakily. And then, because the floodgates were open now, he repeated it more insistently. “Knot.”

  “But we haven’t figured out—‍” Fortis started, but Keesh leaned over to put a finger to Fortis’s lips.

  “We’ll figure it out later. He needs you. Knot him good. For me.” Keesh replaced his finger with his mouth, and the two shared a kiss over Owen’s head. It was hot and sweet and all that, but—


  Fortis chuckled as he sat back on his heels. “Such a bossy omega.”

  “Just the way we like it,” Keesh said fondly. He took Owen’s knees and pulled them back, splitting him open so Fortis could take him.

  “Say please,” Fortis teased.

  “Asshole,” Keesh chided, but Owen didn’t care. He liked it. He wanted to beg. He’d only been waiting for permission to do it.

  “Please knot. Please, Alpha? Please knot.”

  Fortis answered with actions rather than words. He lifted Owen’s hips, canting them higher, and rammed into him with a sudden, hard thrust.

  Owen screamed from the joy of it. He wriggled, caught fast, impaled and owned as Fortis drove into him over and over. The slap of flesh hitting flesh filled the room, drowning out even the sound of his own piteous moans.

  He felt it coming. The knot. Growing fuller and rounder, plunging into him and popping out again, requiring more force with each repetition until he was stretched wide, held at maximum expansion right on the thickest part of Fortis’s full knot. Fortis eased it in the rest of the way and Owen closed around it like he was hoarding a cherished treasure. He came one last time, his release splashing all the way up to his chin as Fortis began to fill his channel.

  Owen tipped his head back to meet Keesh’s gaze. “Knot,” he told him.

  “Knot,” Keesh agreed. Owen spasmed—wave after wave of pleasure hitting him as Fortis continued to pulse inside him. Fortis was on his knees, his hands clenched tight around Owen’s hips and his head down, moaning softly to himself.

  “It’s good?” Keesh asked.

  “So good,” they answered together. Owen tried to laugh but he didn’t have the energy for it.

  “Let’s get you settled more comfortably.” Keesh maneuvered them around until Fortis was on his side with Owen stretched out against his chest, soaking up the heat of his alpha along his front, leaving his backside cool in comparison.

  “Cold,” he complained when he caught Keesh attempting to slip out the door.

  Fortis cracked one eye open. “Will you two ever stop doing that? Get over here and help keep Owen warm so he can sleep.”

  “I was just going to get some food,” Keesh said. Owen was pretty sure that was a lie, but Keesh returned to the bed to snuggle up behind him. With his backside now as happy as his front, Owen slipped off to sleep on another wave of bliss.


  Keesh stuck it out as long as he could before sliding out of bed and heading downstairs. His mother caught him in the kitchen, popping up out of nowhere when he thought he was alone.

  “What are you doing down here?” she asked. “You ought to be dead asleep right now.”

  “Figured I’d sort out some food.” Actually he’d been standing in front of the refrigerator trying to remember how food worked. He was as tired as Mama expected him to be, but he couldn’t sleep. He and Fortis had worked Owen over, driving him to the point of delirious exhaustion. It’d been the best sex of his life. He’d come twice—once in Owen’s sweet mouth and once by rutting up against him as Fortis drove into him, the three of them moving like a single unit with a shared goal.

  Watching Owen take Fortis’s full knot had been amazing. The size of that thing, the strength Fortis had used to drive it home, the way Owen just took it—stretching wider and wider as it expanded, screaming like he’d been possessed. Amazing. And also eye opening. Keesh might’ve been a little hasty thinking he wanted to take Fortis’s knot himself.

  “You sit,” Mama said. “I’ll put together a plate. Something you can feed your mates when they wake up.”

  “I’m not mated to either one of them,” he reminded her as he took a weary seat in one of the chairs at the kitchen table.

  Any thought he’d had of mating Owen himself was gone after that display. Owen needed a knot, and Fortis deserved to have someone he could knot in return. They’d been so happy, the two of them. Had melted into puddles of pleasure right in front of him, and he’d been filled with the satisfaction of sharing it with them. Until the dust had settled, and he’d understood that he could never be enough for either of them.

  “If you make that omega choose between you and Fortis, so help me, I might have to disown you. You’d destroy him.”

  “It’s okay,” he told his mother. “Fortis will claim him.” After this, he’d have to. If he didn’t step up and do what was right by Owen, Keesh would make him.

  “What did I just say?” His mother rapped him on the nose. “You will not make Owen choose between his mates.”

  “I’m not his mate,” he insisted, only to get another sharp whack. “Ow. I’m not.”

  “You think your mother can’t tell who you’re mated to? Come in here smelling of the two of them, and I’m not going to notice?”

  “That doesn’t mean we’re mated,” he mumbled, embarrassed to be having this conversation with his mother. “It just means we— Ow! Why are you being so mean?”

  “Why are you being so dense? You were ready to launch your fragile beta body against Cyril’s throat to protect that boy.”

  “I’m not fragile,” he grumbled. Cyril was an out-of-shape geezer. Keesh could totally have taken him.

  “Not the point. The point is: that was a wolf defending his mate. If I hadn’t already known it, I’d have known it then. And Fortis? You haven’t spent the last five years in North Leland because the omegas there needed help. You’ve been lingering in that neck of the woods for one reason only.”

  Keesh dropped his head. He was done arguing with his mother, who knew him too well. “I wanted him,” he admitted. “But I can’t—‍” He broke off, burying his head in his arms to hide his sorrow.

  “Aw, puppy.” Mama rubbed his back soothingly. “You can. You and Fortis, you’ve been dancing around each other a long time, but maybe that was how it needed to be. If you’d mated just the two of you, I suspect you’d have struggled because of what you were missing. But now you’ve found him. You’ve found your third.”

  “Our third?” he mumbled into his arms.

  “Someone’s forgetting his history. When you were in town yesterday, did you show Owen the museum? Or were you too busy playing with the alpacas?”

  “Alpacas,” he admitted. A smile broke through at the memory of Owen frolicking with them. “Why?”

  “You remember how the Central Pack was formed?”

  “Dylan, Chris, and Lana.”

  “Alpha, beta, and omega. Without them, none of us would be here today.”

  The Great Triad. They were a romantic legend, but could it be a reality? “There haven’t been any triads since then.”

  “That makes you special, but it doesn’t make you wrong. You’ve got two mates, Keesh. Are you going to claim them, or do I have to give your nose another rap?”

  Fuck yeah, he was going to claim them. Assuming they’d have him. His mother raised her hand threateningly, as if she could read his mind.

  “I’m going to claim them,” he said before she followed through on the threat.


  Now. He was equal parts scared and certain as he mounted the stairs to the bedroom that smelled like slick and come and mates. Fortis’s cock had retracted enough to have slipped from Owen’s ass, but they were still curled together, one of Fortis’s legs thrown over Owen’s hip and his arm wrapped all the way around his back, trying to replace the body heat Keesh had taken away. He got into bed on Owen’s other side, and immediately his mates morphed around him, drawing him into their sleepy cuddle.

  Fortis’s eyes flickered open. “Were you gone?”

  “Just for a minute. I had to get something straightened out.” He’d forgotten to bring up the tray his mother had put together, but that could wait. “I want to be with you, Fortis. I’ve always wanted that.”

  “Same. I’ve just never been able to figure out how it would work.”

  “Me either.” He couldn’t be Fortis’s everything, but Fortis couldn’t be his everything either. Keesh enjoyed caring for Owen too much to want to give that up, to be always the submissive one. He wanted both—to give strength and to take it. And now he saw that he could have both. He just needed to make Fortis see it too.

  “Stop being so stubborn,” Owen said, struggling like he wanted to get free from them. “Everyone knows you two belong together.”

  “We do,” Keesh agreed. “But so do you and I. And so do you and Fortis.”

  Fortis put a hand on the back of Owen’s neck and squeezed until the fight went out of him. “I don’t think I can give Owen up,” he admitted. “Not after…”

  “You don’t have to claim me,” Owen said. “Not just because you—‍”

  “Yes, he does,” Keesh said. “None of us will be happy unless that happens.” He absolutely refused to allow Owen to go on feeling ashamed of himself for having sex.

  “He probably doesn’t want to,” Owen whispered. “Prince Devin—‍”

  “Oh, fuck that dickweed,” Fortis said, not whispering at all. “He’s a liar, and I’ll bet he’s a terrible lover too. If there was anything wrong with your knotting, it was the wolf you were knotted to. The end.”

  “You liked knotting me?”

  “I loved knotting you. I’d be privileged to claim you, and I’d happily knot you every night.”

  “But what about Keesh?” Owen asked. “I don’t want him to leave.”

  Fortis’s dreamy expression vanished. He reached for Keesh again, drawing him in until they formed a tight huddle. “Keesh—‍”

  “I’m not leaving,” he promised. “I’m not leaving either of you. Have you ever heard of The Great Triad?”

  “Vaguely,” Fortis answered. “It’s a creation myth.”

  “The first wolves of the Central Pack, so legend has it. Alpha, beta, and omega. Three parts of one whole. The perfect union.”

  “Perfect,” Fortis repeated doubtfully, but there was a new hope in his eyes.

  “We are perfect,” Owen insisted. “I’ve never heard of those other wolves, but we’re perfect. That’s why Mama Keesh said you guys were my mates. Because you’re going to be.”

  “According to her, we already are.”

  “Betas think they’re so smart,” Fortis said.

  “Don’t ever forget it.” He tipped his mouth up for Fortis to kiss, then lowered it so he could kiss Owen. “We’ll go into town and file the mating paperwork when Owen’s heat breaks, but for tonight, if Owen wants, you could claim him. Maybe while you knot him?”

  “Knot,” Owen squealed.

  “Yeah, I thought so.” Keesh met Fortis’s eyes. The shine in them echoed Owen’s enthusiasm.

  “You won’t mind?” Fortis asked with a nuzzle into Keesh’s neck. “I’ll bite you, too.”

  Keesh suppressed a moan at the prospect. “Then I’m biting you back.”

  “I’d allow that.”

  “And me!” Owen chimed in.

  “You want me to bite you or you want to do the biting?” Keesh asked him.


  “Okay, little one. Claiming bites all around. Because we’re going to be equal like that.”

  Alpha, beta, omega—all necessary, none more important than the other. Like a stool, the three of them couldn’t stand on two legs alone.



  Keesh hooked his chin over Owen’s shoulder, straining to see the last lines of the book by the light of the rapidly setting sun. The two of them were enjoying a fire in the front yard of what would eventually be their home. Someday it would be as big as his parents’ was—a testimony to the strength and length of their bond as they built it together, stone by stone in the Central Pack tradition. But right now it was little more than a shell, so they cooked over the fire and bathed in the lake and slept in the one corner they’d built up enough to give a sense of security.

  “And all three of them lived happily ever after,” Keesh finished out loud.

  Owen leaned back against him with a happy sigh. “That one’s my favorite.”

  “I know. That’s why you’ve made me read it to you six times.”

  “I wish Fortis would get back already,” Owen said like he said every night around this time.

  “Me too, baby.”

  Romance novels were one of the ways they entertained themselves when Fortis took his trips to human territory to trade alpaca wool for supplies, but reading about happy triads wasn’t the same as being in the middle of their own.

  “Open your mouth and close your eyes, and you will get a big surprise,” Owen chanted.

  Keesh closed his eye and opened his mouth, but he wasn’t terribly surprised by the toasted marshmallow Owen popped into it. The mouthful was as sweet and gooey-good as the wolf in his arms, but as he swallowed it, he became aware of another scent on the wind.

  “I have an even better surprise for you,” he told Owen.

  “What?” Owen cranked his head around to look at him.

  “Guess.” Keesh wrinkled his nose as a hint. Owen’s instincts had grown sharper over the three months they’d been living in Hybernia, but he still counted on his mates to monitor their perimeters.

  Owen took a deep inhale then bounced to his feet. “Fortis!”

  “Yep.” Keesh estimated Fortis was still a mile out, but it wouldn’t take him long to cover that distance. “How about you go catch him some dinner?”

  Owen shifted into wolf form, then bumped up against Keesh’s body, demanding head scritches. Keesh doled them out for a few minutes before turning Owen’s snout firmly to the woods. Then he hung a pot of water over the fire and started prepping a stew. He’d just tossed a handful of their own homegrown vegetables into the pot when Fortis strode into the clearing.

  Keesh met him halfway, and Fortis grabbed him around the waist, lifting him right off his feet into his chest.

  “Hey,” Keesh protested. “I’m not your omega.”

  “No, you’re my beta.” Fortis lifted him high enough that their mouths were level and held him there to kiss him into submission. “Now, where is my omega?”

  A big ball of black fluff burst out of the woods, heading straight for them. Owen gave a bounding leap, and Fortis unhooked one arm from around Keesh’s waist to catch what became a squirming mass of human skin when it collided with them.

  “You’re here, you’re here.”

  “I’m here, I’m here.” Fortis agreed. He gave Owen a kiss as thorough as the one he’d given Keesh, then set them both back down on the ground. “And I’ve got presents.” He pulled the pack off his back and extracted a bag of marshmallows for Keesh and a book for Owen.

�� Owen squealed. “This looks good.”

  “I don’t know why humans write so many books about wolf triads when they’re so rare,” Fortis grumbled. The gruff alpha couldn’t admit to liking romances, but he was never out of earshot when Keesh read to Owen aloud.

  “Because it’s a fantasy,” Keesh explained. “We’re living the dream.”

  They really were. Life in Hybernia couldn’t be sweeter. It was better than what he’d imagined in those dusty dreams he’d had as a teenager, better than what he’d imagined when he’d lusted after Fortis alone. Better even than what the books painted as the perfect fantasy. Because it was real and it was theirs.

  “Are you hungry,” he asked politely, as though they weren’t all three standing there with hard dicks.

  “Knot!” Owen demanded in response.

  “Knot, knot,” Fortis complained. “Everybody wants a knot.”

  Keesh couldn’t lie. He did like being knotted, now that he’d worked up to it. He still couldn’t take it the way Owen did. Fortis had to go slower and not do as much ramming in and out before burying himself, but Keesh would never forget the first time they’d tied. Looking up into Fortis’s eyes had been as powerful and intimate as he’d expected it to be, but so much less scary. What was there to be afraid of? This was his mate.

  “You’d better give Owen the knot tonight,” he said now.

  “Little guy’s hungry for it, huh?”

  “Oh, oh! You know what I want to do?” Owen asked, because those books gave him ideas.

  “Yeah, I know what you want to do,” Fortis answered. “You want to do whatever I tell you to do.” He scooped them both up, one under each arm, and carried them through what would eventually be their front door into the corner where they had a mattress laid out under the stars. He threw them onto it, keeping them pinned against it with nothing more than the suggestion in his eyes that they’d better stay put or else as he shucked his human clothes. Then he crawled over them, easily spanning them both with his broad body.


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