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Time Storm

Page 20

by Philip R Benge

  “Good, by the way something on my ship must have been damaged by that space storm, as it is causing interference to all sub space channels and making contact with Earth impossible.”

  Bishop Sinclair, as Tyler had before him, had been doing some soul searching. He didn`t want Orion to go the way of Altera, with him once again powerless to prevent the deaths of his parishioners. He could only hope that God would forgive his decision to press for the deaths of so many souls, even if they were ones that were tainted by the devil.


  Appolon had left New Eden the evening before with Caroline. They had met up with Parsons and Masters at the spot where they had left them the day before, and before they could attempt to move down to New Eden.

  “Where is Tryon?” Appolon asked on reaching them.

  “Tryon has returned back along the ridge above the valley to try and meet up with the warriors of your village, Appolon, as John assured him that he would be able to guide the two of us down to New Eden without approaching the troopers` position.” Appolon then told Masters and Parsons all that had happened, of the destruction of the alien space fleet and also of the loss of the two Earth cruisers.

  “With the alien troops almost certainly going to move on New Eden, Tyler has suggested that you George, stay here with John Parsons, and that you both spy on the aliens when they finally get this far. You will be able to contact Tyler on this short wave radio which Tyler asked me to give to you, George. There are also these binoculars to help you see what is happening.”

  “Is the satellite phone system working again, Appolon?” Parsons asked.

  “It is working now John Parsons, but as the aliens may be listening in on any calls that go via the satellite, you are to use the radio only, it doesn`t need the satellite to work and it will work quite well without the need for modern technology. I have one also with which I can keep in contact with you, and you can then pass on any of my messages to Tyler, for I may not be able to contact New Eden directly because of possible interference from the mountains. Brian Goddard supplied both the radios and the binoculars after Tyler asked him if he knew if such things were still available anywhere in New Eden. It seems Brian Goddard collects twentieth century gadgets, maybe you should speak to him one day George, I am sure that he would love to talk to a real life twentieth century man.” Appolon said lightly, but then he got back to the business in hand.

  “Anyway we can use these to keep in touch with one another without having to hope that the satellite is still up there and working, and also that no one is listening into our conversations or tracing the position of the caller.” Appolon advised.

  “And as you say Appolon, they probably won`t be able to listen in to anything as antiquated as these radios seem to be.” Parsons stated.

  “What are your own plans, Appolon?” Masters asked of his new friend.

  “In the morning, Caroline and I will travel back along the ridge to try to contact Tryon and any of our warriors he may have found, and return to our village to protect my people. As for you two, will you be alright here by yourselves?” Appolon queried.

  “Yes, well we can stay up here as long as you and Tyler think advisable, that is as long as we don`t run out of food and water.” George replied.

  “I have brought you some more food as well, and there is a small mountain stream further along the ridge which will provide you with water, George.” Appolon replied.

  “You have been quite busy this evening, bringing all this gear up here Appolon.” Parsons said.

  “Yes, well it was Tyler`s suggestion really.” Appolon said, for he would never take the praise which should go to another.

  Caroline had been quiet all this time, she was worried about leaving Tyler alone amongst the Earth colonists, for none of them measured up to the warriors of her village, it appeared that even the marines needed their satellite to back them up. Who would ensure that Tyler was safe from an attack from their enemies, should the aliens launch an attack on New Eden.

  Masters could see that Caroline was worried about something and guessed what it was. “Don`t worry about Tyler, Caroline, I shall warn him in plenty of time should anything develop here. With the equipment that you and Appolon brought along we shall be his eyes and ears.”

  Caroline smiled at her new friend George Masters.

  “Thank you George, I know that you will keep watch, but down there in New Eden, well I don`t know who to trust, except maybe Brian Goddard. The man they call Mr President seems as slimy as a Saline centipede, and in the past whenever something had to be decided the colonists constantly changed their minds, they never can make a decision and stick with it.”

  With that Appolon and Caroline tried to settle down to sleep, for tomorrow would be a busy day, but Appolon worried about the fate of his family and Caroline couldn`t stop herself worrying about Tyler. When she finally dropped off to sleep her dreams were filled with a Saline centipede creeping up behind Tyler and firing one of the many Phaser weapons that it carried in its many legs.

  The morning sun rose, and as Appolon and Caroline were preparing to take their leave of George Masters and John Parsons, they heard Tyler`s voice coming from the short wave radio.

  “Appolon, Caroline come in please, this is urgent.” Caroline picked up the microphone.

  “We are here Tyler, with George Masters and John Parsons, how are you?”

  “I`m fine thank you Caroline, but I have some urgent news for you all, the alien troopers have abandoned their encampment and they are all now moving towards the valley and their obvious destination must be the town of New Eden. In addition, there is another space pirate in orbit around Orion, and it has demanded that the Time Machine is loaded aboard a cargo vessel which the pirates are sending down. In return they have promised to destroy the alien army.”

  Appolon took the microphone off Caroline and spoke to Tyler.

  “This changes things my friend, it now seems that my family will be safe where they are for the moment, and so Caroline and I will go in search of Tryon who has returned back along the valley in search of my warriors. When we find them we will bring them back to assist New Eden, for if New Eden falls under the control of the alien army there is no knowing what would happen to our people.”


  Divilio, after a bad nights rest, was in a very sour disposition, snapping at everyone including Aswan. Aswan and Divilio were still smarting from having their fleet shot out from under them. How long would it take for the two Earth cruisers to get under way and revenge themselves on the Heliot troops? He could guess but he didn`t know for sure, he only knew that when their army arrived at New Eden in two hours` time, they would be in a much better position to resist any actions taken against them, but he thought that it would be a near thing.

  The large land transports were soon moving, forty of them, they had been unloaded from the troop transports before the transports had made their ill-fated flights yesterday and they were working perfectly. Each held twenty five troopers plus all of the fighting equipment necessary to make this a short land battle. There were also twelve trucks with stores and eight Phaser attack vehicles. Nothing could stand against them.


  The small cargo vessel standing near to the Laboratory was slowly filling up; soon it would be ready to take off with a complete Time Machine aboard it. The ship was an ugly low slung flat rectangular shape built especially to fit into the specially designed hold of the pirate vessel. It stood on hydraulic legs that descended from the side of the ship to take up any irregularities on the ground beneath it, and at the moment it stood just two foot off the ground.

  Bishop Sinclair was talking on the radio to Captain Kruger. “We have assisted you in loading the Time Machine onto your cargo vessel Captain, and we are almost done now. However, as yet you have not lived up to your side of the bargain and taken out the alien troops, if you don`t start soon I will order the marines down her to destroy your cargo vessel, and the Time Machi
ne with it.”

  Kruger replied to Sinclair`s threat contemptuously. “I am about to fire on them Bishop, don`t worry, if you live up to your side of the bargain they will not get near to New Eden.”

  Kruger turned to the android behind him who was awaiting his instructions.

  “I will commence firing on the alien troops to keep the good Bishop happy. You take your squad and ensure that the cargo vessel and our men are safe. Make sure this time, kill anyone who gets in your way. When you are in command of the situation down there, let me know and I will destroy the satellite to cut their local communications.”

  The android had his orders, and so it turned about and left for the hanger bay where his fast sleek stealth assault vessel was ready to depart. The android commander was not supposed to have feelings, but he was in fact feeling very happy to be taking his squad back to New Eden, happy to get the chance to avenge his comrades. As the assault vehicle left the Indefatigable he saw the lighter weapons of the starship`s arsenal lancing down to crash amongst the Heliot troops, causing them to hurriedly move to cover beneath the shelter of the mountain. The Indefatigable could have simply moved position and destroyed them in a matter of moments, but Kruger wanted the small Earth fleet to be too occupied with the aliens to have the time to look for his ship, which in any case would soon be sitting deep within their massive bunker within the planet Altera, hidden and untraceable.

  The sleek assault craft slipped silently through the atmosphere and down over the vast ocean of Orion. It was soon over the single land mass and approaching New Eden along a wide channel carved out by a small mountain stream. Looking at it through his binoculars was George Masters.

  “Tyler can you hear me, this is George Masters.” He called.

  “I hear you George. What`s up?” Tyler replied almost instantly.

  “There is a black stealth aircraft approaching New Eden along that river channel that you so recently swam along. It is big enough for a couple of dozen men. Hold on its landing.” Masters time in the Royal Air Force meant that he knew a stealth aircraft when he saw one.

  “Ok, I am on my way now to talk to a Colonel Bragg of the Marine Corps, he seems to be in charge of the military in New Eden. George, keep me updated as to its movements and to any troops that might be inside of it.”

  Tyler met Colonel Bragg in front of the temple and quickly told him what Masters had seen, it was a moment later that Masters called again.

  “Tyler, are you there?” He called.

  “Yes George, you got some more info for us, I`m with the Colonel now.” Tyler replied.

  “Yes Tyler, twenty four men just got out of the craft, they are all dressed in something that resembles body armour, jet black in colour with helmets to match, and they are all armed with some sort of hand gun that looks like something out of Star Trek.” George Masters reported.

  “They sound like the androids that attacked the town causing the time storm that brought you here Mr Burrows; it seems as if our friend in space is up to something. We had better gather my men, and then you can show us where they are.” Bragg said. They had just picked up the marines when they met up with President Michaels, who Bragg soon put into the picture.

  “Well what do you suggest we do now Mr Burrows?” President Michaels asked, for he was developing a respect for this twenty first century man.

  “First have those boxes of key components moved away from the rest. Secondly, Colonel, do you have any C4 explosive?” Tyler asked.

  “What is C4?” Michaels asked quizzically.

  “It is a shaped explosive which only explodes in the direction that you want it to.” Tyler replied.

  “Yes, but we have moved up the alphabet since then it is now designated MI7.” It was Colonel Bragg who answered this question.

  “Good well have one of your marines put it around those key components and should things go badly for us, then threaten the man up there with their destruction.” Tyler then added as an afterthought.

  “Oh, and thirdly, we should stop these androids from entering the town.”

  The marines along with Tyler and President Michaels had been moving rapidly over to the river whilst discussing what to do, and now they arrived at the river bank where it curved sharply away from them. Forty yards away from them they saw the androids approaching.

  “Mr President you take Corporal Charles here, he is our explosives man, because I think that maybe you should do as Mr Burrows suggested regarding those key Time Machine components.” Colonel Bragg said.

  President Michaels obviously agreed with the suggestion for he moved quickly off towards the pirate`s cargo vessel accompanied by the marine corporal.

  Colonel Bragg had left six other marines behind guarding key areas; this left him with twenty two marines, plus himself and Tyler against the twenty four androids. Tyler was of course only armed with his knife but the marines had the advantage of surprise, or they did have before Josiah Parkes informed Kruger that the marines were up to something, as he had just seem them moving en masse towards the river. Kruger`s informer had stayed constantly in touch with Kruger since before the android attack. It had been his satellite telephone that had allowed Kruger to listen in to the town council`s meeting, and so stop Tyler`s plan regarding the key Time Machine components. Parkes was in the pay of Kruger`s boss, Sir Charles Fulbright, industrialist and Trillionaire, and who desired the Presidency of Earth and all the power that would come with it. This time Captain Kruger had no need of the spies information, for the small satellite he had put into geostationary orbit above New Eden had already shown him the team of marines moving quickly towards the androids` position.


  Appolon and Caroline had been moving quickly for some two hours when they heard the high pitch whistling followed by the explosions caused by the Indefatigable`s Phasers.

  “We will climb up to the top of that ridge Caroline; we should have a clear view of what is happening from up there.” Appolon said pointing out a ridge that was right above them.

  The climb took five exhausting minutes up a sheer rock cliff at a speed that would make even a goat blanch, finally they could see for miles along the wide valley bottom, they could see the ineffectual Phaser fire that appeared to be designed to slow the advance of the Heliots, but not to actually harm them. Appolon immediately radioed Masters to put him in the picture who then contacted Tyler.


  The androids immediately broke their Indian file formation on being informed that they had been detected, they fanned out across the grassy field that followed the river. When the androids saw the marines, they immediately opened fire against the marines` position, bolts of energy whistled by the marines` heads as they sought cover behind a slight incline that led up towards the river bank. The surprise was taken away from the marines, and the androids laid down a murderous fire that allowed them to gain whatever cover there was. Colonel Bragg ducked down out of the way of the powerful energy bolts coming his way and he immediately ordered his marines to return fire. Tyler could do little to help from such a range, and against such armoured troops as he was only armed with a knife. He felt odd man out when his radio sprang into life.

  “Tyler, are you there?” It was Masters.

  “Yes George, what`s up?” Tyler asked.

  “Appolon has just been in contact with me by radio, he says that he can see the alien troops moving along the valley bottom, their moving in large vehicles of some sort. However, the real reason that he called was to tell us that the Phaser fire that we can see coming out of the sky is proving very ineffectual. Appolon thinks it is just meant to contain the aliens until the pirates get hold of the Time Machine, then the pirates will simply leave Orion and we will have one thousand angry space troopers knocking on our doors.”

  “Understood George, our only lever is the Time Machine, and to use it we must prevent these androids that you saw landing from winning their battle against the marines. I`ll put the good Colonel in the picture, sp
eak to you later.”

  Tyler moved up to the Colonels position, and over the noise of the Phaser fire and the subsequent explosions, filled him in on the bad news that Appolon and Masters had passed on to him.

  “Our position is getting better by the minute, Mr Burrows, but for the moment I don`t see what more we can do.” Tyler was of that opinion himself.

  The android position was certainly not as strong as they would have liked. Bragg had outfitted the new batch of marines with the updated Phaser weapon developed by Jameson and they were proving very effectual against the androids. So far the marines had accounted for ten of them against only the loss of three marines, and now Tyler saw that he would be able to get into the fight. He ran low along the slight incline through a field of blazing Phaser fire towards one of the fallen marine`s Phaser. As he reached down to pick it up an android fired at him, the blazing hot energy bolt shot across his shoulder leaving a red hot painful line that made Tyler groan in agony. However, had he not been stooping down to pick up the Phaser dropped by the dead marine, then he would have died there and then. Tyler scooped up the Phaser and fired at his attacker, stopping his android foe in its metallic tracks, sparks of blue lightning blazed across it body as it fell to the ground, it wouldn`t rise again. The androids seeing their position worsen still more, began to fall back towards their assault vessel. The advantage of the position that the marines had taken up was nullified as soon as they began to pursue the androids, and it became even worse still when the assault vessel itself lifted off and actively laid down covering fire. This allowed the final thirteen androids to escape. From here the assault ship lifted off again to return back to the Indefatigable. With the finish of hostilities, Tyler added the other two fallen marines` weapons to his armoury, putting them both inside of his backpack where he carried his shortwave radio.

  On board the Indefatigable, Captain Kruger commiserated with the android commander.


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