Book Read Free

Time Storm

Page 21

by Philip R Benge

  “I am sorry that I couldn`t blast the marines out of existence, but to do so might have lost us the Time Machine, anyway, you should have approached New Eden without being so easily detected. They appeared to see you almost before I saw you on the satellite picture.”

  Tyler and Colonel Bragg now told Bishop Sinclair about the ineffectual Phaser fire. Bishop Sinclair once again was forced to bury his massive feelings of guilt about ordering the deaths of so many people as he made contact with the pirate captain.

  “I have been informed that far from destroying the alien troops, you are doing no more than creating a smokescreen so as to deceive us. If you don`t hold to your end of the agreement I will order the marines to destroy the Time Machine, and also your cargo vessel with it.

  On the bridge of the Indefatigable Captain Kruger was pacing its small deck as he tried to work out how the people of the small town were getting their information; he looked over to his first officer.

  “Somehow they seem to be getting intelligence that should be beyond them, we are monitoring everything that their satellite has passing through its circuits and there is no way that they could have known about our subterfuge.”

  “They are able to pass information quite effectively Sir. Could they be using some form of antiquated land line?”

  Captain Kruger gave Karson a rare smile. “Land line, number one? Where on earth would they find such a thing, let alone be able to set it up, and why would they. No, please scan the area around the alien troops, and also around New Eden, to see if you can find out how they are getting their information, Number One.” Captain Kruger then looked over to his weapons console. Lieutenant Masterson was sitting there patiently awaiting the expected orders.

  “Mr Masterson it seems that just this once we will have to partly abide by our agreement. Take out all of the vehicles that are in the valley, let`s make the aliens walk, for it seems we are now in need of a bigger smokescreen.”


  Appolon had changed his position, he was now camped within a deep cave high in the foothills of the mountain. Appolon and Caroline had first checked it out to ensure that it contained no hidden surprises inside, but it came to an end some twenty feet inside the entrance and so they were safe here from troglodytes and tigrons. Careful to keep out of sight from the valley below, they saw and heard the new lines of attack reach down from the heavens behind them and to hit the first of the Heliot Phaser assault vehicles, destroying it in a blazing explosion. This attack left the other Heliot troopers momentarily stunned, but only for a moment, for then the veteran troopers responded to the orders from their sergeants and quickly leapt from the other vehicles and sort cover wherever they could find it. The Phaser assault vehicles were quickly deployed, and their weapons began to target the sky above them, but they didn`t have the time to fire these powerful weapons, for Masterson could plainly see them in the barren valley and targeted them, destroying them easily. None of the crew that were still valiantly inside of them survived to join their comrades crouching for cover along the steep valley walls. With the only effective weapons destroyed, more bright lines of energy soon followed until all of the vehicles in the valley were nothing more than twisted pieces of wreckage, along with the bodies of some of the slower moving troops that were spread about the valley bottom, the assault finished as quickly as it had begun.

  Appolon immediately conveyed this information on to Masters who lost no time in contacting Tyler.

  “Tyler, are you there?” He asked urgently.

  “Yes George, what do you have for me this time?” Tyler asked.

  “Appolon has just informed me that the pirates have destroyed all of the alien`s vehicles, but stopped short of killing any troops en masse, they are still coming on. Fortunately they will have to walk the last twenty miles, they will be without much food or water and with I assume only a limited amount of ammunition for their Phasers. However they are still a force to be reckoned with, when they arrive in New Eden they will be extremely angry and will probably kill all of its people.” George Masters declared in a grim voice.

  “So you should see them about sundown, George, unless they decide to camp earlier and then march in under cover of darkness.” Tyler said.

  “Yes, Tyler, that is how John Parsons and I see things happening.” George Masters replied.

  “OK, George, how are you doing out there, are you in need of anything?” Tyler asked his friend.

  “No, Tyler, we are fine, Oh by the way, the fifty odd aliens in the trees outside of the town are beginning to get restless, if they have heard from the main group of soldiers and know what we know, it would explain why they seem to be getting rattled.” George Masters said.

  “Well I don`t blame them because they must realise things are not going well for their side, Perhaps I will suggest to the Colonel that he post some of his marines opposite them in case the aliens get even more restless.”

  Tyler did just that, and the Colonel who had clean forgotten the aliens on the outskirts of town due to all that had happened, ordered ten of his most experienced marines led by Lieutenant Parnell, and backed up by trooper Ryan, to covertly find somewhere from where they can keep an eye on things.

  Captain Kruger chose this moment to contact Bishop Sinclair, President Michaels being kept out of the loop as irrelevant.

  “My cargo vessel crew tell me that everything is loaded except for ten crates which, they tell me, are surrounded by a circle of MI7 explosive and five marines, when will you fulfil your part of the agreement and give my men those last ten important crates?”

  The marines mentioned included Captain Stevenson, who along with the troopers had come along with the President, but who was now attached to Colonels Bragg`s command. They had been ordered to stop the cargo vessel from leaving without the express permission of the Colonel himself, or failing that, President Michaels or Bishop Sinclair.

  Tyler had appeared at Sinclair`s side, just before Kruger had called, and brought him up to date as regards the still living alien troopers.

  Bishop Sinclair was beginning to see just how Tyler had managed to gain the trust of so many people on Orion, President Michaels, the scientists, now it appeared even the good Colonel Bragg, and finally of course himself. He supposed it was because out of all those present in New Eden, only Tyler, had managed to keep one step ahead of the pirates, and of the alien troops within the valley. The most level headed native, Appolon, looked on Tyler as a brother, and even the colonists of New Eden were listening to Tyler now, beginning to believe that he might be the one to get them out of this mess.

  “When you finally keep to your side of the agreement and rid us of the alien army, we will fulfil our side of it. Your Phasers have certainly destroyed all of the alien`s vehicles, but for the most part all of the troopers are still alive and still marching towards New Eden.” Sinclair said in reply to Kruger`s question.

  Bishop Sinclair knew that his soul was in danger of journeying to hell with each new demand he made for the total destruction of the Heliot army, but what other choice did he have. To turn the other cheek as Jesus said he should do, but that would only mean he would have to journey to a different sort of hell, one where he would be forced to watch as his people were tortured or murdered when the Heliot army took over the town of New Eden, and finally the rest of the planet. He was simply not strong enough to allow that to happen.

  Kruger finished the call to Sinclair and turned to his first officer.

  “They have up to the minute information regarding everything that is going on down there, even in a valley some twenty miles distant from the town, how in heaven`s name are they getting it, Number One?”

  “I don`t know sir, I have scanned the area, and except for a large party of warriors who have only now entered that particular area of the valley, there doesn`t appear to be anyone else about, and there are certainly no calls being made via the satellite concerning the alien troops.”

  “Well someone is giving them Intel, u
nless you believe in the Paranormal, Number One.”

  “No sir, I don`t believe in spirits and such like, I am at a loss how to explain it. However, this expedition has gone wrong from day one, not only for us but also for every one interested in that dammed Time Machine. Maybe that guy down there named Tyler Burrows could have something to do with it.” Karson had hit the bull`s eye, but at the moment he did not know it.

  “Well it is someone down there that is getting us to do just exactly what he wants us to do. As soon as I heard that Mr Burrows speak out down there in the temple, I knew he was trouble, and now because of him or someone anyway, we must destroy the alien army and do it now, before whoever it is turns their mind to the Time Machine. I am almost tempted to send a team down to the planet just to kill Tyler Burrows.”


  Appolon and Caroline hadn`t been seen because they were not in the actual attack area, and anyway were hidden within the safe confines of the thick walls of the cave. Appolon had originally wanted to find his warriors and to get news of home, but he could see that by providing this important information about the alien troopers to Tyler, he was in fact helping to protect all that he cared most about, his family.

  Appolon watched as almost one thousand lives were snuffed out by the ship in space; the Indefatigable had slightly changed its orbit and now stood with a clear view of the entire valley. Its Phasers lanced down through the atmosphere of Orion to kill the men that made up Divilio`s army. Divilio moved away from the walls of the valley where he had cowered for safety and screamed his rage at their attacker, he didn`t see the hate filled face of Aswan as he turned his powerful Phaser upon him and fire a killing burst that caused the armour of Divilio`s suit to sparkle like a Christmas tree. Then Divilio crashed to the floor, the last of the Heliots to die, he died cursing the Planet of the Light, cursing the bones of its people, and finally cursing the gods for allowing him to be defeated by the ones that he was born to rule. Neither Appolon or Caroline could say anything for many minutes, although they had wanted the Heliot army to be destroyed, seeing one thousand lives snuffed out in mere minutes had affected them both badly, finally it was a grim Caroline who gave George Masters the news.

  “The alien army is no more, they were exterminated like so many rats by that scum up in space, tell Tyler that we are coming back to New Eden with one hundred warriors, they are not only from our village but also the many other villages who have been touched by the alien army. We will help Tyler, to finish off the remaining alien troopers who are camped just outside of New Eden.”

  The remaining Heliot troopers had seen and heard the terrible bolts of energy raining down upon the valley that lay behind them and knew what it meant and they wept and prayed for their fallen comrades, and also maybe for themselves. The last word that they heard from the main part of the army was a message from Rada who announced the death of Divilio and all of the army, only Aswan, Trajo, Viranco and himself still lived, the patrol was to wait until they re-joined them, then they would march in to the town and destroy it.


  Captain Kruger was back again on the radio speaking to Bishop Sinclair.

  “I have done as you requested, Bishop, you will now release the final ten crates or suffer the results of my anger.” Kruger threatened angrily.

  “What about the fifty Heliot troopers camped near the edge of town?” Bishop Sinclair asked, damming whatever was left of his soul to hell.

  “Damn them, and damn you, you either load the crates onto the cargo vessel now or I will not only take out the aliens I will also fire upon the town until you beg me to stop, then my men will come and get my crates.” Kruger roared.

  “Ok Captain, the final crates will be loaded onto your cargo vessel, have no fear, we will abide by our agreement.” Sinclair replied fearing to push the pirate captain any further, lest he carried out his threat.

  Tyler was standing beside Bishop Sinclair and could see that the man of god had aged twenty years since he had first seen him. Tyler also felt the same ravages of guilt eating away at his own insides, but he also couldn`t see any other way around their problem. Leadership brought with it many things, and the main one was the obligation one had to those whom you led or in his case, advised.

  The five marines plus Colonel Bragg watched as the crew of the cargo vessel supervised the loading of the final ten crates. It galled Bragg to be finally beaten, but he was grateful to still be alive. President Michaels stood by his shoulder thinking much the same.

  “What about the final batch of alien troops who are camped just outside of town, can we deal with them without the help of the pirate ship?” President Michaels asked.

  “We will have to because I don`t think the pirate ship will help us any further.” Colonel Bragg replied grimly.

  “Shouldn`t Sinclair have demanded that they finish off the remaining aliens, I mean it is their fault that the aliens are here anyway?” President Michaels complained.

  Sinclair turned from the cargo vessel and walked towards them. “I heard what you said and yes, I did ask. He told me that he had helped as far as he was going to, and that should we stop assisting his men then he would begin firing his Phasers at New Eden and its people, and would wait to see how long it was before we begged him to come and collect the remaining crates.”

  “Then we should attack the alien troops as soon as night falls.” Bragg stated. Tyler turned up to join in the discussion; he had with him the latest report from Appolon.

  “Appolon and one hundred warriors from his village, and also a few of the other villages, should be here by nightfall, if you want to co-ordinate your attack on those fifty alien troops with Appolon, then you should contact him on my radio.” Tyler said indicating his backpack over his shoulder.

  “To think that we all owe so much to such an antiquated piece of technology, and of course to you and your friend Mr Burrows, who journeyed from the time when this technology was the state of the art to fight by our side.” President Michaels said.

  Captain Stevenson, the marine officer came over to them with marvellous news.

  “The cargo vessel can`t take off, it is having trouble with its engines, and they think it will be at least three hours before they can fix them, although it doesn`t give us very long to turn the tables on them, maybe we can still win through.” He announced joyfully.

  “Win through against the starship above us at the same time as winning through against the aliens; we are going to do well aren`t we.” President Michaels groaned, a cynical smile spreading across his face.

  “There might be a way.” Tyler said thoughtfully.

  Chapter Seventeen

  June 27th the Year 2494

  Victory in Sight

  “The thing that we need to do is to get rid of both of the threats at exactly the same time, right?” Tyler said thoughtfully.

  “Well of course that is the problem young man, but we already know that, what we need is a new plan that will allow us to accomplish it, not mere musings.” President Michaels said condescendingly.

  “Well Mr President, that is just what I might have for you, but first I need to talk to Brian Goddard.” Tyler replied with a patient look upon his face, as if he were talking to a child.

  “I will come with you; I need some good news, so tell me your plan, Mr Burrows, Colonel Bragg will you also join us.” President Michaels asked, his heart beating faster at the thought that they might yet win through.

  “After we have seen Brian, for without his help it will not work.” They found Brian Goddard in the almost empty science complex. Brian Goddard almost jumped to attention.

  “Hello Mr President, how may I help you?” He asked excitedly.

  “It is Mr Burrows who wants to speak with you, Professor Goddard.” President Michaels replied. All the other scientists plus Tracy Goddard, moved forward to see what help Tyler needed, and whether they could possibly provide it.

  “First things first Brian, will you please turn on that jamm
ing device of yours that prevents any sort of radio or telephone communication.” Tyler requested.

  “Of course I will do that, but why do you want me to do it?” Brian replied.

  “Because the pirates seem to have too much knowledge about our plans, and this plan is our last chance at surviving the next few hours. Brian, can you limit its scope to just this building, and so allowing the cargo vessel to communicate with their ship, in case their captain calls them and gets annoyed when he can`t get through to them. Bishop Sinclair will have to stay over by the cargo vessel so that should the pirate captain call he will be able to receive the call.”

  In between working on the Time Machine, Brian Goddard has also been working on some ideas of his own; this device although ancient had been modified by him.

  “Yes, I can calibrate our device to just prevent limited communications, Tyler.” Brian Goddard said. He then went to a unit standing on the far wall, threw a switch on the device, and then set the dials to do just that.

  “There you are, now you can talk without anyone listening in or sending a message out.” Brian said.

  “Good, now all of you hand in your telephones and such to the Colonel here, so that it won`t be possible for anyone to communicate with the pirate ship. Oh, and you will all have to stay here, together, because all of this trouble is to do with the Time Machine, and only one of a small select group of people could have kept our attacker so very well informed.”

  There was a fair bit of grumbling, about being treated as fifth columnists or traitors, and that sort of thing but finally all the phones were handed in.

  “But surely if one of these people here was a traitor then he would have informed the space pirate about the short wave radios?” President Michaels asked.

  “No one here knew that Brian had given them to me, for there was no one about when Brian did. However, when we were first threatened by the space pirate, I became concerned about a possible traitor, for the pirate captain showed that he was listening in to the town council meeting. I then asked Brian to keep them a secret between us. They are quite compact, not at all similar to the earlier models. I always carry the main unit in the backpack that the Colonel gave me, the earpiece is small and I keep the microphone inside my jacket. When I use the radio I make sure that none of the scientists can see me. The radio is set at a low volume so that incoming calls can only be heard by me, and then I find a place to answer the call without anyone snooping on me, except for the time when we were under fire from the androids when I had little choice.” Tyler explained before turning to Colonel Bragg.


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