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Daddy's Little Secret

Page 2

by Rose Marie

  Done with our little kink I rock harder into her, wanting her to wake up. Not only because I wanted to hear her moan, but because wasn't going to stop until she woke the fuck up and took this dick. I wanted to make the most of tonight, so I gathered her legs into my arms and I started to pump moving my hips in circles, grunting in her ear.

  “Damn Princess, why do you always have to feel so good?” As I rock in and out of her, kissing and biting her shoulder, I feel her finally stir. It was so sexy because she looked intoxicated by me. “Shit Princess, I love you so fucking much.” I caress her neck while sucking and biting her flesh, wishing I could mark my territory. I thrust in and out of her hard, fast and rough panting her name and wishing I could do this forever.

  It was usually hard making love to my Princess when I snuck into her house because her bed is only a metal twin bed that squeaked when moved the slightest inch. I’m somewhat a big guy so both us on this little thing damn near made it rattle like shaking a chain-linked fence. Shit! I’m going to cum soon. I grunt, trying to hold back my nut and take her nipple into my mouth. I showed them an ample amount of love knowing they are sensitive since her cycle is coming next week. I know most guys hate when their girls were PMS’ing but not me. I loved everything about my Princess having sensitive nipples, a fucked-up attitude, and the rough makeup sex when she got out of line. Whew let’s not forget the ample wetness. I bit her nipple and began to pump into her harder, wanting to knock her walls out. I let go of her nipple with a loud pop and instead bite my lip as I watch her face contort and shatter with another orgasm. So sexy . Reaching under her, I grab her ass thrusting up harder and faster, cursing with every pump inside of her. So fucking close I just- Good God! She opened her mouth in a silent scream, digging her nails deep into my chest drawing blood.

  “Holy fucking shit Layla!” I grunt shaking. When I feel my dick about to start pulsing, I pull out quickly, grabbing the sheets as my nut rolls through me. I bust on her stomach with rope after rope, holding back my moans so I don’t sound like a little bitch. My eyes blur for a second so I shake my head. Feeling dizzy, I try to catch my breath by taking in huge gulps of air. After about two minutes, I’m finally recovered enough to get up and grab the towel she had sitting out. I gently wipe her down I then myself balling up the towel and stuff it into my bag so she wouldn’t get caught cleaning them. I put on our clothes and check my watch, groaning when I see we don’t have much time left. Still not wanting to leave or waste any time that I have with her, I crawl into the small bed and pull her into my arms.

  Meeting Layla was the best thing to happen to me. Even though we are young, she gave me something I never thought I wanted or needed: control and freedom to do whatever the hell I wanted. Being with her has been the light of my eighteen years of life, and her love has been my salvation. My Princess is my pride and joy, my angel, my everything, and it broke my heart knowing nothing could come from this relationship.

  To be honest, I don’t think she’d even want to be with me if she knew the real me. What Layla knew was an average white boy who had a middle-class family that didn’t give a damn about him. Lies, all lies. She knew nothing but the lies I’d spewed to her about my family and where I came from. Though I felt terrible for the lies, having her for the year and a half made all of the fabrications worth it. I mean what was the point in telling the truth?

  Being the first white guy Layla has ever dated, I felt if I’d told her my real family name and she’d have cut me off completely. Everyone knew my parents and their associates were some of the biggest racists and bigots out there. They’d flip if they knew I’d been “slumming it” as my mom would say with a “negro girl.” Like what the fuck? I seriously felt my mom lived in the 1800s. Though I’m no better than them because instead of taking pride in my love and relationship I’m…

  I can’t help but sigh. I’m worthless. Pulling Layla into a tighter embrace, I kiss the top of her sleeping head, mindlessly touching her just because I know I can. When I hear my alarm on my phone go off, I tense up knowing it’s time to go because Layla’s mom would be home soon. Begrudgingly I kiss my Princess’s lips, then climb out of bed and put on my shoes. Taking out the letter I’d written her and gifts I’d bought, I set them in her closet so her mom wouldn’t see them when she came to check on her. Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I walk over and kiss her one last time whispering, “I love you.”

  Walking over to the window I raise it, climbing out and making sure to shut it properly. When I get downstairs, I see Sean and his baby mama Diana hugged up in his car. He’s rubbing her belly and I see him pull out small box and immediately I feel jealous. Though I’m not ready to be married or have kids, it’s the thought that they have the freedom to be with whomever they choose, no matter the differences between them. When Diana throws her arms around Sean, he takes out a tiny diamond ring and places it on her hand. I love that fact that Diana looks at it like it a multiple carat ring. Though when I see their happy expressions, I put the jealously behind me and send up a genuine prayer for their happiness and hop on my bike.

  On the ride home, I think about the year and a half I’d spent with the the most amazing girl I’ve ever had the pleasure of getting to know. I think about all discoveries I’d made about myself and the beautiful nights I’d spent in her arms receiving her unconditional love. I’m a fool to leave this behind with only a kiss. I’m an idiot for not giving her all of me as she deserves. I’m a coward for not having the balls to take control of my own life. I-I’m… unhappy.

  When I finally make it back home, I cut off my bike and wave at Tom before wheeling it back into the yard. As I was about to start climbing up to my room, I hear my dad’s truck pull up, and I start panicking because I’m right in front of him. Though to my surprise instead of getting an earful about sneaking out, I see him lean his head against the steering wheel and… is he crying?

  With his shoulders shaking and muffled sobs heard, I watch him for a whole five minutes utterly shocked. When I see him sit back, I could have sworn we locked eyes, but there’s no way because he does nothing but throw his arm over his face and cries some more.

  Not wanting to chance it, I climb up to my window and ease into my room. Once inside, I throw my bag down and head straight for my bathroom to take a shower. After I throw my clothes into the hamper, I climb into bed. I lay there for a solid two minutes before it all hits me, and my life and identity come crumbling down. That’s when my heart starts to ache and the tears start to fall. That’s when I realized I'd made the biggest mistake in my entire life. When I knew I would forever be broken because I’d let my heart go.

  Fake Recovery

  “I'm proud of you son.” My dad pats my back with a smile.

  “Thanks, Dad.” I grin. I finally did it. I, Joshua Gates, am the new CEO of Gates Technology. Having spent the last ten years working my ass off, I can hardly believe everything is now falling into place. All the grueling nights and sacrifices weren't wasted. I’d accomplished a significant goal and did something I thought was too hard, and all with the help of one woman. Clinking my champagne glass, I clear my throat loudly.

  “Can I get everyone's attention, please?” Right away the room goes silent. “I want to thank everyone for helping me celebrate my succession and the new era of Gates Technology. You have all been so supportive, and I appreciate every single one of you.” I turn and lock eyes with the one person who’s helped me through troubling times and smile. “Though I want to give a special thanks to my amazing girlfriend, Amber.” Beaming with pride she starts making her way up to me.

  “Amber, I know I’ve never told you this, but I truly appreciate everything you've done for me. The way you pushed me to get better and push past my difficulties. The way you're always there for me when I'm feeling down and being hard on myself. You are the perfect woman for the man been I've become. You motivate me to be the man my parents taught me to be, and for that, I can't thank you enough.” With that said I ease down on one knee a
nd pull out the diamond ring I’d picked out a month ago. I had everyone’s undivided attention as I grasp her hand and smile up at the woman I needed to make my wife. When the crowd gasps, Amber squeals with delight and puts her hand over mouth. “Amber Michele Wright, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” I hold out and open the blue velvet box containing the 5.25 Carat, Round Halo Diamond ring. Amber, with no hesitation, holds out her left hand and nods her head yes. I smile, ignoring the sudden pang in my chest and I slide the ring on her finger. When I stand, I do as is expected of me and scoop her into my arms.

  “CONGRATULATIONS!!!” My family and friends yell out altogether. When I look up from kissing her, I see my mom and Amber’s mom with tears in their eyes. To the right, I see my best friend Aaron along with my dad and hers clinking their champagne glasses together. I can finally be happy after all these years of being lost and depressed. Maybe now I can find some peace in this existence. I set her down, grabbing her hand and happily thank everyone for their support. I give Amber one more peck on the lips, and then we make our way over to our moms who are still crying tears of joy.

  “Oh my sweet boy, I'm so proud of you.” She grabbed me hugging me tight. “You have made me so happy and proud!” She pulls away smiling wide, and again I feel a pang in my chest. “Clair and I always knew you and Amber would make a lovely couple! Right Clair?” She looks over to my now fiancée and soon to be mother-in-law looking for confirmation.

  “Absolutely! Oh, I’m so happy to be blessed with such a competent and capable son-in-law!” To her declaration of love and acceptance, I could only do what I’ve been doing for the past ten years: smile.

  “Oh I know, how about we girls go around and show off the ring, then once the party is over we can retire to the sitting room and start planning? Joshua and Amber, how do you feel about a fall wedding?”

  “I’m fine with whatever you beautiful ladies decide.” They aww and Amber cuddles up next to me, hugging my arm.

  “Okie-dokie, let’s make our rounds.” Once they shuffle off, I feel like I can breathe again. Grabbing glass of champagne from a waiter that passed by, I breathe out a sign of relief. Today is a good day… a successful day. Everything that I wanted to happen finally happened. Not only am I the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, but I’m also an engaged man. Ten years ago, I would have never thought all this would happen. There were some dark days, but thanks to my best friend Aaron, my dad, and Amber, I was able to pull myself together. As I look around the room, I catch the eye of my best friend and my dad. Walking over, they give me weak smiles but my soon to be father-in-law smiles big and bright.

  “Congratulations my boy and welcome to the family! I always knew you were the one for my little girl.” Of course I smile, but at this point I’m tired and want to go home. We exchange words for about five minutes, and I thank God when he excuses himself to speak with a colleague. As soon as he was gone, I take the opportunity to turn to my dad and Aaron, waiting for their thoughts. Of course, my best friend is the first to speak up.

  “So I take it this is the big secret you’ve been hiding from me huh?” I rock back on my heel taking a sip of my drink.

  “Yup! You got a problem with that?” He only looks at me out of his peripherals and snorts.

  “Lil’ bit, but it’s none of my business. If you like it, I love it.” I know he didn’t mean that. For a long time he has been against me being with Amber, but he’s never been overly vocal about it though. Choosing to ignore his statement, I turn to my dad and he only smirks then puts his drink down before slapping me on the back.

  “Son don’t worry about what anyone says, I always have your best interest at heart.” I wanted to snort at that, but I don’t. I had a lot to say about my family’s views on race, but I didn’t want to get into that right now. Instead, I beckon Amber over so my father can say his congratulations to the perfect white daughter-in-law he’s always wanted. When he does exactly that I sigh, watching Aaron put on a smile and do the same thing.

  The party lasts about two hours more before people started to disperse and say their farewells. Outside we wait for the valet to pull up. I hold Amber close as I listen to her gush over her ring and our engagement. When the car pulls up, I let Amber go for just a second to open the car door. Once seated inside the car, she puts on her seatbelt, and again her attention goes back to the ring. Smiling, I dismiss the screaming in my heart and focus on getting us to my condo. When I pull up, I notice she’s asleep, so I do my best not to startle her awake.

  “Amber, we’re here. Come on I’ll help you get to bed and tomorrow I’ll send you home, okay?” She hums and smiles, putting her arms around my shoulders.

  “What’s the point in that? Why don’t I move in with you tomorrow?” Laughing outwardly, I slowly feel myself start to panic inside.

  “Sure, why not? I… I can help you pack.” Squealing, she hugs me tightly and kisses me hard. I return the kiss briefly but set her down so we don’t disturb the neighbors. I am not a big fan of public displays of affection, so we’ll have to wait for our soiree. We walk inside the building making sure to greet the security guard before we step on my private elevator. When the elevator door opens, I usher my new fiancée to the couch. I noticed on the ride over that she was a bit tipsy, so I go to the kitchen to make her a cup of her favorite decaf coffee and pour myself a shot of Patron.

  I carefully hand her the cup then take a seat next to her on and she wastes no time snuggling in close. “I can't believe you finally did it.” She said, taking a sip of her coffee.

  “You knew I would. Why are you so shocked?” I kiss her head.

  “I don’t know Joshua. A part of me knew it was a possibility but-” She sighed. “When we started college you weren't yourself. I thought I would lose you before I even had you. I never told you this, but I’d been in love with you for years before we started going out. But you were so distant and seemed to want nothing to do with me. It really hurt.”

  “Amber, I'm sorry about that. I know I wasn't myself and that I was a difficult person to like or even be around at the time. Still, you stuck with me. Even when everyone wanted to give up on me, you stayed. While I was going through my darkest times you, Aaron, and my dad were the only people there for me. If it weren't for you all, I wouldn't have made it to where I am today.” I turn her head to face me then I grab her coffee and set it on the table. “So of course I’d propose.” I pull her into my arms and hungrily attack her lips. Then I push her down on the sofa, roughly spreading her legs ready to dive in deep, but she pulls away.

  “Your too rough Joshua.” She leans in kissing me slowly and tenderly and I feel myself deflate. I allow her to lead and feel her wrap her legs around my waist as I slowly massage her breast.

  This was our relationship; a slow burn where nothing was ever wild or rough and my hunger was never satiated. But I’m ok with that. When she unwraps her legs from me, I slowly spread her legs open and kiss down her stomach. I barely make it to her center before she's pulling me back up. I knew Amber found fellatio disgusting and hated giving and receiving. I remember once she was giving me head, or rather attempting to give me head. When I tried to get her more into it by pushing her head down so I could get deeper in her throat, the tears came and they didn’t stop for a whole week. She wouldn't even let me touch her until I promised I wouldn't do that again.

  I cared about her so much that I was ok with vanilla sex. I didn't care that she couldn't take me in whole or have sex in too many positions. I wasn't with her for the sex; I was with her because she made me happy, and that's all that matters. With our clothes off and in a very gentle manner, I kiss and slowly make love to her, how she likes it. It was over before I knew it and once she found her release, she was fast asleep.

  Frustrated I get up and go to the bathroom finishing myself off to the only image that did it for me: Layla. This is the only time I allowed myself the pleasure of thinking about her. I never thought I would turn everything we did into j
erk off material, though here I am a sad twenty-eight-year-old beating his dick because his fiancée couldn’t be bothered to have him get his nut.

  I pump harder and faster thinking about her swallowing everything thing I was ready to give. Damn it. I bit my lip fisting my cock tight and hard, thinking of roughly bending her over the same couch I just made love to my fiancé on and pounding into that wetness between her legs. I think about smacking her ass as she calls me Daddy and Sir like old times, and I feel my dick jump. I’m close. I was so into the fantasy I swear I started to actually feel her creaminess. My heart rate sped up.

  “Oh shit!” I say quietly, finally releasing with a semi satisfied grunt in my hand. I take a moment to collect myself before I wash my hands and then head to my bedroom where Amber was now sleeping. In bed I go to pull her into my arms, but something stops me. Turning over, I close my eyes and do my best to ignore the growing ache in my belly and heart. Saying fuck it, I turn back around and pull her into my arms. I’m content. I have a loving fiancée, a dominant position in my career; I pretty much have it all. I cuddle her up closer to me and sigh in resignation that this is my life. I am happy. I am proud. There is no reason to feel any other way.

  Interview with the Princess

  Here we are. MY building. My company! I shut my car off and step out, feeling the most confident I’d felt in a long time. Today is a good day! Today, something good is going to happen! I fix my tie and then open the gates of heaven, stepping into my position like a Boss.


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