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Daddy's Little Secret

Page 3

by Rose Marie

  “Good Morning Mr. Gates. How are you?” Katy, the front desk clerk, cheerfully smiles in greeting.

  “Good morning to you as well Katy. I’m amped up today, what about yourself?”

  “Same Mr. Gates. With a wonderful new boss such as yourself how can I not be?” I could only chuckle and thank her for her flattery. On the way to the elevators, I greet everyone I see with enthusiasm as my dad taught me to do. He always had a smile and a greeting for the people who worked for him because it set the tone for his employees. I wanted to take that same approach and become someone as capable as him. I greet the security guards before I step onto the elevator and press the button for the thirtieth floor.

  Once the doors open, I'm greeted again, this time by the floor receptionist Grace. I send a pleasant smile and greeting her way. I then make my way to my office and shut myself in. Already, though, my great mood is spoiled by the chaos that is my desk. I let out a heavy sigh as I sit and start moving things around so I can get to my desktop to boot it up. Once it’s up, I go over my schedule for the day, shaking my head at the fact that Grace double booked me for two appointments today. Shit this is not a good start. I walk to the door and peek out, seeing she’s on the phone laughing on an obvious personal call. When I step out, I see her go stiff and hang up, throwing me a smile. This won’t do.

  “Grace, have you double-checked my appointments for the day yet?” Her eyes went wide, and I could see a slight frown appear on her face.

  “No, sir I haven’t. I was told by the former CEO that I only needed to book your schedule because you’ll be holding interviews for your personal assistant today.” Snarky old witch. I don’t know why my dad still had her around. Trying to calm the raging fire already brewing in me due to her insubordinate attitude, I smile and let out a sigh.

  “Understood but while you are responsible for my appointments, I’ll need you at the very least check to see if I have a previous engagement. Now with that said will you call Mr. O’Shea and see if he’d like to come in early? I have already sent out an email to the other client you double booked and canceled. Since Mr. O’Shea is such a valuable client, I can’t afford to email him. Please make this your top priority. Afterwards, I’d like a cup of coffee. I’d like it black, no cream, no sugar, and strong. Also, call the agency who’s responsible for filling the Personal Assistant position and have them get as many applicants who are available for an impromptu interview over to my office. I want them available for the two-hour block that’s dedicated to my lunch break. I’ll have something small before they start arriving.”

  “But Mr. Gates, your lunch break is essential.”

  “No worries. I plan to take Mr. O’Shea out for a late lunch as thanks if he confirms his appointment to come in early. I know he’s extremely a busy man, so this has to be an inconvenience for him.”

  “I understand. I’ll get on it right away.” After giving my thanks I go back into my office and start the tons of paperwork my dad left for me. I hope I get some competent candidates for the PA job. I need one as soon as possible. When Grace knocks on my door over thirty minutes later holding a cup of coffee, I almost tell her to take it back because of the time it took her to make it. Instead, to keep the peace, I thank her and take it with a smile. When she makes her way out the office, I take a sip and gag. I pull the cup away from me, looking at it as if it offended me… and it had or more like she did. I grimace, throwing the disgusting brew into the garbage. Note to self: Never allow Grace to make my coffee or book appointments again. At the realization that I couldn’t even get a decent cup of joe, I groan in annoyance. Since when did strong and black mean diluted with cream? Seriously dad why hadn’t you already let go of this unskilled woman?

  Six hours later

  “It was a pleasure meeting you Alice. I'll be sure to contact you within the week on the status of your application.” I stand up to shake her hand and walk her to the elevator. As soon as the doors slide shuts, I hurry to my office and place her application in the rejected pile stacked upon my still unorganized desk. Holy fucking hell, how is it that not even one of these applicants are suitable for the job? Their references were terrible, their job history sketchy and their professionalism left much to be desired. How did any of these applicants even get through our screening process? Note: Switch hiring agencies. Their core values and ours obviously didn’t align so it was time for them to go. I take a seat at my desk to see if any more interviewees were going to show, and I’m disappointed yet happy that none are. I need to see if Aaron or my one of my colleagues have any recommendations for the position. They know I need someone who was going to be by my side while I took my company to the next level, not this sloppy shit I’m getting now.

  About ten minutes later Grace called into my office. “Mr. Gates you have a last-minute applicant who just showed up, but she’s here with no reference as to who referred her or how she heard about the job. Should I send her away, sir?” That’s weird. I check my watch and see that I still have about forty-five minutes until my meeting with Mr. O’Shea… It’s pushing it, but I can spare ten or fifteen minutes. Besides, I’d hate to send the young lady off, and she came all the way here. Resigned, I stand and button my tailored coat, then take a seat again.

  “No need, you can send her in.” Shuffling the rejected applications around I grab the office interview questions and the questions I’d written down for the personal aspect of the job. Not only will they be responsible for my upkeep at work, but this is more of a twenty four hour position. My dad had separate personal assistants for work and for home, but I don’t see the need. Not only is it inconvenient, it was unnecessary. Whomever worked with me would be stuck to me like glue; there was no way around that. It is a nonnegotiable fact. When I hear the knock come, without looking up I call for them to come to enter. I grab a pen and a note pad to take notes when I hear the door open then close. I was still getting myself together when I hear them take a seat in one of the two chairs in front of my desk. I clear my throat having already gathered my thoughts and look up.

  “Hel-“ the greeting dies in my throat before it reached my lips. Not only did I lose my voice, but my heart rate skyrocketed, and my hands started to sweat.

  “Good evening Mr. Gates, my name is-”

  “L-L-Layla!” I stammer out, trying to calm down so the blood can stop swishing in my ears. I swallow trying to think, trying to form some sort of sentence but I can’t. I guess she wasn't as shocked as I because she only smiled professionally and opened the folder in front of her. She pulled out a single sheet of paper then handed it to me, but still, I can only stare. “Princess!” She rolled her eyes frowning at me.

  “No, you had it correct the first time. Please refrain from using any name outside of my first or last name. Let’s keep it as cordial as possible and stick with Ms. Williams.”

  “But you’re my-“ without a word, she stands abruptly and heads for the door. I jump up just as fast and catch her before she can open the door. “Wait, where are you going?” My hands were shaking and sweaty, and my throat was dry, so my question sounds more like a toad’s croak than an actual question.

  “If this going to turn into a blast from the past then I want no part of this. I came here for a job, nothing more, but since you cannot understand this I don't want the job anymore. I'm leaving.” She opens the door, but I slam the door shut.

  “No. Come on, please stay. I get it! I get it! Don't waste a great opportunity because of me.” I can feel her shaking slightly, showing me she isn’t as unaffected by me as she’s putting on. Not only that but she's panting slightly.

  “Fine, but will you please give me a bit of space?” Nodding, I let her go and take a step back. When she’s back seated open and close my shaking hands and take a deep breath. I need to clear my head of all previous thoughts and be a professional as possible. Once I calm down some, I make my way back to my desk bypassing the interview questions and pick up the resume she’d just placed on my desk. I read over her c
redentials as if it's my favorite book, and hell it just might be. It's for damn sure the most interesting thing I've read today. The woman is incredible. After I check everything twice, I look up and find her stone-faced and sitting with her back as straight as a steel rod.

  “Ms. Williams before we begin the interview, may you please tell me who referred you to this position? My receptionist informed me earlier that you aren’t here from our staffing agency, so how did you hear about us?” She looked at me, and her mouth popped open, but she immediately closed it.

  “I have a mentor who helped put me through school and referred me here and to the position that I currently have now. He’s my boss’s colleague.”

  “I see, can you tell me what you know about the company?”

  “Well, Mr. Gates I-“

  “Josh.” I cut her off.

  “Excuse me?” She looks at me bewildered.

  “Call me Josh.” She huffs, and I can tell that she wants to roll those pretty eyes of hers but like a good girl she refrains.

  “I know quite a bit about the company and its core values. I read about the history and the new projects happening. I know about how your brand is extremely important to you and how you are one to the top companies based on consumer reports.” Damn, she’s good.

  “That’s great. It seems you did your homework.” She smiles prettily at me and my heart skips a beat. Swallowing, I clear my throat again and shuffle through the interview questions mind suddenly blank. “Ah, uhm for this position, before you go any further... I’m not sure if you’re aware, but this position is a twenty-four-hour job. Will that be a problem?” She froze again with a slight frown on her face.

  “No sir, Mr. Gates, it will not be a problem. I feel I'm the best suitable candidate for the position because I am beyond meticulous and detail oriented. I have excellent people skills, my work ethic is unmatched, and my typing impeccable. I thrive in a competitive environment, have no issues juggling multiple tasks, and I’m open to constructive criticism. My education, as stated on my resume, is specifically dedicated to the field of business management, where I earned my bachelor’s degree. I also minored in accounting, so I’m good with numbers.”

  “I love everything about business as well as development. I love how I can be in the middle of preparing a presentation and then next I'm in a meeting, assisting my boss in an all-or-nothing deal.” She pauses and laughs as if a sudden memory popped in her head. I wish I could be in on that memory. “This job is what I've worked so hard for all my life. It will help me to sharpen my skills and challenge me to be better than my best. I believe I am exactly what you need Mr. Gates.” My God she is beautiful.

  “Wow! You sound very passionate. That’s exactly what I’m looking for. Why don't you tell me about your current job?” I pull out her resume once again, still impressed looking it over.

  “I love where I am now, but I feel it has taken me as far as it can. I feel no challenge with any of the tasks presented to me. Even though I appreciate my boss for granting me the opportunity to work for him, he knows my end goal is to work in a more fast-paced company where I feel my skills will be better utilized.” She finishes with a smile, and I can’t stop the jealously that over takes over me at hearing her speak so fondly of other men.

  “And Ms. Williams, how close do you work with your current boss?” I ask knowing I’m treading a fine line but to my surprise she handles it impeccably. She raised an eyebrow at me questionably then crossed her legs as if to signify the gates of heaven were not open for business. Ouch.

  “As close as any regular employer and an employee would work. Sir.” She ends smoothly, but the sir sent tingles and bees buzzing all over my body. It’s obvious that she has matured and become successful despite the bad environment she grew up in. When I hear my phone ring, I snap out of my thoughts, picking it up and looking at the time.

  “Yes, Grace, what can I do for you?”

  “Mr. Gates you told me to inform you after every interview if you went over the extra allotted time during the interview process.” Shit, I only have fifteen minutes to prepare for Mr. O’Shea’s visit.

  “Thank you, Grace.” I hang up and gather all of the rejected applicants’ applications, placing them in a folder and then put hers on top of the closed envelope. “I’m sorry to say Ms. Williams but I have meeting to prepare for so we’ll have to complete the formalities another day. With that said, when can you start?” The smile that graced her face lit the whole damn office.

  “As soon as possible, sir.”

  “In that case, I'll see you tomorrow at seven o’clock. Your usual start time will be at eight, but I want you sitting with a Human Resources representative as soon as possible. As you can see, I’m in need of your services, so the sooner they can get you into the system the better. I’ll put in an order for your badge, keys, personal laptop, codes, and phone now.” She stood up and I of course follow suit.

  “Thank you, Mr. Gates! I promise you won’t regret this decision. I’m grateful for this opportunity, and I’m excited to be a part of your team.” When I look down to see her holding out her hand for a handshake, I raise a brow taking offense.

  “Come on Princess, don't you think we are past handshakes? How about a hug?” She frowns at that, still holding out her hand. I move around the desk and lean in for a hug, but she stops me before my body can even make contact with her.

  “No sir, a handshake will do just fine.” She looked at me pointedly and I reluctantly take it, “Thank you again Mr. Gates.” She turns to leave, but before she opens the door, she turns back to me. “By the way, sir, as stated earlier, my preferred way to be referred to is Ms. Williams, never what you called me before. Please do not allow yourself to make that mistake again. Have a great rest of your afternoon and I’ll see you tomorrow morning at 6:55.” With that, she walks out, closing the door and leaving me ravenous.

  If this were ten years ago, I would have her bent over my lap counting the numbers of spanks she received on each ass cheek, but she is right. I needed to keep this as professional as possible. Our past is exactly that. Though I can’t help but wonder if I really tried, how long it would take to make her beg for Daddy. I smirk, taking a seat at my desk preparing for my meeting.

  As I start getting the materials together, I pull up my email only to see Mr. O’Shea has canceled due to his wife being ill. Shit! Typing out a response for her to get well soon and asking for a date to reschedule I shut down my laptop knowing I wouldn’t get a response today. It was it no secret that Mrs. O’ Shea is the light of her husband’s world. I know I will have to wait until she got better because I doubt he would leave her side if the word on the streets were anything to go off of. I’ll have Layla send her to get well soon flowers. Having rescheduled all of my afternoon appointments for Mr. O’ Shea, I now had nothing to do. Oh, Layla’s badge and equipment… I’ll just stop by the HR department before I leave.

  I was still sitting at my desk twenty minutes later musing over Layla when I get a call on my cell from my mom. Not wanting to be bothered, I ignore the call and pocket the phone. Deciding to pack up and head home, I shut off everything and grab the manila folder with the rejected applicant’s and Layla’s resume. When I leave the office, I see Grace on the phone, not to my surprise. I tell her that I’m leaving for the day and to take messages for me, getting a nod in response. She’s so getting fired. At the elevator, I press the down arrow, and the doors slide open. I step on and press five for it to take me down to the HR personnel floor. Once there I hand them the applicants that needed rejection letters sent out to them at the end of the week and ordered Layla’s badge and equipment for tomorrow. When I’m done signing off her things I head to my car and let out a sigh. I can only sit there thinking, not able to even start my car.

  How amazing is it that of all times it was right now that she chose to walk in my life? On my first day as CEO and the day after I became engaged. I let my head hit the steering wheel, and I contemplate the past ten year
s and everything I did to erase her existence from my world but still here she is. I thought I left her in the past. Seeing her today validated that there is still an all-consuming fire that burns for her in my heart… but like ten years ago, there is nothing I can do about it. I sit up and I try for the hundredth time today to shake her from my head.

  Layla is nothing but an employee. Now I have Amber, and she’s been good to me. What’s that saying my mom always tells me? When your past calls, don’t answer. It has nothing good to say. Yeah! I’ll go with that. Layla is my past and Amber is my future. That’s right Amber is my future.

  Flashback One

  In the line at my favorite fast food restaurant, I wait for the cashier to finish with the girl in front of me, so I can order my food and go. I check my phone feeling myself get impatient because she was taking frickin’ long. My friends were waiting on me, and if I didn't hurry with the food, I'd never hear the end of it.

  “Ma'am I’m sorry but your card was declined.” The cashier handed her back the card with sympathy and looked at me with a smile. I guess she was thanking me for my patience. Yeah but it’s running thin. Hurry the hell up already.

  “What? Are you sure?” She took the card looking at it as if it’ll explain why she had a lack of money. “There should be money on this card. Can you please try it again?” The cashier nodded and swiped the card again and pressed her lips in a thin line shaking her head slightly and handed the girl back her card.

  “I'm sorry ma'am still getting declined.”

  “Are you kidding me? Ugh This is so embarrassing.” She took her card thanked the cashier and stepped to the side. I watched as she huffed and pulled out her phone still looking at the card in her other hand.

  “Hi, what can I get for you today?” Startled from looking at the girl who’d just stomped her foot I step up to the cashier pulling out my wallet.


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