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Darkblood Academy: Book Four: Prophecies

Page 16

by G. K. DeRosa

  Maybe a nice bath was exactly what I needed to figure out my dilemma. After all, I really needed to buy some time. Ryder and Cillian would be here to rescue me soon enough. I hated having to rely on them, but without magic, I didn’t have many other options.

  Once the tub was filled, I peeled off my clothes and hopped in. The warm water cocooned me in its silky embrace. Closing my eyes, I could almost pretend I was back at Darkhen, safe and sound in Ryder’s arms.

  Thoughts of the vision showcasing our future flitted through my mind. I’d purposely pushed it back to the far corners because I needed to focus on the other things I’d seen—the death and destruction. A happy scene with Ryder only made my heart hurt. Were we really destined to be together? Was that what Lucifer was alluding to during our visit? Or was it like Kimmie-Jayne said: the future too fickle to trust in visions?

  And I couldn’t help a niggling thought at the back of my mind—our daughter. Another warlock like me. Luxora keeping me in the Underworld also kept me away from Ryder. Did that mean our child would never exist? What if my line of female warlocks was what the dark lord actually feared?

  Crapsicles. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I leaned my head back, sinking further into the tub until my head was completely submerged. Below the surface, everything else disappeared.

  For a few seconds anyway. Then my head popped back up, my lungs filling with oxygen and I knew what I had to do. I had to get out of here.

  Chapter 22

  Two sharp knocks on my door sent me jolting up in bed. I rubbed my weary eyes as I took in the unfamiliar surroundings. Oh, right. I was still the dark lord’s prisoner. I’d been up all night grasping at the flimsy tethers around my heart, trying to coax magic out of them. I’d failed.

  As quickly as I’d latch onto a tiny spark, the stupid manacles would siphon it away. I kicked back the covers and slid to the edge of the bed. “Who is it?” I finally called out.

  The door swung open, and Luxora’s curvy frame filled the doorway. Blades hung from her leather tunic, clanging as she moved. A deep scowl was etched into her otherwise perfectly sculpted face. “I hope you’ve come to the right decision?”

  “Geez, no good morning or anything, huh?”

  Her long legs ate up the distance between us. She stood over me, her snake flicking his tongue out, mere inches from my face. “Have you come to a decision or not, half-blood?”

  She was in a much fouler mood than yesterday. I wonder why…

  I bit down my nerves and leveled her with my steeliest expression. “I have a counter-offer.”

  The glimmer of a smirk perked up her lips as she folded her arms across her chest. “And?”

  “I will speak to my father about granting you a seat on the Etrian Assembly, which I truly believe the Underworld deserves. I will also recommend the gradual allowance of your people into the human realm on a monitored basis, if and only if, you swear a blood pact to my father to be held personally accountable for their behavior. If all those things work out, there would be no need for me to remain here as your guest.”

  She raised a dark brow as she assessed me. “I don’t see you giving anything up in this deal.”

  “I’m trusting you and vouching for you to my father.”

  She shook her head. “You remaining in the Underworld is a non-negotiable part of the proposition.”

  I stood up and matched her posture, squeezing my arms against my chest. “Then I’m afraid we’re at an impasse.”

  Her eyes narrowed, the pools of liquid tar piercing. “There is one thing I did not have Celine show you.”

  I cringed at the thought of another vision-induced migraine.

  “You only saw the glimmer of one future. There are many other darker versions possible. Ones in which my dear half-brother does not enjoy such a happy ending.”

  All the air was sucked from my lungs, invisible hands constricting my breaths. I inhaled sharply, forcing my heart to keep beating. She’s just trying to get to you. Squeezing my hands into tight little fists, I forced my expression to calm. “I’ll never let you kill him,” I snarled.

  A sinister chuckle filled the air between us. “Who said I was the one to cause his unfortunate demise? With all the forthcoming battles, it’s only a matter of time before he steps in to save you and doesn’t get away unscathed.”

  I whipped my head back and forth. If Ryder died because of me, I’d never forgive myself. I’d rather spend the rest of my days in that miserable dungeon than be the cause of his death.

  Loud banging at the door yanked Luxora’s dark gaze from mine. “What?” she shouted.

  A gorabora demon’s thick head peered through the crack. “Your unexpected guests have made it past the guards.”

  “All of them?” she growled.

  The gorilla beast nodded, keeping his eyes cast down to the floor.

  “Send for Nicodemus.”

  “I already have. No word back from him either.”

  The warlord snorted, muttering curses under her breath. Her fingers wrapped around my bicep, and she dragged me to the door. “My brother and that angel are certainly making a nuisance of themselves.”

  My heart leapt as hope fluttered in my chest. They came for me. “What are you going to do now?”

  Without answering, her footsteps quickened as she jerked me along behind her through the corridors. As soon as we turned a few corners, wild howls and shrieks echoed across the stone walls.

  The dark tether around my heart fluttered ever so slightly. My pulse soared. Ryder was nearby; I could almost feel him. As Luxora continued to drag me through the winding castle, I checked the other seven cords. Still flimsy, but at least I felt them.

  I stepped in something warm and wet as we approached Luxora’s throne room. Glancing down at my bare feet, dark crimson liquid squished between my toes. Oh vomit. Luxora paused, eyeing the mess and wrapped her free hand around the sword at her waist.

  A trail of blood led all the way into the large chamber. The warlord slowed, creeping forward the last few feet. Outside the double doors, the two gorabora demon guards lay in a bloody pool.

  She cursed, grinding her teeth together and stopped just outside the entrance to the throne room. Her neon snake coiled its body around her neck and shoulders, its long body tense in anticipation. For the first time, I really looked at the creepy reptile, inspecting its bright green scales and forked tongue. Tendrils of dark magic writhed over its skin, shifting and rippling as it moved.

  Ryder had to be right. Malis could really be the source of her mystical powers.

  Luxora spun on me, tightening her grasp around my arm. Her sharp nails bit into my skin. “Stay beside me and do not try anything if you want those two to live.”

  I trailed behind her as she stalked into the throne room. Dozens of gorabora demon carcasses littered the gray stone floor, splatters of blood staining the surface.

  A dark shadow peeled away from the corner of the massive room, and my breath hitched. Luxora bristled beside me as the seer’s face coalesced with Ryder’s thick bicep across her neck. Claws replaced his typically manicured nails, and vivid citrine eclipsed his irises. He held a sharp talon against the girl’s milky white throat.

  “Release Luna now or your precious seer dies.” Ryder’s snarl was more beast than man. I couldn’t help the involuntary shudder down my spine. Seeing my boyfriend’s demon rising to the surface sent surges of panic through my veins.

  Beside him stood Cillian, his magnificent wings stretched out and a dark gleam in his eye that made him look ten times more warrior than guardian angel. Both were splattered with blood, demon goop, and grime. Luxora’s underlings hadn’t made it easy for them to enter her castle, unlike last time.

  “Dear brother, I’m afraid there’s been a mistake.” The warlord’s voice was smoother than honey. “Luna is here as my guest. I’m sorry you went through such trouble to rescue her unnecessarily.” She tugged on my arm, forcing me forward. “Tell them, Luna. Tell
them about our deal.”

  My throat closed as my eyes met Ryder’s. Though his demon was clawing to the surface, the depth of emotion behind the yellow irises belonged to the man I knew and loved. What if Luxora had been telling the truth, and Ryder did die if I didn’t remain here?

  “I’ve never seen a guest wearing manacles like those.” Ryder ticked his head at the mystical handcuffs then fixed his murderous gaze on his sister.

  She tsked. “Minor formality. We were in the process of sealing the deal when you two showed up.” Her eyes flickered to the girl caught in Ryder’s vice grip.

  “And what exactly is this deal?” Cillian asked, his expression carved in stone.

  Luxora nudged me. “Why don’t you tell them, my dear?”

  “She wants a seat on the Etrian Assembly and access to the human realm for the Underworlders. She’ll take over Lucifer’s throne and reign the Underworld, and she swears she’ll be able to keep her minions in check. No more humans will die.” I paused, my eyes previously trained on Cillian moving to Ryder. “But I have to stay here with her.”

  “Absolutely not,” Ryder growled.

  It’s funny how similarly Luxora’s desires aligned with her father’s. I wondered how many similarities Ryder shared with Lucifer.

  “You are not seriously considering this offer?” His eyes locked onto mine, searching for an answer hidden deep beneath the surface. The citrine flickered, giving way to the intense onyx.

  “I could save thousands—both humans and Azarians alike,” I mumbled. “I saw Celine’s visions and they were… horrifying.”

  Ryder’s hold tightened around the seer’s neck and she squirmed, letting out a sharp squeak. “You don’t know for sure that what she saw will come to pass. Don’t you remember what your sister said? Nothing is set in stone.”

  I chewed on the inside of my cheek. The same thought had been bothering me since I’d awoken from the vision. But it all seemed so real. “You could die if I don’t do this, Ryder.” I choked on the words, the mere idea stealing my breath away.

  He moved closer, dragging Celine along with him. Her milky orbs met mine, and I felt sorry for the girl. She didn’t choose to have visions, to become Luxora’s pawn.

  “We’re all going to die some day, Luna. And I’d rather it be today than allow you to remain here with her.”

  “What a lovely sentiment.” Luxora’s lips twisted into a scowl. “I guarantee if you fight me on this, brother, you won’t leave my home alive.” She whipped her head to face me, her snake mirroring her movements. “Luna, I tire of this. It’s time you come to a decision.”

  Cillian stepped forward raising his hands. “There has to be a middle ground in which Luna isn’t sentenced to a lifetime in the Underworld.”

  Ah, my angel headmaster, always the voice of reason.

  “That part is non-negotiable,” she responded.


  I wondered the same thing. The more I thought about it, the more convinced I was it had something to do with the vision of our warlock daughter. She didn’t only want to keep me away from Azar or the human realm, she wanted me away from Ryder. It even made sense as to why she’d stopped hunting me last semester while her brother, in full-mode demon, remained at her side.

  “I can’t give away everything the oracle has foreseen,” she countered. “Then how would I keep my advantage?”

  “The way I see it, this little seer is the cause of all our problems. If I snapped her neck, we’d have no idea what the future held for any of us.” He lifted a shoulder nonchalantly. “And we could all go on our merry way.”

  Tears streamed down Celine’s pale cheeks, and she whimpered.

  “Don’t Ryder.” I slowly shook my head at him. “It’s not her fault.”

  “Then what would you have me do, Luna?” A hint of desperation laced his tone, constricting my chest. “I won’t lose you.” His eyes brightened, and the tense set of his jaw diminished ever so slightly. He snapped his gaze to his sister. “I have a counter offer, Luxora.”

  She rolled her eyes. “What now?”

  “We’ll agree to your terms if you allow me to remain here with Luna. We’re permitted to live our own lives together, not under your thumb, but still within your realm.”

  “No!” Cillian squeezed Ryder’s shoulder. “There has to be another way.”

  The warlord’s vacant eyes sparkled. “Now, that’s an intriguing idea, brother. I could be swayed to agree to that under one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  A sinister smile replaced the deep-set scowl. “You let the demon free.”

  “No, no, no!” I tried to wriggle out of Luxora’s grasp to get closer to him. “You can’t do it, Ryder. Not after I just got you back.”

  His expression blanked. Anxiety ripped through my insides. He was just crazy enough to agree.

  “None of these are viable options, Luxora.” Cillian’s fingers grazed the hilt of his angel sword. “I, too, tire of this inane discussion. Give us a legitimate proposition, or we end this now.”

  A shrill giggle pierced the tense standoff. “You underestimate me, Cillian. Do you honestly believe the warlord of the sixth realm would survive all these centuries with the measly guards you slayed?” She snapped her fingers and Nicodemus appeared, a horde of demons at his back.

  Son of a biscuit!

  Ryder growled, his claw running across Celine’s neck. “If you or any of your men make a move, I’ll take off her head.” A flash of yellow streaked across his irises, the incandescent hue threatening to take over.

  “And I’ll take hers.” The snake slithered from Luxora’s shoulders and wrapped its scaly body around my neck. I sucked in a breath as its coils tightened.

  Darkness seeped into the corners of my vision as the snake continued to constrict. Dark, heady power emanated from the creature. It seeped into my pores as its neon scales undulated over my skin.

  “Luxora, no!” Ryder shouted. He sliced a claw over Celine’s neck, and a trickle of blood leeched down the seer’s throat.

  “We could play this game all day, brother. I guarantee I’ll win. Though I’d hate to lose such a valuable seer, your love for the girl overpowers everything else. Do yourself a favor and give in to the darkness. Sit at my side and rule the Underworld as we were meant to, and I swear no harm will come to your precious half-blood.”

  I furiously shook my head, the snake’s vice hold around my throat closing off my windpipe. “No,” I rasped out, using the last remaining bit of oxygen.

  A brilliant flash of light caught my eye as Cillian unleashed his angel sword. The head of the nearest demon rolled right off its beastly shoulders, then another and another as Cillian’s blade took on Luxora’s monster army.

  A few of the demons broke free from the pack and lunged at Ryder. Panic clawed up my throat, but no words came out. He was forced to let Celine go as a gorabora attacked, his venom-covered fangs bared.

  I struggled against Luxora and her snake, but I was barely able to see beyond the darkening haze. The coils around my neck tightened.

  “Nicodemus!” she shouted. “Get Luna out of here now.” Her words were beginning to muffle as were all the sounds of battle.

  Definitely not a good sign.

  The sorcerer emerged from the melee and wrapped his long fingers around my wrists. A dark purple cloud enveloped us, and the chaotic scene before me blinked out of existence.

  Chapter 23

  A gentle touch caressed my cheek, the soft, familiar skin eliciting a contented sigh. Warm arms enveloped me as my eyes fluttered open. Instead of the cold stone floor I expected, I found myself pressed into Ryder’s chest.

  My eyelids snapped open as I scanned the dark chamber. We were back in the room I’d slept in the night before. My mystical restraints were gone, but still no magic flowed in my core. “What happened? Where’s Cillian?”

  Ryder was stretched across the bed, his nose nuzzling the shell of my ear.

  I swirled
around to face him and met vivid citrine irises. Ice rippled across my veins.

  “It’s still me, baby girl.”

  He must have read the panic in my eyes because he tightened his hold around me as if I’d bolt at any second. It wasn’t far from the truth.

  “Cillian and I were outnumbered. There was no way we were getting out alive. I did what I had to do.”

  I scrutinized his face, his sculpted jaw, the fear in his eyes and the slope of his shoulders. Something dark haunted his features, but he was right. It was still him. I ran my hand over the stubble of his jaw. “You let the demon loose?”

  He nodded. “I had no other choice. When Nicodemus took you…” His words fell away, and I realized this demon was the man I loved. The crazed monster I’d seen at the club in Nocturnis that sucked the life out of that Fae was nowhere to be found. “I love you, Luna. Even like this. I was so scared he’d overpower me, overpower my love for you, but he didn’t.” He exhaled sharply. “You’ve been out for hours. Whatever spell Nicodemus cast on you was strong. But it gave me time. I watched you all night from afar, watched you breathe, watched your lips tip into a smile as you dreamt, and I realized my demon—I would never harm you. He’s as much in love with you as I am. And it’s that love that will allow me to control this.”

  His thumb stroked my cheek, sweeping back a lock of hair.

  My eyes fixed on his, these new brilliant citrine ones, and my heart recognized his. Beyond the demon, he was still the same Ryder.

  “I think I love your demon too.” A smile split my lips, and I pulled him down to meet my mouth.

  His lips moved hesitantly at first, as if he were scared of what he was capable of. A part of me was terrified, but the other was enthralled. I slid my tongue between his lips, and it only took a moment for him to yield. Our tongues intertwined, the languid movements becoming more feverish with each touch.

  All this time we’d been so scared to give into the demon, to lose control, but now that he had, there was nothing else to lose. The demon was a part of him and had always been. He was the dark part of the man I loved. My insides clenched as his hands roamed over my back and slipped under my top. Heated fingers pressed against my sensitive skin. All my nerve endings were on fire.


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