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Darkblood Academy: Book Four: Prophecies

Page 17

by G. K. DeRosa

  Here we were, prisoners in Luxora’s castle and all I could think about was the feel of Ryder pressed up against me. I wanted him closer, I needed to obliterate every inch of space between us. My hands moved under his shirt, and I peeled the tight tee off his muscled back.

  He rolled on top of me, his hardness pressing against my thigh. I groaned against his lips as my body arched up to meet his.

  “I am so in love with you, Luna,” he whispered against my mouth. “I never knew it was possible to feel this way about someone. All these years I’d been burying a part of me, and who knew you were the answer? My love for you was the means to controlling him.”

  “I love you more.” A huge smile spread across my face as I wrapped my legs around his firm butt and drove my hips to meet his.

  A sharp groan escaped his clenched teeth. “Luna, if you keep doing that, we’re really going to test my control.”

  “Maybe it’s time we did.”

  Panic streaked across his eyes.

  I cupped his cheeks and tugged his mouth down to mine once again. Gently brushing my lips against his, I inhaled his minty breath. “You’ve already set him loose, Ryder. What’s the worst that could happen? If you go nuts and suck a few of Luxora’s demons dry it wouldn’t be the most terrible thing.”

  He grinned against my lips. “Gods, I love you.”

  “So make love to me, just like you’ve always wanted. Without having to hold back, without having to deny yourself. This could be it, Ryder. We have no idea what Luxora’s plans are for us.” I still hadn’t told him about Celine’s vision. I vowed I would… later.

  I snagged his lower lip between my teeth and nipped at the soft skin. A low growl rumbled his chest, vibrating against my own. My hands moved down the swirling tattoos across his pecs, tracing a line to his sculpted abs until they disappeared into the waistband of his jeans.

  “Luna…” he growled.

  “I’m sure. I’ve never been more sure of my love for you than right now.” Before he could object further, I slid my fingers down his jeans, undoing the top button.

  The citrine in his irises blazed to life as he tugged my shirt over my head. With our bare skin pressed against each other, a raging fire burned through my veins. Eventually not a single scrap of clothing remained between us, and still my body longed to be closer. To be one with the man I loved so much it hurt.

  His eyes latched onto mine, searching. The depth of emotion in the swirling yellow was much more profound than the black I’d grown so accustomed to. I nodded and pressed my lips to his as he descended over me.

  My insides clenched as he filled every inch of me. The dark cord around my heart pulsated to a fevered pitch as our bodies became one.

  As the faint rays of daylight seeped into the slit of a window above, nothing else mattered. Ryder and I were together, demon or not, and I could feel the undying certainty within my bones—together we would conquer whatever came next.

  I awoke with a start, my heart leaping up my throat. Flashes of an empty bed swam across my vision before I cleared the sleepy haze away. A warm body lay next to me, a muscular arm splayed over my waist and a massive thigh entwined between my legs.

  The steady rise and fall of Ryder’s chest chased away all the dark thoughts of the last time we’d slept together. A huge smile spread across my face as I traced his soft lips, his scruffy chin, and up to his strong jawline. His eyes fluttered open, and a sleepy grin melted across those kissable lips.

  “Good morning.” His raspy voice did things to my insides. Flashes of the incredible night zipped across my mind, and heat swirled in my core. I snagged my lower lip between my teeth to keep my toes from curling at the heated memories. A sexy growl rumbled in Ryder’s throat as his brilliant citrine eyes focused on my lips. He stroked my cheek then moved down to my chin, releasing my swollen lip. “If we have any hope of getting out of bed today and planning our escape, you need to stop doing that.” His tone was like a heated caress, and it took all I had not to squirm beneath his touch.

  “Getting out of bed seems highly overrated.”

  He stretched out, tucking me into his side as his fingers ran up and down my arm. “Believe me, I would like nothing more than to make love to you all day, every day, until the end of time.” His lips gently brushed mine, the promise of something more. “But…” He pulled back, and I pouted. “But, we have to figure out a way out of this.”

  “A way out?” My brows knitted. “I thought you made a deal with Luxora to stay?”

  “Nothing’s been set in stone as of yet. She thought releasing my demon would be enough to keep me here, but she was wrong. Thanks to you.” He kissed the tip of my nose, then one cheek and the other. Ryder’s demon was nothing like I’d expected.

  “Hey, by the way, how’d you manage to get my magical handcuffs off?” I’d been too preoccupied with more important thoughts last night to bring it up.

  “After Nicodemus dragged you away and Luxora thought she’d won when I let my demon free, I convinced her it would be a show of good will. When I got to the room, Nicodemus already had you unconscious. He didn’t like the idea, but it wasn’t up to him. He agreed to Luxora’s terms: while we’re in the room, no handcuffs.” A mischievous grin revealed that adorable dimple. “Unless you’d like me to procure some, of course.”

  I smacked him in the stomach and regretted it immediately as my palm hit hard-packed abs. “So the room itself is spelled against magic?”

  He nodded.

  Searching my insides, I felt for the cords around my heart. There was more than a flicker this time. The boundary spell was weaker than the magical restraints. If I focused hard enough I was sure I could siphon enough magic from the bond to get us out of here. I just needed some time. I opened my mouth to tell Ryder, but snapped it shut at the last minute. I wasn’t stupid enough to think we weren’t being monitored.

  Too bad I didn’t consider that last night. I cringed. Hopefully, Luxora didn’t have cameras in here.

  “Do you think Cillian will come back for us?” The angel had been weighing heavily on my mind, as well as the rest of the team. They must have been going crazy with worry.

  “I know he will. Even though I warned him not to.” He smiled. “You know my uncle, he won’t give up on a lost cause.”

  I leaned in close and kissed the shell of his ear before whispering, “Good. I think I can get us out of here with the team’s help.”

  He nuzzled my ear, sending a wave of goose bumps down my arm. “I wouldn’t have expected anything less,” he murmured.

  Sharp knocks at the door sent me scurrying under the covers. After Luxora’s impromptu entrance yesterday, there was no way I was letting her catch me naked. Ryder leapt up and zipped across the room to the bathroom just before the door swung open.

  Tugging the comforter up to my chin, I squeezed my eyes shut pretending to still be asleep. Luxora sauntered in, her blades clanging against eachother with every stride. I slowly opened an eye and then the other. Glaring up, I snarled at her and her snake, “Are you going to make this a daily occurrence? Because if so, I may have to reconsider our deal.”

  Her perfectly plucked brow arched. “That’s precisely why I’m here. To seal our proposition with the blood pact as originally discussed.” She glanced around the room. “Where is my brother? Have you and the demon been getting along?”

  I opened my mouth, but before I could get any words out, the bathroom door slammed open and Ryder sauntered out, butt naked. My cheeks flushed, and I averted my gaze to the floor.

  “I’m beginning to rethink this deal, sister.” A jagged edge laced Ryder’s tone—one I didn’t recognize. Lifting my eyes, I caught the dark shadows etched into his face. His eyes practically glowed. “I’m not sure I want to give up my freedom for this human. After all, she’s not quite as enamored by my demon as I’d hoped she’d be.”

  My heart plummeted. I recognized this voice, this version of Ryder, and ice crackled over my skin. This was his true dem
on. I sucked in a breath forcing myself to calm. He’s just giving her a show.

  Luxora cocked her head, her onyx irises moving like lasers over her brother. “It’s too late, a deal is a deal. Did Father not teach you anything?”

  He shrugged and folded into a chair across from the fireplace, his man parts still fully on display. Even with the bad boy demon persona in full throttle, I couldn’t help but ogle his perfect form. Ryder waved a dismissive hand at his sister. “Fine, fine. As I recall, being cooped up in this room was not the condition I agreed upon. The half-blood and I were supposed to be allowed our own life, to do with as we pleased.”

  “In due time, brother. I’ll make sure you have your own dwelling once the blood pact has been made. Besides, why are you in such a hurry anyway? Wouldn’t you like to remain in my castle and rule by my side? The old brother I knew and loved surely would have.”

  “Your old brother was weak. I have no desires to rule by anyone’s side. When the time is right, I will take what is rightfully mine.” He threw the dark lord a sinister sneer. “But rest easy, dear sister, I don’t have my eye on your throne just yet.”

  Wow, either Ryder was an incredible actor, or he’d just gone off the deep end. I sent up a quick prayer it was the former and not the latter.

  “This evening we feast,” said Luxora, her face a perfect mask of calm. She didn’t even flinch at Ryder’s overt threat. “To celebrate the blood pact and the return of family. Perhaps I will even invite Father.”

  My ears perked up. “Lucifer?”

  She grinned as Malis undulated over her shoulders. “It’s time he knew of our arrangement. The sooner he steps down, the quicker we can set this in motion. You do want your precious little humans saved, correct?”

  My head bounced up and down.

  “Good. I’ll make the necessary preparations, and we’ll convene in a few hours. I want my father here to witness the momentous occasion.” She peered at her brother then at me. “I’ll have clothes sent up for both of you.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered.

  The dark shadows of two gorabora demons filled the doorway as she sashayed out. Undoubtedly, there were more lining the halls. As soon as the door slammed shut, my wary gaze darted to Ryder.

  “It’s still me.” He threw me a heart-stopping smile, and I could breathe a little easier. He stalked toward me, his dark form imposing as hell. His muscles twitched and strained beneath the mesmerizing design of onyx tattoos.

  All the moisture evaporated from my mouth as he crept onto the bed. “So they must not have cameras,” I whispered.

  “Or my sister is as good an actor as I am.”

  “Doubtful.” I wrapped my arms behind his head, and he lowered his body onto mine.

  He dropped a trail of kisses down my neck before meeting my eyes once more. “Did I scare you?”

  I didn’t speak for a long moment. I didn’t want him to think I didn’t trust him, but I couldn’t lie either. “Maybe for a second.”

  “I’ll never betray you, I swear it, Luna. My demon—I belong to you and nothing will ever change that again.”

  The ferocity in his tone, and the depth of emotion flashing across his incandescent irises made me believe it. “I know,” I finally muttered before crushing my lips to his. Pulling his body down to mine, he fit perfectly between my thighs. He rocked his hips against mine and once again, I was completely lost to the heady sensations.

  Chapter 24

  Ryder and I stared at each other from across the table in the sitting area of my chamber. We’d found paper and pencils, and we’d spent the last hour wordlessly communicating our plan in case we were being magically surveilled.

  I really hoped there were no cameras after our last few hours of sexcapades.

  Ryder’s warm gaze raked over me as he took in the fancy gown one of Luxora’s minions had brought over. It was nowhere near the luxury of the ones Cinder usually lent me, but Ryder couldn’t take his eyes off the strapless corset top and silky flowing skirt.

  He didn’t look bad either in a black button-down shirt and suede breeches. Not his typical attire, but the man could totally pull off the medieval look.

  I forced my gaze away from his and back at the scribbled notes splayed out between us. If the plan were to work, timing would be everything. I’d need to find a way to summon enough power to portal the team over while I was still in this room. There was no doubt my magical cuffs would come back on before the big feast and getting around those was pretty much impossible. I’d been testing out my power every few minutes for the past hour.

  I glanced up at the clock on the wall. One of Luxora’s underlings would be here to escort us to the dining room any minute now. It was time.

  My pulse skyrocketed as I searched for the multi-colored cords around my heart. If this didn’t work we were screwed.

  Ryder’s steady gaze leveled on me from the other side of the table. He reached across and intertwined his fingers through mine. “You can do this,” he mouthed.

  I nodded and focused my energy on the dimly lit binds. Wrapping my fingers more tightly around Ryder’s, I could feel a slight pulse of magic humming over his skin. I drew from it, sucking it toward the small flicker in the center of my core. The tiny orb of light grew, and the pull from the cords strengthened.

  I sent out a faint tendril of energy through the bond, and the lilac thread flared to life. Gotcha, Drake!

  The door swung open, and a gorabora demon poked its ugly head in. “It’s time,” he growled.

  He was right about that.

  Nicodemus stepped out from behind the gorilla beast holding out the glowing magical handcuffs. Before I extended my arms, I pulled on all the cords at once and my magic flared to life. Heat exploded in my center, and the sorcerer’s gaze darkened as his suspicious eyes raked over me.

  Ignoring him, I focused on summoning the team through the portal right into Luxora’s lair. Nicodemus snapped on the restraints, and my insides hollowed out once again.

  Ryder’s anxious gaze met mine as Nicodemus ushered us out of the room. I hope that worked. Lifting my shoulders, I gave him my best reassuring smile, but in reality, I had no idea if I’d had enough power to summon them through the portal.

  As we trudged down the quiet hallways, dread burrowed into my gut. Shouldn’t we have heard something by now? I’d tried to direct the portal to the far side of the castle to buy some more time, but it shouldn’t have taken this long for them to find us.

  A few turns later and our demon escorts stopped in front of a thick oak door. The massive entryway groaned open, revealing a grand dining room. An enormous banquet-style table sat in the center surrounded by at least a dozen high-backed chairs. A candle-lit iron chandelier hung over the center illuminating the space. Enormous platters filled with savory meats and vegetables extended the full length of the table as the pungent scents wafted in the air. My stomach growled, reminding me I hadn’t eaten all day.

  Luxora sat at one end of the long table, Lucifer on the opposite. Their weighty gazes bored into either side of my face as we approached.

  The devil stood, and his perfect lips tipped up when we neared. His eyes moved almost imperceptibly to my manacled wrists before rising to meet my gaze. As always, he was dressed in an impeccable three-piece suit. A hot pink scarf billowed from his breast pocket, the only shock of color against the dark ensemble.

  “I never thought I’d be seeing you two here.” Lucifer took my hand and deposited a chaste kiss, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. His heavy gaze moved from me to Ryder, and his piercing eyes widened. “My, my. I most certainly didn’t expect you.” His brows furrowed. “After everything you went through this year, you’ve let the monster free?”

  Ryder seared his father with a spine-tingling glare. The old Ryder had nothing on the demon’s scathing stares. “Sometimes the monster is just what you need to fight all the other monsters.”

  “Touché, son. It’s about time you came to the liberating realization

  “Not that this isn’t a lovely reunion,” said Luxora, rising, “but I’d like to get on with the real purpose of this get together.”

  “Of course, dear daughter.” Lucifer pulled the chair out beside him and motioned for me to sit.

  I tensed for a moment before folding into it. I supposed between Luxora and Lucifer, I’d rather take my chances with the devil. Ryder slipped into the chair beside me, his expression a mask of calm, but I could feel the anxiety rippling off his skin in tidal waves.

  “Why have you brought us here today, Luxora?”

  “I wanted you to witness the execution of a legendary deal—one of my making this time, Father.”

  As the warlord spoke, I alternated between checking my internal cords, straining my ears to make out any sign of attack and eyeing the doorway. Nothing. My insides were empty, not even a hint of magic swirled in my core. And I couldn’t sense the team at all. Where were they?

  Lucifer’s dark brow perked up. “Do tell…”

  The warlord pinned her shoulders back, leveling her father with a formidable stare. “It’s time for you to step down from your throne.” Malis curled around her neck, hissing and writhing over her chest.

  “Oh really?” He folded his arms over his fine suit, the hint of a smile curling his lips.

  “It’s been millennia, Father, and you’ve obviously lost interest in leading your flock. Step down now before you have a rebellion on your hands. We all know how well those turn out for you.”

  Ryder smirked.

  Luxora definitely knew how to push Lucifer’s buttons. My eyes bounced to the doorway again. Still nothing.

  “And I imagine you would like to take my place?” He leaned his elbows on the table, steepling his fingers.

  “I would be the most obvious choice.” Her gaze flickered to mine for a moment. “Once this deal has been struck, I will have secured a spot for the Underworld on the Etrian Assembly and guaranteed rights to the human realm.”


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