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Page 20

by S. L. Kassidy

  “Baby, what are you doing?” Nicole whispered, even though she could guess. After all, not too many activities required her to be naked.

  “I need a better glass. You’re perfect,” Danny whispered before showering Nicole’s torso with tender kisses.

  Soft murmurs escaped Nicole’s mouth. “Perfect for what?”

  “Perfect for my wine,” Danny replied as if it was obvious.

  Nicole’s brow furrowed. The gentle kisses continued, as Danny began moving Nicole’s body, positioning it just so. Nicole allowed it, wondering what Danny was about to do. When Danny finally pulled away, Nicole sat with her arms behind her, causing her chest to jut out. Her legs were straight out and pressed as close together as possible.

  A smirk settled onto Danny’s face. “Ready?”

  “For what?” Nicole answered in a breath. She hoped it involved her lover relieving some of the pressure building inside of her.

  Grey eyes sparkled as Danny’s smirk grew. She grabbed her glass of wine and then slowly poured a little over Nicole’s collarbones. A small amount of the liquid pooled just below Nicole’s waist, where her legs were locked together. Wasting no time, Danny lapped up the wine, drawing out small moans from Nicole.

  Nicole felt herself getting hotter and hotter. She couldn’t believe Danny was actually sipping wine from her body. No one had ever proposed such a thing, and she never considered such a thing. But, goddamn, it feels so good!

  “God, baby, I think you need more than sips,” Nicole panted. She knew she needed more.

  “I drink at my own pace, Chem.”

  Nicole groaned as her girlfriend kept pouring and kept licking. She was certain she’d explode, as Danny’s tongue worked all over her torso. Danny’s talented tongue drifted over her collarbones, the valley between her breasts, all around her breasts, and down by her bellybutton. Nicole began to squirm, wanting more. Danny pulled away and held Nicole’s legs.

  “Baby, please,” Nicole begged.

  “Stop moving or you’ll spill my wine. I won’t have anything to drink, and I’ll have to stop.” Danny pinned Nicole with her gaze.

  Nicole gulped, but stopped wiggling. Panting, Nicole did her best to stay the way Danny put her, so that Danny wouldn’t stop. Tongue and lips continued on, blazing across her wanting flesh. She wasn’t sure how she didn’t go out of her mind with desire and need, as her lover’s mouth drifted lower.

  Danny slurped and licked the wine resting in between Nicole’s legs. Nicole shuddered and whimpered, fighting to keep the pose and not open her legs. But, it’s so hard and I’m hotter than this damn fire! Still, she remained as Danny had put her and was rewarded with Danny gently prying her legs open.

  “Oh, look at this. More wine,” Danny remarked with a smile.

  “Baby, please. I want you so much. Love me like only you can,” Nicole implored, breathing heavily through her mouth.

  “Only me. Like the sound of that.” With that, she dived into her partner, going right to where Nicole needed her.

  Nicole wouldn’t have thought her back could bow any more than it was, but she found out that wasn’t true as soon as Danny’s lips touched her most intimate area. As Danny’s mouth worked her magic, bringing her pleasure higher and higher, Nicole had to move, adjust, or she would’ve gone mad.

  Curling more into herself, Nicole tried to hug Danny’s head to her. It was awkward, and she actually lost contact like that. Whining, she allowed Danny to push her down to the floor, and she moved her legs onto Danny’s shoulders. Danny reached up and put a couple of sofa pillows under Nicole, who didn’t care about that. She only cared about Danny touching her. Nicole whined for her lover, who went back to work immediately.

  Nicole clawed at the carpet, as Danny’s tongue glided through her, making her burn all the more. Her heart raced, and her mind succumbed to the sweet attention. Passion rose until, finally, she could only explode. Letting loose a loud cry, she dropped to the floor with a thin layer of sweat covering her body as if to cool down the dying flames.

  Danny pushed herself up and smiled while gazing down at her. Nicole’s heart raced again, as the fire in the hearth danced and highlighted her lover’s copper tone. She looked like something from another world.

  “You’re the angel,” Nicole said with reverence, reaching up and caressing Danny’s slightly chubby cheek.

  Danny smiled. “Then you’re the sex goddess, my little vixen.”

  “Vixen? I’ve gone from an angel to a vixen.”

  “You’re both.” Danny leaned down and nuzzled Nicole’s neck. She placed a couple of gentle kisses, earning a few whimpers from Nicole, who wrapped one hand around Danny, hugging her close.

  “It was wonderful, sweetheart. Is there nothing those fingers and that mouth can’t do?”

  Danny didn’t reply, just continued to nuzzle Nicole. Eventually, Nicole had to let Danny go and lie down on the floor. Danny fetched a blanket to put down and then followed Nicole’s lead, pulling Nicole to her. They stayed there, quietly, just enjoying their existence together.


  The couple cuddled close in bed that night, fighting off sleep in favor of plotting out their full day tomorrow. The best they could come up with was skiing and shopping. Dane wasn’t looking forward to more falling or her leg hurting, but she wanted Nicole to get some skiing in.

  They fell asleep, and Dane woke up to the smell of breakfast. Her stomach rumbled in approval, and she was about to get up, but Nicole appeared in the doorway. She held a tray, but Dane didn’t know what was on it. She was distracted by what her girlfriend had on…or what she didn’t have on. All Nicole wore was a pair of lacy panties.

  “Nick, what are you doing?” Dane asked, eyes glued to her lover’s cleavage.

  “Aside from putting a spell on you, I’m serving you breakfast in bed,” Nicole answered with a coquettish smile.

  “Spell?” Dane mindlessly echoed. I don’t think God made a more perfect pair of tits. She wanted them in her hands and her mouth, yet again.

  Nicole smiled as she sashayed over to the bed and set the tray in front of her dazed lover. “Waffles, scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese, some fruit, and apple juice.”

  Dane heard the words, but they didn’t really register. Her eyes were stuck to bare breasts, and her ears were halfway invested, just in case. She definitely wanted her sense of touch and taste to get involved.

  “Should I put on a shirt?” Nicole asked with a teasing smile.

  Dane blinked. “You’d better not! Be a crime against nature to not let those hang free. Matter of fact, can you not wear shirts or bras when we’re in here?”

  Nicole chuckled. “No, I don’t think so.”

  Dane’s face fell into a pout. “But, why?”

  “Because, I’d like to have a conversation with you and have you actually look at my face.”

  “I’ll get there eventually.”

  Nicole laughed, but she didn’t make a move to cover up. Instead, she turned to the food and broke off pieces of the waffles. Making sure the bits were thoroughly saturated with syrup, she brought the fork to Dane’s lips and fed her breakfast. Dane moaned as she took in the food.

  Breakfast was spent with Nicole feeding both of them from one fork. Had it been anyone else, Dane would’ve found the whole thing weird and disgusting. Some things weren’t meant to be shared, regardless of where her tongue had gone earlier. But, with Nicole, that never even occurred to her. Everything she did with Nicole seemed perfectly normal and natural.

  “Nick, have you ever done this before with a lover?”

  “Breakfast in bed?”

  “Well, that, and sharing one plate and one fork?”

  Nicole smiled a little. “Only you, baby.” She seemed to think on it for a moment. “It would’ve been weird with anyone else. I don’t know why, but with you, it seems fine. Everything with you seems fine.”

  Dane grinned. “That’s how I feel, too. I’ve had a few people try to feed me in bed and it’s
always creepy to me. Hell, not too long ago, I’d have thought you were babying me. But, I’ve grown a little and I’m so connected to you, so in love with you. God, Chem, I love you so damn much that I’m willing to try skiing again.” I might die trying it, but shit, it’ll be worth it just to see her smile.

  Nicole laughed. “That’s good enough for me, but I don’t want you to hurt your leg or your knee if it’s a problem.”

  Dane shook her head. “It’s not a problem. Now, go put some clothes on before I throw you down on this bed and don’t let you up until we have to leave.”

  The redhead obviously wanted to go skiing, because she rushed out of the room with the empty tray in her hands. Dane laughed and got out of bed to prepare for the day.

  Once they were properly cleaned, groomed, and bundled, they started for the slopes. Dane convinced Nicole to go off on the real hills by basically saying it embarrassed her when Nicole saw her fall. It was partially true, but Dane really didn’t care about falling.

  Dane fell often in the fresh snow, but she made it down the bunny slope a couple of times without killing herself. She considered it an accomplishment, but it bored her, as most sports did. She didn’t mind watching a variety of sports, but participating in them never struck her like it did with most people. Plus, her knee and leg were already sore, and she didn’t want to make those worse.

  “There might be something else to do,” Dane muttered. Looking around, she spotted something in the distance she’d like to try, but she wouldn’t get the chance just yet.

  “Hey, baby, ready to grab lunch?” Nicole asked as she came over.

  Dane opened her mouth, about to say they had just had breakfast, but her stomach growled. She felt a blush burn her cheeks, but it was almost impossible to tell thanks to the scarf Nicole forced her to wear. Besides, the cold, crisp air made much of her skin a dull red.

  “Is it lunch time already? Seems like we just got out here.”

  Nicole laughed. “You didn’t hit your head while you were out here practicing? We’ve been out here for three hours.”

  “Three hours? Get the hell out!” Dane declared in disbelief. “It doesn’t seem like that long.” I’ve been busting my ass for three hours? No wonder my leg feels like it’s ready to shatter.

  “I’m sure it hasn’t. Did you have fun?”

  Dane shrugged. “I guess. It was all right, but I probably wouldn’t do this on my own.”

  “No? I thought you’d have fun outside and in the snow.”

  “I am, but still not something I’d do on my own.”

  Nicole accepted that with a nod and didn’t press Dane. They returned to the warmth of their cabin and showered. Nicole went to make lunch, while Dane sat with her guitar. She played a soft melody, even as Nicole joined her with their lunch, tuna sandwiches on toasted bread with lettuce and tomatoes.

  “So, anything you want to do, now that I’ve got skiing out of my system for the day?” Nicole asked.

  “Wanna build a snowman?” Dane inquired as if it were the most normal thing on Earth.

  A gentle smile highlighted Nicole’s wonderful features. “Sounds like fun.”

  They finished lunch, re-bundled, and made their way outside. The road and walkway had been shoveled, but there was more than enough space in the back for them to make a grand snowman…if Dane could get the mechanics of rolling the snowballs together.

  “Okay, so this small thing is the start of our snowman?” Dane asked, as Nicole packed together a snowball in her hands.

  “Yup. We’ll roll it in the snow until it gets bigger and it’s going to be the base of the snowman. You get started on the middle part,” Nicole replied before bending down to gather more snow on her snowball.

  Dane nodded and followed her partner’s lead. It never occurred to her that this was how snowmen were created. She thought they were like sandcastles, not that she had a great understanding on the process of creating sandcastles either.

  “Is this big enough for the middle?” Dane asked after her snowball grew several times its original size.

  Nicole looked up from her task. “Perfect! Now, you have to put your middle on my bottom.”

  A lewd smile spread across Dane’s face, even though her scarf hid the expression. “There’s a dirty joke in there, but I’ll stop short of telling you what I want to do to your bottom.”

  “Just for that, you can lift the middle and put it up here.” Nicole patted the top of her giant snowball.

  “Fine. So bossy.” Dane’s part wasn’t huge, so it wasn’t a great hardship for her to move it or lift it.

  “You like me bossy.”

  Dane could only smile. Gathering her snowball in her hands, she grunted as she lifted the thing and piled it onto Nicole’s snowball. Nicole was already busy on the head.

  “What do we do for eyes and stuff?” Dane asked, scanning around.

  “Go look around for rocks—and sticks for arms,” Nicole replied.

  Dane nodded and hunted for items to give their snowman features. She found some pebbles for the eyes and nose, which she and Nicole both placed on the snowman’s face. Dane then fetched some sticks for arms and stones that she thought made really good shoes. Stepping back, they admired their handiwork.

  “He’s a handsome fella, eh?” Dane asked with a grin.

  “Impressive for a first snowman,” Nicole commented.

  “Yeah. Let’s make another one.”

  Nicole laughed, but she agreed. Dane could sense there was something different about their second venture, but she wasn’t sure what it was. It didn’t stay a mystery for long, though. While she was busy working on her part, she felt a snowball break against her back. She heard suspicious giggles coming from her girlfriend.

  “What the—” Snow slapped Dane in the face as she turned to question Nicole. “Oh, you’re so going to get it,” she growled.

  Nicole giggled more and pelted her lover with a couple more snowballs before Dane began retaliating. The snowball battle was epic if anyone asked Dane. The stuff of legends. It wasn’t nearly as rough as the drunken scrapes she used to get into with her so-called friends, which seemed like a lifetime ago. She ended it by “killing” their snowman.

  “Danny, you’d better not!” Nicole’s warning was cut off, as Dane slung Nicole over her shoulder and quickly dropped her onto their poor snowman.

  “And the winner by a KO!” Dane threw her hands up. She reveled in her victory while ignoring the throb of her knee. She’d just take a painkiller when they got inside. She refused to let her leg spoil her fun.

  Emerald eyes glared frozen daggers at her. “I hope that was worth getting in the hot tub with me.”

  Dane’s whole face fell. “What!”

  Nicole laughed. “I wish I had my phone right now.” She had left the device in the cabin. “I just wish you could see your face!”

  “That’s not funny, Nick!” Dane huffed, and then she dived onto Nicole. They rolled around in the snow, laughing and throwing snow at each other.


  Nicole wasn’t serious about the hot tub threat, considering it’d be just as much a punishment to her. The couple hopped in right after they came in from the snow war. Nicole watched Danny go to the kitchen and get a couple of painkillers before she went to start up the hot tub. Danny sighed in relief the moment she sank into the water and grinned as Nicole eased in next to her.

  “That was fun, even if you did murder our snowman,” Nicole teased as she settled against Danny.

  Danny gasped in feigned shock. “I murdered the snowman? He was totally your casualty! You crushed him!”

  “You threw me on top of him, you brute!” Nicole turned to slap Danny very lightly in the shoulder.

  Danny laughed. “Pretty good for someone on one leg, huh?”

  Nicole only smiled. She didn’t want to encourage Danny to do something that could lead to her injuring her leg and knee more than they already were. The last thing they needed was for Danny to think it was all r
ight for her to try to lift Nicole.

  “How’s your leg, baby?” Nicole reached down and massaged Danny’s knee.

  “The painkillers are working. Nothing hurts. Plus, being in the hot tub is doing some work on it, too,” Danny answered with a comforting smile. She didn’t appear to be in any serious pain.

  “This feels so good.” Nicole cooed, as she moved so she was sitting on Danny’s lap, facing the musician. “But, this feels so much better.”

  “It’ll feel even better when you kiss me.”

  “Let’s test that theory.”

  Their lips met as soon as Nicole was done speaking. Slowly, they moved against each other, just tasting each other. Hungry for more, they opened their mouths at the same time and moaned as their tongues greeted each other with fervor. With the first stroke of their tongues, Nicole wanted more.

  Nicole’s hands moved on their own, going to Danny’s cleavage. Danny purred into Nicole’s mouth. That was all the encouragement she needed. Her hands kneaded warm, plump flesh while she made sure to keep Danny’s mouth busy with her own. She’d have her way with Danny now. Probably not the most appropriate punishment for being dumped on a snowman, but she didn’t care.

  As her hands continued to massage Danny’s tempting breasts, the musician clutched onto Nicole’s hips. Nicole refused to allow herself to be pulled along Danny’s thigh. As a signal to stop and to get Danny’s mind on her own pleasure, Nicole tugged at one chocolate peak. Danny moaned loudly; Nicole knew but couldn’t understand that Danny enjoyed the rough treatment.

  Once Danny ceased to pull on her, Nicole moved one of her hands between them. She discovered there wasn’t much space for her to truly touch her lover. Frowning, Nicole pulled away.

  “We’re getting out.”

  Danny’s brow furrowed. “What? Why?”


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