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Page 21

by S. L. Kassidy

  “Because I have to have you this very second or I’m going to explode,” Nicole declared quite seriously.

  Danny didn’t need to be told twice and got out of the tub as fast as she could. She wisely wrapped herself in a towel before Nicole had to tell her to do it. Nicole followed, taking a quick second to let the water out and wrap a towel around herself. She rushed to the bedroom, eyes on the bed, only to discover it was empty. She narrowed her gaze a bit and frowned slightly, confused as to what was going on.

  “Sweetheart?” Nicole called. What part of “this very second” did Danny not get?

  “Right here.” Danny popped up from the far side of the bed.

  “What are you doing?” Nicole resisted the urge to jump Danny while she was on the floor.

  “Getting my surprise since it is my night.”

  Nicole sucked her teeth; she’d forgotten all about their surprises. They had agreed that Danny would go first, since Nicole had gone first on the last trip. Right now, Nicole didn’t give a damn about surprises.

  “Must you do this now? I want you,” Nicole practically whined. It took all of her willpower not to stomp her foot.

  “I know. And I wanna try this.” Danny climbed to her feet. She held up her bounty, which appeared to be silk scarves.

  Nicole felt her brow wrinkle. “You want to tie me up?” Internally, she congratulated herself on not yelping.

  “Not exactly. I figured we could use them, but they could just be a blindfold for one of us…or something a little more. You can use them on me. I don’t mind,” Danny explained in an almost shy tone. Grey eyes even wandered to the floor a couple of times.

  “Danny, you want me to tie you up?” Nicole wasn’t sure how she felt about the frisson that raced down her spine.

  “Only if you want to. It’s just something to try. Besides, you seem like you’re in a dominating mood tonight,” she said with a teasing smile. It would seem that Nicole’s obvious nervousness rid Danny of hers.

  “Honestly, it’s never crossed my mind to restrain you, ever. Is this something you want?”

  “It’s just something to try,” Danny answered, stressing the end.

  Nicole knew she didn’t have to do anything that she didn’t want to. She nodded and decided not to think on it. It was something to try. She trusted Danny, and Danny trusted her. Hell, it might end up being good, like the other surprises.

  She marched over to Danny with determination in her step and took control of Danny’s mouth. Hearing Danny moan sent another frisson through her and that one didn’t confuse her. Without breaking the kiss, she took the scarves from Danny and held them in her hand.

  Nicole backed up to the bed with Danny silently following her. They made their way to the center of the bed without breaking their embrace. Nicole removed her towel with her free hand and also took care of Danny’s towel. She moaned loudly into Danny’s mouth when their nude, still wet bodies touched.

  “Just touching you shouldn’t turn me on so much,” Nicole muttered, pulling away for air briefly. Once she had enough oxygen, she rained kisses down on whatever part of Danny she could touch.

  “Welcome to my world, except just seeing you, hearing you is enough to make my blood boil, my heart race, and make me turn into a puddle.”

  “Let’s get you into that puddle then,” Nicole purred, pushing Danny back against the pillows. Danny didn’t resist, even when Nicole took charge of her hands. “We’ll try one scarf,” she whispered.

  “Whatever you want, angel,” Danny breathed.

  A smile settled on Nicole’s face, as she loosely tied her lover’s wrists together. She honestly didn’t see the point, but Danny wanted to do it, and she wanted Danny to have fun. There was no other person on Earth that she trusted enough to do these things with.

  “Don’t pull loose, okay?” Nicole cautioned.

  “I’ll try, but you could’ve done this tighter.” Danny rubbed her wrists together.

  Nicole shook her head and picked up where she left off, kissing Danny and pressing their bodies together. Danny groaned, as Nicole caressed her intimately. They kissed almost lazily, savoring the taste of each other.

  “I want more,” Nicole hissed.

  “Take whatever you want from me, Chem.” Danny’s chest heaved; she seemed desperate.

  Nicole began kissing and licking her way down Danny’s body. When she got to her lover’s torso, she remembered Danny was fine with being nipped and bitten. While she didn’t plan to bite Danny a bunch, she wanted to indulge and knew Danny would oblige her.

  She nibbled as she got to the swell of Danny’s breast; her hand massaged the other. Danny wiggled and made the sweetest noises, as Nicole raked her teeth down the heaving mound until she got to the peak. Her lips, tongue, and teeth occupied the pebbled nipple until she was sure she’d leave a mark.

  Danny writhed underneath Nicole, which sent pride through her. She had to fight down a snicker, as Danny tried her best to get a grip on Nicole’s head, but found it impossible with her hands bound. She could tell the tie wouldn’t last long, so she needed to work quickly or calm her partner down.

  “Hey, sweetheart, I want to savor you.” Nicole moved her attention to Danny’s unmarked breast.

  “Dammit,” Danny growled, but her thrashing ceased. “Stupid scarf,” she muttered.

  Nicole chuckled before going back to work. She nipped and kissed the base of the precious hill, drawing out whimpers and purrs from her girlfriend. Her hands drifted, slowly and softly caressing Danny’s sides. Dragging her teeth across plump caramel flesh, she took one good bite, which caused Danny’s back to arch. A smile settled on Nicole’s face without her knowledge; she was pleased with the reactions she drew from her girlfriend.

  “You like when I bite you?” Of course, the bites weren’t extremely hard, but they were satisfying on her end. She liked them even more if Danny drew pleasure from them.

  “Feels good. Plus, it feels good for you, so it feels even better for me,” Danny panted.

  Nicole nodded before continuing to love as much of Danny’s form as she could. Her hands touching, rubbing, and lightly scratching along Danny’s body. Her mouth moved down slowly, delighting in the delicious terrain. Each taste drew cute little noises from Danny, which rippled through Nicole causing shivers of pleasure.

  By the time she got to her main destination, Danny was moving again, bucking like a wild horse. Nicole paused briefly, but it was enough for Danny to calm down. Glancing up, she locked eyes with pleading grey orbs. Nicole smirked at her.

  “Please, angel. Please, my sweet, beautiful cherub,” Danny implored.

  “If you can still sweet talk me, then I must not have done something right.”

  “Doing everything right. Keep doing,” Danny begged.

  Nicole didn’t need to be asked twice. Kissing Danny’s navel, she dipped lower and felt Danny desperately trying to put bound hands in her hair. Purchase was nearly impossible without breaking the silk bond. Nicole ignored the struggle, focusing on her goal of tasting Danny’s soul.

  The initial sweep of her tongue drew a moan from both of them. Nicole was certain Danny was made of pure nectar. There was no other way for her to explain why she needed to take in every drop of her partner. Her tongue and lips relished all that Danny gave and caressed Danny to gain more. The loving was leisurely, but deliberate.

  “Nick, need…need…” Danny’s legs spread open, revealing her whole being to Nicole. Her arms moved, loosening her tie enough to give her hands freedom. Fingers instantly went to Nicole’s hair, racing through auburn curls and massaging her scalp.

  Nicole’s response was to attack with more zeal, trying to drink in more of her dearest love. Danny’s grip on her head and the tremble in Danny’s thighs told Nicole that she had pushed her girlfriend to the limit before Danny cried out, convulsed wildly, and collapsed on the bed in spread eagle fashion. Nicole moved to rest her chin on Danny’s pudgy abdomen.

  “You okay?” Nicole asked
with a gentle smile.

  “Who the hell’s stupid idea was it to use this damned scarf?” Danny replied with an exhausted laugh.

  “I honestly don’t see the point.”

  A tired half-smile worked its way onto Danny’s face. “There’s a point. You’re actually looking at it. The frustration of not being able to touch you the way I want to makes the buildup and end result that much more powerful.”

  An auburn eyebrow craned. “Oh, really? Let’s test that theory.” She reached for the other silk ties. Danny moaned in anticipation.


  “So, skiing again?” Nicole teased her lover, who shuffled through the room to get dressed.

  Dane scoffed. “Can barely stand up on my own two feet. Damn sure can’t stand on skis.”

  “Or speak in complete sentences?”

  Dane only snorted, not having the vocabulary to wage any sort of warfare against her girlfriend. Nicole hadn’t taken just her passion last night, but her knees—even the bad one—and her mind. It had taken her almost ten minutes this morning to remember how to get out of bed. Thank God Nicole brought her breakfast in bed again, and fed her, or she would’ve starved to death while trying to figure out how to work the fork.

  “I know what we could do,” Nicole chirped.

  Dane glared. “Stop being so cheerful. I’m sure you’re not the first person on Earth to give someone six orgasms!” Dane still wasn’t sure how she lived through the night.

  “No, but it was the first time I did it for you,” the redhead replied with a pleased smile on her face.

  Dane shrugged, unable to argue that. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Snow tubing.”

  Nicole said those words as if they should mean something to Dane. She was certain her bewilderment showed in her eyes, because her angel gave her one of those sorrowful smiles that told her she’d missed out on another thing as a child. Nicole didn’t bother to explain, grabbing Dane to help her get dressed.

  Nicole’s energy helped revitalize Dane. Once they were dressed, bundled for warmth and to keep dry, they headed just beyond the slopes. Dane was so happy to pass up the slopes, because she was sure her leg wouldn’t be able to last another day on skis. Dane knew what Nicole meant the second she saw what a snow tube was and couldn’t stop the grin that spread on her face.

  “I’ve always wanted to try this.” Dane had planned to do it later if Nicole had wanted to go skiing again.

  “Well, let’s get to it then. I haven’t done this in at least fifteen years.”

  They spent the whole day snow tubing and then sledding. Dane couldn’t believe how fun it was. She definitely preferred those activities to skiing. She knew where she’d be tomorrow while Nicole got in her last runs down the slopes.

  “Danny, you ready to get going?” Nicole called, as Dane zoomed down the hill on her rented sled.

  “One more ride,” Dane replied with a grin.

  Nicole only smiled, and Dane got her last ride—three times. Her growling stomach kept her from going for a fourth, and she realized they hadn’t eaten lunch. That was more than enough to get her moving.

  “Had fun?” Emerald eyes sparkled, as Nicole asked that question. She was clearly pleased with herself.

  Dane grinned as big as she could, even with her scarf in the way. “You know I did. This whole trip has been great!”

  “I’m glad you feel that way, even though I know your leg was bothering you before.”

  “It’s okay, angel. I don’t want my leg to slow either of us down. This was fun.”

  Dane’s grin coaxed a smile out of Nicole. They made their way back to the cabin and stripped. They showered and ended up in the hot tub once more. There was heavy petting and kissing, but nothing further. Afterward Nicole worked on dinner, which they ate together in the living room. Once that was done, Dane got her guitar and played a few songs, while Nicole seemingly vanished.

  “Oh, my God, are you Dane?” an oddly excited Nicole asked from behind her lover.

  Dane was almost scared to turn around and discovered that she had a reason to be frightened when she caught sight Nicole. The redhead was dressed in black stockings with a short black skirt that barely went to mid-thigh. A torn, red t-shirt clung to her torso.

  “Uh…is it Halloween?” Please, let it be Halloween! Because if this is going where I think it is, I’m not for it!

  Nicole laughed. “Halloween in January? Someone would have some explaining to do.”

  Dane hoped her face didn’t look as horrified as she felt. She didn’t want to hurt Nicole’s feelings, but this was too much. “Someone still has explaining to do. What the hell are you wearing?”

  “This is my surprise. I wanted to try role-playing again, but not as myself.”

  Dane arched an eyebrow. “And you are?”

  “A fan that’s managed to get to meet the goddess of rock.”

  “I was afraid of that. No, just no. I won’t even pretend to put you on the same level as a groupie,” Dane stated in the sternest voice ever.

  “No?” Nicole’s face fell and instantly broke her girlfriend’s heart.

  “God, Chem, don’t look like that.” Dane jumped to her feet. She rapidly took Nicole in her arms and caressed the side of her face. “I’m not saying no to role-playing. I had fun when we did it before. It’s just the role that you picked to play. I can’t…No, I won’t treat you the way I treated those girls. You’re way too precious to me, angel.”

  Nicole pouted. “But, I thought we could do anything together.”

  “We can, but I can’t treat you like that. You’re the most important person in the world to me while those girls meant absolutely nothing to me. I was using them and they were using me. I can’t treat you that way. I just can’t.” She leaned down and placed a sweet kiss to Nicole’s crown.

  Nicole sighed and looked down for a long moment. “I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable.”

  “I’m not. I want you to come to me with things like this, but I also want to be able to admit if I can’t do it. I want you to be able to do the same. It’ll be worse if we start something and then realize one of us is forcing the situation to make the other happy.”

  Nicole nodded. “You’re right, sweetheart. I do want to try this pretending-to-be-someone-else thing, because it seemed interesting and fun as long as I didn’t have to pretend to be me and you weren’t trying to learn how to pick up women. This was the best I could come up with because I didn’t know what you’d want to be.”

  Dane smiled. “We can do the role-playing thing, but let’s talk this one out first. Never want to treat you like I did those girls, even if it’s just pretend. It’s nothing against you. So, can you change and then we talk?”

  Nicole smiled and rushed off. Dane decided to make hot chocolate to help her lover feel better. When Nicole returned, they had a long conversation with their delicious beverages.

  “I guess our surprises weren’t so great this time,” Nicole sighed.

  Dane put her arm around Nicole’s shoulders. “What? It happens. Besides, we talked it over, which gets us almost the same as a surprise. Plus, this vacation totally kicked ass and we have one more day to play in the snow!”

  Nicole laughed. “You really like the snow, huh?”

  Dane grinned. “Yes. Yes, I do.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “Thank you for this, angel.”

  “Same to you, sweetheart.” They leaned over and exchanged a beatific kiss that tasted of chocolate, love, and promise.


  *This chapter is dedicated to Beck for inspiring it.*

  DANE WAS ON THE computer in the house library, looking up things about the museums in the city. She never imagined there’d be so many, but now she was interested in visiting several. She had originally been looking up a renaissance exhibit one of her students had mentioned, something she thought Nicole might enjoy. Now, she had discovered several “somethings” she was sure her partner would love.

  “Well, what would I like, too?” Dane asked the air. She was fully aware Nicole enjoyed things all the more when Dane was clearly having fun, too.

  Having never been the type to go to a museum, not even one devoted to music, Dane was at a loss. She wasn’t even sure about what type of art she might like if she went to an art exhibit with Nicole. Running her hand through her hair, she decided to do research.

  “Thank you gods of the Internet,” she chuckled.

  She began looking through different art forms and reading a little about the periods they were from. She scanned through some of the more famous pieces from each time period and read up a little on those, too. She didn’t study much anymore, but the idea that she was studying for a date tickled her.

  Surprisingly enough, studying helped her decide where to take Nicole. Now, she just had to find out when was a good time. Even though Nicole wasn’t back in school yet, her hours at work had become more erratic as she, her coworkers, and parents fell back into old habits.

  “Speaking of that,” Dane said as she glanced at the time. “She should’ve been here by now.” Getting up from the desk, she made her way to the nearest phone. “Hey, Chem, where are you?”

  “Hi, baby. I’m still at work.” The pout could be heard in her tone. “But, I was just packing up to leave.” Now, a smile certainly shined through her voice.

  “Okay, good. So, I was wondering if you’re free this weekend.”

  Nicole laughed and Dane realized just how ridiculous it sounded for her to ask that question. They’d probably have a better chance of going on dates once Nicole went back to school, but then Dane would also have to get herself in the mood to go out.

  “Am I free this weekend? I don’t know. My girlfriend might be planning something,” the redheaded vixen remarked in a low, almost seductive purr.

  “Forget about your girlfriend. I’m talking about you and me, sweet thing.” Dane held in a snicker.

  “But, my girlfriend’s so sweet,” Nicole cooed.

  “Not better than me, baby. I could do things to you that your girlfriend never dreamed about.”


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