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Into the Storm: On the Ground in Iraq

Page 85

by Tom Clancy

  on 4th day

  as Second Armored Cavalry Regiment commander

  Hooker, Joseph

  Horner, Chuck

  Horse cavalry

  Hostages held by Iraq

  "The Hot Blue Flame"

  Houston, Whitney

  Hubbard, Bill

  Hudson, Claude "Keyes"

  "Huey" helicopters. See UHI "Huey" helicopters

  Huffman, Walt

  Huggins, Bruce

  Human dimension

  and commanders

  energy level in

  in military plans

  Humanitarian operations

  Humanitarian Service Medals

  Hurt, Bob

  Hussein Saddam

  Indigenous labor

  Indigenous population

  Individual battlefield tasks

  Individual skill training

  Industrial-age technologies

  Inertial navigation devices

  Infantry Officer Advanced Course

  Infantry School

  Infantry and tanks

  Infiltration as form of maneuver

  Infiltration tactics

  Information-age technologies

  Infrastructure in Saudi Arabia

  Initiative in battle


  from POWs

  on Iraqi barrier system

  on Iraqi defense positions

  on Iraqi preemptive strikes

  at main command posts

  on RGFC's position

  on terrain

  on terrorist infiltrators

  Intelligence brigade units

  Intent and orders

  Internal-combustion engines

  International law

  Interpreters, Vietnamese

  Interservice rivalry

  Intervehicular Information System (IVIS)


  IPSA Pipeline Road

  Iran-Iraq War


  aggression into Saudi Arabia

  atrocities committed on soldiers and civilians

  civil war in

  Coalition forces officially at war with

  hostages held by

  indigenous population of

  medical facilities after war

  occupation of

  refugees and displaced persons from

  Seventh Corps withdrawal from

  See also Army (Iraq); Republican Guards Forces Command (Iraq)

  Iraqi generals at Safwan cease-fire talks

  Iraq-Kuwait border

  Iron Curtain

  "Iron rain"


  See also Mideast War (1973)

  Italian ports

  It Doesn't Take a Hero (Schwarzkopf)

  IVIS. See Intervehicular Information System

  Jackson, Thomas "Stonewall"

  Jalibah Airfield

  "Janus Wars"


  See also Seventh Corps (U.S)

  JCS Pub 1 and Pub 3.0

  JCS. See Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)

  Jedi Knights

  Jihad Corps (Iraq)

  Johndrow, Phil

  Johnson, James

  Johnson, Ross

  Johnson, Terry

  Johnson, Willie

  Joint assignments

  Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)

  Joint duty

  Joint education

  Joint Forces Command East

  Joint Forces Command North

  Joint operations

  Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC)

  Joint Requirements Oversight Council

  Joint Staff

  Joint Surveillance Target-Acquisition System (JSTARS)

  Joint task force (JTF)

  Joint warfare

  Jones, Taylor

  Jones, Tommy

  Jordanian border

  Jordan, Larry


  JRTC. See Joint Readiness Training Center

  JSTARS. See Joint Surveillance Target-Acquisition System

  JTF. See Joint task force

  Jubayl, port of

  Julian, Bob

  Jump tactical command posts

  Just Cause

  Kalb, John


  Kelly Barracks

  Kendall, Mike

  Kerr, Don

  Kerwin, Walter "Dutch"

  Kevlar helmets

  Key terrain

  Khafji, Saudi Arabia

  Khalid, Lieutenant General

  Killed in action (KIA)

  See also Casualties

  Killer Angels, The (Shaara)

  Killing zone

  Kindsvatter, Pete

  King Khalid Military City

  equipment from

  and Seventh Corps main command post

  Seventh Corps redeployment area at

  Kirk, Dave

  Kit Carsons

  Klaus, Gene

  Knapper, Simon

  Knight Strike Operation

  Kobbe, Mike

  Koch, Staff Sergeant

  Korean War

  Army's unpreparedness for

  combat veterans of

  combined operations in

  exploitation-and-pursuit in

  joint operations in

  maneuver warfare in

  terrain orientation of

  Kravick, Dave


  citizens of

  ground attack to liberate

  Iraqi withdrawal from

  rebuilding of

  refugees in

  restore government of

  on 2nd day (G+1)

  Kuwait Central Bank

  Kuwait City

  citizens of

  Coalition forces entering

  Highway 8 to

  Iraqi retreat from

  sacking of

  Kuwaiti forces

  Kuwait International Airport

  Kyle, Fred


  Lai Khe, Vietnam

  Lamontia, John

  Land operations

  Landry, John

  on 1st day

  on 2nd day

  on 3rd day

  on 4th day

  in planning for Desert Storm

  reports to Third Army

  as Seventh Corps chief of staff

  Land warfare

  doctrine of

  future of

  laws of

  "Land Warfare University"

  Laser-guided bombs (LGBs)

  Law and order

  Laws, Gunner

  Laws of land warfare

  Leach, Jimmie

  as commander of Blackhorse

  helping Franks stay on active duty

  visiting Franks at Valley Forge


  training for development of

  trust in

  Leaders' reconnaissance to Saudi Arabia

  Learning systems

  Lee, Robert E.

  "Left hook"

  Leners, Marty

  Levels of war

  LGBs. See Laser-guided bombs

  Liddell-Hart, B.H.

  Liebeck, Paul

  Light fighter concept

  Light infantry divisions

  Limited-objective conflicts

  Linch, Charles

  Line-of-sight communications

  Lloyd, Tom

  "Loach" helicopters. See OH-6 "Loach" helicopters

  Local time

  Loc Ninh, Vietnam

  Log Base Echo

  Log Base Nelligen


  for a corps

  in Desert Storm

  for force-oriented missions

  fuel crisis of First AD

  and Intervehicular Information System (IVIS)

  Log Base Echo

  prepositioning Army equipment

  for Seventh Corps

  on Snoul mission


  Long Binh, Vietna

  Long-range tactical missiles

  LORAN navigation devices

  Lorenzo, Jorge

  Louisiana Maneuvers

  Loyalty to friends by commanders

  Luck, Gary

  in Army's fourth generation

  attack plan in Desert Storm

  as Eighteenth Corps commander

  and FSCL issue

  at Schwarzkopf 's mission briefing

  at Third Army planning meeting

  on 3rd day

  Lundquist, Waylan

  Lutheran church

  M1A1 Abrams tank

  M1A2 tank, technical innovations in

  M60-series tanks

  M113 armored cavalry assault vehicles (ACAVs)

  M551 Sheridan tanks

  M577 tracked vehicles

  MacArthur, Douglas

  McCaffrey, Barry

  McCarthy, Jim

  McCauley, Roger

  MacClennon, John "Mac"

  McConnell, Ron

  McFarlin, Bob

  McGee, Mike

  McInerney, John

  McKiernan, Dave

  McMaster, H.R.

  McNair, Leslie

  Maggart, Lon "Bert"

  Mahan, Alfred Thayer

  Mahmoud, Lieutenant General Salah Abdoul

  Mail delivery

  Main command posts

  Main supply routes (MSRs)

  Maintaining weapons and vehicles

  Major end items

  Malke, Jeff

  Mallette, John

  Maneuver formations

  Maneuver as principle of war

  Maneuver warfare

  attack in

  in combat power

  and depth

  forms of

  history of


  orders and intent of

  tactical maneuvers in

  theories of

  and traditional military principles

  transition to

  MAPEX session



  "Marge" fire support base

  Marines (U.S.)

  amphibious assault deception

  amphibious doctrine of

  and Battle Labs

  in Desert Storm

  and early attack

  entering Kuwait City

  on 4th day

  in ground offensive of Desert Storm

  and joint operations


  officers attending SAMS

  on 2nd day

  Marsella, Nick

  Marshall, Carl

  Marshall, George

  Marsh, Jack

  Martinez, Toby

  as aid to Franks

  journal of

  on leaders' reconnaissance to Saudi Arabia

  MASHs. See Mobile army surgical hospitals

  Mass executions

  Mass as principle of war

  Mass versus dispersal

  Master's degree in military arts and sciences (MMAS)

  Matthews, Jack

  Matthews, Mary

  MBT-70 tank

  MBT-80 tank

  Meals Ready to Eat (MREs)

  Mechanized divisions

  Mechanized Infantry Carrier Vehicle (MICV)

  Medal of Honor

  Medevac pilots


  Medical board reports

  Medical brigades

  Medical treatment and facilities

  Medina Ridge


  Meeting engagements

  Meigs, Monty

  Memorial services

  Menzel, Sewall

  Merhline, Tom

  METL. See Mission-Essential Task List

  METT-T (Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops, and Time)

  Metzger, Verne

  Michitsch, John

  MICLIC. See Mine-clearing line charges

  MICV. See Mechanized Infantry Carrier Vehicle

  Middle East War (1967)

  Middle States Accreditation Board

  Mideast War (1973)

  and Army doctrine

  and the Big Five

  maneuver warfare in

  Soviet echelonment tactics in

  MILES. See Multiple Integrated Laser Targeting System

  Military community commanders

  Military police

  Military principles

  Military spouses

  Military terms and symbols

  Miller, Dan

  Mine-clearing equipment

  Mine-clearing line charges (MICLIC)

  Minefield-breaching operation

  Mine sweeping by the Blackhorse

  Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops, and Time. See METT-T

  Mission-Essential Task List (METL)


  in Desert Storm

  Mission-type orders

  MMAS. See Master's degree in military arts and sciences

  Mobile armored corps

  Mobile army surgical hospitals (MASHs)

  Mobile protected firepower

  Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE)

  Modernization of U.S. Army

  Mojave Desert, California

  Moller, Nels A.

  Momentum and surprise

  in Desert Storm

  in Snoul mission

  Morelli, Don

  Moreno, Tony

  Morse, Doug

  "Mother of all briefings"


  Mounted corps

  Mounted warfare

  Movement to contact

  Mowrey, Jim


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