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Into the Storm: On the Ground in Iraq

Page 86

by Tom Clancy

  MREs. See Meals Ready to Eat

  MSE. See Mobile Subscriber Equipment

  MSRs. See Main supply routes

  Mulholland, Russ

  Mullen, Bill

  Multiple Integrated Laser Targeting System (MILES)

  "Musician of Mars"

  Mutlah Ridge


  Narramore, Jamie

  Nash, Bill

  National Defense Act of 1920

  National Guard

  National pride

  National security strategy

  National survival

  National Training Center (NTC) at Fort Irwin

  National training facility

  National War College


  combined operations in

  Northern Army Group

  Seventh Corps (U.S.) in

  See also Cold War; Warsaw Pact

  Naval surface warfare

  Navigation by tanks

  Navy (U.S.)

  aircraft carrier adoption by

  in air war

  amphibious deception maneuver

  Arthur as naval component commander

  doctrine organization for

  Top Gun School of


  NBC platoons. See Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) reconnaissance platoons

  NCOES. See Noncommissioned officer education system

  NCOs. See Noncommissioned officers

  Negev Desert

  Nerve gas pills

  Nested concepts

  New York parade for Persian Gulf veterans

  Next of kin

  Nicholson, Tom

  Night combat

  Night flights by Special Forces

  Night movement

  Night-vision equipment

  Night-vision goggles (NVGs)

  Ninety-third Evacuation Hospital

  Ninety-third Signal Brigade (U.S.)

  Nixon, Richard M.

  Nolan, Dan

  Nomex suits

  Noncommissioned officer education system (NCOES)

  Noncommissioned officers (NCOs)

  fitness reports for

  training of

  use of

  North Vietnamese Army (NVA)

  knowledge of

  night operations of


  sanctuary in Cambodia

  NTC. See National Training Center at Fort Irwin

  Nuclear battlefield

  Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) reconnaissance platoons

  Nuclear fallout

  Nuclear weapons for defense of Central Europe

  NVA. See North Vietnamese Army

  NVGs. See Night-vision goggles

  Objective Bonn

  Objective Collins

  Objective Denver

  Objective Hawk

  Objective May

  Objective Merrill

  Objective Minden

  Objective Norfolk

  Objective Purple

  Objective Raleigh

  Objective Rochambeau

  Objectives as principle of war

  Objective Thomas

  Objective Waterloo

  Objective White

  Observer controllers (OCs)

  Occupation duties

  Occupation of Iraq

  OCs. See Observer controllers

  Offensive cover missions

  Offensive as principle of war


  fitness reports for

  training of

  OH-6 "Loach" helicopters

  hung up on telephone wire

  Oil fields


  sabotage in

  Old Ironsides. See 1st Armored Division (U.S.)

  One hundred and first (Air Assault) Airborne Division (U.S.)

  in Desert Storm

  on Highway

  at Jalibah Airfield

  as reserve unit

  sent to Saudi Arabia

  "The One Hundred-Hour Ground War: How the Iraqi Plan Failed"

  On War (Clausewitz)

  Open flanks

  Operating systems

  Operational art

  Operational commitments of Army

  Operational level of war

  Operational pauses


  Operations other than war (OOTWs)

  Operations security

  Opposing force (OPFOR)

  Orchestrating the battle

  Orders and intent

  Orders versus plans

  Organizational change

  Organization of a corps

  Otis, Glen

  Outnumbered on the battlefield

  Pace of attack

  Pagonis, William "Gus"


  Palmer, Bruce


  Paper maps

  Parade-ground discipline

  Parades for Persian Gulf War veterans

  Parallel planning in compressed time

  Parker, Chuck

  Passage of lines

  Patriot air defense system

  Patton, George

  Patton, George III

  PCM lines

  Peace treaty signed

  Peay, J.H. Binford

  Peled, Musa

  Penetration as form of maneuver

  "Penny packaging" of tanks

  "Pentomic" division

  Performance-oriented training

  Permanent cease-fire

  Pershing Brigade

  Persian Gulf War

  parades in United States

  refugees in

  Seventh Corps participation in

  and U.S. leadership

  See also Desert Shield; Desert Storm; Seventh Corps (U.S.); Third Army

  Petroleum transfer point (PTP)

  Petrosky, Dan

  Phantom pains

  Phase Line Apple

  Phase Line Bud

  Phase Line Bullet

  Phase Line Busch

  Phase Line Colorado

  Phase Line Grape

  Phase Line Hartz

  Phase Line Kansas

  Phase Line Kiwi

  Phase Line Lime

  Phase Line Melon

  Phase Line New Jersey

  Phase lines

  Phase Line Smash

  Phase Line South Carolina

  Phase Line Tangerine

  Physical-fitness tests

  Physical friction

  Physical identity

  Physical therapy

  Pig Path, Cambodia

  Pioneer Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

  Pittard, Dana


  definition of

  for Desert Storm

  PLDC. See Primary Leader Development Course

  Points of main effort

  The Politics of Diplomacy (Baker)

  Pomager, Rich

  Pontoon bridges

  Porter, Dave

  Ports in Saudi Arabia

  ship arrivals to

  troops in

  Port Support Authority, (PSA)

  Positional advantage

  Postal battalions

  Potato masher grenades

  Powell, Colin

  in Army's fourth generation

  at arrival ceremony in Germany

  awarding medals

  briefings for

  and cease-fire

  in chain of command

  ending the war

  and joint doctrine

  in selection of Franks for TRADOC command

  visit to Saudi Arabia

  Power of information

  Practice battlefields

  Pre-command courses

  Preemptive strikes

  Prepositioning Army equipment

  Primary Leader Development Course (PLDC)

  Principles of war

  Prisoners of war. See Enemy prisoners of war; United States, prisoners of war

  Project VOLAR

sp; Protection in combat power

  "Proud to Be an American" (song)

  Provide Comfort

  PSA. See Port Support Authority

  PTP. See Petroleum transfer point

  Purdom, Ted

  Purple Hearts


  Quan Loi, Vietnam

  Rabena, Bill

  Racism in U.S. Army

  Radio call signs



  PCM lines

  SATCOM radio nets


  in Vietnam War


  See also Communications

  Radio telephones


  Rafha I and II

  "Raiders" Bradley platoon

  Raines, Sam

  Rain forest

  Rand Corporation


  Ranger school

  Rate of advance. See Pace of attack Reach for the Sky (Bader)

  Readiness alerts

  Reading, Pennsylvania

  Rear command posts

  Rearward passage of lines


  by the Blackhorse

  by the theater

  Reconnaissance in force mission to take Snoul

  Reconnaissance missions

  Recruiting Command

  Red Cross

  Redstorm/Bugle operation

  Reeder, Red

  REFORGER exercises

  Refueling on the move (ROM)


  in Cambodia

  in Persian Gulf War

  Refusing the flank

  Regional conflicts

  Reimer, Dennis

  Reischl, Tim

  Republican Guards Forces Command (Iraq)

  Adnan Division

  and air war

  Al-Faw Division

  attack day

  blocking retreat of

  as center of gravity

  combat power against

  in commander's intent statement

  defensive plan of

  destruction of

  escape of

  fixing in position

  flank and rear of

  fourth day situation of

  Hammurabi Armor Division

  isolating with air support

  in Kuwait

  main defense of

  Medina Armor Division

  Nebuchadnezzar Infantry Division

  position of

  response options to attack

  security zone of

  Tawalkana Division

  as theater reserve

  See also Army (Iraq)

  Reserve units

  Residual force left in Kuwait

  REturn of FORces to GERmany. See REFORGER exercises

  Reusable combat assets

  Reverse-slope defense

  Revolutionary War

  RGFC. See Republican Guards Forces Command (Iraq)

  Rhame, Tom

  on 1st day

  on 2nd day

  on 3rd day

  on 4th day

  as First Infantry Division commander

  and Iraqi gunboat

  mistaken halt of First Infantry

  at Safwan

  at Schwarzkopf 's mission briefing

  Richardson, Bill

  Riley, Jim

  RisCassi, Bob

  Risks versus gambles

  Rites of passage in Vietnam

  Ritter, Pat

  Road networks

  Robertson, Jarrett

  Robinette, Steve

  Rock, Dick

  Rock drills

  Rodriquez, Major Dr.

  Rogers, Charles

  Rommel, Erwin

  Rommel, Lord Mayor

  ROM. See Refueling on the move

  Rosenberg, Anna

  Rosenberger, John

  ROTC cadets

  Route 7 to Snoul

  Royal Air Force (U.K.)

  Royal Saudi Land Forces

  Rubber plantations

  Rules of engagement

  Rumaila oil fields

  Ruqi Pocket, First CAV in

  Rusin, Jo

  Rutherford, Bill

  Rutherford, Jerry

  Ryan, Tim

  Sabquas (soft sand)


  cease-fire talks at

  crossroads of

  refugees at

  SAGGAR missile

  Saint, Crosbie "Butch,"

  in Army's fourth generation

  and family issues

  ordering REFORGER

  as U.S. Army Europe commander

  St. Pierre, Dave

  Salomon, Lee

  Salvation Army

  SAMS. See School for Advanced Military Studies

  Sand clutter

  Sandpaper-a-Desert Link

  Sand revetments

  Sandstorms (shamals)

  Sandy terrain


  Sartiano, Joe

  Saudi Arabia

  Bush sending troops to

  defense of

  in Desert Storm

  infrastructure in

  refugees in


  Schlesinger, James

  Schmitt, Bob

  School for Advanced Military Studies (SAMS)

  Schools. See Department of Defense Dependent School System (DODDS)

  Schwartz, Paul

  Schwarzkopf, Norman H.

  at Al Khubar Village ceremony

  approval from Washington

  and CENTCOM plan for Desert Storm

  in chain of command


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